Fitness By Suzie

About Fitness By Suzie

Health and fitness is my passion. Let me help you find that passion for your own health and fitness. All it takes is time, effort and determination!



Don't have time to exercise? But do you have time to drink half a bottle of wine watching game of thrones on the couch? Yep....thought so.


This isn't only related to people with diabetes, it's true for everyone. Worth a read, as many people really don't seem to understand the implications of eating too much sugar.


Found on tumblr. Can't take credit for it. But I can definitely vouch for it!


Just been offered the casual hours gym instructor job that I was interviewed for last week, and fingers crossed for an initial telephone interview early next week for "health and wellness coach" in my local area. Trying to support and spread the word to people about type two diabetes prevention. Don't know much about the position itself, as in their take on that principle, and how they want it delivered, but it has the potential to be a fantastic thing to be involved in.


Yes, all true. We want it to be easy, we want to have it all without any kind of sacrifice or effort, and we want to kid ourselves that we're doing more than we are. But the upshot of accepting the truth of these things, and making the necessary changes, is that you will look and feel better than you ever have.


Not been using this page for a while. Lots been going on, and decided to have a break.
But, I'm going to resurface, lol, and continue on.


I hear opposing opinions on the rear lat pulldown, but I only incorporate it to try to mobilise my right shoulder, rear delt and the whole arm actually, after losing a lot of flexibility and range of movement over the past few years. That's due to an old injury. Loooooow weight, decent amount of reps. That's my focus at the moment! It's a move you have to be careful with, no rushing through!


Just talking about something I have recently posted here. Stop thinking that once you fall ''off the wagon'', you just throw your hands up and see yourself as a failure. Life happens!


I'm passionate about about health, fitness and being in good shape. So that means I find it easy, right? No effort involved. I eat healthily all the time. Work out every day. Make all the right choices. Right? No. Rubbish. Absolutely not. I go through rough phases. Life gets in the way, and my diet and fitness goes off the rails. Right now is the end of one of those phases. I've been very up and down with my diet (and by that, I mean what I eat every day. We're all "on a diet...". Every one of us). So I've put a few pounds of fat on, and lost my focus. What do I do now? Do I say "stuff it, may as well forget it and eat all the things and just lie around feeling bad". No. Well, at least not for more than a few days or even weeks, lol. I've had my moment. I'm over it now. Those few pounds will come back off, with a bit of time, dedication, and hard work. And I'm going to get back off my backside, and crack on. Nobody is "perfect". Nobody says no to unhealthy choices every time. Even people like me, who know exactly how all of this works will sometimes get side tracked and lose my focus. That's real life. That's the truth. But it's how you deal with those times. If you realise you've been going backwards, then jump back into it, that's absolutely fine. It happens. Forget about it and move on. If you throw your hands in the air, call yourself a failure and slump back onto the couch with yet another pizza, then you're not going to get anywhere.
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Having to scrap my Thursday evening class in batley, unfortunately. Its a shame, but I'm unable to keep it on.


My boy just made this for me, for my YouTube channel. Need to update that soon. Been busy with other stuff. But bless him, it made me smile ☺


Don't forget my special offers for Thursday evening classes at Station Rd Studios, 35-37 Station Road, Batley, WF17 5SU 6pm. Bring a friend, and they get their first class half price (£2.50) - or YOU get that class half price. That's entirely between you, who takes advantage of the offer. Or, pay in advance for three classes (£15), and get one more free. So four classes for the price of three. It seems to be getting a little lighter and a little warmer now, so there's even one less excuse!


So it's freezing cold. Yep, shocking, seeing as it's the last day of January. Ok, not so shocking then. Perfect excuse for lazing around, staying at home, and doing nothing. Nope, sorry, that won't wash with me. Do you only want to be fit and in shape for certain parts of the year? Is it ok to be a bit overweight and sluggish because the sun isn't shining? ... Is that really how it is? Well, it's minus four, and i still got off my backside and cycled to batley for my class. I'll tell you what though, i wasn't cold for long, lol. My new routine got us all pretty warm and a bit sweaty! Sure, it's a pain forcing ourselves out of the house at this time of year. I get it. I really do. It wasn't easy for me either, and I was going to work! But it's so worth it. I choose to be fit, in shape and healthy all year around, thank you very much!
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Fancy a laugh at my expense, lol? i never work to any kind of plan or script. The words just come out..... haha.

More about Fitness By Suzie

Fitness By Suzie is located at Dewsbury