Families Needs Fathers - Fnf North And West Yorkshire

About Families Needs Fathers - Fnf North And West Yorkshire

We provide support to parents of either sex, grandparents and wider family members following divorce and separation.

Families Needs Fathers - Fnf North And West Yorkshire Description

We are an independent support group operating as a part of Families Need Fathers’ (FNF’s) network of branches and groups throughout the UK. We provide support to parents of either sex, grandparents and wider family members following divorce and separation.

We firmly believe that both parents matter, and that children benefit from maintaining a loving relationship with both parents following separation or divorce. We run meetings and other events in our local area. We offer help and support to parents on reaching arrangements which are in their children’s best interests, and promote shared parenting after separation wherever possible.

We encourage all people who wish to support the promotion of shared parenting after separation to become members of Families Need Fathers (www. fnf.org. uk /join-us /sign-up). You can visit the national Facebook page for Families Need Fathers here: www. facebook.com/pages /Families-Need-Fathers /231208770254871

This branch operates under FNF guidelines, although opinions and views expressed on this page or at branch meetings are those of the branch's committee and do not necessarily reflect the policies and views of the charity.



Ben has had to change the date of this event to one week later, please see new date within this post.


We are delighted to announce that Ben Mc Ilwaine will be attempting a 64 mile Bike Ride from Harrogate to Scarborough on the 8th of July 2017. Ben is very kindly raising funds for FNF and if he reaches his target amount of £500 then Ben will also cycle back, raising the miles cycled to 128 miles. This is an extremely grueling challenge and we would ask that you share this with family and friends to help Ben to raise funds for the Charity. Please go to and share the following Just Giving Link and lets help Ben to help Families Need Fathers. Please see link below:
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/be n-macilwaine…


Unfortunately due to work commitments of volunteers tonights Wakefield meeting as been cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Who could put aside their differences and do this?


A mum-to-be sparked an online debate after saying partners should not be allowed to stay on the maternity ward after the birth of their child.


We have been contacted by the BBC who are making a programme on Parental Alienation. They are urgently looking for young adults who were alienated as a child and are now reconciled with the alienated parent. Applicants must be over 16.
It is very important that people become more widely aware of this terrible consequence of so many difficult separations and divorces. How many lives have been damaged? How many future generations will inherit that damage? How many future relationships will be damaged? The truth must be told.
So if you know of anyone who fits the description above and who might be prepared to take part in this programme, please let us know or ask them to do so on participate@fnf.org.uk.


She wanted her kids back? What kind of parent aims to kill their child's father to gain custody of their children!


Rocco Ritchie, 16, looks ecstatic as he emerges for the first time after father Guy wins bitter nine month custody battle with Madonna
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Rocco-Ritc hie-16-looks-ecstati… Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More about Families Needs Fathers - Fnf North And West Yorkshire

Families Needs Fathers - Fnf North And West Yorkshire is located at LS28 5LY Leeds