Both Feet - Actor Training

About Both Feet - Actor Training

Both Feet provides Meisner based actor training for professional actors who are currently working or working towards an acting career.

Both Feet - Actor Training Description

Both Feet is made up of Stephanie Upsall, Adam Stadius and Laura Lindsay.

Both Feet are a training collective passionate about the craft of truthful and engaging acting on stage and screen. Our teaching is rooted in the highly respected techniques taught by Sanford Meisner, known as "The Meisner Technique". The training is designed for professional actors wanting to develop their skills of listening, responsiveness and spontaneity. We help actors find authenticity, depth and truth in their acting, with a practical application to their work on stage and screen. We work with dedicated and open actors, committed to developing their craft and career. To be eligible for the training, you must be a professional actor or seriously working towards a career in acting. We're in with both feet. Are you?

The Meisner Technique is a powerful and respected approach to acting taught in most major drama schools across the world. It teaches you how to: unleash truthful, emotional performances; let go of self-consciousness; expand your acting range; build self awareness and develop the ability to act moment to moment.

The technique was developed from the work of Konstantin Stanislavsky by Sanford Meisner who stated that everything you need to play a scene can be found in your partner. ItŌĆÖs taught via a series of exercises taking you on a step by step journey in a pedagogically coherent way very much like when you learn an instrument or a foreign language. It is highly popular in the U. S. thanks to Actors such as Steve McQueen, Jeff Goldblum, Diane Keaton and Sandra Bullock and writers such as David Mamet and Arthur Miller.

We run classes and courses for actors at any stage in their Meisner training.

We're based in Yorkshire, however our feet are willing and able to travel! We also deliver training in the North East, North West and London and are always looking for new places to lay our footprints. Get in touch if you'd like to enquire about delivery of workshops near you. ŌĆŗ



Those of you who have trained with us have heard us say "we have an unhealthy relationship with our emotions" a *lot*. The more we suppress, the harder they are to let out. As actors, we need easy (and healthy) access to it all so we're not crippled by fear and get to be present in our work. "..people who often suppress their emotions tend to be less healthyŌĆÖ.ŌĆ”/20 09/ŌĆ”/090312093916.htm


CONGRATULATIONS to Sophie Krywald for getting a scholarship to study at The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts for two years!! We're so so proud of you, you're such a generous and open actor and can't wait to be kept up to date with the next step on your journey x
#offtoamerica #actorslife #englishactor #studyinamerica #proud #congratulations #gogetem


Nawww have a listen to the totally bootiful Livvy Rooks singing a Vesper Walk song on BBC Tees (1hour 46mins in). Stunning.


Nic Redman Voice runs regular classes in Sheffield (& Manc). Actors, you need to train your voice and know how to look after it. Do not neglect it!! t-sheffield-ticketŌĆ”


**MANCHESTER /NW ACTORS** We've got more dates in the diary, all @ Hope Studios. New to us? Intro weekend courses - 3-4th or 10-11th Nov + the follow on intensive The Core - 20-25th Nov
... Already reached text with us? Technical gym - 17th Oct Scene Study - 5-6th Nov
Full info:
Wana know about us and who we are?< br> See More


Andy Craven-Griffiths is a top bloke so we've no doubt his show will be a match. It was on at Square Chapel Arts Centre (just missed it :-( ) but you can catch it at Attenborough Arts Centre 11 Oct in Leicester if you can get down that way! If not, "like" his page then you can keep up to date with what's next. "If we are kinder to other people, we make them more kind". Why wouldn't you wana see that show? :-D


