Cad Dog Training And Behavioural Modification

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Cad Dog Training And Behavioural Modification

CAD Dog Training and Behavioural modification (CAD) is run by Chris and based in Bramley, West Yorkshire.
CAD provides both basic training and behaviour modification for all Dogs

Cad Dog Training And Behavioural Modification Description

{ About me }

CAD Dog Training and Behavioural modification (CAD) is run by Chris Dring (BCCSDip. AdvCanBhv) and based in Bramley West Yorkshire.

I have owned dogs for over thirty years and have a wealth of experience with rescue dogs, currently owning two German Shepherd dogs who have both been “pre-owned”. I started this business to try and help owners with their dogs, managing fearful or aggressive (oftentimes both) temperaments to help foster a better connection between dog and owner.



I met this young man today 4 years old i was warned was a bad lad lol he went for me so i had to stop filming and deal with it I put a slip lead on him and walked him up the hill and back a few corrections an he was fine i then gave the lead to the lass showed her how to use one and away she went came back stood directly in front of me no problems.


Narla Working off lead


The lovely Narla in for board and train coming on well she is such a happy girl gets very vocal with other dogs the second she sees them starts reacting and pulling on the lead much improved so far long way to go yet just before this she met 4 dogs on a pack walk and was solid Narla showed non of her spoilt, bratty, normal behaviour with them


I went out to see this young lady, Her owner just wanted reassuring what she was doing was the right thing with her and she was, Just keep up the good work with rules and boundaries.


Wellington went on strike after an hour's training with his owner :-) and what a lovely dog he is.


Fantastic e collar work and they want to ban them how sad


Cody finding Cloths first time i have put them in the wheels of vehicles


Cody sits, downs on the move


Cody Working hard Learning on a long line


Cody today with the polish tin a bit of lip licking to start but all good


Cody with spray bottles and spray polish he has a small reaction to the polish tin I instantly correct him and all is good :-) he is excepting them well. he is very nervous of big busses and wagons going past he will shoot to the side but he is improving all the time.


Cody with the vac part 2


Cody learning to accept other dogs


Cody doing heal work


Cody is reactive towards Vacuum cleaners :-) we had 1 reaction after correction this is what we have he is also reactive towards polish aerosols and spray bottles we are working on that also.


Cody is dog reactive Cody Tara And Leonard, both dogs that are likely to react are muzzled.


Tara working hard with distractions happy Girl reward given at the end of exercise,


We tried all of the positive reinforcements we could to try correct our french bulldog but when it came to being on the lead near other dogs, he was just so reactive. Pulling and barking, trying his hardest to drag me across the park to other dogs, no amount of bribery would get his focus back on me. We went to see Chris after looking into training collars and alternative methods but not knowing very much about it and not wanting to get it wrong.

Chris spent a few hours training both us and Kano (our dog) with nee tools. After being taught how to use the tools correctly, we now have a dog that walks beside us and is much calmer upon seeing other dogs. I can now walk him around the local park without the embarrassment of him creating chaos and trying to drag me around. Small corrections are needed here and there but overall we have a much calmer dog who is much more willing to listen. We couldn't thank Chris enough!


We have a one year old reactive German shepherd called Loki.we were going through an emotional time with him trying to find out his triggers and how best to deal with them.i had put an emotional message on one of the German shepherd groups im in and got alot of great replies but one in particular was Chris he talked to me online and suggested some great ideas for keeping Loki distracted while out walking.i then asked Chris if he could do a home visit to help us at home and a bit more while out was stressful at first but Chris handled everything very well and the whole situation calmed down after 10 minutes.we learnt so much and also got alot of training too(after all we are only human lol)my partner and Chris went to the field with Loki and when my partner came back he couldn't believe how much Loki had improved in such a short time.we would highly recommend Chris he has unlimited information about all different types of situations and willing to help day or night.he goes above and beyond to help you and your dog.Thankyou so much Chris.


I walk a boxer called SAM . he used to be very reactive with other dogs and people , he has had a tough time of it for last 8 mths , he was not very good before that but this year all went pete tong . so we enlisted the help of a friend ( Chris Dring ) who has a business training and correcting dogs . well 2 weeks of training and i am walking a different dog . he is walking so much nicer no more pulling or lunging he is not reactive to other dogs he walks to heal i can enjoy walking him as he got that bad i did not want to walk him thank you chris for an excellent job x


I can highly recommend Chris at CAD dog training and behavioural Modification. My family rescued a 4 year old German Shepherd called Susie at the beginning of this year. She lives mainly at my mum's but they go away a lot so she stays with me and my three young children one being a baby. She has always been brilliant with the children but very reactive on walks with other dogs as she was never socialised as a puppy. We had a session with Chris and tried to put everything into practise but Susie was still barking lots and was hard to control. Giving her back was never an option for us and the children fell in love with her and a dog becomes a family member in our household but there were times where we thought we couldn't do this anymore. She was not massively aggressive but when people see a big dog barking they always think the worst. We decided to send Susie to stay with Chris and his dog's for a week. He then came to us and did a session with Susie and this made all the difference. Chris always says, ' Be firm but fair' and that she needs clear boundaries but also lots of stimulation like scent work etc. We have been working on all this and I can now walk her with the pushchair and enjoy going on walks with her. We now re-direct her with a kong and although she still has her moments she is turning into a brilliant family pet. We still have a way to go but Chris gave us the tools and the support to keep persevering with her. Thanks again Chris and we will keep you updated on her progress.

More about Cad Dog Training And Behavioural Modification

Cad Dog Training And Behavioural Modification is located at Lower Town Street, LS13 Leeds
07803 837970
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -