Leeds Complementary Osteopaths

Monday: 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Leeds Complementary Osteopaths

Leeds Complementary Therapy Centre 249a Otley Road, West Park Leeds LS16 5LQ 0113 2745126

Leeds Complementary Osteopaths Description

These are just some of the reviews we have had:

" Since consulting Stephen my back and shoulder have improved more than I dared to hope. He always gives a considered, thorough and informed consultation. I have no hesitation in recommending him for anything for which osteopathy might have the answer. I think he has magic fingers! " - Mrs. G. Ireland

" Having been a sufferer of a potentially debilitating lower back problem I visited chiropractors and physios without any lasting improvement to my mobility. After the first session with Steve he diagnosed the problem pretty quickly, and took a different approach to treating my spine and hamstrings, my back is now on the mend. " - Mr. A. Brauders

" I have been delighted with Stephen's treatments which I have been the recipient of over the last few months. He is punctual, polite, professional, patient, reliable, understanding, conscientious, thorough and very considerate in his approach. He is a true "Professional". To pay him the ultimate compliment which I consider I could attribute to him, he is "A Class Act". I have no reservations at all in recommending him to any person considering treatments which he could provide, you will not be disappointed. " - Mr. T. Barton

" Over the years, I have been treated by a variety of doctors, without any lasting improvement. Stephen impressed me from my first appointment. He was able to diagnose my back problem and explain it to me clearly. I have so much confidence in his skill and knowledge that I am travelling from abroad to enable me to benefit from a series of appointments with him. " - Mrs. J. Dobson

" I was in a lot of pain when I went to see Stephen. I was very impressed with his skill and professionalism and I would recommend him to anyone needing help with back pain. " - Mrs. K. Chicot

I was extremely pleased with my treatment and still find it hard to believe I am pain free after only 2 sessions as I am normally skeptical about using this type of therapy as I have received physiotherapy in the past for back pain which unfortunately didn’t help.
My friend (who is a Doctor) recommended that I see an osteopath and it was due to her advice that I made an appointment and to be honest this was also my last resort but I was in so much pain that I would have tried anything.
My heart sank when I telephoned and was told the only appointment left for that week was with a man but if I preferred a woman, I could get in for the following week. I decided to take the appointment with Michael because I was desperate for some pain relief and if this was going to work, I didn’t want to delay the treatment.
I needn’t have worried, I was told to bring some leggings and was given a gown so I was fully covered and ready to receive treatment. I explained my symptoms to Michael and he was able to work on back and advise me of what was causing my extreme discomfort. I can’t say that I left feeling better and actually even felt worse but the following day I started to feel a little better but still was in a lot of pain. I attended my second session the following week and 4 days after this I woke up pain free for the first time in 5 months. This has made an immense difference to my quality of life as I can now resume my day-to- day activities for the first time in what seems like a very long time. My only regret is not going sooner and wish my own Doctor had recommended this treatment as this would have resulted in a much quicker recovery time for me, less appointments with the Doctor and no prescription drugs.
I would highly recommend Michael and would not hesitate to go back to him again should I ever have any further issues with back pain.
Tanya Rylance (Sept 2013)
The tyranny of midlife resulted in my failure to attend to the creaks and groans of my newly-retired body. Then I heard about Nicola Sell and decided to take the high recommendation and prioritize my body’s needs. Jane Aldrick

Gradually she’s un-knotted my long-term tightness, straightened my pelvis and restored balance that I never knew I’d lost. Nicola’s professionalism and (what I smilingly call) her “magic fingers” have given me a new lease of life. Can’t thank you enough Nicola. ”

Pat Dawson
When I’m ship-wrecked on a desert island I shall insist on taking Nicky with me as my luxury item.

For the last 15 years she has provided me (and my family) with both routine maintenance and emergency repairs of sports and age-related issues – always positive, knowledgeable, well-informed and thoughtful – a real confidence-booster. She’s pragmatic and cheerful and, importantly, well aware of the holistic interaction between mind and body.

Perhaps she’s not a life-saver in the strictest sense of the word – but it has often felt like it.