CASTING (NW actors only) "Before I meet with the JB Directors and release specific breakdowns I am arranging some general auditions as I am keen to broaden the net of talent I can subsequently put forward.
The date will be Saturday 29th September at a City Centre venue.
... Unfortunately I do have to limit the criteria to those who: ŌĆó Have never appeared in JB Shorts ŌĆó Are Manchester/North West based ŌĆó Have a minimum of one professional acting credit or a recent accredited drama school graduate. ŌĆó Are available for the performance dates: 20th Nov - 1st Dec (and rehearsal sessions from approx 5th Nov)
If you would like to be considered for a general audition, please email me with the subject "General Audition" please include your CV or Spotlight/showreel link (if you have one)
To clarify, these are not for specific plays, but I will take into consideration the general casting requirements for this particular JB.
Please be assured that all applications will be considered but due to the expected high volume of interest unfortunately only those who will be invited to audition will be contacted."
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Our next Intro to Meisner, 6-7 Oct in #Leeds Early Bird discount of ┬Ż15 ends Fri 21st Sept (tmw) so BOOK NOW!
Discover a new kind of actor training with a clear direction & tonnes of useful tools to use on the job. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve learned more this week than 3 years at uniŌĆØ said gorgeous actor @josiecerise ­¤śŖ ...
#actorslife #meisner #meisnertechnique #truthfulacting #bothfeetacting #leeds #actor #trainwithus #youwontregretit @ Both Feet - Actor Training
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**Casting** This is directed by Rod Dixon of Red Ladder Theatre Company who uses a very similar language to us and is a dream to work with/under (ask Leanne Rowley). Also written by the rather fab Nick Ahad so c'mon you lot who've been training with us, one for you...?ŌĆ”/work-witŌ Ć”/casting-brief-glory/


Looking forward to seeing Play With Fire Productions' The Effect at Oldham Coliseum Theatre next Tuesday (plus their response piece just before too!). Will there be any familiar faces there in the audience? See you in the bar? :-D x ct/


Actors (emerging or prof), if you're interested in exploring Clowning you should look at Clown Space. James is a delicious human with a tonne of knowledge to share. His prices are great too so get yourselves booked on.


