Masowe Echishanu Uk

About Masowe Echishanu Uk

Our mission: Is to preach the word of God and spread the truth, as mandated by the Holy Spirit. Our daily proceedings are lead and guided by the Holy Spirit

Masowe Echishanu Uk Description

We greet you all in the name of the Lord. Masowe eChishanu UK would like the thank you all for your contributions to our discussions. On that note we would like to make a formal announcement to all future contributors that our name is as stated above and not Johanne / Johwani masowe. We believe in the coming of the holy spirit to Zimbabwe (Johanne mweya) and continue to holdfast to the belief that the same holy spirit is among us and is still our guide today.

We would like it to be known to all that we are doing all in the name of the God, the Son and the holy spirit. We carry out the wishes of the Lord as per His instruction and guidance and when and how the Lord deems appropriate. Those who have teachings from 1931 /1932 we cannot attend to those as we can only follow what the Lord tells us, not hearsay. We use all forms of technology to communicate and spread The Word. We are allowed. Our Most High has allowed it. We are on the path the Lord set out for us not to follow the wishes of mankind or those who think they hold prophecies of the Chishanu religious sect. Those who have been disallowed to use technology for purposes of spreading the gospel, so be it. You have been told not to do so, but not us so please be advised that we will not tolerate any contributions that question validity of social or any other form of media in our faith.

We will delete any comments we do not deem as constructive or progressive to our goal of building spiritual prosperity and social justice. We are not affiliated with any political parties only the truth as set out by the holy spirit. Our goal is to foster messages of peace, social and moral integrity across all nations.
In God We Trust



Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything I will pay back four times as much". Luke 19: 8-9
I think Zacchaeus felt not only the physical presence of Christ, but the inner presence of Christ in his heart. That for him became a moment of conversion. Dear friends, no one can have an encounter with Jesus Christ and remain the same. Zacchaeus made a radical turn by not just acknowledging and confessing his sin but by ma...king restitution. l will return what l have stolen. Not just words, but action as well.
Pause. What have you done or are doing, that you need to turn away from? Are you stealing, cheating, lying or gossiping?
As you sit at table today l invite you to imagine Jesus and your Church community sitting with you. The people around you may be judging you but l want you to experience the gentle presence of Jesus in your heart. I want you to experience his gentle invitation to repent in your heart. Let this be your moment of conversion.
So after this experience, what are you going to do?
Remember: Not just words but action as well.
Be blessed
Deacon TP Garikayi Church daily devotions.
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Lord increase our faith.
Seeing their faith, Jesus ministered to the paralysed man
When we bring people to Jesus we draw the attention of Jesus not only to the ones we carry but to ourselves. When Jesus looks at us what does He see?
... The crisis of this age is not a crisis of prayer. No. We have prayer warriors galore. The crisis of this age is that of faith. Yes we pray but do we have faith, even as small as a mustered seed?
We can fast and pray but without faith. We can fast and pray in observance to religious regulations. This will not help us and certainly it will not help those we carry in prayer. Without faith it is impossible to please God. What pleases God is seeing faith in us.
Today let us spend time reflecting on this question: When Jesus looks at me what does He see in me?
Let us also make the prayer of the disciples our prayer today: Lord increase our faith
Be blessed.
Elder A. Makahamadze - Masowe eChishanu UK Daily Devotions.
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Coming Full Circle
The prodigal son distanced himself from his father because he had desires of the flesh he knew his father would disapprove of. The wealth he had prematurely got from his father gave him a false sense of security and he concluded that he had no need for his father anymore.
When the wealth was all gone, pride and fear of rejection prevented the prodigal son from returning home. Instead, he chose to work in another man’s homestead; caring, living and dining ...with swine, yet his father ensured better provisions for his servants.
Only when the prodigal son was tired and defeated by living like a pig, he came to his senses and realised what a loving wonderful Father, Master and Guardian his father really was. He returned to his father knowing fully well that even if his father would take him in as a servant, NO ONE in his father's compound would ever be reduced to swine.
Repentance takes place when one comes to his/her senses and realises the need to return to the Father.
Today Father I ask for your graceful hand to remove the scales from my eyes that blind me from your mercies and realising the better plans you have set before me. Make me come to my senses and hasten to return to you. In Jesus Christ's name l pray. Amen.
Aunty Portia – Masowe eChishanu UK Daily Devotions.
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Do not run away from God
The lost son, The lost coin and The lost sheep parables are teachings of Jesus emphasising His point on Loss and Redemption. Reminding us that God has joyous love for individuals who are lost (in sin) and found (repent).
The lost son ( Luke 15: 11-32). Sometimes we have to hit rock-bottom before we come to our senses and recognize our sin. God waits patiently, with loving compassion to restore us when we return to him with humble hearts.
... The Lost Coin (Luke 15: 8-10) shows Gods determination to find us when we are lost.
The lost sheep (Luke 15: 3-7) refers to the sinners, the people of God who went astray, leaving the safe land and taking a route that exposes them to a sinful end. It further explains God’s love for those who are lost and repent their sins.
All three parables concern the restoration of lost relationships—ultimately God seeking out human beings who were lost to Him and bringing them back into a loving relationship with Him. Jesus demonstrated what it means to be lost, how heaven celebrates with joy when the lost are found, and how the loving Father longs to save people. Are you the lost sheep, coin or son? Will heaven be celebrating today?
Apostle Susan - Masowe eChishanu UK Daily Devotions.
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Join us for praise and worship every Sunday from 09:00am until 12:00pm at ZRP Chapel, Corner Baines Ave, 10th Street in Harare. Salvation is for all.
Let’s pray.
Father God I sometimes make choices which stray me away from you. I often find myself in a cold and dark place. I pray today that I may always come back to my senses and return to you my Father.
... Amen.
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Join us for praise and worship every Sunday from 09:00am until 12:00pm at ZRP Chapel, Corner Baines Ave, 10th Street in Harare. Salvation is for all.
Let’s pray.
Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Teach me to value the Kingdom of God in everything that I do. Above all help me to seek first your Kingdom, fully knowing that everything else will be added unto me.
... Amen.
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Family Fun Day


