Jen Lillian: From Burnout To Breakthrough

About Jen Lillian: From Burnout To Breakthrough

Modern day stresses are a killer and I am on a mission to help busy entrepreneurs and hard working professionals recover from business burnout fast!

Jen Lillian: From Burnout To Breakthrough Description

Modern day stresses are a killer and I am on a mission to help busy entrepreneurs and hard working professionals recover from business burnout fast!



Help me out female business owners...
I cannot show you a 'before and after picture' (like if someone loses 20lbs over three months let's say)
So how would you like me to show you what inner strength, success, and contentment looks like after living a life of burnout, exhaustion and stress running multiple businesses?
... What would you expect to see?
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Does this describe you right now?


üëâDear Female Coaches, Speakers, and Influencersüëâ
I love you ALL! üíï
You're kind, passionate, caring and do anything to help people with your product and/or services... 🥰
... You ROCK! üí™
You're working hard to make a dent in the world with your purpose and business message. üëç
LOVE IT! üíï
Whilst you're busy working hard looking after everyone else, who is looking after YOU?! üòï
It breaks me when I hear business women burning out doing something they love and when they start to operate from that 'new normal', it ends up having a negative impact on other areas such as health, family, relationships and having FUN! üôÑ
üî•Do you feel like you are burning out?üî•
Follow the link below to fill out the quick assessment - let's see where you are at! üëå
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It's more than just making 'to do' lists...
Your life is broken up into different compartments:
Work... Relationships Friends & and family Health and Fitness (To name a few)
You want to give all of them equal attention, but you can’t do that because there just isn't enough time, so then you feel stressed, guilty, and permanently tired.
Am I right?
It’s affecting all areas of your life and you just don’t see an end in sight..
I am hitting the nail?
You overcommit constantly but always manage to make my deadlines with your business.
The sacrifices are more in your social life where you've ended up having to cancel nights out last minute and let down friends who end up angry and disappointed.
You haven't been able to shift those lbs since Christmas! You had every intention for January but the business projects kept rolling in and now you are waking up to the fact it's nearly a 1/4 of the way through the year..
It’s affecting all areas of your life and you just don’t see an end in sight.
This is the main symptom of 'BURNOUT’
You can feel stress, insomnia, self-doubt, cynicism...
The feeling of you're in a void?!
How can you possibly succeed when there are not enough resources left in you for everything else?
There will be emotional exhaustion, a feeling of dissatisfaction, inadequacy, and also anger, and maybe physical pain that could take the form of Fibromyalgia or constant feelings of unwellness.
Want to know if you are nearly reaching BURNOUT (or there already?)
Take the quick 'Are You Burning Out' Assessment - this is the first step...
Acknowledgment is key. /are-you-burning-…/
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Can you relate?


