Connor Hall Fitness

Monday: 05:45 - 20:00
Tuesday: 05:45 - 20:00
Wednesday: 05:45 - 20:00
Thursday: 05:45 - 20:00
Friday: 05:45 - 19:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 14:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00

About Connor Hall Fitness

I am a certified personal trainer to help anyone achieve their desired fitness goals. Whether that be Weight loss, bodybuilding, strength training etc. . .



Some Monday motivation right here for you. Real people achieving real Results! Not a random guy in speedos with his abs out I’m afraid since every other person does😂🤷‍♂️
Shoutout to one of my body recomposition members Daniel Walding🙌👌
Weight lost: 16 pounds🙌
... Inches lost: 21.75 Inches🙌
Dan has worked extremely hard and has been very consistent with his training and nutrition since the start and that’s why he’s achieved some fantastic results so far!
Week 6 has now started for the group today!
Keep your eyes peeled👀👀 as there will be another course coming up for the build up to summer🙌👌
Limited spaces available, with places for the next course already filling up👌
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Workout 5 completed for the body Recomp team this week🙌
More pounds dropped, inches lost, strength increasing and they are all as happy and as motivated if not more than they were at week 1🙌
3 weeks to go team let’s do this💪💯


Shoutout to CHF member and my client Aimee Mobbs 🙌💯
Aimee has been training with me for 5 weeks now and I’m so proud of the results she’s achieved so far!
New to the gym environment can be scary and daunting especially when it’s busy! But having the right support and guidance from myself and her partner Tim has helped her to make some big changes in a small space of time.😃
... So far she’s now lost:📝✅
Pounds dropped: 6 1/2 pounds🙌
Inches lost: 17.5 Inches🙌

This is all been from following a simple but effective plan with her nutrition and training just 2 hours a week!😊
Have a plan, stick to the fundamentals consistently and results will achieved!👍💯
Great work Aimee keep up the great work💪🙌
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Another great session from the functional circuit team on Saturday!🏋️‍♀️💪
Big turnout as always🙌🙌


HELP YOURSELF BY HELPING OTHERS!!🙌💯 Being authentic, building trust, providing value are key to getting results!
BODY RECOMPOSITION COURSE: (4 weeks gone the half way stage has been completed)
... What a first 4 weeks it has been for the CHF Body Recomposition team.
I couldn’t of asked for a better group of people to coach/mentor and all their hard work and consistency has paid off with only at the half way stage they’ve achieved some incredible results!
The support and encouragement that they give to one another is second to none and it’s great to see that I’ve now built a little community within the group!
So in the first 4 weeks what have the group achieved:
- Pounds dropped - Inches lost - increase in self confidence and self esteem. - Change In lifestyle - Structured plan with both training and nutrition. - Becoming Fitter - Getting stronger - Learning correct form and technique. - Learning that BALANCE in your life is key to results. - Planning/ preparation and been organised is key to success. - Made new friends - That it’s okay not to be Motivated all the time we all get of days! - Set a positive mindset! - Trusting your coach is a big and important factor
Hayley Cocker: 6 1/2 pounds// 18 inches 🙌
Daniel Walding: stone + 1/4 pounds// 20.25 inches🙌
Stacey Louise Walker: 5 3/4 pounds// 21.25 inches🙌
Kerry Holliday: 9.75 pounds// 20.5 inches🙌
Lisa Leighton: 3 1/4 pounds// 16.25 inches🙌
Mark Tuttle: 9 pounds// 18.75 inches🙌
Brionagh Gilmour: 1 stone 19 inches🙌
Vicky Howarth: 9.25 pounds// 19 inches🙌
Andrew Wallace: 10.25 pounds// 22.5 inches🙌
Louise Frain: 6 pounds// 22 inches🙌
Tracey Hunter Agar: 4 pounds// 20.75 inches🙌
Charlotte Elizabeth Stanley: 8.5 pounds// 18.625 inches🙌
Stephen Hoyle: (Helen): 10.75 pounds// 22.5 inches🙌
Rob Earnshaw: 8.5 pounds// 17.25 inches🙌
Julie Hutchinson: 4.5 pounds// 8 inches🙌
Peter Jackson: 3 pounds// 12.25 inches🙌
Just waiting on the last 4 members of the group for their weight and measurements!👌
So what a first 4 weeks it’s been!
Keep up the great work team we’ve certainly created something special here😀👌
Bring on the week 5👍
Keep up the great work team your all winners🏆🏆
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Great work from my client and good friend Andy Rowan in his session tonight🙌💯.
Tonight he got New PB (personal best) on his Barbell Back Squat 130kg for 5 reps💪🏋️‍♀️


