Eli'S Fitness

About Eli'S Fitness

One to one personal training
Group training
Nutritional advice
Weight loss
body fat reduction
muscle tone and development
body confidence



Training glutes is the key to lifting heavier, preventing injuries and improving overall performance. If you suffer from lower back pain, hip or knee pain, working the glutes can help fix that too! There are four glute-training categories: 📍 hip hinging - including any deadlift variation ... 📍 lateral movements such as walking sideways with a band around the ankles 📍 hip thrusting - extending your hips with the upper back supported shown in the video
Interested fact! A study published in the Journal of Applied Biomechanics compared the hip thrust with the classic back squat, concluding that the thrust activated the entire glute region and part of the hamstrings better than performing squats did! Why not give it a go? - - - - 📧 eliska.cyprova@yahoo.co.uk 📲 07518997800
#personaltraining #onlinetraining #puregym #glutes #trainig #fitness #weighttraining
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How to do it? You squat by bending your hips and knees while the bar rests on your upper back. ... Squat down until your hips are bellow your knees. Keep your knees out and lower back neutral. Then squat back up. Lock your hips and knees at the top. Squats work your whole body. Your legs bend and straighten to move the weight. Your abs and lower back muscles stabilize your trunk while your legs move. Your upper back, shoulders and arms balance the bar on your back. Many muscles work at the same time not just your legs. Proper squat form is key to avoid knee and back pain.
The benefits?
📍Gain strength 📍Build muscles 📍Burn fat 📍Increase fitness 📍Increase endurance and explosiveness 📍Strengthen bones and joints 📍Increase flexibility and improve balance And there is a lot more....
Happy safety squatting! :))
#personaltraining #onlinetraining #weighttraining #squats #fitness #puregym #leeds #lets #do #it
📧 eliska.cyprova@yahoo.co.uk 📲 07518997800
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• PLAN YOUR WORKOUT AHEAD - know exactly what you are going to do • BE STRATEGIC WITH TIMING - if you always end up skipping out on your cardio, then do it when you first get to the gym or do it on "off days" It's not necessarily when you do it just don't skip it... • FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND - don't read a magazine or a book while working out. You won't get fit while doing cardio and working out. You can only focus on one thing at a time so make it your workout • DO YOUR WARM UP - doing a dynamic warm up will increase mobility, decrease a chance of injury and prepare your body's systems for the task at hand • WORK IN SPRINTS - incorporate sprints into your normal run or as their own workout session. They will help with building muscles in your legs • MIX IN BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES - try mixing in bodyweight exercises between your runs. This will break up a "boring session" and add a strength building component to your workout • FIGHT THE URGE TO STOP - ignore that voice in your head that tells you to slow down or take a break. Fitness is a discipline • ACTUALLY COOL DOWN - bring your heart rate back down. This will improve your recovery process and progressively slow the body down after an intense session. • KEEP TRACK OF YOUR ROUTINES - keep track of how far you went and the tempo you used to get there • BECOME CONSISTENT - get into a routine and stick with it. Develop a process from warm up to cool down • GET OUTSIDE - when the weather is nice take your cardio outside. What's a better way to exercise, get some fresh air and explore beautiful places and surroundings in your area?
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People often ask me what exercise is the best for back, arms,abs etc..and what muscles they are engaging. So here is an example of few exercises per each muscle group. Hope it gives you better understanding of the exercises you should include in your training programme.
... Like & share to help more people achieve their goals!
For more information about training, programmes or nutrition advice get in touch!
eliska.cyprova@yahoo.co.uk 0751899790
#puregymbramley #leeds #personaltraining #strengthtraing #weighttraining
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☆ HAMSTRINGS☆ What exercises do you do when training legs? Most people never train their backside with the same level of intensity that they do their front. What do your hamstrings actually do? They extend your hips (push them forward)... They flex (bend) your knees They posteriorly tilt your pelvis (rolling it back) Hamstrings also control and help stabilize your body during the opposing motions. There are essentially two ways to effectively train the hamstrings: Exercises that take the hip from a flexed to extended position Exercises that take the knee from an extended to flexed position.
On this picture I'm doing one of my favourite hamstrings exercises at the moment but Romanian deadlift Single leg Romanian deadlift Good mornings Kettlebell swing Glute ham raises are also great exercises to hit your hamstrings! Give it a go!
