Alix Wilde - Holistic Leadership Coach

About Alix Wilde - Holistic Leadership Coach

Hi! I'm Alix Wilde - leadership coach, biz support supastah, and author. My jam is helping passionate, visionary people like you move through your fears, connect to your own inner wisdom, and step up as heart-centred leaders in business and in life.



{Today I had my first counselling session in 15 months}
I decided I needed some more help to work through my stuff, so I reached out to a wonderful counsellor I've worked with before and sat in that chair today talking through my fears and my triumphs. It felt great to ask for and receive help!
I've struggled with asking for help because I thought it made me weak. I thought it proved that I was incapable, unlovable, stupid... but it doesn't! It proves that I'm a messy human ...who has no idea what she's doing most of the time but is doing the best she can!
My point is, this #mentalhealthawarenessweek, that reaching out for help doesn't mean you've failed. We all need a team. We all need people in our corner who can be objective and help us figure shit out when we're overwhelmed.
My team includes a counsellor, several mentors, a coach, a coaching community, a rock solid husband, amazing friends, women who've become mother figures, an extended family, books, healers, Youtube videos, meditation apps, Moleskine diaries, roobois tea...!
I wouldn't be myself without them. It doesn't mean I'm weak, it means I'm human. Same goes for you. 😘
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It’s your #tarottuesday reveal!
Card 1 - Ten of Cups. Peace. Contentment. Family. Loved Ones. Perhaps you’re already feeling the loving vibes this week and you’re tuned into that frequency. But if not, this is your invitation! Look around you. What beauty do you see in your life? I guarantee there’s more to be grateful for than you realise, it’s only a matter of tuning in. 💜
Card 2 - Four of Cups. There’s something you’re not seeing right now. An option that’s being presente...d but it’s just not on your radar - even though it’s right in front of your face! Take a step back, get to a neutral standpoint and then look again. What do you see? 👁
Card 3 - Nine of Wands. You gotta set those boundaries, baby! This is an invitation to stand true and show people what you are and aren’t available for. You’ve had to fight to get where you are, so tap into your courage and 👏set 👏your 👏boundaries!
Thanks for joining me, loves! How did these hit ya? 😘

DM me for energy & Tarot sessions. I’ve got a couple of spaces this week! 💜
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Let the world crack your heart wide open.
Is it scary? Yep. Do you feel vulnerable at first? You betcha!
... But the more you open your heart and communicate honestly - and without expectations - with yourself and others, the more magical your living experience will be.
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It’s Tarot Tuesday, folks!
Pick your card - comment below.
Tag a friend and don’t forget to come back later for the reveal! 🔼


{When you live with a narcissist, shit ain’t never about you.}
Of course, you don’t realise this at first because you don’t know they’re a narcissist! They seem so giving, so loving
 you think there’s something wrong with you.
And so you turn inward to figure out what it is you’re missing.
... You start to question yourself and wonder what you need to do, who you need to be in order to be loved by them.
If I was braver, then they’d love me. If I was smarter, then they’d love me. If I was prettier, taller, more accomplished, funnier

But it doesn’t matter what you are: braver, taller, prettier
 they will never love you. They don’t even see you.
And over time the feeling extends so you think yourself unlovable to all, not just the narcissist!
You forget that you deserve love. You forget that you’re allowed to take up space. You forget that you’re allowed to ask for what you want.
You think you’re broken. And that’s how the narcissist wants it.

Just like a hyena pursuing its prey, waiting until it’s too weak and tired before striking, that’s how the narcissist works.
They need their supply. They need to feed. They need you to be weak so they can use you, again and again and again.
Until you wake up. You start to realise what they are. But still, at first, you question:
Nobody would treat another person that way, would they? What if I’m making this all up? What if it’s all in my head?
What if
 I’m truly so unlovable that only they will tolerate me?
And so the cycle begins again and again and again. Until you stop it. Until you say “NO MORE OF THIS!” Until you remember that you’re already lovable, just as you are.
You don’t need to be braver or prettier or stronger
 You never had to be any of those things. You only had to be you. You can only be you, and you are already worthy.
It’s time to remember who you are. It’s time to awaken
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To my beautiful new client,
You think that running your own business will give you the freedom you crave, the money you crave. I know that. I see you.
Deep down, though, you’re terrified of that freedom and what it means. You’re terrified of the money, the responsibility that comes with it. You don’t trust yourself to handle it.
...Continue Reading