The big question I get asked my members in the gym, close friends, family etc... on how I stay MOTIVATED day In day out working the long hours I do!
One of the most common questions is How can I get more motivated??
... Well let me tell you why...
Look... your asking for the wrong thing. It’s not Motivation that your missing...
What your missing is clarity of vision and singularity of focus.
When your clear about what you want in life then motivation becomes effortless.
If your unclear about what you want then Motivation is always fleeting.
Your spending more time scrolling through other peoples social media thinking you can get motivated by their goals, their dreams, their experiences and their possessions instead of getting clarity on YOUR goals, dreams and ambitions.
The best Motivation is self motivation and that comes from been crystal clear on what you want and when you want it by- that’s when you’ll be fiercely focused and driven to achieve it!
The people that achieve whatever they want out of life they use others as guides not goals!
Use your own self Motivation to create your own happiness!
As been healthy and happy they are the most important factors in life🙌
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Week 3 has now come to an end for the Body Recomposition team and Sunday groups results are now in!👌💯
Once again I’m so pleased with there results. Here is how many pounds and inches they have lost in the first 3 weeks🙌👌
... Brionagh Gilmour🙌
Weight lost: 10.25 pounds Inches lost: 15.75 inches (3.25 inches from her waist)
Vicky Howarth:🙌
Weight lost: 7.25 pounds Inches lost: 14 (4.5 inches of her waist)
Louise Frain:🙌
Weight lost: 5 pounds Inches lost: 19.75 inches(6.5 inches of her waist)
Charlotte Stanley🙌
Weight lost: 5.5 pounds Inches lost: 19.75 inches (4.25 inches of her waist)
Dan Walding:🙌
Weight lost: 11.25 pounds Inches lost: 18.75 inches (4.5 inches of waist + 4 inches lost of hips)
Time is flying can’t believe this time next week will be the half way stage!
Workout 5 of week 3 completed for the group🏋️‍♀️
When you as the coach give your clients 💯 commitment, effort and support and in return your client gives you 💯 back and takes your advice on board that’s when the magic happens!
There’s no magic pill to getting results, apart from applying the Finley fundamentals consistently over a period of time!
Good work team hope you all have an amazing weekend😀👌
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So half of the body recomposition team have now completed workout 5 the last workout of the week and completed week 3👍🙌
The group have done absolutely amazing so far and there is a few people within the group who deserve a special mention after achieving some unbelievable results so far🙌
... Kerry Halliday: 🙌✅ Weight lost: 8+ 1/4 pounds Inches lost: 17.12 Inches
Helen Stanley: 🙌✅ Weight lost: 7 pounds Inches lost: 22.25 Inches
Mark Tuttle:🙌✅ Weight lost: 7 pounds Inches lost: 15 inches
Andrew Wallace:🙌 Weight lost: 7 3/4 pounds Inches lost: 17 Inches
I’m so proud of all the group as I know it’s been a tough week for them all with the workouts that i set them this week.
Next week (week 4) the group will be working on uni-lateral training, fixing imbalances, and working on the posterior chain. Not just about getting results but it’s also about learning and giving the group new ideas🙌
Looking forward to getting the Sunday group in tomorrow to get them Weighed and measured and to put them through workout 5🏋️‍♀️
3 weeks done 5 to go💯💪😀
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Single leg skipping👍
This is a lot harder than it looks😂💦


