Leighton Farm

About Leighton Farm

We sell Lamb, Hogget, milk and cheese, eggs, fruit, veg and 'Goose for Xmas'.



Soon be that time when the foxes come after the lambs and baby geese :(


You think your spring clean is a big job, we are soon to be fence painting, clearing out muck, putting down new wood chip, mending fences etc in time for... lambing! Then of course there is building and general maintenance. We don't get bored! … did I mention the allotment?


Here we go again...!


Spring 2018


We will soon be selling to our customers boxes of veg. Comprised of our farm grown veg (in season) and also, because the Yorkshire growing season is so short, organic veg from our suppliers. A 50lb (weight) of veg will get free delivery, lighter orders will have a delivery charge. So, perhaps make a joint order with friends!
This is delivery to your door :)
Let us know your favourite veg and we will try to grow it for you!


Over halfway through this crowdfunding exercise now, we are still hoping to raise enough money to make a start on this project. All money raised will be spent wisely and we will report on this page how it has been used :)
Transparency over what the money is used for is very important to ensure full trust in what we are doing by those who kindly donate to us. ----------------------------------------- ----
... We are looking to raise money to create a Donkey and Goat sanctuary on our farm - our crowdfunding event opens at midday today (1st Feb) for 6 weeks. The crowdfunding event is at : https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/donkey-and- goat-sanctuary
Please give generously!
Thanks, Guy.
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For the Townies out there who don't come across it, here is a picture of some typical farm mud


Spent the afternoon with tractor dropping stones in mud... you know how it is... we farming types know how to have fun :) Tomorrow it's going to be clearing out the polytunnel and cutting firewood with chainsaw. 😀


As I'm on holiday I decided to walk over to our more remote sheep today, a 5 mile round trip along footpaths. On the way I passed right by a derelict farmhouse. I suppose you could call it a 'Do upper' :)


Week commencing 19th November

Hello everyone,
... We are now at the stage of taking final orders for our Xmas Hogget, which will be delivered to you early December. This is half a Hogget, jointed and vacuum packed for us by our neighbourly butcher, in a box for £50. All they have eaten is grass with no added ‘special feeds’ to bulk them up (known as ‘grass fed’).
The half Hogget joints are: Shoulder of hogget (or 2 x half shoulder) Leg fillet joint (boned, rolled and tied) 1/2 leg of joint Loin chops Cutlets. Neck cuts (for stew) Lamb mince from breast
We also currently have Kale (£1.20 per lb) Leeks (£1.20 per lb) Eggs at £1.30 for a half dozen … 
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Week commencing 29th October
Hello everyone,
We have now moved from the Summer season of produce to the Autumn/Winter part of the year and before you know it our farm will look like this:
We currently have Kale (£1.20 per lb) Eggs at £1.30 for a half dozen … 
Soon to come are Leeks and Brussel Sprouts. Keep bringing in your Hogget orders… Dec is creeping closer.
The time has also arrived to get your firm orders in for December Hogget, if you have not already done so. This is half a Hogget, jointed and vacuum packed by our neighbourly butcher, in a box for £50. All they have eaten is grass with no added ‘special feeds’ to bulk them up.
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The time has arrived to get your firm orders in for December Hogget, if you have not already done so. This is half a Hogget, jointed and vacuum packed by our neighbourly butcher, in a box for £50. All they have eaten is grass with no added ‘special feeds’ to bulk them up.


Autumn is coming... time to tidy up a bit.


More veg this year...

More about Leighton Farm

Leighton Farm is located at Grindlestone Bank, Ovenden Wood, HX2 0 Halifax, West Yorkshire
01422 243343