Leeds Unite Against Fascism

About Leeds Unite Against Fascism

As a matter of the greatest urgency, we are calling for the broadest unity against the rise in racism and fascism in Britain and across Europe today.

Leeds Unite Against Fascism Description

Countering the threat of fascism and racism:

Whilst the BNP have been removed from the European Parliament and the EDL are ever dwindling in the UK - the far right have achieved significant gains in the European elections - notably in France with Front National, Jobbik in Hungary and Golden Dawn in Greece - a group with openly Neo-Nazi tendencies. We must continue to work in the UK to ensure fascists never regain their foothold and to combat the climate of toxic racism that has been engendered with the rise of UKIP and the manner in which they have shifted the debate on immigration to attacking Eastern Europeans, Black people and Muslims.

We work with the likes of Stand Up to Racism and Fascism, Stand Up to UKIP, Migrant Rights Network, Jewish Council for Racial Equality, Black Activists Rising Against The Cuts, ENGAGE, Green Party, NUT, Unite the Union, UNISON, GMB, PCS, FBU, RMT and many many more - to stand and unite against fascist forces and racist divisions. We stand for a united and multicultural society.

More about Leeds Unite Against Fascism

Leeds Unite Against Fascism is located at Leeds