Do these phrases go over and over in your mind when it comes to either running a business or keeping and healthy (or both?!)
I want I need I should... I shouldn't I am angry because... I'm sad I never I don't want to
Are you truly aware of the blocks that are getting in the way of your business lifestyle goals? #GetTheMindBodyAndFitnessForBusiness #YourAdventureToInnerStrengthAndBusinessS uccess
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💪Feel like you need a BOOST in YOU & YOUR BUSINESS?💪
Look no further because on the 1st of each month (starting from 1st April üòé) I will take you through a 5 step formula to BOOST YOU and YOUR BUSINESS!
üëâI want to help you get the mind, body and fitness you need for business so you can start enjoying your business lifestyle without all the stress and pressure üëç
... Join by following the link below and I will send you the challenge pack (which includes complimentary gift)
See you in there! üòÄ utToBreakthrough/
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** Your business is a big priority for you **
You put a lot of pressure on yourself to work hard!
It means you're always 'ON'
... – Replying to emails at all hours - Bringing your work laptop home at night - Making endless 'to do lists'
But while you're doing well in your business, your personal life is a bit all over the place?
- No time to eat healthily - No time for yourself - Unable to shift the stubborn lbs
It's never-ending eh?!
I get it... #GetTheMindBodyAndFitnessForBusiness #YourAdventureToInnerStrengthAndBusinessS uccess
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Have you ever FAQ'd yourself with the below at some point during your business career?
Am I good enough for this? Is it always going to be this hard? Am I out of my depth?... Have I made the right decision? Do I deserve this? Will I ever be successful? Can I have it all? Can I trust myself enough? Am I going to fail?
I'm curious to know... #GetTheMindBodyAndFitnessForBusiness #YourAdventureToInnerStrengthAndBusinessS uccess
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üëâ Working hard but not making any breakthroughs?
ü•äFeel like you are always hitting a brick wall?
🔥Feel like you’re operating from Burnout?
... Believe it or not, there are specific habits that will give you a serious advantage and help you make REAL progress towards your goals. üí™
If you feel you are going in circles and running around like a headless chicken then yeah, I get it. That's how I use to run my business life!
If you wanted to know how you can get ahead of yourself then drop me a line as I have something for you! #GetTheMindBodyAndFitnessForBusiness #YourAdventureToInnerStrengthAndBusinessS uccess
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Sometimes in life, to achieve the things we want, we need to experience BURNOUT üî•
BURNOUT is a temporary ‘Chaos State’ and for those who have gone through it or experiencing it right now, you'll understand what CHAOS feels like! 😳
As we know, storms don't last forever, so if you view BURNOUT occurring before you experience ORDER in your life, this will help you see challenging times in a different way.. üëå
... If you are experiencing burnout right now, just know your life won’t be like this forever. 😌
But realise that lifestyle changes need to be made to get you onto the path and journey of where you want to be.
If you want to find a way out of burnout then feel free to send me a message as I have something for you üëç
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***Making a business blunder***
We've all done it right?!
They feel like an everlasting gobstopper in your mouth that never fails to run out of stress juice!
... I think business mistakes feel particularly anxiety-inducing because unlike disappointing a parent or friend (or even yourself), your disappointing abilities to conduct business when you have poured all your savings, time, health (and life) into, can have immediate, rippling consequences for your entire mental and physical wellbeing.
You'll do anything to keep your 'baby' alive and running.
Those stakes are high!
Are you in the midst of a business blunder at the mo and cannot see a way out?
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We all know there are no quick fixes in life…. 😳
1. To recover from business burnout takes time. 2. To lose weight takes time. 3. To redesign your business lifestyle takes time.
... Yet how we wish there could be a quick fix in these areas eh?! üò¨
üëâ Daily disciplines over time for sustainable results is as sexy as it gets fellow business owners!
But we all knew this right?! üòâ
If you can get your head around the 'it takes time' bit, then happy to help in any of the above 3 areas üôÇ
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At the turn of each new year, us business owners reflect on the challenges and opportunities in the months ahead.
We feel optimistic about crafting new resolutions and strategies to reach our goals in business and other areas of our life, feeling confident that we can finally reach them.
It's mid-March now and we are racing through 2109 already!
... Have your high spirits waned since January and you feel everyday reality has set in?
Do you feel you are now second-guessing your financial investments, how you’re spending your time, and your overall vision for success this year?
Building an empire is hard enough without excessive guilt and self-blame when hitting roadblocks along the way.
Where do you feel you are right now with your business goals and personal goals? Are you where you want to be right now?
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Will power, self-control, and discipline…. Do they exist in your business or something you need more of? 🤔
How about other areas of your life? What do you want more will power, self-control and discipline for?
üëâ To lose weight? ... üëâ To be kinder to yourself and others? üëâ To have the energy you need to go about your busy days?
What is your current big 'WANT' right now? I would love to know üó£
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In our society, failure has become some sort of 'taboo'
I mean who likes to admit they have failed at something, right?
None of us like to talk about it, do we?!
... But we all know it's there....
Yet to 'Fear Forward' is what we hear all the time..
It entices us with the 'impossible promise' of vast riches and success.
It invites us to fantasize about the freedom to travel the world and live according to our own dreams.
But deep down inside, none of that matters.
The potential fear of failure can grip us at any time.
Has your business taken a turn? Are you living in fear at the moment?
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Click below to join ‘Business Breakthroughers’
- A complimentary FB group by ‘From Burnout To Breakthrough’ utToBreakthrough/
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To all female Coaches/ Influencers/ Speakers & High Achievers who work hard to spread their message and purpose in life to serve others in the world… 👋
How are you achieving your goals for the rest of the year ahead? Are you moving mountains ‚õ∞ to make sure you hit what you've set out to reach and at whatever cost?
That's cool! I am sure you will do it too üëä
... However, have you ever considered the 'little and often' approach? Making sure you improve every area of your goal each day by at least 1% and over time these small gains would add up to the big result you desire? 🤩
If you were to improve an area in your business by 1% each day and keep that up until Christmas 🎄 what do you think that would look like? 🤔
It can be easy to underestimate the power of making small improvements on a daily basis eh.. ?!
It would be cool to be part of the '1%' right?! üòâ
And how easy it would be to transfer this principle to other areas of your life (like your health, relationships family etc?!).. üèÉ‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èüíïüë©‚Äçüë©‚Äçüëß‚Äçüë ¶
What 1% improvement will you be making today? üòé
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I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for liking the 'From Burnout To Breakthrough' page!
Click below to join ‘Business Breakthroughers’
- A complimentary FB group by ‘From Burnout To Breakthrough’
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Jen has remarkable qualities of empathy and a keen interest to help people. I don't doubt for one second her integrity and when she says it's because of her experiences that she feels its her path to help people who are suffering and going through troubles. This is clear when you meet her, but she's also spent many years studying and learning to adopt the skills to be able to do so, and help people. I've learnt a great deal and put adopted skills into my own life, and am happier for it.


