Diligent Fitness

About Diligent Fitness

personal training studio in Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley Leeds

Diligent Fitness Description

Diligent Fitness is a personal training and small group training studio in Rodley, Leeds. We believe life's just better when you're fit and healthy. So we've made the journey to better health and fitness more personal, manageable and more enjoyable than going it alone. Our mission at DF is to help you achieve the health and fitness goals that are important to you, no matter how big or small.



Quick Update; We've Moved!
It's been 7 years for us at the Rodley studio where DF began. And it has been a great foundation for us to help people with their fitness.
But we're ready to up our game.
... So, it's been super busy the last few months preparing the DF community for the relocation and we're just about there.
Our new address is;
Diligent Fitness, Unit 1 1912 Mill, Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley, LS28 5UJ
Looking forward to helping you improve your health & fitness at our new home in 2019 and beyond!💪
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functional training just got real


Here's a frustration pretty much anyone who's ever tried to do a pull-up can relate to!
And here's how to finally make progress towards your first pull-up...
And if you're already there - what made the biggest difference to your progress?


If you do one thing today, give this hip stretch a go...
Stretching your hip flexors gives relief from discomfort AND can also improve your posture whilst providing stress relief. Here's how:


You're putting in the miles but your running times just aren't where you want them to be...
One simple thing could make all the difference - check out this week's post to discover more.
Do let me know how you get on with 'the test'!
... Lyz
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Sooo frustrating when an injury holds you back from looking or feeling your best. Fortunately Coach Lyz has got your back 👊
Check out today's post on injury - what to do when you have pain, what's going on behind the scenes, and - most importantly - how and when to gradually ease back into exercise;
https://diligentfitness.co.uk/my-shoulder -hurts-i-cant/


Had a blinding insight into why it's so hard to lose weight even when you're 'eating healthily'.
I'd been to M&S, picked up a sandwich and fruit salad for lunch.
Having demolished the sandwich I was just about to finish off the fruit when a tiny sticker on the front caught my eye.
... It simply said;
"Contains 4 Oranges"
Hmmm, wouldn't of thought twice about finishing the pack before I saw this.
Lesson learned - if you're trying to lose bodyfat, always check the portion size on the label. Even for healthy foods ;)
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Great work to superstar Kam for organising an awesome charity workout today in aid of Candlelighters. And to all those who came along to support the cause - respect 🙌


Hmmm, perhaps a case to be made for never getting started ;)


You kinda get used to this perspective of DF after pushing the sled ;)


One of the most common challenges we hear (and sorry ladies, you’re the worst for this :) ) is busy people struggling to make time for themselves and their goals.
Especially when it comes to looking after our body with exercise (something that's hard at the best of times!).
Seems like everyone else’s agenda comes first.
... But as a result we end up feeling trapped in a body we’re just not happy with.
So, in today's post we'd like to share one small step to being more consistent with exercise.
Check out today's post here;
http://diligentfitness.co.uk/how-to-be-mo re-consistent-wit…/
If you're already doing it I'm sure you're on the fast track to seeing great results.
If not, then hopefully it's a way you can start seeing some progress with your own health and fitness goals :)
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...That face when your trainer tells you that your session's still on at the gym 🙄. Yep - if you can walk to DF this eve I'll see you at 6! ❄️☃️⛄KI




Let’s face it, we’ve got more demands on our time than ever before.
And at the same time, staying fit and healthy as we age is still important.
So in today’s post we share 6 tips to help you maximise any time you do spend exercising. Leaving you with more time for the things you love.
... Check out the post here: http://diligentfitness.co.uk/6-tips-help- spend-less-time-e…/
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Finally! A walk to the gym and back. Run around the park several times. Walk around park again with dog. What did you have to do to get enough steps in???


Today's morning snack... humous, rice cakes, carrot, cucumber and Innocent Invigorate green smoothie 🥕🥒🍏


Mild peril (10cms from ground 😬) at Armscliffe Crag. Thought we might see you here Kasha & Ralph


Have you ever looked back at your holiday photos and thought Ughhhh!
If you're feeling the post-holiday blues (combined with being a little heavier than you'd like!) today's post is a great resource to help get your health and fitness back on track;
http://diligentfitness.co.uk/get-fitness- back-track-holida…/

More about Diligent Fitness

07766 808 553