#Sheffield #SouthYorkshire #Actors #Scholarship Don't forget our scholarship deadline is tomorrow. We are passionate about helping people who have low-incomes to still be able to access our training to ensure deserving actors can continue their professional development.
On this basis we offer various scholarship options. The next course we have coming up is in Sheffield (1-6 Oct) and we're offering One full scholarship and one part scholarship.... rship.html
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Introduction to The Meisner Technique 10-11th November, 10-5.30/6pm ┬Ż80 Full Price ┬Ż65 early bird (book before 20th Oct)
... Our initial training programme runs over 8 days: Introduction Weekend and The Core 6 Day Intensive (Can be booked together or separately) Full Info: https:// courses.html
As an actor, knowing who to train with is hard so why not see what our actors are saying? BothFeetActorTraining/reviews/
You can find more about us on Casting Director, Nicci Topping's blog ~ ŌĆ£ Every actor should subscribe to your Meisner workshopsŌĆØ And get a feel for our teaching approach in The Stage:
The technique works progressively through a set of specific exercises which are designed to hone an actorŌĆÖs ability to listen, respond truthfully, be emotionally available and be receptive to given circumstances and direction. It enables an actor to be less self-conscious and extend their acting range.
Many of the industryŌĆÖs most gifted actors and writers have trained in and value the technique including: Jeff Bridges, Anthony Hopkins, Kathy Bates, David Mamet and the late Arthur Miller and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Our Introduction to Meisner weekend establishes the first few exercises of the technique, gives a basic overview of our training and how it can benefit an actorŌĆÖs craft on stage and screen.
The Core Meisner Technique course covers the full set of exercises, taking actors all the way through to text work.
After that we run weekly classes of Technical Gym and Scene Study in Leeds you can attend and once we have enough people in Manchester we'll be launching regular classes there too!
NB Professional actors (and those actively pursuing a career in acting) only.
ŌĆ£Go you! Great feedback from participants of your Meisner workshop ŌĆō theyŌĆÖre keen to do moreŌĆØ ~ Matthew Xia (Royal Exchange)
ŌĆ£Brought me back to life after a decade of glazing over in West End ensemblesŌĆØ~ Aoife Nally, Workshop Participant, Actor ŌĆō Sweeney Todd (Adelphi), Light in the Piazza (Leicester Curve)
About our training... https://
See all of our courses... https:// courses.html
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Introduction to The Meisner Technique 3-4th November, 10-5.30/6pm ┬Ż80 Full Price ┬Ż65 early bird (book before 13th Oct)
... Our initial training programme runs over 8 days: Introduction Weekend and The Core 6 Day Intensive (Can be booked together or separately) Full Info: https:// courses.html
As an actor, knowing who to train with is hard so why not see what our actors are saying? BothFeetActorTraining/reviews/
You can find more about us on Casting Director, Nicci Topping's blog ~ ŌĆ£ Every actor should subscribe to your Meisner workshopsŌĆØ And get a feel for our teaching approach in The Stage:
The technique works progressively through a set of specific exercises which are designed to hone an actorŌĆÖs ability to listen, respond truthfully, be emotionally available and be receptive to given circumstances and direction. It enables an actor to be less self-conscious and extend their acting range.
Many of the industryŌĆÖs most gifted actors and writers have trained in and value the technique including: Jeff Bridges, Anthony Hopkins, Kathy Bates, David Mamet and the late Arthur Miller and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Our Introduction to Meisner weekend establishes the first few exercises of the technique, gives a basic overview of our training and how it can benefit an actorŌĆÖs craft on stage and screen.
The Core Meisner Technique course covers the full set of exercises, taking actors all the way through to text work.
After that we run weekly classes of Technical Gym and Scene Study in Leeds you can attend and once we have enough people in Manchester we'll be launching regular classes there too!
NB Professional actors (and those actively pursuing a career in acting) only.
ŌĆ£Go you! Great feedback from participants of your Meisner workshop ŌĆō theyŌĆÖre keen to do moreŌĆØ ~ Matthew Xia (Royal Exchange)
ŌĆ£Brought me back to life after a decade of glazing over in West End ensemblesŌĆØ~ Aoife Nally, Workshop Participant, Actor ŌĆō Sweeney Todd (Adelphi), Light in the Piazza (Leicester Curve)
About our training... https://
See all of our courses... https:// courses.html
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The Core: 6 Day Intensive, Manchester Tues 20th - Sun 25th, 10-5.30/6pm
┬Ż260/┬Ż230 (early bird book before October 30th)
... To attend this course you must have completed the Introductory weekend with us. We teach the entirety of Meisner's exercises over 8 days (2 with the Intro weekend and 6 with this course).
The Core introduces our actors to the full breadth of MeisnerŌĆÖs fundamental exercises, truly allowing students to ŌĆślive truthfully under a given set of circumstancesŌĆÖ. Over 6 intensive days (48hours) we will introduce exercises that will fundamentally change an actorŌĆÖs approach to their work and build a solid foundation of skills that is flexible enough to be applied to any challenge an actor faces, be it stage or screen. Our core training seeks to free up an actorŌĆÖs instincts to create truthful and compelling work.
Once you've completed The Core you can attend any of our training in any city including our weekly classes. For full information:< br> If you're unsure if you're eligible then please get in touch:
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Just like a musician needs to practice their scales and an Olympian needs to maintain their fitness, an actor too needs to workout.
NB You must have reached Scene Work (usually after attending the Introduction course and The Core Intensive) to be eligible to attend the weekly classes with us. If you're unsure, get in touch.
5-6th November, 10-6pm ... ┬Ż80 (┬Ż65 early bird, book by 15th Oct)
About the Scene Study For those of you wishing to work on your application of the technique to text, our scene study class is for you. Over these two days you will apply the tools developed in our core and technique classes to a scene selected for you. You will refine your skills in cold-reading, text analysis and performance whilst also exploring the freedom within given direction/circumstances.
We have been adapting our classes to best suit you since we started and what makes us different to other training is that we bring the outside in. Instead of teaching a technique in isolation we ensure we connect it with the real world too. Our starting point is always teaching the exercises and core principles of The Meisner Technique (through the Intro & Intensive course) because it is the best tool we know to get you out of your head and working moment to moment. Then our continued training will deepen those principles so you can access them as easily as you breathe whilst also combining the realities of your job: different languages directors may use, exploring character, auditions you have coming up, using accents, taking direction and much more.
These classes will have a mix of levels which we believe it's important to your learning and experience but don't worry, each class will be tailored to your needs.
We ensure our classes are small to ensure maximum amount of working time and individualised feedback.
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Just like a musician needs to practice their scales and an Olympian needs to maintain their fitness, an actor too needs to workout.
NB You must have reached Scene Work (usually after attending the Introduction course and The Core Intensive) to be eligible to attend the weekly classes with us. If you're unsure, get in touch.
17th October, 10-6pm ... ┬Ż40 (┬Ż35 early bird, book by 3rd Oct)
About the Technical Gym We have been adapting our classes to best suit you since we started and what makes us different to other training is that we bring the outside in. Instead of teaching a technique in isolation we ensure we connect it with the real world too. Our starting point is always teaching the exercises and core principles of The Meisner Technique (through the Intro & Intensive course) because it is the best tool we know to get you out of your head and working moment to moment. Then our gyms will deepen those principles so you can access them as easily as you breathe whilst also combining the realities of your job: different languages directors may use, exploring character, auditions you have coming up, using accents, taking direction and much more.
These classes will have a mix of levels which we believe it's important to your learning and experience but don't worry, each class will be tailored to your needs.
We ensure our classes are small to ensure maximum amount of working time and individualised feedback.
Theatre Trip The fab Gareth George is in The Pride at Hope Mill Theatre after class in the evening so we're off to show some support, join us? :-) pride/
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Really useful video, watch it!!! We talk about this ALL THE TIME.
1) Don't make it about you 2) Have the guts to do nothing 3) Breathe life into *you*, not the character... TRUST YOURSELF. These are the main points she makes BUT you should still watch the video.
Thanks Amy Jo Berman :-D ail-small-role-auŌĆ”/
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Most of you will have heard us say ŌĆ£You are what you areŌĆØ a million times in class. (And I add ŌĆ£you have have what you haveŌĆØ onto it).
#anthonyhopkins is incredible. And guess what? He trained with #sanfordmeisner
The biggest gift you can give yourself as an actor is stop caring what everyone thinks of you - your work will transform.
... #actortraining #youarewhoyouare #careless #expectnothing #accepteverything
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What can I say? Well, to start with the teaching was of an imbecable high standard, little nuuances about myself were picked up upon by the teacher Adam, that I will now be aware when acting. Every fellow actor on this introductuon weekend recieved both group and individual attention and really helpful feedback. The feedback was aimed at helping us in our quest to be authentic actors. I had attended the course with no clear concept of what the Meisner acting technique was, I left knowing the basics and wanting to learn more. I can't put this course into words, all I can say is, it is experiential, the learning is in the doing, in the moment and from each other. My advice give it a try, it will alter the way you work as an actor. I am so glad that I did this course Carol


