Asai - Uk



ASAI – UK is no longer the current official Facebook fan page for ASAI in UK/GB. The new fb page can be found at ; Asai Shotokan Association International GB. The new country representative of ASAI GB is Sensei Victor Santos effective on February 20, 2018. He will keep the new page active and exciting. If you should have any questions about ASAI, please contact him. He will be happy to assist you and provide you whatever information you request. Please follow the link…oss . I/we will be stepping down for a short break and wish Sensei Santos best our best wishes in the creation of his new page and promotion of ASAI - I look forward to following the new fan page once it is up and running . Best regards Sensei Nightingale (Rokudan, Asai founding & Shihankai member)


This is another clip from the self training. This exercise is similar to the one I posted yesterday. You will quickly circle your knee to block chudan attack (oi zuki or mae geri), then use the same leg to counter kick.
... You can circle the knee either clockwise or counter clockwise. The counter kick can be mae geri, mawashi geri, yoko geri, etc.
The key point is how quickly you can kick after the knee block. The knee has to be brought up high enough so you can block. Try this in your ippon kumite training.
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Nightingale – 松 涛 館 空 手 – Karate
Shihan Yokota has a new book coming out very shortly and will be available in Kindle or soft cover, I know there are one or two who have started to follow his insights into Karate and I have seen one of his other books already ready in the club being read by a member. Maybe you can add another to your library of Karate, I know I will and look forward to reading it the old fashioned way of buying the paperback version.
Watch - Enjoy - Be – loosen up your traditional mind – Learn – Relearn – Look to understand “Your Karate” for yourself!
IMA/Nightingale Shotokan Karate-do – Karate-jutsu – Karate-jitsu One Style Many Directions
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More insights on Heian Shodan from Shihan Yokota

User -in-heian-shodan-…/


Did you know… Let’s take a moment.


In memory of Asai Tetsuhiko
Parts of Shotei dai and Kakuyoku Nidan (with modified ending) Lg


Christmas Greetings 2016
My sincere Christmas and holiday time greetings to everyone, I have had a great time in all our classes throughout the ups and downs, the lows and the highs the year of 2016 has thrown at us. We have prevailed once again as a self-financing, independent Karate group catering for all levels of interest and expectations. Even though the budgets have been very tight we have managed, just! Hopefully the New Year of 2017 will be good to us, maybe you, “th...e members” and their families can help guide new any new students towards us to help maintain our strength as a club, helping us continue doing what we do and how we do it.
As the world moves onwards with remarkable advancements in so many areas of life (some of which I like and some of which I don’t…) I feel that it is important that a physical activity which is sometimes challenging in a positive way such as “Karate” and all that it entails as chosen discipline added to the pursuits of life is more important now than ever. As we all venture further and further into the modern era and forever being on the lookout for, or actually falling for, the ever increasing tricks that the digital and very technological world can play on us which mask what is real and what is not.
Let’s not lose sight that some of the many advancements which are needed first start from “the self” and an individual having the self-confidence in what they do or can do, strength of body and mind applying thought into creative action and developing an understanding and value to what their true effort and capable endurance can bring. I still feel that after all these years of practicing Karate that exposure to a good martial arts class can definitely help in the development in many areas of life yet to be experienced, helping towards creating an individual. I hope you do too and that is some of the reasons we practice together, please pass the word.
I will leave you with a message from a great music master of the past;
“Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.” ~Ludwig van Beethoven~
Have a great Christmas Holiday
Sensei Nightingale - ASAI UK
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Asai Shotokan Association International – World Group.
This time last year was the first ASAI International seminar held and organised by the ASAI – Brazil Group in November 2015. Shihan Yokota who has just recently returned from this year’s Brazilian Seminar would have been 68yrs at the time of the photograph and still looking in good form.
You can see more photographs of Shihan Yokota’s visit here; dia_set…
... Visits Shihan Yokota’s blog;
Sensei Nightingale - ASAI - UK
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ASAI-UK / Nightingale – 松 涛 館 空 手 – Karate
Club Grading and Examination Dates November 2016 A test through Physical Demonstration.
... If you or your child are looking to take part in the next grading opportunity please make a date on your calendar. All details will be available in class. We look forward to seeing you there.
Junior 9th to 4th Kyu Grade Examination Saturday 12th Nov.
Junior 3rd to 1st Kyu Grade Examination Saturday 19th Nov.
Adults 9th to 1st Kyu Grade Examination Saturday 26th Nov.
I welcome any senior member to take part in the examination process as it is important that everyone remembers and understand that all club members have all done the same and encountered the same pitfalls to reach their respective levels in Karate.
Andrew Nightingale
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ASAI/IMA-Nightingale Shotokan Student Training Reference.
Shotokan Mysteries (Yokota) 2nd edition now available to buy.
Shotokan Mysteries communicates Kousaku Yokota’s work and research into the great, deep golden chest of our continued rediscovery of Shotokan karate in a positive and reflective approach. This book reaches out, openly guiding the reader into recognizing karate as a whole thing itself, paving the way to allow for questions and the subsequent answers to run s...ide by side in a noncritical way, and transcending any misinterpretation or misunderstanding in practice and cultural relationships to the topics and chapters contained within its pages.
As the title suggests, the aim of the book is to clear up and correct many collective myths about Shotokan karate. Of course, the author’s work and research aren’t just directed at the Shotokan community. They can be easily accessed and applied to all areas of training within the martial arts genre. He does this by simply describing that a lack of knowledge can be easily changed by challenging and changing your own personal understanding, taking down the boundaries of stuck thought and what is termed far too often as “right and wrong,” and dispelling the myths which surround our shared art.
The information, in whatever form the author puts it forward, transfers to the collective minds of those who share our common passion and is routinely communicated in such a straightforward way that it allows absolutely anyone from any culture or walk of life to understand better and at a higher level the martial art which they have chosen to do. This the author does with humility, displaying a continuous spirit and correctness reflected in his lifelong practice of karate-do.
Click here to preview Shihan Yokota's new book; -Hidden-Answers…/…/
Andrew Nightingale ASAI
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More about Asai - Uk

Asai - Uk is located at Training at;North Bridge Leisure Centre, North Bridge Street, HX3 6TE Halifax, West Yorkshire
Halifax (UK) +44 (0) 1422 208600