Join us for praise and worship every Sunday from 09:00am until 12:00pm at ZRP Chapel, Corner Baines Ave, 10th Street in Harare. Salvation is for all.
Dear Lord, Give me peace in my heart keep me praising. Today Lord I want to think peace, I want to speak peace and I want to bring peace wherever I am. So help me Lord.
... Amen.
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Join us for praise and worship every Sunday from 09:00am until 12:00pm at ZRP Chapel, Corner Baines Ave, 10th Street in Harare. Salvation is for all.
Oh Lord, I pray today that you may re-enkindle my faith and love for you. I know I have lapsed and allowed earthly things to quench my zeal for you. Restore me Lord Jesus today. Amen.


Let’s go to Church.
Masowe eChishanu branches:
Police Chapel , Morris Depot, 10th street Harare. 00263773389244
... St Luke's church, St Luke's road. Southend on sea, SS24AB. 07735068145.
Bramley Community centre, Waterloo lane, Bramley, Leeds. LS132JB. 07500889186
Jubilee Community centre, Jubilee crescent, Coventry. CV63EY. 07500889186.
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Join us for praise and worship every Sunday from 09:00am until 12:00pm at ZRP Chapel, Corner Baines Ave, 10th Street in Harare. Salvation is for all.
We are Easter people, Alleluia is our song!
On Easter day we celebrate not the emptiness of the tomb but the content of that empty tomb: in it is boldly written "We too shall rise". Through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ joy entered into the human sphere. Sin and death have been defeated. As Christians we ex...
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Join us for praise and worship every Sunday from 09:00am until 12:00pm at ZRP Chapel, Corner Baines Ave, 10th Street in Harare. Salvation is for all
Dear Lord,
l have many worries, fears and doubts. I have pain and disappointments which take away my joy. Lord Jesus, thank you for your word which calls me to rejoice in you at all times and in all places (Philippians 3 vs 1-3). Help me today to put my trust and confidence in your word. Help me today to surrender all my worries... into you for you are my provider. Help me today to surrender all my fears unto you for you are my protector. Help me today to surrender all my pain unto you for you are my healer and comforter.
Lord Jesus, you are my consolation, unto you l surrender all my disappointments. You are the rock upon which l build my faith help me to cast all my doubts unto you. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me your joy.
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Join us for praise and worship every Sunday from 09:00am until 12:00pm at ZRP Chapel, Corner Baines Ave, 10th Street in Harare. Salvation is for all.
A letter to God
Our Father who lives in Heaven, oh how do You stay so benevolent? A creator who defines peace and love with the power of making them omnipresent. No, I have not summoned You today just for my selfish needs, to cry or for justification of my sinful deeds. For a simple conversation with You is what I beg. A moment ...
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You have acquired WISDOM to accept CHANGE and practice TRANSPARENCY in delivering fhe TRUE GOSPEL to the new generation. I attended your launch in Zimbabwe last and had you stayed another week we was gonna catch the same flight.


Its all about JESUS!


Madzhibaba foster want to marry me but I can't because I want to be married with a ring and at their Church they don't want a ring


KO kushevedza munhu mumwe kuti madzimai or kuti madzibaba instead ekuti amai or kuti baba,mweya here wakapa such type of calling or ndezvevanhu?


Its a good way, ndoiwanawo kupi massowe e chishanu?


I love the culture the way they worship it's just close to Godness


I like the music , I just like it please guys don't stop here or there please continue the journey the price is ahead god bless you .


