Fulneck Moravian Church

About Fulneck Moravian Church

The latest information about services and events at Fulneck Moravian Church in Pudsey.



A community event run by some of the school pupils.


Our Fulneck Reads the Bible display will be on display this afternoon in the BB and again on Sunday morning in church.


This morning our organ recital included part of Daniel in Babylon by Jackson. This afternoon we are reading Leviticus and Joshua together in the Boys Brigade.


'Fulneck Reads the Bible' continued today with brilliantly performed Bible stories by the Junior pupils at Fulneck School (thanks to Trevor Auty and Allison Turner for being the judges for the House Drama competition). Now back to Deuteronomy...


Fulneck Reads the Bible is now underway. Our minister has been reading some of Deuteronomy today. It is a bit bloodthirsty in places, but is all about how the Israelites were to live as God's chosen people, never forgetting their reliance on God. What is interesting is how sacrifices are less about forgiveness and more about relationships, as they ate together in God's presence. Of course this then triggers thoughts about the Lord's Supper...


Our fantastic window displays at yesterday's Harvest Festival.


Afternoon Teas and Bible reading as part of our Fulneck Reads the Bible week.


The opening service for our week when we will be reading the whole Bible. There are a number of events through the week on a Biblical theme.


Having trouble with email attachments? Not sure about something on Facebook? Struggling with Windows 10? Fulneck residents and church members are invited to a Computer skills session tomorrow afternoon in the Sixth Form Centre. Drop in any time between 2 and 3.30pm.


Only two weeks until 'Fulneck Reads the Bible'. If you can help us to read the whole Bible in a week please put your name on the list in the Bellroom. Exactly when and where you read what you are allocated is up to you.


The Yorkshire District have organised a day retreat at Scargill House on Saturday 6th October. Full details are in the church magazine or on the poster in the Bellroom. If anyone is interested there are also copies of the registration form in the Bellroom.


Thanks to everyone who helped with our Heritage Open Day on Saturday, and to everyone who came along to see the wonderful displays.


Come and see the displays, taste the refreshments and hear about the history of the Fulneck church and settlement.


With Dr Simon Lindley. Retiring collection.


It is the last of our summer walks tonight. Rain is forecast so come prepared!


Tomorrow afternoon. Everyone welcome.

More about Fulneck Moravian Church

Fulneck Moravian Church is located at Fulneck, LS28 8NT Pudsey