Leeds Postcards

About Leeds Postcards

Leeds Postcards have been publishing progressive postcards since 1979!
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Leeds Postcards Description

Progressive postcards for a better world



new card out soon...


Very important and true


So moving...thank you Greta


reports on how scientists in the US have investigated pigs brains four hours after slaughter and found them still working....Horrendous. Really upsetting


Brexit might be painful but it HAS woken people up to voting in the EU elections - this is what happened 5 years ago at the last European elections: Ukip won the most UK seats, securing 24, while Labour won 20 and the Tories 19.
Let’s have a big turnout this time (very low then) and not let it happen again. Fill our 73 EU seats with Remain candidates, whether Green, LibDem or TIG. The nearest thing to a referendum.


'Robin Cook once said: “Britain shares the unenviable distinction with Lesotho of being the only two countries with reserved seats in their parliament for hereditary chieftains.” At least Lesotho only has 22 of them in its upper chamber. We have 92.' A bill by MP David Hanson has failed to get hearing for three years...always blocked by hereditary peers...read more below:


Today’s card is number 955 Extremely Easy...so true


What! Well that’ll put the cat among the pigeons...! What does Corbyn really want? ... this is of course the issue Brexiteers feel most strongly about..


😰Dominic Grieve, Remain conservative MP with a 25000+ majority in his Buckinghamshire constituency (which voted Remain in the referendum) has been given a vote of no confidence by his local party and he is up for deselection. Scary times indeed.


background to the post earlier


Two women snooker champions have been denied competition through men only rule! Still happening. Leeds Postcards published this card in 1980 following campaign by Sheila Capstick. It is in the Leeds Postcards book - see caption for more info. Still going on!!! #womensrighttocues #snookerforwomen #outrageoussexism


The Tale of Boris Trump's chickens
http://www.leedspostcards.co.uk/…/14405 -the-tale-of-boris-t…


‘Buck Frexit’ great sign on march today and now:


when it has to be said...well I would say that wouldn't I : )))



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