Josie'S Poems

About Josie'S Poems

JOSIE'S POEMS: 1500 new poems by myself, Josie Whitehead, to delight children worldwide. Google JOSIE'S POEMS

Josie'S Poems Description

JOSIE'S POEMS: These are the poems of Josie Whitehead who, in retirement from teaching, and encouraged greatly initially by children in her local primary school has written approximately 1, 500 poems for children of all ages. They were chosen by teachers across West Yorkshire in their hundreds for publication in recent years and from her website and e-books went out to 188 countries last year. She has just been nominated LinkedIn's most "powerful" woman, fighting off this claim by m16 million people: See here: http://www. thetelegraphandargus. co. uk /news /local /ilkleynews /10327983. Ilkley_poet_Josie_Whitehead_wins_LinkedIn_honour / It is mainly educationalist from all across the globe who have linked and the reason? Poetry.



In total, there are 70 poems which I've written for you for Christmas and, of course, there are many story poems which I know children like. I'm happy to do a skype visit to your school to see the children perform a poem. See my website. Josie - - Oh, I add: Google: JOSIE'S POEMS -


FOUR NEW POEMS: I've written 4 new poems for you: Give Us a Buzz; How the Camel Got His Hump; The Rain, the Sun and the Clouds and Making a Rainbow. You can find them via my main poetry index. 'How the Camel Got His Hump' was a special poem for National Poetry Day and it's based on Rudyard Kipling's story in his Just-So Stories. I hope you like it.


My Poem 'A Visit to York' will be in books for secondary schools very soon. CGP Books who supply 90% of the educational market are including it in their book for secondary schools. Oxford University Press have 4 of my poems and I'm so glad they will be going into schools.


There are lots and lots and lots of back to school/school poems on my website. (See main poetry index - School poems). Enjoy your new year at school. Josie


It is National Poetry Day here in the UK on 4 October 2018. The subject for this year is: CHANGE - and if you go to my website you'll find lots of poems regarding change which I've written myself, but especially for that day I've written 3 more: One is for younger children and 2 are for older children. onal-p…/4594407257…


By Josie Whitehead
The sun’s bright rays sweep through the sky... And pass a million stars nearby. With speed of light her fingers reach Those children playing on the beach.
Some shun her heat at middle-day And close the curtains from her rays, And does it not seem sad to shun The warmth that’s sent down from the sun?
Her warming touch will ripen wheat And help to grow much that we eat. The sunshine ripens fruit on trees, And brings out butterflies and bees.
The sun’s a giant in our sky Though seeming small to human eye. A million earths would fit inside - Though I am glad no-one has tried.
Enjoy the warmth of summer’s sun For playing out is so much fun, But guard yourself from hot sunbeams By not forgetting your sun cream.
Copyright on all my poems
Would anyone like to do a picture to accompany this poem? Come on children! Josie ers-su…/4593979798…
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Do you all know that next Wednesday (21 March) is World Poetry Day? I've made some suggestions for you all on my website. Go and see by Googling JOSIE'S POEMS.


Your children might like my new poem: Shallobaloo Shallobalee - which is in my list of bird poems on my Josie's Poems 2 website:
By Josie Whitehead
... The sun shone brightly in the sky. A blackbird quickly hurried by And joined his friends high in the tree: Shallobaloo Shallobalee
etc etc etc I think it would make a really good performance poem for a class of children. Do you think so? aloo-s…/4593980297…
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We've had so much snow and cold weather this week that, if you have too, your children will enjoy my winter poems. There are at least 24 poems just about winter for your children. They'll love the story of the little snow boy who just wants to follow the children indoors but has been warned that it is not the place for him. There is the poor old snowman who slowly disintegrates during a thaw but remembers the day with the children. All that he leaves behind is just one l...ittle tear. There are Winter and his friend Ice who are planning a picnic in a cold icy field, and then romping in the biting cold wind - - - "so that'll be nice" I'm sure you will think. I've put voice recordings with many of the poems for the children to listen to often on their computers, and please do tell them to tell their teachers to simply Google JOSIE'S POEMS and let them hear a poem a day. There are 1,350 that I've written for them to enjoy (at least that number) ha ha I must find a new hobby. www,
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I've just checking every single link on my websites. Oh, with so many pages it has taken me weeks, with Mike's help of course. Please do let me know if there are any pages which you cannot open. There shouldn't be, but thank you so much. Josie


It's our 50th (Golden) wedding anniversary on 10 February 2018. I'd like to put my poem "The Rings Upon Our Fingers" on Facebook for you all to enjoy on this day and for your own anniversaries. This also commemorates my friend Marusya's marriage to Nick on 31.1.2018.
By Josie Whitehead
... The rings upon our fingers Carry love straight from our hearts, That on this happy wedding day This surely is the start
Of our new life spent together, Facing times both smooth and rough - Days which drift by happily And times when things get tough.
Our rings together symbolize The love we both declare , With two lives bound together In a world we both will share.
The rings that we’ve exchanged today Are tokens of our vows, For we’ll reach our new tomorrows From our starting point of now.
Copyright on all my poems
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By Josie Whitehead
As cold as iced lollies, but far from as nice – Freezing the water which then turns to ice.
As grey as the clouds that float overhead – And not cosy at all like my warm, comfy bed.
As rough as the wind, freezing fingers and nose And, without a goodbye, on its journey it goes.
As blue and as white as the sky and the ground – With snowflakes that dance with not one little sound.
As stark and as bare as the poor leafless trees That shiver outside in that cold, wintry breeze.
As white as the snowdrops – first flowers of spring – And the promise that Easter will follow they bring.
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Wishing you all a very happy new year. Josie


With Christmas coming up soon, you might like to see the 75 poems which I've written for Christmas - especially if you have children. Please do tell the children you know to let their teachers know that if they simply Google JOSIE'S POEMS 4, they'll come to these poems. My newest poem tells the story of the owl who, being disturbed in the town of Bethlehem by so many people and so much noise, flew out to the surrounding hills and had the biggest surprise of his life.
THE ...OWL'S CHRISTMAS STORY by Josie Whitehead
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He saw some shepherds on this hill - Their sheep were all around. The shepherd boys all talked and laughed Whilst sitting on the ground.
The owl saw something else as well, From high up in his tree, And you and I would find this strange, I know you will agree.
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By Josie Whitehead
Flower of the eternal sleep,... Watching with the ones who weep - You, whose lives, so short in bloom, Watched the bloodshed, death and gloom.
You trembled to the sound of guns Which tore to death beloved sons. You fluttered, died before your time – Dropped blood red petals in their prime.
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Please do go to my website for the full poem and you can hear it sang by the choir of Dymock Church,Gloucestershire also as their talented organist has written the music for it. My father fought in the First World War. He was in the last Battle of the Somme and was taken as prisoner of war. From the page on which m y poem appears, you can hear him speaking of his experiences and you can read the letter which he received from King George on his return.
Simply Google JOSIE'S POEMS and the poem is highlighted on my Welcome Page. There are many other poems for Remembrance Day which you'll find, but this is without doubt the most popular and last year 2000 visitors went to this poem between 9 am and 11 am on Remembrance Day.
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By Josie Whitehead
When the moon’s shining high in the sky,... With the bats circling far up on high, When the branches of trees Dance in tune with the breeze Then the witches and ghouls will pass by.
The rest of this lovely poem with its lyrical melody can be found with lots and lots of other Halloween poems on JOSIE'S POEMS 5 -…
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Oh, I've written and written and written lots and lots of new poems this week and you can find them on my websites. I hope your children enjoy them and you can recommend them to friends.

More about Josie'S Poems