Meisner training with Both Feet fundamentally altered and drastically improved how I go about my work from now on. Their Introduction to Meisner and Core Technique courses opened my eyes to new ways of practice and understanding. The tutors are sublime and explain everything for you so you understand precisely the purpose of why and what you're doing. They always have time for you and are immensely supportive and understanding.

If you want to build upon or perhaps free yourself from some of the constraints Stanislavski technique puts on you, then these courses will do just that and so much more. You'll work hard, learn loads and have tremendous levels of fun!


If you are in the north east and an actor, you simply must access this training.


I've been attending Adam's Meisner classes for four years now and learn something new every time. No two classes are ever the same with this technique - it's wonderful to discover something fresh, new and exciting and to watch other actors make these discoveries for the first time. For me, this is the perfect class to discover truthfulness as an actor. I would definitely recommend Both Feet to actors at any stage in their career.


I'm sure many actors can relate to those times when they're on stage and they become aware of themselves. That moment when you're in your head. When you know you've gone into 'acting mode' and you fight with yourself back to being in the moment to being present and listening and really responding to what's in front of you at that moment. Truthful, right? I'd heard about Meisner being 'that dude that does repetition' (I may have added the 'dude' bit). You'd be right to know repetition is a basis, a fundamental one at that, and the intro weekend focuses on this but working now at a level where I can see it translate in rehearsals, in script preparation, seeing how I can take it into my own prep regardless of whether the director I'm working with, or actors I'm working alongside use this method, I can still use it - stage or screen. And when you do use it - that 'in your head' stuff I was talking about before - wave a little wave goodbye to that.