Eli's Fitness email me @ eliska.cyprova@yahoo.co.uk Or message me 07518997800
#personaltraining #strengthtraing #puregym
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We all need to eat plenty of protein foods every single day to keep our metabolism running, our energy up and our blood sugar levels stable. Protein is used in every single cell in our body and is critical for building muscle mass, supporting neurological function and aiding in digestion. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.... Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is an "macronutrient " meaning that the body needs relatively large amount of it. But unlike fat and carbs, the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. So how much protein do you need to eat in a day? The Recommended Dietary Allowance which is the minimum amount you need to be healthy is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. But if you are active, exercising, doing resistance or weight training you need much more. Consider eating 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. This amount is best for rebuilding muscle tissue and preventing muscle soreness.
Check out my 18 top protein sources!
Greek yogurt Cottage cheese Eggs Milk Whey protein Lean beef Chicken breast Turkey breast Seafood Tuna Salmon Fish Beans Lentils Nuts Peas Tofu Quinoa
Need more help or tips about the nutrition and training? Get in touch and I'll get back to you!
#personaltraining #nutritions #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #wholefood #fitness #weighttraining #puregym #getintouch
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Kettlebell training consists of whole body movement exercises improving muscle tone, body composition and strength. It focuses on movements, functional training, mobility and cardio.
• great for a fat loss ... • strengthen every muscle from head to toe • build a lean physique • extremely versatile • great cardio without killing your joints • develop functional & core strength • correct imbalances • it's enjoyable and fun
#puregymbramley #leeds #personaltraining #strengthtraing #mobility #functionaltraining #kettlebells #getintouch
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DEADLIFT - THE KING OF EXERCISES This compound movement will work the entire body and it should be included in everyone's training programme. Deadlifting will strengthen the entire back and its surrounding muscles. It's the most effective exercise for building the core strength and core stability. Correct deadlifting technique enables to hold back straight when engaging in daily activities. It has a real life application - lifting objects from the ground The deadlift will ...also strengthen all the surrounding supporting muscles of the waist, backside, hips and lower back. It develops gripping strength and it helps to develop cardio respiratory fitness. One of the main advantages of deadlifting includes overall muscle development targeting the back, gluteus maximus and surrounding hip/pelvic muscles, legs, arms, shoulders & trapezius. If you are not convinced already I will repeat again: deadlifting is essential overall muscle mass and core strength and stability exercise. It works all the major muscle groups and provide one of the best workouts possible!
#weighttraining #weightlifting #musclemass #deadliftting #puregym #leeds #personaltraining
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HEALTHY FATS!! Why are people so afraid of fat? I guess it's because for years nutritionists and doctors have preached that a low-fat diet is the key to losing weight! When we go to grocery store we're bombarded with guilt-free options: fat-free milk,yoghurt, low-fat cookies, you name it..all these low-fat options have exploded, so has obesity! How sad but that's the truth. Clearly low-fat foods haven't delivered healthy promises. The reason for that is simple: not all fat is... bad! In fact, your body NEEDS fat!! Healthy or "good" fats are essential to help manage your moods, protect your brain and heart, fight fatigue and even control your weight. Don't cut out the fat - instead learn to make healthy choices and replace bad fats with good ones that promote health and well-being. Go for: Avocados Coconuts & coconut oils Extra virgin olive oils & olives Nuts & their natural butters Seeds - sesame, pumpkin, flax, sunflower Fatty fish - salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines
Get in touch if you would like to learn more about healthy diet!
#puregymbramley #leeds #personaltraining #healthyeating #wholefood #diet #nutritions
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Don't make another unhealthy choice! Your body deserves much more! Find me @ Puregym Bramley or message me here! Free consultation Free health check Free taster session... Tips, advices, motivation
#puregymbramley #leeds #uk #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #training #motivation #hardwork #nutritions
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¿HOW HEALTHY ARE YOU? One of the most common reasons why people fail in their fat loss journey is down to doing the wrong things, not seeing results, giving up because even when they're 'trying to be healthy' it's not working...because they're doing the wrong things, because they're not taking care of themselves. Going to the gym isn't just about going to the gym, it could be about being healthy enough to be able to keep up with your kids, parents, partners, friends??? You na...me it... Take care of yourself, educate yourself on what REALLY is good for you, what you should REALLY be eating and do it! Do it now! A combination of eating right and maintaining an active lifestyle is beneficial for your body and mind and will keep you in shape in longterm.
Get in touch if you need more help or motivation.
