Ddj Personal Training

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Ddj Personal Training

Are you …
- Struggling with your weight?
- Finding it hard to stay motivated?
- Wanting to improve your fitness?
- Not sure what to do?

I'm here to help!

Offering Personal Training at:
- Huddersfield Sports Centre
- Scissett Baths & Fitness Centre



Just keep working as hard as you can! You'll get there!


Training problems!


A trainer can give you advice, help you with staying motivated, educate and enlighten, give you exercise programmes, give you nutrtion plans, check up on you, help you get in the right mind-set ... But they can't hold your hand 24/7. A lot of getting the results is down to you and how much you want it! You got what you put in


It's quality, not quantity that counts. Pushing your body, your muscles, through enough load to make them change. 100's of reps with tiny weights, using improper form, only performing half-reps, these won't do it. The only way to do it by pushing yourself


Because those Easter Eggs won't run themselves off!


Have you given up on those New Year's Resolutions? Or are you still going strong?


Fitness isn't just the time you spend training, it takes preparation , dedication and determination. It's not that workout or that class it's 24/7 so don't kid yourself into thinking that blasting the gym for 2 weeks will give you the results you want.
This is my prep just for this afternoon!


Motivational Monday - Don't let what other people think stop you doing or getting what you want. Be unique, be different, stand out and be yourself.


Motivational Monday - The workout is only part of it - no amount of gym time can out-train a bad diet. Eat clean train dirty


Motivational Monday - If you want something, then stop giving up and go get it! You'll be glad you did!


Motivational Monday - some pictures from Spartan Race on 4th July. Just a reminder to never give up, never stop, because when you get to where you want to be you won't ever look back!


Motivational Monday - Take all those negative words away - can't, won't , don't - and forget about them. Can, will, do - positive thinking yields positive results!


Motivational Monday - different strokes for different folks! Don't judge my healthy lifestyle choices!


Motivational Monday - If you are taking steps to being healthy, don't let anyone or anything stop you. If you falter, get back up - we're only human but persistence and hardwork are what pay in the end


Motivational Monday - don't let anyone else tell you what you can or cannot achieve. Dedication and hard work can mean you doing something you never dreamed of before. Dedicated to Michellie's amazing win at Pink Collar boxing last weekend


Motivational Monday - Whatever is happening in your life, there is always a reason to train.


Motivational Monday - A workout will make a bad day better. It releases endorphins and gives you more energy. Exercise also helps relieve stress and symptoms of depression.


Motivational Monday - That 1 hour you spend in the gym won't do anything if you don' t look after it the other 23

More about Ddj Personal Training

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -