Huddersfield Quaker Meeting

About Huddersfield Quaker Meeting

Huddersfield Friends warmly invite you to come to our Meeting for Worship which takes place every Sunday from 10. 30 am to 11. 30 am and on 2nd Thursday each month at 7. 30pm to 8. 15pm. Children’s Meeting is every Sunday. Shared lunch monthly on last Sunda

Huddersfield Quaker Meeting Description

For room hire please phone our caretaker Kim O'Brien on 07788 477148
Follow us on Twitter @HuddsQuakers
Our postcode is HD1 4TR (NB the entrance is on CHURCH STREET opposite a small block of flats called Church View. Your satnav may take you down the narrow Quaker Lane where there is no entrance to the Meeting House).

'Quakers' is the shorthand term for the Religious Society of Friends which was founded as a radical Christian movement in 17th century England. Today, Quakers come from all walks of life and continue to uphold a progressive religious approach.

Quakers hold Meetings for Worship which means that we come together in silence and try to open ourselves to the deeper levels of our experience. Quakers have no paid clergy to lead or interpret our spiritual life and it is open to anyone who feels moved by the spirit to make a spoken contribution.

Quakers recognise the equal worth and unique nature of every person. This means working to change the systems that cause injustice and hinder true community. It also means working with people who are suffering from injustice, as well as with people such as prisoners and asylum seekers.

Follow us on Twitter at @HuddsQuakers



Epistle of Junior Yearly Meeting held at Frontier Centre, Northamptonshire 12-15 April, 2019
To all Friends everywhere, From 12 to 15 April 2019 70 participants and 13 adult team members met at the Frontier Centre in Northamptonshire for a weekend of inward and outward reflection on the theme “Diversity and Inclusivity: how can we use our ideals to change our reality?”
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Living as a Quaker event for 11- to 15-year-olds 18–21 October 2019 at the Sustainability Centre, Hampshire Over a long weekend this event offers young people the opportunity to learn more about Quaker identity, values and beliefs, as well as exploring how to talk about being a Quaker. There will be interactive sessions alongside crafts, cooking, campfires and shelter building.
It costs £125 (bursaries available) and the closing date for bookings is 21 September.
... Info: Aleks Zawadzka,, 0207 663 1013
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Forthcoming events: Wed 8 Experiment with Light 7.15
Sat 11 Area Meeting Retreat Day at Heatherwood Barn, Shibden Valley, Halifax, led by Susan Clarkson and Mark Holtom.
... Sat 11 Sanctuary Supper 5.30-8.30
Sun 12 Study Group after picnic lunch, Sharing our spiritual journey
Mon 13 Craft Group 10.00-1.00
Thurs 16 Climate Crisis Vigil and supper. Vigil 6.00-7.00, supper 7.15
Sunday 19 Roots of Resistance meet up. Meal 12.00 meeting 12.45
Fri 24 - Mon 27 Yearly Meeting at Friends House - theme 'Privilege and Assumptions of Privilege'
Sat 25 Vigil for Peace and Justice 12.00-12.30 Market Place
Sun 26 Bring and share lunch
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Quaker faith in action: witnessing for peace outside Westminster Abbey protesting at a service marking 50 of the UK's use of nuclear 'deterrents' at sea.


