Calderdale Fc

Sports Club
5 star rating

About Calderdale Fc

Calderdale FC is a football club based in Calderdale, West Yorkshire



Ability Counts fixtures on Sunday 10th March are to be played at St John Fisher school in Dewsbury, 11-3.
We will be playing on grass & shinpads are compulsory.
If you haven't already done so, please confirm your availability?
... I'm not able to be at this one unfortunately, so will need someone to take responsibility on the day - our good friends at Greetland Goldstars Ability Counts Adults Teams & Mental Health & Isaac from Huddersfield Town Foundation will be there too, so yoo won't feel all on your own. 😁⚽️
Good luck, I will let you know fixtures, etc when they come out. Cheers, Mark.
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Calderdale Creative Minds FC team for Saturday (9th Feb) is:
Abdullah, Elias, Esmail, Fandishe, Haben, Hashim, Louis Benoit, Mamadou Diallo, Mark Wisbey, Mohammed, Osman, Paul Willis, Samhail, Shawn Frewin, Suliman.
Meet at Calderdale College Inspire Centre for 2pm; we will be playing 11 a-side against Andy's Man Club on the 3g pitch, shin pads are compulsory.
... Creative Minds FC are proud to offer a Pay what You Can approach to playing, so match fees are £1, £2 or £5 depending on what you can afford.
If you can't make it for any reason please let me know asap.
Cheers & see you all on Saturday.
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Our Monday night Creative Minds FC sessions in Calderdale at the College continue to go from strength to strength with 18! attending this week.
As a result we have arranged the group's first ever 11 a-side match against Andysmanclub fc at Calderdale College's 3g pitch at the Inspire Centre.
it will be a 2:30 ko on Saturday 9th February 😁⚽️


I will not be able to attend the next round of Ability Counts fixtures scheduled for Sunday 18th Nov @ St John Fisher, Dewsbury - is anyone willing to be in charge for this one or shall I let them know Creative Minds FCwon't be able to attend this one - this event is for grading games and has no points attached to the league events which will start in Feb 2019.


Just to let you all know that Paul Willis has kindly agreed to deliver the next 4 Monday sessions at Calderdale College for us, whilst I take a back seat to concentrate on getting batter. Thanks Paul Willis


‪Tomorrow sees the West Riding Ability Counts season start for 2018/19 grading games - good luck to all the teams involved 😁⚽️‬ Greetland Goldstars Ability Counts Adults Teams & Mental Health


Ability Counts League - Rules for this season 2018/19


Ability Counts Fixtures for Sunday 14th October @ St John Fisher, Dewsbury


We have a new email


I'm delighted to announce that Creative Minds FC have been accepted into the The Social Inclusion Football League. they are monthly fixtures 5 a-side taking place on Friday's during the day. Our first fixtures will be on Friday 19th October. For more info or to let me know you're interested in playing give me a shout. Cheers Mark.
#footballtherapy Mental Health Football Association


Dates for your diaries people - these are for the Adults Ability Counts fixtures I don't know anymore than this at the moment
14/10/18 Grading Day 1 Proposed Venue; Dewsbury (TBC) 18/11/18 Grading Day 2 Proposed Venue; Dewsbury (TBC) 03/02/19 WRACFL – Round 1 Proposed Venue; TBC... 10/03/19 WRACFL – Round 2 Proposed Venue; TBC 21/04/19 WRACFL – Round 3 Proposed Venue; TBC 12/05/19 WRACFL – Round 4 Proposed Venue; TBC 23/06/19 WRACFL – Round 5 Proposed Venue; Salts (TBC)
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Exciting news! 18+ We have a new Monday night mental health and wellbeing 7 a-side footie session starting Monday 24th Sep, 5-6 on the astroturf at Inspire Centre, Calderdale College (see poster for more info) Crea Tive Minds

More about Calderdale Fc