10 Things that require zero talent🙌💯
1. Being on time
2. Effort
... 3. Energy
4. Passion
5. Doing extra
6. Work ethic
7. Body language
8. Right Attitude
9. Being coachable
10. Being prepared
Time is flying and it’s nearly the end of week 3 for the body recomposition team🙌
The RESULTS they’ve achieved so far is incredible and that’s all down to the fundamentals and then 10 point that I’ve outlined above!
Building a brand, building in a community, bringing a group that want to achieve the same goal to help, encourage and support one another to help each individual to test and push themselves both mentally and physically to Achieve the best results!
The group are well ahead of schedule and that’s all down to their hard work, effort, consistency, taking my advice on board and with just how much support they give to each other within the group🙌
The workouts this week have been stepped up a notch👍
Looking forward to their weekly check in and seeing how much they’ve progressed this week🙌🙌
Connor Hall Fitness
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Finished off my Upper Body Workout with some skipping at the end🙌👌
The benefits of skipping:🙌🙌
Helps to promote fat loss✅
... Helps improve cardiovascular fitness✅
Has lower impact on the joints compared to other physical activities✅
Helps to develop muscle definition✅
Skipping can help improve your coordination✅
It’s a full body workout✅
Great to Incorporate in part of HIIT Workout🏋️‍♀️✅
Skipping doesn’t have to be performed in a gym environment. Can be done outdoors, home or even when your away on a holiday or vacation!
If you don’t know how to skip practice or get someone to help you learn✅👌
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Great work from my client Jess who has been working really hard especially in the last few weeks. Jess has been progressing really well, losing weight and getting a lot stronger across all of her lifts. 🏋️‍♀️
Jess is now able to:🙌💯
Perform a BW pull up✅
... perform BW chin ups for reps.✅
Can squat 95kg barbell squat for reps✅
Incline bench press 40kg for reps and she’s now moved onto 20kg dumbbells.✅
She can Barbell shoulder press 37.5kg for reps.✅
Leg press 180kg for reps✅
Deadlift 90kg for 6 reps✅
RDL 50kg for reps✅
That’s just to name a few exercises of what we’ve covered throughout our sessions🙌
Keep up the great work Jess your making some amazing progress. Keep it going👌🙌
Mini video of what we get up to in our sessions🏋️‍♀️💯
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Great work from both my clients Aimee and Tim in their session yesterday🙌
Both Aimee and Tim Train together in my PT sessions. We thought with Aimee been new to the gym that by having Tim joining in with her PT sessions it would give her the extra support she needed and to make her feel more relaxed and comfortable.🙏😊
Aimee has never experienced been in a gym environment but shes now 6 sessions and she’s already made some great progress!!
... Weight lost: 5 1/2 pounds✅
Inches lost: 7.75 inches✅
She’s getting stronger, fitting into clothes she couldn’t be before, gaining more confidence and she’s happy and Motivated to keep progressing!🙌🙌
Great work Aimee keep up the great work and thanks Tim for giving Aimee the extra support🙌
Couples that train together, stay together😉🏋️‍♀️🙌
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Working on those single leg box jumps this evening after completing workout 2🏋️‍♀️ of week 3🙌