Jen asks questions that you already know deep down. It’s so obvious when you hear it from someone else the things that you can do that we didn’t necessarily realise before. There really is no judgement and you have no choice to hold back, it’s just your first reaction and then you realise wow, you can really sort things out that you didn’t realise were getting you down. You have a real strong confident women who has been through so much and is willing to help and knows exactly what you have been going through with no judgement. It’s all about you working on yourself and that person is there to guide you which is really great and really helped me. It’s not just a casual chat or a difficult conversation, you discuss things that you wouldn't even talk to a close friend with. There is no holding back but the difference is, when you are being asked quick fire shot questions you don’t have time to think about it it’s through that you realise what has been stressing you out and when you hear it back you realise all the things that have been getting you down which you cannot get from a normal chat. It’s good to speak to someone who has no judgement and knows exactly what the deepest and darkest feelings can be like when it comes to stress and depression. Now I realise there are so many things I can change step by step to have an easier life and not feel as stressed or deal with so many things at once. To have some guidance to make the changes you can only make yourself is great. I am so glad I took half an hour out of my time, I can now go about the rest of my day feeling uplifted and knowing that I can do things to change.


I was very stressed about business. I kept trying to do everything at the same time which was quite overwhelming. I felt like a headless chicken and not really getting anywhere! Waking up in the middle of the night because of the stress, I could not switch off. I was worried about the things going on in my business, I didn’t really get anywhere. I wasn’t really sure how I can be helped by talking to someone?! I thought people would not understand as they are not in my shoes, I wasn’t sure how speaking with Jen would work... I took the 30 minute booster call and admittedly was a little nervous as I didn’t know what to expect but she made me feel really comfortable. The content we discussed was really good and really helpful which made me feel a lot better! I feel I have gained a lot more knowledge towards my situation. Because I was trying to do everything at the same time, I didn’t know where the start and where the end was. Jen made me realise where my fears and the stress came from and she helped me prioritised to work out my next step. Since I know what to do now, I feel a lot better and relaxed and have been sleeping well because I have started to see results so thank you very much Jen! I would defo recommend you! If you are stressed, have that 30 minute call, it’s absolutely worth it!


I was struggling trying to establish my business and was getting headaches from all the stress I was experiencing and after finding Jen on FB, she made me realise my priorities of what needed to get done. Once I started to work on our plan, things just started to flow! I am now aware of my ’shoulds’ and I’ve learned not to be a such a hard critic on myself. I feel like I am in a very good place now. Thank you Jen!

More about Jen Lillian: From Burnout To Breakthrough

Jen Lillian: From Burnout To Breakthrough is located at LS17 8XA Leeds
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