I was introduced to the Meisner technique when I was training at uni, a long time ago, and it just didnŌĆÖt click with me. I couldnŌĆÖt help but wonder if it was because I didnŌĆÖt like the technique or that it was just taught badly. But fast forward a couple of years later and I realize that it is definitely because it was taught badly.

I started coming to Meisner classes with Both Feet, because I found that I wanted to learn more about the technique; I was taking many other acting classes that just werenŌĆÖt working for me and I wanted to learn how to be less in my head and more focused on what happens when you put your attention on the person in front of you and follow your impulses.

I canŌĆÖt tell you how many Eureka moments I have had training with Both Feet. The teachers Laura, Steph and Adam are kind and considerate and make you feel like there is no right or wrong answer and we are all discovering Meisner together. I have found myself change as an actor in the way I approach the work and also in my own life; it sounds ridiculous, but I think it has made me a more confident person and I tend to analyse less now and just go for things, rather than staying in my own head.

So I had started with the very basics of Meisner, the repetition exercises and so on, but I wondered how this would be put into a real life rehearsal situation where you have scripts that you must follow and you werenŌĆÖt able to just follow your every impulse. The last workshop that I went on, with Both Feet, took us further into the Meisner technique and I could finally see how it is used in a practical situation. I discovered that if anything, rather than feeling confined by the text that we had been given, I felt free to explore the scripts with my partner, with no preconceptions and because we were always discovering new things through the Meisner technique, it never got boring to watch everyoneŌĆÖs scenes 4 or 5 times over.

I could go on for a long time about how great I think the technique is and how awesome Both Feet are in the way they guide you through the workshops, but you should find out for yourselves. If you want to be open to the possibilities of discovering where you can push your boundaries and start to become more impulsive and explore texts in different ways that are freeing rather than binding, then come work with Both Feet. IŌĆÖll definitely be back.


I just finished a 6 day Meisner Core course in Manchester with Adam Stadius. I honestly cannot recommend it and Both-Feet highly enough.

I feel truly transformed as an actor - more truthful performances, more aware of and able to act on my impulses, more attuned to other actors and how to respond authentically to them. I have new tools for text analysis and emotional preparation for scenes. And I think the biggest thing for me is being less self-conscious or in my head during performances.

The workshop is really enjoyable and Meisner is slightly addictive!

Adam has a really encouraging and empowering teaching style. He paces the work to what each person needs as well as providing lots of individual feedback. He gently challenges you to go further with the work.

It was an incredible experience and I can't wait to do more!


I just completed the intro weekend with Steph. Crikey. What a weekend. In just 2 days I feel I have completely reassessed my view of performance and the role of the performer. Such intimacy created in a room full of complete strangers... it was quite magical.

Steph is a fantastic teacher: encouraging and honest and unwilling to accept our bullshit! Without her obvious enthusiasm and commitment to this method of training, I don't think it would have been nearly as affective as it was.

Highly recommended, with both feet and both hands and every other limb! Amazing stuff.


I have done beginners intermediate and advance meisner techniques with Steph from WYTN she is an amazing teacher she has opened me up as an actor and probably as a person too. If you are thinking of training with her. Just do it!! You will reap the rewards


I had studied a little bit of Meisner at school and enjoyed it but didn't fully understand it. After going to the introduction weekend, my understanding not only of myself as a performer but of the technique has doubled!!!

I reached emotional and physical heights that I have struggled to reach in the past with my performances with a few simple exercises. I always thought that I struggled with conveying emotions on stage, particularly real ones, ones that were not forced just for the sake of the scene, but even though this was just the weekend I found the 'breakthrough' with emotions that I had been searching for.

The patience of the teachers and support of the other performers helped create a fun yet engaging atmosphere throughout the weekend and I can't wait to see what's next!!!!


I had my first experience of Meisner this weekend and it was bloody beautiful.

First of all the technique itself was refreshing and eye opening. Second, Steph was amazing to work with and learn from...seriously one of the best teachers I've ever worked under & she ended up more like a guide with the best sense of humour, teaching me not to apologise and F politeness!

Lastly the way the weekend was run was just wonderful. A small yet inspiring group of people who discovered a beautiful way of acting and creating. I feel like I've been introduced to a whole new way to look at acting and myself!

I can't wait to get onto the core course and would recommend this to every actor I know!