{The REAL reason you’re not making money in your business. Clue: It ain't about the money!}
Let’s start the week with a good dollop of truth and reality!
Have you spent the weekend worrying about all the money you didn’t make last week? Or all the ways in which you compromised yourself and your work to make ANY money at all - selling low vibration offers, working with less-than-ideal clients just because they’d pay you, discounting your offers

...Continue Reading


I pulled Eight of Coins for myself during my morning ritual. In fact, I’ve pulled it for myself two days in a row, which means I’d better pay attention! 😆
This card, otherwise known as The Apprentice Card, reminds us that we have to work at our craft in order to get better at it.
Things don’t happen overnight.
... đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž You might get tongue tied in your first sales call, but keep at it. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž Your first programme might not sell well, but keep at it. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž You might not know what you’re doing most days, but keep at it and things will start to fall into place. Things will start to make sense.
If you’re worried about being ‘ready’ or being ‘perfect’ BEFORE you start the work and BEFORE you start to advertise your business, reach out to clients... stop worrying!
Perfection isn’t what you’re aiming for. Consistency is.
Keep on keeping on. đŸ€˜đŸ»
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The Tarot Tuesday reveal!
✹One is 8 of Coins✹ Keep working hard on your craft and honing your skills. 10,000 hours make an expert, right? So why do you think you can get there in a fraction of the time! Overnight successes are not as they seem - you have to build your skills to build that empire.
✹Two is 10 of Coins✹ Stability and security. This is it! This is what you’ve been working for. You can look back on the journey and now see the fruits of your labour right in front o...f you. This is a prosperous time! Remember to keep connected to your ‘why’ - it’s not good to rest on your laurels for too long. 😉
✹Three is 8 of Swords✹ You’ve bound yourself up in knots again and the chaos and mind chatter you thought had passed has crept back in. It’s okay, this happens sometimes! It’s part of the journey. Just remember that YOU have the power to free yourself from that mental Cage. Reach out for support if you need it but know that you are strong enough to break free.
UPDATE: Channeled guidance that just came through when I looked at this post again - STOP LETTING YOUR MIND FUCK WITH YOUR MONEY FLOW. You’re welcome. 😘
Tarot deck: Ink & Intuition
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{Why I won't ever offer you a discount on my coaching}
When I first started out on my entrepreneurial path all those years ago, as a singing teacher, I didn't know my worth.
I didn't know how valuable my skills. my knowledge, and my energy were.
... I used to charge ÂŁ15 an hour - driving sometimes over an hour away to teach my students! I loved what I did but I didn't realise the value of what I did.
So I would discount my rates, and I wouldn't speak up when people turned up late or not at all. When people would show up expecting to be taught without bringing me any money, I would teach them any way and hope to be paid the next week. Sometimes I was, sometimes I wasn't.
And when I became a coach, a healer, a mentor, a guide... I did the same thing again!
I offered discounts even though it didn't feel right. I worked for free even when my stomach churned and I knew I shouldn't have.
I didn't value my work enough. And I didn't value my clients and potential clients enough.
If I did, I would have charged them full price.
Why? Let me tell you what I now know:
In order for me to hold you in a sacred space and allow you to FULLY heal, I need to be strong.
In order for me to be strong I need to hold my boundaries so that I can OPEN my heart and come from love.
In order to LOVE you fully, I need to demonstrate that love by calling you out on your excuses when it gets hard - not just by offering comfort when you need it.
And that includes excuses like "I have no money. I have no time. I have to check with somebody else first."
Offering you a discount would be me saying "I don't believe in you. I don't believe that you're capable of making this investment. I don't think you're strong enough. I don't believe in your vision."
That's not love. That's not coaching. That's not helpful, at all.
And, the thing is, I DO believe in you. Fully and wholly.
So that's why I will never offer you a discount when you work with me.
I WILL, however, shower you with love and hold a mirror up to you. I WILL be your cheerleader and champion. I WILL send you random love notes and songs on Voxer! 😂 I WILL push you to achieve more than you ever thought possible.
I want life to be magical for you. I don't want you to compromise. I want you to have it all. 💜
If you feel called to work with me right now I have two ways that you can do that:
đŸ”„ 3 month intensive transformational 1:1 coaching (2 spots available) đŸ”„ 7 day magical group container (5 seats available)
Send me a DM, it's time we talked.
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It’s Tarot Tuesday and you know what to do!
Which card calls to you today?
Come back later for the reveal. 🌟


The discomfort won’t go away until you embrace it and ask “what lesson are you here to teach me?”The discomfort won’t go away until you embrace it and ask “what lesson are you here to teach me?”