I am going to Masowe echishanu l will never leave this church and I love it ?


God bless you continue to inspire us .thank u guys


Masowe eChishanu UK u are totally wrong WHY Baba Johwani achiuya haana munhu waakafonera vanhu Vakadanwa nekwegoni mushure mekunge madzinzinza edu akumbirwa kuti azorore isu tinamate. Chinamato ichi chikanzi hachitengeswi sezvamakuita ikoko makutotara mavers akaimbiwa nemweya muchirecoder muchitengesa

Izwi rakatama ikoko pakabaiwa mwana komana rikazobuda sechitubu kunyika yevatema


Keep fire burning guys you made my day with your verses


They show growth & maturity in the understanding of the God they save,He can relocate you like Moses He doesn't keep you in your comfort zone when He want to use and bless you and He rise the poor from the ash heep.Rambai muchisimudza marombe kubva muguruva


They must carryon as long as the sprit is still thete


Only God knows the truth,me i won't say this church iz gud and that one iz gud,the truth iz us we don't know e truth bt only God knows


Many people believe in Anointing oil not in Jesus why is it such .let the power of God be the power of Healing evry area In yr lify, put your faith in God first and all this you shall know where they are cms from.


This is good & nice 2 worship abroad God's grace z always thanku masowe echishanu to rise zim flag high in Gods word


Johane masowe echishanu UK reveals that the Holy Spirit is everywhere you go. We started talking about JME in Zimbabwe and the surrounding c countries in Africa and now the UK that's wonderful keep it up guys don't give up. Thanks


Its good that they worship God but why is it they dont read the bible and what type of gospel do they spread to the nations cz as far as I know some of the assemblies of this church ....their preaching is like a speech written somewhere and there is no any other information added besides that


Totally lost and they don't know what they are doing,i suggest that they must stop preaching lies to my fellow Africans who praise God at masowe


Sick and tired of the comments and topics... It is really making me feel abused


You have acquired WISDOM to accept CHANGE and practice TRANSPARENCY in delivering fhe TRUE GOSPEL to the new generation. I attended your launch in Zimbabwe last and had you stayed another week we was gonna catch the same flight.


Its all about JESUS!


Madzhibaba foster want to marry me but I can't because I want to be married with a ring and at their Church they don't want a ring


KO kushevedza munhu mumwe kuti madzimai or kuti madzibaba instead ekuti amai or kuti baba,mweya here wakapa such type of calling or ndezvevanhu?


Its a good way, ndoiwanawo kupi massowe e chishanu?


I love the culture the way they worship it's just close to Godness


I like the music , I just like it please guys don't stop here or there please continue the journey the price is ahead god bless you .


I am going to Masowe echishanu l will never leave this church and I love it ?


God bless you continue to inspire us .thank u guys


Masowe eChishanu UK u are totally wrong WHY Baba Johwani achiuya haana munhu waakafonera vanhu Vakadanwa nekwegoni mushure mekunge madzinzinza edu akumbirwa kuti azorore isu tinamate. Chinamato ichi chikanzi hachitengeswi sezvamakuita ikoko makutotara mavers akaimbiwa nemweya muchirecoder muchitengesa

Izwi rakatama ikoko pakabaiwa mwana komana rikazobuda sechitubu kunyika yevatema


Keep fire burning guys you made my day with your verses


They show growth & maturity in the understanding of the God they save,He can relocate you like Moses He doesn't keep you in your comfort zone when He want to use and bless you and He rise the poor from the ash heep.Rambai muchisimudza marombe kubva muguruva


They must carryon as long as the sprit is still thete


Only God knows the truth,me i won't say this church iz gud and that one iz gud,the truth iz us we don't know e truth bt only God knows


Many people believe in Anointing oil not in Jesus why is it such .let the power of God be the power of Healing evry area In yr lify, put your faith in God first and all this you shall know where they are cms from.


This is good & nice 2 worship abroad God's grace z always thanku masowe echishanu to rise zim flag high in Gods word


Johane masowe echishanu UK reveals that the Holy Spirit is everywhere you go. We started talking about JME in Zimbabwe and the surrounding c countries in Africa and now the UK that's wonderful keep it up guys don't give up. Thanks


Its good that they worship God but why is it they dont read the bible and what type of gospel do they spread to the nations cz as far as I know some of the assemblies of this church ....their preaching is like a speech written somewhere and there is no any other information added besides that


Totally lost and they don't know what they are doing,i suggest that they must stop preaching lies to my fellow Africans who praise God at masowe


Sick and tired of the comments and topics... It is really making me feel abused

More about Masowe Echishanu Uk

Masowe Echishanu Uk is located at Bramley Community Centre Main Hall, Waterloo Lane Bramley, LS13 3JB Leeds
07500 889186