I finished the Miesner Core on Saturday gone a year after being introduced to the methodology by Adam. I cannot recommend enough this teaching and in particular this intensive, they inspire, encourage and advise on how to be your most truthful and best actor. Do it !


I 100% recommend working with Both Feet... cue all the best adjectives.

I have just finished my intro weekend and am now itching to get started on to one of the 6 day core intensives.

Working with Steph was a breath of fresh air (the perfect metaphor ha!).

I have learnt so much about myself as an actor and as a person.

Having those moments of realisation as youŌĆÖre developing is fantastic - and I felt like so much was achieved in the two days, yet I know there is even more to discover and learn.

Which is so exciting!

I believe no matter where you are in your career as an actor that this will be beneficial!

Thanks so much for a great weekend - I got more out of the two days than I ever thought I would.


Finished the intro weekend and intensive course yesterday and would honestly recommend this course to every actor. Ran by such amazing, talented teachers. I've learnt so much in such a short amount of time and can't wait to attend the regular classes. Can't thank Steph and Adam enough.


As somebody with performance experience but no actor training, the introduction to Meisner technique has been incredible. I can't imagine any actor or performer of any kind not seeing and feeling development on Both Feet's courses.


As working actor I find the Meisner Technique one of the most useful tools in the box. Taught so well by a patient, skillful and dedicated teacher like Stephanie it is easily absorbed and utilised. I xannr commend this technique highly enough or the work done by West Yorkshire Theater Network.

The work done by Steph is outstanding and guests like Euro Keith and Scott Williams just add more layers from different perspecrives to make your work even better.

If you've visited you know. If you haven't where the hell have you been!!!! x


Actors everywhere, if you do one thing today, read this!

Headline: This Meisner course has completely revolutionised my attitude to acting, not just as an actor, but as a director too. If you can do this course, you really really should!

As many of you know, I'm normally extremely cynical about weekly acting courses, but this really is extraordinary.

I've done a few introductory Meisner courses over the last few years, and I have always felt a sort of 'half connection' with it. I don't know if you've had similar experiences with it? The usual repetition exercises were frequently exciting and liberating, but frustratingly, I never managed to grasp how it could impact fully on rehearsals and production.

That frustration was shattered after recently attending classes run by 'Both Feet'. All three of the teachers focus on their own individual strengths and experience to teach the Meisner Technique in a way that I've never seen before.

Helped in no small part by a deliberately small class size and the insistence that the course is for professional actors only, I watched as every single actor on the course was able to quickly learn, absorb and advance the technique, whilst being pushed to challenge and break through their own individual barriers. Most impressive of all (for me) was the way the teachers moved us on from repetition and applied the technique to working with text in a rehearsal environment. I've never felt such an unconscious and guttural connection to text, I was frequently overcome with fear, rage, tears and love, all completely unplanned, 'live' and truthful. And it wasn't just me, I watched as all the other actors on the course had several of their own eureka moments. By the end of the course, everyone (and I mean everyone!) was asking when the next one would be.

Of course, just like any other technique, this isn't a stand alone magic answer to acting, and the teachers make it very clear that it is simply a powerful tool for actors to use, which needs to be supported by disciplined voice work, stage craft, physicality and much more. I found this refreshing, as I find it frustrating when actors (and teachers) focus on one technique religiously, insisting it's all they need.

The teachers on this course are not gurus and are in no way driven by ego or making a quick buck. They are all passionate about sharing their skills to actors who really want to move their work on to the next level.

I'm in.

You should be too!


Absolutely brilliant week of new discoveries. This course is perfect for refreshing the technique and rediscovering freedom and a sense of play within the work in a safe rehearsal space. It is so beneficial to me as a third year acting student heading into the 'real world'.


A life changing experience, just from the Introduction weekend. Both Feet supply a safe, intense and honest atmosphere, whilst delivering quality training to the highest standard. Delivered by wonderfully skilled, helpful and talented practitioners, that work so hard on your artistic progression and understanding of such a complex technique. To access complete truth for any actor, Both Feet get my vote. Completly recommend from the bottom of my heart!

More about Both Feet - Actor Training

Both Feet - Actor Training is located at Leeds