Jamia Masjid Noor, Huddersfield

About Jamia Masjid Noor, Huddersfield

Jamia Masjid Noor, Crosland Road, Thornton Lodge, Huddersfield, HD1 3JS
T: 01484 423081
M: 07553 693325



June salaah timetable


Eid Mubarak from everyone at Jamia Masjid Noor. Wishing you all a blessed day.


Eid-ul-Fitr will be on *Tuesday 4th June 2019*
... Eid Salaah times at Jamia Masjid Noor will be as follows:
1st Eid Salaah @ 8:15am
2nd Eid Salaah @ 9:30am
There will be facilities for sisters at the 2nd Eid Salaah. Those sisters wanting to attend should use the Thornton Lodge Road entrance.
£4.00 Sadaqah-tul-Fitr per person should be paid before Eid-ul-Fitr salaah
Wishing everyone a very Happy Eid.
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Qur’an Completion in Taraweeh @ Jamia Masjid Noor
Date: Sunday 2nd June
... Isha Salaah: 10.50pm
Food will be served
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Suhoor meal will be provided after Taraweeh Khatme-Quran @jamiamasjidnoor


All the below will also be broadcast live on local radio frequency 453.100Mhz


The moon for Ramadhan 1440/2019 has NOT been sighted today so the month of Sha’baan will complete 30 days.
Therefore, the 1st of Ramadhan 1449/2019 will be on Monday 6th May.
... Isha Salaah will take place at 10.15pm at Jamia Masjid Noor.
Isha/Taraweeh & Jummah facilities during Ramadhan will also be available for Sisters. They are requested to use the Thornton Lodge Road entrance.
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*PRESENTATION + Q&A: Things That Break The Fast*
- with a special focus on the administration of medicine and medical interventions
Sat 4th May... after Asar Salaah (7.45pm)
@Jamia Masjid Noor
Brothers & Sisters Welcome
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May salaah timetable


*Ramadhan 2019 Salaah Timetable*
Paper copies are available at the masjid
If you would like a .pdf of the timetable, please send an email to jamiamasjidnoor@gmail.com


*Sisters Coffee Morning*
in aid of One Nations’s Yemen Appeal (100% Donation Policy)
If you would like to donate food/desserts, please contact:
... 07429 147185 - Shafina 07968 845373 - Juwariah
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An essential presentation for those parents with young children


BST Jumma Times @ Jamia Masjid Noor


April salaah timetable


‎إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
The Janaza salaah of the late wife of Haji Mohammed Anwar from Springdale Avenue (Thornton Lodge), and mother-in-law of Tabassum Javaid will take place on:
... Monday 11 March @ 2.00pm
at: Jamia Masjid Noor Crosland Road Thornton Lodge Huddersfield HD1 3JS
There will be facilities for sisters in the downstairs hall which can be accessed via the Thornton Lodge Road entrance.
Those driving are requested to park their cars in a sensible manner and make use of the Masjid car park on Thomas Street (HD1 3JR)
Burial will take place at: Hey Lane cemetery, Stirley Hill, Huddersfield, HD4 6TX.
May Allah (swt) grant the deceased forgiveness and a high rank in Jannatul Firdaus, and grant patience to his family at this difficult time.
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*Islamic Wills & Inheritance*
AssalamuAlaikum. Just a quick reminder that the first of the two presentations on Islamic Wills & Inheritance will take place tomorrow (Saturday 9th March) after Maghrib salaah (6.03pm) @JamiaMasjidNoor
The first presentation will cover ‘The Islamic Law of Inheritance’ based on Hanafi Fiqh, and will include a number of Case Studies from the UK, followed by a Q&A session
... Brothers & Sisters welcome
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March salaah timetable

More about Jamia Masjid Noor, Huddersfield

Jamia Masjid Noor, Huddersfield is located at Crosland Road, HD1 3JS Huddersfield