Dot Moss
I have been seeing Nicola Sell as my osteopath since 1992. Initially she helped me with an acute and very painful lumbar disc injury. The physical and emotional support she gave was vital and I recovered well without surgical intervention. I have since seen her on a regular basis for gentle treatment to make sure my back stays strong because I use a computer frequently. I have always found Nicola an excellent osteopath; very informative, constructive and supportive. I recommend her very highly.
Hayley Cliff
After her treatment I put her down in her carrycot and I don’t think she even cried, she just went to sleep and stayed asleep! and I’ve been able to have the most lovely shower and eat my tea in peace : )

Thank you so so much.

Having been exposed to osteopathy from birth (both his parents are osteopaths), Henry has a comprehensive personal knowledge of the benefits of osteopathic treatment through all stages of life. He has a particular interest in Cranial Osteopathy, the treatment of babies and children and pre /post natal health issues. Henry maintains a fascination with how the body works and has a great love of working with people to improve their quality of life. He is committed to continually developing his skill base and knowledge through postgraduate study
Nicola has over 20 years’ experience of treating patients and loves treating the very young to the not so young. She enjoys treating a wide range of conditions from babies with sleeping problems to sports and work injuries and try’s to be as approachable as possible.



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what we would look like if we had to survive car accidents all the time- Nicola


How to stop the stress of kids getting to your shoulders 7 hints and tips on how to do this You know the scenario you’re at the end of a long day, you got the kids to school in the morning you went and did a day’s work, ran back to pick them up get supper and you sorted them out to get the kids to bed and you finally sit down and realise you have a stonking headache. Here are 7 tips on how to stop this happening. 1. Be aware ... • I know that sounds obvious but if you are worried about your child most mums carry the tension around in their shoulders- in this case breathe and try to relax often times just being aware is enough to relax you • Or if you are sitting hunched up over your computer for 8 hours your neck and shoulders will get tight and stiff and you will end up with neck pain and or a headache- sit up take a break and again relax your shoulders • Or constantly carrying your child around on your hip- getting a baby carrier or if your baby is a bit bigger a hipster will help this 2. Several times a day do some shoulder shrugs and what I mean by that is lift your shoulders up as high as they can go and then drop them back down. I usually suggest people tie this in with something they do every day like making a cup of tea. It then triggers you to do the exercise. 3. Do some exercises even if it is just parking on the opposite side of the car park so you have to walk further and then when you do walk swing your arms, that stretches all the muscles around your shoulders (even if you are carrying a child or handbag swing one arm will help) 4. If your child needs to be carried try to carry them at the front, and if they are able, get them to hang onto you ( they are less likely to suddenly lurch backwards if they are hanging onto you and it is those lurches that put an incredible strain through your neck and back) 5. When you are helping your child don’t lean over the top of them come to the side and come down to their level, by kneeling or sitting that puts less pressure on your neck and shoulders and back. 6. If you are sitting at a desk make sure you get up and wander around preferable every 30 minutes but at least once an hour even if you just walk round the desk and sit back down. If you are sitting in the same position for several hours then your muscles will all get locked into one place and make the tension even worse. 7. Get an assessment done at work to make sure your desk/ chair /computer are all set up right. Sometimes we just get locked into positions throughout the day and then carry our tension from one activity to the next. If you can stop doing that it will massively reduce your tension by the end of the day.
See More


Enjoy your Week - Nicola


Ever wondered how Osteopathy started I tell you how here Nicola


Happy Friday!


Ever wondered what osteopathy actually is here i let you know- Nicola


A few useful tips on how to get going when you do really want but have been struggling to become an exerciser!


Have you Overdone it this Weekend?


Have you Overdone it this weekend? Nicola


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Balance not easy to achieve-Nicola


How was your weekend? Mine was good but I did too much gardening you know the scenario just one more weed to pull, just one more plant to put in (achy back this morning) Did you do the same? Nicola


Just love this quote had a hard weekend-Nicola


Love this Quote Nicola


Stay healthy for you and yours- Nicola


How to help your lower back pain free ebook download now. http://bit.ly/1WTTUiQ Nicola

More about Leeds Complementary Osteopaths

Leeds Complementary Osteopaths is located at 249A Otley Road, LS16 5LQ Leeds
0113 2745126
Monday: 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -