Fitter Fam - Family Fitness

About Fitter Fam - Family Fitness

Fitter Fam - Personal Training and fitness for all the family!

Adults, children, groups, fitness, weight loss, nutrition advice and finally FUN!

Fitter Fam - Family Fitness Description

Enabling family fitness for everyone!



Hello Dory!!!!


For those of you out there with keen happy kiddies - give this a try! These lovely ladies are amazing (theyŌĆÖre also mad as a box of frogs and waaay too energetic!)
Great opportunity to have some fun with your kids and get fit too!
We love these girls!


Are people really still doing this??
Lose UP TO 20lbs? So if you lose 2 lbs in two weeks then itŌĆÖs classed as success - wow! ­¤śé­¤śé­¤śé­¤śé­¤śé
Watch the cholesterol though people ....... healthy eating/no diet/no gimmicks = miles better every time! ­¤śŹ
... TWTT ŌØż’ĖÅ all the way! ­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗
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Congratulations to Hayley who had her end of Transformation with the Trainer measurements done today too ........ 11lb loss and a super 18.75 inches lost!!! (to put it into perspective - thatŌĆÖs 48cm - nearly half a METRE!!!)
We always get amazing results from this 4 week plan - everyone digs in and supports each other beautifully!


We are super SUPER proud of two of our Transformation With The Trainer members who have had their measurements and weight done today!
One has lost a whopping 2 STONE and 3 pound (and 21.5 inches) and the other an even more whopping 2 STONE and 4 pound (18.5 inches)
They have stuck rigidly to our 4 week exercise and food plan (definitely not a diet!) despite being poorly, and joining us half way into week one!
... So proud right now ­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤śŖ­¤ź░
Well done Nicola and Gemma - our best results to date!! ­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­ ¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗­¤æÅ­¤Å╗
Happy birthday Gemma - enjoy your cake, choccies and cider, youŌĆÖve earned itŌĆÖ!
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So we have set ourselves a challenge for the next few weeks - whilst still keeping on with the Transformation With The Trainer exercises and meal plans with our February group, we are introducing a little bit extra ....
Steve 100 military push-ups and 50 crunches a day - not chocolate ones unfortunately ­¤śĢ day one done ­¤Æ¬­¤æŹ (hurt like a bitch ­¤ś½)
Alison 50 press-ups, 50 squats, 50 crunches and 30 glute kick backs
... Keep going TWTT group - weŌĆÖre almost half way through and youŌĆÖre all doing amazing! Half way measurements coming at the weekend ­¤æŹ, canŌĆÖt wait to see the results - youŌĆÖve been an amazing group so far x
Well done Nicola, Jean, Louise, Hayley and Gemma!!!
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First day of the ŌĆ£Transformation with the TrainerŌĆØ month ...............
Our meal plans are simple to prepare, very inexpensive and designed to fit in with the whole family ­¤æ©ŌĆŹ­¤æ®ŌĆŹ­¤æ¦ŌĆŹ­¤æ”
This pancake topped with honey, yoghurt and strawberries went down a real treat with our own little FitterFammer - we blinked, and it was gone! (and we all know you can eat much quicker with your hands!)
... Go Lillie-Mae! ­¤ÉĘŌØż’ĖÅ­¤ÉĘ
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We have our ŌĆ£Transformation with the TrainersŌĆØ WINNERS!!
As promised 4 people will be joining us as we follow a healthy eating (not diet) and exercise regime for 4 WEEKS, with full support, regular daily contact, group chats, guidance, a lot of laughs - and great results!
Weekly food and exercise plans are supplied, that change every week.
... Fit Test before and after the process.
Measurements and weight recorded at the beginning, middle and end of the journey to keep motivation going!
Starting on Monday - with THESE lovely ladies
Gemma Collins Louise Sellers Nicola Heritage
..... as a big thank you to one of our very loyal and long standing clients who had to pull out of her last Transformation when she found out she was pregnant . We would like to offer a 5th place to HAYLEY DOBSON now that she has given birth to her beautiful baby girl, and is wanting to start her health and fitness journey again.
Congratulations all of you - we are SO EXCITED!!!
Please contact us directly so we can get this month rolling ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ
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2 years ago! Our best results to date!
Rachael Russell, Amanda Howes ­¤śŹ


With those January blues almost out of the way - and February just around the corner - we are offering 4 places on our ŌĆ£Transformation with the TrainerŌĆØ completely FREE!
4 people will receive weekly meal and exercise plans for 4 WEEKS that can be done in the comfort of your own home!
We have had amazing results with clients taking part in this transformation previously, and are super excited to share it again.
... All ages, sizes, shapes and fitness levels catered for - EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Fit test will be held at the start and end of the four weeks, together with weight and measurements. The only competition you are in with is the PERSON IN THE MIRROR!
To be in with the chance of winning this amazing giveaway, all you have to do is LIKE this post, SHARE it, and TAG TWO FRIENDS who you think may be interested too.
Winners will be drawn at 8.00pm on 1st February.
Transformation will begin on Monday 4th February!
Good luck everyone - we canŌĆÖt wait to get started ­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗
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So how is your New years resolution going? Still doing it? Yes, well done ­¤æŹ No? Feel free to get in touch for a little help ­¤Öé


You already know how much we love these ladies - best of luck to you both!!!
AmaZing energy and fun - guaranteed to put a smile on anyoneŌĆÖs face!


Oh yes ..... OUCH, feel those ABS! ­¤ś│


Well sometimes we have to just take a step back and look inwards at what weŌĆÖre not seeing ..... and ..... what weŌĆÖve forgotten
Tonight we went to see a 9 year old who is having some issues with eating, anger and general anxiety.
His mum approached us asking for help - and after some lengthy discussions and information gathering, we have agreed to work with him at two 1-2-1 sessions per week, hopefully helping him (and the family) with finding alternatives to anger, getting ...his confidence back, and channeling his feelings through exercise. HeŌĆÖs looking forward to it ­¤śŖ
All the work weŌĆÖve done in the past with adults, families, children, groups, 1-2-1ŌĆÖs, children AND adults with autism, anger and behaviour issues has reinforced what the very basis of FITTER FAM was all about originally ........
Thank you for reminding us of that - Truly!
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Great day out for all the family and for a great cause ­¤æŹ


Love this idea ­¤śŹ Fitter Fam plogging? ­¤Åā­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤Åā­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÜČ­¤Å ╝ŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤ÜČ­¤ÅĮŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Śæ­¤ī│­¤īŖ< br>


Happy Friday all enjoy your carbs ­¤æŹ ­¤Öé but not too much lol

More about Fitter Fam - Family Fitness

Fitter Fam - Family Fitness is located at School Lane, WF10 4DN Castleford