Gymophobics Garforth

About Gymophobics Garforth

Your beautiful ladies weight & inch loss centre has arrived! !
Follow us for news & free health tips!

Gymophobics Garforth Description

If conventional gyms give you a phobia, then Gymophobics is the place for you and your NEW Gymophobics has arrived in Garforth.

Members feel very comfortable at Gymophobics; There are no mirrors, no pictures of the 'ideal' body, no blaring dance tunes & clunking weights. The women-only concept is also very appealing, as is the amount of personal attention that our staff offer each and every member.

Conventional gyms can be intimidating with little or no input from staff and an over emphasis on weight training, aerobics and high impact exercise. Whatever your age, if you are female and lack confidence in your figure, the last place you want to be is a gym full of stick thin super models with all their makeup applied and men grunting weights around.

Gymophobics however is different. You will have your very own personal program which is designed to give you a whole body workout in just 30 minutes, so there is no longer a need to spend hours sweating in a regular gym for results.
Gymophobics members ages range from as young as 9 to ladies in their 80's. Whatever your age, size or shape, Gymophobics makes exercise FUN even if you have never exercised before. Our unique exercise circuit features specially designed equipment with women in mind. Each machine is silky smooth to use and adjusted at the touch of a button. There are no clanking weights to negotiate. Exercise has never been so easy!

At Gymophobics you won't get lost in a crowd. Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the beautiful surroundings. Socialise with like minded people. You will love the VIP attention, and the female bias and at half the cost of most health clubs, you will even love our prices.

Most of all however, you will love the super fast results! At Gymophobics, we can boost your energy levels, shape you up and slim you down in weeks rather than months. Most women lose a dress size in the first few weeks and you can lose inches from all the right places.



Ladies, you remember our lovely newish member Margaret who become our member of the month for July well she's only gone and lost 1 stone 4lbs aswell as her amazing inch loss of 18.25.
As we tell her often shes an inspiration to others. Well done from us all at Gymophobics Margaret.


Exercise is a great natural mood enhancer and hormone stabiliser for the days when everything just isn't 'Okay'. It's even better when there's someone there to support you with your goals, to listen and to keep you company.
"Piglet?" said Pooh. "Yes Pooh?" said Piglet.... "Do you ever have days when everything feels... Not Very Okay At All? And sometimes you don't even know why you feel Not Very Okay At All, you just know that you do." Piglet nodded his head sagely. "Oh yes," said Piglet. "I definitely have those days." "Really?" said Pooh in surprise. "I would never have thought that. You always seem so happy and like you have got everything in life all sorted out." "Ah," said Piglet. "Well here's the thing. There are two things that you need to know, Pooh. The first thing is that even those pigs, and bears, and people, who seem to have got everything in life all sorted out... they probably haven't. Actually, everyone has days when they feel Not Very Okay At All. Some people are just better at hiding it than others. "And the second thing you need to know... is that it's okay to feel Not Very Okay At All. It can be quite normal, in fact. And all you need to do, on those days when you feel Not Very Okay At All, is come and find me, and tell me. Don't ever feel like you have to hide the fact you're feeling Not Very Okay At All. Always come and tell me. Because I will always be there."
Refer a friend and not only do you get a great gym buddy when they start, someone to support you, to chat to during your 30 minute workout but you also get a reward for recommending them. Remember we are always here for you too. Whenever you need a chat or a bit more support then please speak to your instructor. If things aren't going to plan that's what our regular one on one reviews are for too. Don't let the bad days get the better of you! X
#LadiesFitnessCentre #Gymophobics #gym #VIPattention #personalprogram #support #itsokaynottobeokay #fitnessjourney
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Thought for the day......Ladies...banish that bikini body expectation. Don't put pressure on yourself to look a certain way. Do a body scrub, put on some fake tan and buy swimwear that suits your body type. Eating well and exercising will make you feel more positive. Exercise is a long term investment so instead of focusing on a summer body, think about your strong functional body, the result of consistent exercise throughout the year. #bodyconfidence #gymophobics #strongisbeautiful


Your questions answered!
#AllAges #AllFitnessLevels #LadiesFitnessCentre #AwesomeAugust #GetFit #WhenIsAGymMoreThanAGym #HateGymsLoveGymophobics #NotARegularGym #Gym #Classes #NutritionalAdvice #30MinuteWorkout #PersonalProgram #VIPattention #FreeConsultations #Gymophobics