This is a message for more people that need to hear👊💯
You already have EVERYTHING you need to make it to the top.
You don’t need rich parents, college or uni education, financial assistance or a handout from anyone.
... Wake up everyday and take massive action on the things that move the needle and never make excuses or feel sorry for yourself.
You’re a f*ckin badass. Go do what badasses do.
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So proud of this guy Mark Tuttle who has kicked off his fitness journey too an absolute flyer🙌😀
So since the body recomposition course started just over 2 weeks ago...
Mark has achieved some awesome results in such a short space of time!
... Weight dropped: 7 pounds✅🙌
Inches lost 15✅🙌
Mark has never had any gym experience but he wanted to find a gym and someone who would guide, help and support him to help him achieve the best results he can and to become the best Version of himself.
We all know what a gym environment can be like when first start out. It can be very intimidating, scary and also lonely if you don’t any help, guidance or support.
But myself and other members of my body recomposition group have been amazing we’ve supported, encouraged, help him learn and develop his knowledge within his workouts helping perform correct technique and guided and given further support with his nutrition.
But the results speak for themselves!
Here’s what he had to say...
“so far about his fitness journey ‘Amazing Teamwork all hard working the difference in everyone of us is truly amazing anyone thinking of doing Connor Hall body recomposition course do it 😁 it’s truly amazing hard work but so worth it amazing friendly atmosphere here Thankyou 🙏 “
Surround yourself with positive like minded people who bring out the best In you and you can bring the best of them!🙌
So proud of you buddy keep up the fantastic work this is just the beginning buddy👌🙏
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Week 2 results are in and what can I say it’s been another successful week🙌
This week the group together have lost...
... 68.5 pounds✅
93.74 inches✅
These first 2 weeks have been amazing and it’s been a pleasure working with such a fantastic group of people who are always working hard to become the best Versions of themselves!
Have a plan, trust your coach, work hard, be consistent, be patient and surround yourself with positive people and the results will come✅
Only 2 weeks the group are certainly well ahead of schedule towards achieving the results they want🙌
The body recomposition team will be in tonight to start of workout 1 of week 3🏋️‍♀️👌
So in total for the first 2 weeks the group have lost a whopping
170.25 pounds✅😮
212.5 inches lost✅😮
Im one proud coach who can’t keep a smile of my face as I know how much this group of people want to achieve the best results they possibly can!
Keep up the great work guys bring on week 3🙌🏋️‍♀️
Connor Hall Fitness
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Great session this Sunday morning from the last group of my body recomposition group for the week in which we completed workout 5🏋️‍♀️ and the last workout for week 2💪.
All this weight and measurements are now my and I’m absolutely buzzing with the results that the group have achieved not just with the pounds dropping and inches lost but all them are getting fitter, stronger and much more confidence and set belief😀😀
I will posting the groups results of week 2 in terms of lost and inches lost!💯👍
Then the results combined from week 1 and week 2🙌
It’s great to see them all working hard but most importantly having FUN and trusting the process🙌🙌
#bodyrecompostion #connorhallfitness
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no pain no gain!

Connor makes the pain of the day after doms well worth it in the end especially for the result you want! Connor takes your ambitions and abilities into consideration, he helped me regain my strength after a ruptured achilles tendon. Iv lost a great amount of weight with Connors guidance and coashing and also Gained a great friendship also! Highly recommended him to many people and friends and hopefully my dad will be jumping on board soon too! ��


When I first started with Conner Hall I had stopped making progress by myself, but in the few short months Iv had sessions with him my body shape has improved dramatically. He will push you beyond what you believe your limits to be and if you give Conner the 110% effort he asks for, you will notice and feel the results a lot sooner than you would expect.


Top PT and top guy. If you want an easy session Connor is not your man � but if you want results and some banter with your training try him out. �


Quality diet plans and quality results, CH fitness has been working on a diet plan for my mum for a few weeks now and she has had immediate results, with half a stone lost in the first week loosing more and more each week she has never been happier with the results, would highly recommend to anybody!


If you are looking for results Conner is your man, he pushes you every session to get the best from you. Conner is really supportive and really knows what he is talking about. Go on give him a go you won’t regret it!!


I highly recommend CHF! I've been training with Connor for 9 months and he's really pushed me to reach my goals in weight loss and gain confidence. The pt sessions and program of workouts are always varied and challenging, sometimes even fun!


Connor is a great personal trainer pushes you to the max and gives great advice diet plans etc. Would Deffo recommend booking sessions with him top lad too


Connor is a dedicated, knowledgeable and professional personal trainer that gives you a first class service.

His PT classes are ruthless, great fun and he’s always thriving to create a brilliant team atmosphere.

Would I recommend , absolutely, he’ll give you the perfect plan to ensure you achieve your results � � � � �


Connor Hall Fitness is class. Just started back at the gym again and he listed the best exercises for me to do to work specific muscle groups around the body. It sounds so simple but he went out of his own time to do this. Quality lad with a great attitude towards others. Would highly recommend him!


Been training with Connor for about 4 weeks now, the training is hard but worth it and so enjoyable, If you want someone to test your limits and help you with any fitness project you've got going on, he's your man ���

More about Connor Hall Fitness

Connor Hall Fitness is located at Connor Hall Fitness Studio, WF17 8nn Leeds
Monday: 05:45 - 20:00
Tuesday: 05:45 - 20:00
Wednesday: 05:45 - 20:00
Thursday: 05:45 - 20:00
Friday: 05:45 - 19:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 14:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00