Ataya Body & Light

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About Ataya Body & Light

Ataya Body & Light - A service combining three elements: Body - Physical Well-Being, Mind - Counselling & Support, & Spirit - healing, inner development.



Interesting article


A little bit of cuteness for your Monday afternoon


Welcome to Ataya Body & Light. There are already some great articles to have a look through, there will be plenty more shares, humour, inspirational information here on the page. A lot of work, patience, a bit of anxiety, but determination has gone into this service. It has been a passion to help others and over the years find a path towards doing exactly that. With training over the years, and more recently, plus life experiences and life lessons, it was then that it was decided to open Ataya in order to help others to develop and overcome life's challenges.


Brilliant article. I too have had some really bad experiences in my life which led to post trauma and the healing process is really hard, it is something that you can overcome but I wouldn't necessarily say get over, as our experiences in life teach us valuable lessons (even if at the time we don't see it that way). It teaches us that we CAN overcome difficult times and that we CAN overcome the negative effects of trauma. It teaches us empathy for others who have been through the same. The process takes time and patience, as with any healing.