#Gymophobics #ladiesfitnesscentre #empoweringwomen #mumlife #fitnessjourney #gym #summerholidayfun #schoolsout #AwesomeAugust #summerdeal #vipattentionwithoutpersonaltrainerprices #30minuteworkout


You'd be shocked at the volume of sugar in a lot of things and you'd be even more surprised at the impact this is having on your body. Ask an instructor about our LOW SUGAR DIET and the amazing transformations this brings about.
#LowSugar #Diet #DitchTheSugar #Slimming #HealthyEating #Gymophobics #HealthyEatingPlan #FreeNutritionalAdviceForMembers #LadiesFitnessCentre #gym


We think Cathryn's smile says it all 😁 with a fantastic inch loss of 8.75" and a 5% body fat reduction in her 12 week review...Wow!!


At the heart of everything that we do for our ladies is the VIP attention & personal programme we create to achieve fantastic results. The reason we are able to do this for every lady of all ages, sizes, fitness levels & goals is because of the in depth training that our Instructors receive. Most conventional Gyms pay only lip service to staff training and even some so called Personal Trainers receive less than six weeks training to be qualified...One can only wonder just ho...w much they can really learn in such a short time. At Gymophobics however we are CONFIDENT that our Instructors are easily the best trained in the UK. Following basic training at our National Academy in Stafford, your instructors continue to study extensively via our manuals and online training programme prior to sitting their Level 1 exam. This covers physiology, anatomy, exercise prescription, diet & nutrition. Once they have achieved this qualification they continue their studies online and by attending various Courses throughout their first year, leading up to our Level 2 grade examination. Even then we leave nothing to chance, and all Instructors are required to attend refresher days at the Gymophobics Academy thereafter to refresh their knowledge and learn new updates. Our determination to provide our ladies with the best staff in the Country is what makes us so successful and is why our members achieve their goals! Come and judge for yourself. Pop in and chat to one of our wise instructors today, they LOVE to chat :)
#LadiesFitnessCentre #WhenIsAGymMoreThanAGym #HateGymsLoveGymophobics #NotARegularGym #Gym #Classes #NutritionalAdvice #30MinuteWorkout #PersonalProgram #VIPattention #FreeConsultations #Gymophobics
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We are so proud of Margaret. Member of the month for July and also an incredible loss of 18.25 inches in her first 12 weeks. What an inspiration!! ❤️


Congratulations Annie!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍


Our instructor Helen and member Jan watched their sons Sam and Jack receive degrees on Thursday and we thought it was a great opportunity to say congratulations and well done to all our graduate members, their parents, grandparents and friends. The future is yours - you can change the world!!!! ❤️


Amazing inch loss of 8.75" for our member,Sarah.Great achievement,and Sarah is feeling much fitter and stronger in herself since she joined in May 😁💪


Who’s up for #WorkoutWednesday? Let’s get those mid-week happy hormones surging!! 💚💛💚
Don’t forget to ‘check in’ when you’ve done your #30MinuteWorkout today, it will help you stay accountable, motivated & on track to your goals. X


An amber weather alert has been issued with advice to stay out of the sun and heat between 11am - 3pm. It’s nice and cool in here and in this kind of weather you really don’t want to do more than a 30 minute workout. So dash in and get yours ticked off your to do list today 💚
Not a member yet? Pop in today or PM us for a free consultation and see why everyone raves about us and our results!
#30MinuteWorkout #Gymophobics #ladiesgym #heatwave #amberweatheralert #staycool


Okay Mummy’s & Nana’s the SUMMER HOLIDAY🏖️ is here. 6 long weeks of ultimate fun right?? Right?? 🙄 Let’s be honest from the second you picked them up from school you thought how in the hell am I going to ENTERTAIN this bundle of joy now? 😅 You might already have an entire schedule jam packed with fun activities for them, you might be totally winging it or you might have several awe inspiring holidays planned. Whatever it is and however you want to spend your holiday, we jus...t wanted to remind you.. it’s YOUR summer too. With Facebook & Instagram putting massive pressure on parents to fill your feed with evidence that your children are having THE best time & making the most of their youth... just think back to your summers as a kid. Did you miss out because your parents didn’t take you to every theme park, soft play, zoo, Disneyland and more? OR did you revel in the freedom of just being able to PLAY for 6 long weeks, build dens, laze around bored, read books, ride bikes, make a mess... AND most importantly get to follow your guardian around & spend actual quality time with them? Sometimes we fill their days so much with a hectic barrage of ‘fun’ we don’t actually have the time to connect. So what we wanted to say is WHATEVER you plan on doing, we hope you enjoy it, we hope you don’t feel any pressure and we hope you don’t forget to make your health a priority too. Let your children see you popping to your 30 minute workout at least 3 times a week, it’s a great example to them. There really isn’t a reason you should be risking your health, happiness, goals & all your hard work so far. If you’ve a holiday planned ask us about your home exercise prescription. 💚💚💚 Happy summer holidays ladies! Want to share your plans?
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There's still time to come down to the White Rose and see us. We are here until Sunday. Great day yesterday chatting to lots of potential members!