Get ready, babies because I’m about to come atcha! 😉
If you’ve been creeping on my posts and not saying anything, or you’ve reached out and then gone quiet, I’ll be in your DMs today. We’re gonna have a conversation about why you’re hiding and what this says about how you’re showing up (or not!) in your business and your life.
Why? Because I love you and I want you to rise up and find your voice. And if that means calling you out and making you uncomfortable then, as we say these parts, tough shit. 😘
Are ya ready for me? 💜
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I see you there, Queen. 👑
I see you as you are now and, more importantly, I see who you will become. Who you are destined to become.
That's one of my gifts. I see YOU in all your greatness.
... I see you holding all those dreams in your heart. Holding onto the vision you have for your life, your business, your.... empire.
You're capable of creating it. (But you know that already, right?) You're capable of creating it because you're not like the others who hold onto dreams they're not strong enough to reach for.
They weren't born for this.
But you were.
So why then, is it not happening for you right now?

Is it fear? Yes. Is it apprehension? Yes. Is it nerves? Yes.
But, ultimately, it's you. It's your choice.
You know what it costs to bring your dreams to life. You know about the fear, the darkness, the discomfort, the tears... And you know the only way out is through.
So stop hiding, Queen. 👑
Step out of the shadows. Decide. Make your choice.
Will you... or won't you?
DM me. It's time we talked. đŸ–€
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~{How do you set yourself up for the day?}~
I used to vacillate between thinking that having a morning routine was a) completely stupid and pointless, and b) only worth it if I did aaaaaaall the things - meditating, yoga, journaling, watching a Ted talk or two!
Needless to say neither of those approaches worked for me! Trying to do everything every single morning meant my routine was taking about 3 hours, and I was too emotionally exhausted to do anything else at the end of i...t! But if I did nothing at all, I always felt like I was in the back foot for the day.
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to spend some time each morning setting yourself up for the day and connecting with yourself and your source/God/the Universe. It sounds simple but it will seriously change your life.
At the moment my routine looks like: ✹Pulling some cards to suss out the energy of the day ✹Doing a bit of free journaling or EFT to release any stagnant energy ✹Using the Insight Timer app to meditate for 10 mins or so (Andrew Johnson is my fave guide at the mo!) ✹Having a good breakfast and some water
It feels right for me at the moment and helps me to connect and ground for the day.
Have you got a morning routine or are you more of a roll-outta-bed-at-the-last-minute sorta person?
What does this say about how you approach other areas of your life? 💜
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Every day that you hesitate to reach out to that potential client, is a day that you’re taking FROM THEM.
They need YOU now. They need YOUR energy. They need the value that only YOU can bring to their life.
... So why do you keep running away from them and making this about your fears instead of their growth?
Each day you make them wait for you is a day they sacrifice on your behalf.
So reach out and show them how to work with you. đŸ”„

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Feminine energy is beautiful - taking time, allowing things to flow, going inwards.
Stay in that space for longer than you need to and it will turn into a cage.
... How do you know if you’re in The Cage?
đŸ‘‰đŸ» You stop actively reaching out to potential clients (because you’re ‘waiting to draw them in’) đŸ‘‰đŸ» You stop scheduling your time effectively and prioritising your needs (because you’re ‘immersing yourself in that feminine flow’) đŸ‘‰đŸ» You stop planning the next step on your journey (because you’re ‘waiting for the right opportunity to show itself’)
All of this shit will lead you right back to:
đŸ˜¶ Feeling powerless đŸ˜¶ Feeling stuck đŸ˜¶ Feeling like a failure đŸ˜¶ Creating no movement in your business and your life
Being in that feminine energetic flow is wonderful AND necessary for a successful heart-centred business and a happy life!
But don’t let it become a crutch and an excuse to keep yourself safe and small.
Feminine energy doesn’t = laziness and excuses.
You still have to do the work. đŸ’Ș
I’ve got two 3 month 1:1 spots available and one of them has your name on it babe. 😉
Come talk to me about what you’re struggling with in your business right now, and let’s make a plan to shift that shit. 🙌
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More about Alix Wilde - Holistic Leadership Coach