#healthylifestyle #healthyeating #education #wholefood #elisfitness #puregymbramley
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"It's not uncommon to enter a typical gym and see a vast majority of females confined to the cardio area while all the males are latching onto the nearest barbell." The benefits of weight training far outweigh the benefits of cardio. • choose the barbell over the treadmill - you'll likely burn more calories in the end anyway • the more weight training you incorporate, the more shapely your body will be • if you find yourself stressed out...lifting can be very therapeutic ... • if you want to keep your bones healthy and strong, again choose weights over the treadmill...you'll thank yourself later • weight training with a heavy resistance, WILL NOT make females bulky, it will empower them!!
#weighttraining #resistance #heavyweights #strength
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It is not difficult to make and prep your meals! Don't make it too complicated. Stick to a real whole food. Choose a good sources of protein, fat and carbs then add your favourite vegetables. Healthy food doesn't have to be boring, expensive or not taste good! Just be creative, use simple ingredients and you're half way there! Happy cooking! :))
Get in touch if you need an advice or more inspiration!
... #puregymbramley #leeds #personaltraining #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #wholefood #nutritions
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"Do not stop, do not linger in your yourney, but strive for the mark set before you!" Most people don't like exercises that they are not good at. And that is OK but you will never get better if you keep avoiding these exercises. So my advice is, stick to these exercises you hate, keep working hard, keep practicing them, keep trying them all over again, keep pushing yourself and one day you will surprise yourself when you finish full set! Happy training! :))
... #puregymbramley #leeds #personaltraining #hardwork #dedication #commitment #fitness
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RESISTANCE TRAINING!! it's a fantastic way to lose weight! Your muscles are under more strain helping to develop lean muscle and burn extra calories! As a beginner using resistance machines might feel safer than using free weights. Resistance leg workout:... Warm up on rower for 5-10min at a steady speed. Leg press - find a reasonably heavy weight 50% of your max. rep. 4 sets of 15 reps with 30sec rest between sets. Leg extension - find a weight 50% of your max rep. 3 sets of 15 reps. Incorporate 20x bodyweight squats after completing 15 reps of leg extension. Leg curl - find a weight of your max rep. 3 sets of 15 reps. After each set do bodyweight walking lunges 10x per leg. Calf press - find a medium/heavy weight of your max rep. Do 4 sets of 20 reps. Cool down - get on bike for 10 min at steady speed to keep blood flowing. Afterwards stretch your legs.
#personaltraining #puregymbramley #leeds #resistance #training #fitness #getintouch #letsdothis
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¡Common exercise myths!
■ if you eat something you shouldn't you can make up for it with an extra cardio and still lose weight. FALSE! About 80% of what you look like is based on the food you eat. It is important to be aware of what you are eating to get results. Planning is the key. ■ men and women should use different exercises to lose weight. FALSE! ... Both men and women have the same body structure but different hormonal make ups. Men and women focus on training different parts of their bodies. Men - chest, arms, abs. Women - glutes and legs in most cases. So mix it all together! ■ women shouldn't lift heavy weights. FALSE! Women worry that lifting weights will bulk them up. This will not happen because men have higher levels of testosterone which is the key for men to lift more. If you want to get stronger and lean you need to lift heavy! ■ you should check the scale often to track the progress of your diet. FALSE! Don't rely on numbers. Muscle weights more than fat so it's common to see an increase in this when you've been doing resistance or weight training. Use 'how you feel & look' to check the progress!
#puregymbramley #leeds #weighttraining #personaltraining
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I honestly love training legs! There are plenty of exercises you can do using free weights, resistance machines or even your own bodyweight. Try this workout below. The key is to go HEAVY especially for squats to stimulate more muscle growth. Romanian deadlifts and walking lunges provide more volume and better overall leg development. Leg extension and leg curl to finish it off at the end of the session. Simple and basic exercises to make most of your training session. ● Ba...rbell back squat 5x5 ● Barbell RDL 4x8 ● Dumbbell walking lunge 4x8 ● Leg extension 3x10 ● Leg curl 3x10 Get in touch if you need any more help or advice! #puregymbramley #puregym #leeds #personaltrainer #legs #training #heavyweights #getintouch
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The sweat. The time. The dedication. It pays off! Great leg session focusing on the glutes! Someone who sits at a desk all day may have tight hip flexors which can lead to loose or weak glute muscles. To activate the glutes focus on isolation exercises: Side clams with resistance bands Hip raises with resistance bands... Donkey kickbacks with or without resistance bands Stretching the hip flexors can help with glute training as well as stretching any dominant muscles such as hamstrings before training!
#personaltraining #puregymbramley #leeds #training #dedication #fitness #getintouch
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More about Eli'S Fitness

Eli'S Fitness is located at Elmfield way, Bramley, LS13 4UD Leeds