What's for dinner tonight? I love a Red Thai Curry. Chuck plenty of crunchy veg in there too to make it even more filling.
#Gymophobics #ladiesfitnesscentre #recipe #diet #healthyrecipe #FREENutritionalAdvice #DinnerInspiration


Well done to our member Linda,who has achieved a fantastic inch loss of 6.25 inches 😁


Won a fb comp of a weeks free trial, lovely instructors and a great workout, really enjoyed it and looking forward to going tomora! �


When I first joined, not long after it opened, I went just to tone up a bit and feel healthier and fitter generally. More recently I've decided I really ought to lose a bit of weight too so I joined the No Diet Club which really gave me a boost. The weight and inches are coming off but more importantly I'm still loving the sessions and, with the support of the instructors, I'm getting results. Everyone is so friendly too.


This place is fab. The instructors are amazing and help with every step of your journey, highly recommended :)


Really friendly and encouraging atmosphere. I love going to Gymophobics and have seen a real difference to my size, weight and confidence since I started.


Only joined last week but I am loving it. The staff are so helpful and friendly. I would encourage any woman to join whatever your size and fitness.


Only gone and got my 1stone award . Joined on Wednesday 17th January

Thank you Helen for being so encouraging , the staff and ladies who work and attend it are fab. It's friendly and it works . Love it . So glad I joined .


Just had my first weigh in and measurements. Great results. All down to a great fitness programme by friendly instructors in a lovely environment. Would recommend to any lady to go have a look.


I joined last Monday and had my induction today! Great venue, great staff and fab atmosphere. Cant recommend it enough! Xx


I joined gymophobics in October last year after been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the March, I’m not one for sticking at the gym,as I always feel as if people judge me but gymophobics is completely different,the staff are always there for you and help you and have a laugh with you,I couldn’t recommend gymophobics garforth so much thank you all for been there xx


I joined as a follow-up to ankle operation and physio. Great individual advice so foot protected. I can now walk up and down stair, touch my toes and dance! Great instructors, definitely all ages and sizes as clients


I joined Gymophobics in February this year. Overweight and depressed, I'd had enough, and decided to do something about it.

I have also recently been diagnosed with a neurological disorder, which affects my balance and speech. This can be extremely embarrassing and frustrating for me.

However, none of this phased the amazing ladies at the Garforth branch of Gymophobics. They showed me what exercises I could do, showed me where I was going wrong, all with a sense of humour.

I also enjoy the music selection- despite being a heavy metal fan �

A comforting hug, kind words and a shoulder to cry on are also available when required.

So far, I've managed to lose around 4lb. Not a huge amount I know, but for me, it means that I can put on my old pair of jeans, and climb the stairs to the gym without getting breathless. Plus I am beginning to have confidence in myself again �

I cannot recommend Gymophobics enough.


Great gym with friendly helpful staff who encourage and advise. I'm loving it and the extra optional 5 minute blasts at the end are fab!!!


Great friendly fun place :-). Would recommend to any lady. Size age not a problem


Everyone is so understanding about your problems. Always there to help and instruct.


Different to any ordinary gym with a fun and friendly atmosphere, you will enjoy going and get fitter and make new friends at the same time.


Can't thank the lovely ladies enough for all their support and encouragement. I am not a very 'sporty' person and having MS means my balance and co-ordination aren't always great. 12 week review today..... I have lost a total of 8.75 inches, my BMI is coming down, I have dropped a dress size and am getting stronger, coping with stairs better etc. Thank you so much! Would highly recommend Gymophobics! �

More about Gymophobics Garforth

Gymophobics Garforth is located at 32a Main Street, LS25 1AA Garforth
0113 345 1919