Duvet Covers Etc

About Duvet Covers Etc

Online retailer of duvet covers, sheets, valances, pillowcases, curtains, cushion covers, cushions, novelty rugs and much much more



On October 6th 2017, Duvet Covers Etc will be celebrating 11 years of trading and things have really changed over those 11 years. Back when we started we set out to provide quality products and different designs all delivered to your door with a great service level. These days of course, everyone will deliver almost anything direct to your door. Furthermore, the market place has changed to become almost totally price focussed as a result of consumer demand. There have been a ...few side effects of this drive for cheaper products. I am sure many of you have noticed that the size or quality of the products you buy has fallen. With major retail chains demanding ever cheaper goods, companies have reacted by reducing their ranges for example. These days unless a company can guarantee sales to a couple of the major chains, products simply are not made. This means that we can no longer source products that you can't get everywhere else. It is also why it no longer matters where you shop as everyone sells the same old rubbish - only the name over the shop door is different. Then there is the quality issue! I am sure you have all noticed your shrinking chocolate bars and small pack sizes, well the same is true for bed linens. We used to regularly source embroidered products or those embellished with sequins, all on high thread count fabric, whereas today almost everything is poor quality rotary print on a low thread count fabric. That is not what Duvet Covers Etc is all about. I cannot forsee any change in direction in the future either. Our tiny chocolate bars have probably been produced in Poland and imported and this will likely continue, our clothes will continue to be made by Bangladeshi children in sweat shops and it will become increasingly difficult to speak to a real person, one who actually speaks your language, when you have a problem. Therefor I can no longer see a reason for Duvet Covers Etc to continue to trade as we are. It is with some sadness therefor that I am announcing the imminent closure of the Duvet Covers Etc website. I would like to thank all our many customers of the last 11 years for their support, and wish you all the best for whatever future this world holds for us. Mr. G Kempton - Director and founder of Duvet Covers Etc
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Experienced Tape Edgers required urgently. Call 01924764907 during office hours for more details


Check out this Yorkshire made mattress. https://sublimemattress.com/ £50 off this weekend 1sr April too!


We now have the kids Robots bedding in stock. http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/index.asp …


Lazy Daisy 3D photographic print duvet sets now available in single at £11.95 or double at £16.95 (plus one off £3 P+P) http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/index.asp …


Sorry, couldn't resist posting this.


City Scape - suitable for all ages http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/index.asp …


The ever popular Canterbury range available from www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk also comes in a red and cream colourway - and there are towels to match the duck egg one.


Available to order today at www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk


Canterbury Towels


The full range of Canterbury Towels is back in stock again. http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/towels-an d-ponchos-15-c.asp


There are curtains too. http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/66x22-by- 72x22-its-a-goal-f…


There is a board on Pinterest too. http://www.pinterest.com/e…/featured-bo ard-duvet-covers-etc/


our QR


OK, so Duvet Covers Etc is now on Twitter. @DuvetCoversEtc


The Keep Calm design is once again back in stock. There is a new Grey colour, and the makers have changed their mind and decided to continue with the Cerise and Teal - so 5 colours now available http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/double-ke ep-calm-its-time-f…


Quite pleased with this design. Comes in a Toddler Size (cover 120cm by 150cm, pillowcase 40cm by 60cm), Single, Double and matching curtains. Prices start at just £8.49 + P+P http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/fire-engi ne-ambulance-polic…


Also saying goodbye is Lola in the black and beige (which is a little darker than the picture suggests). Single £8.95, double £12.95 and king £16.95. Very limited stocks left. http://www.duvetcoversetc.co.uk/double-be ige-white-black-lo…

More about Duvet Covers Etc

07931 208074