Statement from the Quaker Meeting for Worship held at the Extinction Rebellion @ExtinctionR camp at Marble Arch, Easter Sunday, 21st April 2019. @BritishQuakers
We are called here in a spirit of Peace, Love and Truth to bear witness to the pain of our planet. We must take heed of the warning of science, which is clear. Those children being born into the world today face a world of catastrophe, social collapse and mass extinction. This is a Truth we can discern ourselves: we floods and wildfires, we see famines and wars and the displacement of peoples, we see the loss of glaciers and ice caps. We grieve at the loss of so many species and habitats. We uphold the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, who are at the forefront of the struggle for Climate Justice. All over the world, the poorest are bearing the brunt, but all of us will suffer. The next generation may be the last.
This is not our world to burn. "Where were you when I laid the Foundations of the Earth?" (Job 38:4). Where shall we be if we render it uninhabitable through greed and recklessness? This heedless destruction of the natural world must be halted. “We do not own the world, and its riches are not ours to dispose of at will. Show a loving consideration for all creatures and seek to maintain the beauty and variety of the world. Work to ensure increasing power over nature is used responsibly, with reverence for life.” (Advices & Queries 42).
As Quakers we remember and hold true to our traditions of non-violent resistance. From the start our testimony has been one of peace, of freedom of worship, and opposition to oppression and injustice. People have come together, in grief and in anguish, because the time to change is running out. We pay tribute to the commitment and bravery of Extinction Rebellion and the School Strikes for Climate. We are with you and part of you. To all those arrested, we hold you in the Light.
To governments and businesses, we urge you to act with urgency and vigour. Acknowledge the truth: this is an emergency. Act at once to reduce carbon emissions to net zero. Establish Citizens’ Assemblies to guide your actions.
To Quakers across the world, and to all churches and all faiths, we share this call for action and prayer. We all live under one sun. In the face of imminent global cataclysmic events, the time to act as one is now. As Ghandi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
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Radical Spirituality: the Early History of the Quakers This really interesting, accessible free online course starts today.


Seven Huddersfield Friends attendee's this really enriching Quakers in Yorkshire gathering in Doncaster yesterday. Huge thanks to Paul Parker, Jennifer Barraclough and Andrew Lane, our clerks and all who were there.


Is anyone able to collect banners for tomorrow peace vigil?Is anyone able to collect banners for tomorrow peace vigil?


It's Quakers in Yorkshire, our quarterly Yorkshire-wide community gathering, tomorrow in Doncaster - all welcome Agenda includes: • Re-invigorating Quakerism (Paul Parker, Recording Clerk) • Recent Changes at The Retreat (Jennifer Barraclough) • The work of the Quaker Council for European Affairs (Andrew Lane) @RCquaker @SitPax


We're pleased to be hosting a @Quakers_RoR nonviolent action training on June 2nd in preparation for 'No Faith in War' day 3 September in London.
@DisarmQuaker @ArtTheArmsFair @TTTideUK @BritishQuakers @StopTheArmsFair @CAATuk


The inclusive day will focus on nonviolent action and preparing for taking action against the DSEI arms fair on 3 September. Everyone very welcome!
Agenda tbc but areas likely to be covered might include: • What is an affinity group and what are the roles within the group?... • Roleplays and exercises in consensus decision making and quick decision making • Know your rights
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It's our April peace vigil tomorrow 12-12.30pm Huddersfield Market Place We'll have our new 'Stop the arms trade' banner! All welcome. Plus opportunity to meet at cafe afterwards for a chat.


'Quakers say stop the Arms Trade' vigil Saturday 12-12.30 Huddersfield Market Place


Stop the arms trade vigil 27/4 12-12.30 HuddersfieldStop the arms trade vigil 27/4 12-12.30 Huddersfield


Our next Climate Disruption Vigil is 16 May. 6-7pm followed by free vegan meal. All welcome @HuddsGreenpeace @HuddersfieldFoE @ExtinctionR @EarthEconQuakers


Our Friend Ian on front and 4th page of The Examiner - coverage of his action and arrest, part of Extinction Rebellion action in London this week.


Upholding our Friends Jan, Chris, Ian and Chayley (far side of picture) taking part in meeting for worship, part of #Extinction #Rebellion action at Marble Arch in London today


Upholding Friends from Huddersfield and beyond at Easter Settlement near Scarborough this weekend. The theme is Building the New Economy with Olivia Hanks – Programme Manager Quaker Peace & Social Witness

More about Huddersfield Quaker Meeting

Huddersfield Quaker Meeting is located at Friends Meeting House Church Street Paddock, HD1 4TR Huddersfield
01484 664290