Hania Therapies

About Hania Therapies

Yoga any time any where, visit our virtual yoga studio!

http://www. hania-therapies.com/



Come and nourish your body tonight at Yogaspace Yorkshire !!
Hatha 6-7 Yin 7.15-8.30
... DM to book your mat!
I ❤️ Wednesday
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Hair down. In jeans. Well that’s a rap for today.


Real talk: You’ve not heard much from me on this as I’ve had to spend time working to get myself healthy so I have the energy to support you guys.
Monday’s at Pendragon Community Trust is all about this!
Do you feel completely consumed and overwhelmed by your life at the moment?
... Are you at the bottom of the to do list?
Are you exhausted?
I know, you know, this is normal when family life is challenging but is it possible to offer yourself a tiny bit of respite, a tiny bit of the care you offer to everyone else around you? You are also a human who needs love, care and support as much as everyone else.
With this in mind on Mondays I offer Yin Yoga Therapy, massage and Reiki or an tailor made treatment to meet your needs on the day.
Ask yourself if this was for someone else in need would you think twice?
Also 10% off all treatments for Pendragon service users and their immediate family members.
A bit waffly today but message for to book and for more info. 🙏
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💨 Just Breathe 💨 Sunday 30th June, 11am-12.30pm Bedale Scout and Guide Hut £15
... We will be exploring how to connect with your breath to bring in a sense of calm, peace and acceptance of what is.
This workshop will introduce you to practical strategies you can use when you feel a anxious, overwhelmed or in physical pain. It will also support you to utilise your breath more effectively inter regular yoga practice and of course we will finish with a deeply nourishing relaxation.
The workshop is open to all but if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.
Only 2 spaces left so DM to book your spot!
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It’s tomorrow come to Holbeck and do yoga 7pm! 🧘‍♀️


Come and play yoga in this beautiful studio ❤️❤️❤️
Yogaspace Yorkshire
Tonight’s classes will be offering you the opportunity to drop into your body, stretch a little bit deeper and relax and quieten the mind 🙏
... Hatha 6-7 (2 spaces left) Yin 7.15-8.30 (3 spaces left)
DM to book your mat and I’ll see you Yogis later 🤸‍♀️
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Ultimately this is all I do. That’s it.


Thinking out loud...I’m currently really interested in why ‘finding’ happiness can appear like an uphill struggle, why our culture has conditioned us to work harder, do more, achieve more to ‘find’ happiness. Constantly working to up the value of you as a human product, well I’m thinking okay that’s fine but what do I want my product to be....on a core level I want to strip away all the rubbish and be exactly where I am, that’s it.
This is not re inventing the wheel it’s just... a current practice for me, it’s tricky, but I really like it!
This quote is it 🌱:
‘Our lives are are an exuberant expression of our beliefs’ -Eknath Easwaran
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This weeks class schedule so you can come and play yoga!
Northallerton and Bedale
Monday ... Pendragon Community Trust 1.45-2.45pm
Tuesday Thief Hall 10.30-11.30am The Forum 5.30-6.15pm
Wednesday Yogaspace Yorkshire Hatha 6-7pm Yin 7.15-8.30pm
Thursday Leeds hearing and sight loss service 11-12noon Slung Low 7-8pm
Which class are you coming to?? Bring a pal, more people moving their bodies would be lovely 🤸‍♀️
Prices vary on class so DM for info and to book your mat 🙏
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Tree of real life 🌱 🦶 🤚 🌱


Lovely lovely loveliness! There are a few spaces left in this evening classes Yogaspace Yorkshire it would be great to have you with us.
6-7 Hatha 7.25-8.30 Yin
... DM to ask any questions or to book
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This month! Breath workshop Sunday 30th June, 11-12.30 Bedale Scout and Guide Hut £15
... I am super excited about this workshop, we will be looking at a variety of breathing techniques that you can use in your everyday life to help manage stress levels, relax and manage pain. This workshop will also be useful to improve your regular yoga practice, enabling you to breathe deeper and with more awareness.
If you have already booked a spot you need to pay to secure your place DM me to do this.
There are only 4 spots left so if you want one it’s first come first served ☮️
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Tuesdays Yoga with a view!! Start your day with Yoga, you know you want to!
10.30-11.30 Thief Hall
... DM to book 🧘‍♀️🤸‍♀️🙏
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Yin Yoga day!! See you all later and don’t forget your blankets 🙏


Yoga for going upside down and balancing on your hands. Sat 20th July, 10-12 Bedale Scout and Guide Hut £20
... It’s back, we had such a lovely time in the last workshop we are going to do it again.
This workshop is open to all levels, all people, all bodies! If you want to come and aren’t sure ask all the questions you need.
The workshop will be playful and energising and finishing off with a nourishing relaxation.
Why wouldn’t you want to come?
DM to book 🤸‍♀️
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Quieten down and listen to yourself, you know your stuff 🙌🏽


Classes tonight Yogaspace Yorkshire 🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️☮️
Hatha 6-7 is fully booked Yin 7.15-8.30 3 spaces left
... Remember to let me know if you can’t make it so someone else can have your spot, if you have a class pass you are booked in for 5 weeks in a row unless you tell me otherwise, thanks for understanding 🙏
Can’t wait to see you all, continuing to open the front line of the body 🧘‍♀️
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More about Hania Therapies

Hania Therapies is located at Leeds
07805 539899