Morley Ninjutsu Club; Bujinkan Kyô Shin Dojo. 武神館 鏡心道場

About Morley Ninjutsu Club; Bujinkan Kyô Shin Dojo. 武神館 鏡心道場

www. bujin. Teaching Authentic Bujnkan Budo Taijutsu, Self Defence, Kobujutsu, Meditation and Hoshinjutsu to enrich the individual and community. For joining info, please read the website.

Morley Ninjutsu Club; Bujinkan Kyô Shin Dojo. 武神館 鏡心道場 Description

Empowering the Individual though the Warrior Arts.
Modern and Historical Self Protection, Bujutsu, Budo, Ninjutsu and Kobujutsu to Develop and Actualise your potential as an Inner and Outer Warrior.



Fascinating stuff!


Think building a new you from zero is too hard? Just add one thing at a time. Keep at it.


Our way of living is simple. Live a natural lifestyle (sei shoku), in harmony with nature (ki-ai) and the environment (gairon). Drink plenty of fresh water and bathe daily (misogi) , breathe deeply from the hara (kokyoho) , eat fresh natural foods (sei kotsu) . Stretch (junan taiso) , walk (aruki gata) and exercise daily by training in taijutsu, sabaki (escape) and ukemi (receiving forms). Avoid being angry or stressed, seek a balance of emotions where nothing can disturb y...ou (fudoshin) and leave the world a better place than you found it each day and the people you meet happier. This is not something you just read, nor is there any big secret to it, it is something you DO. These methods are all part of the Ten Ryaku No Maki in the Ten Chi Jin or Togakure Ryu Ninpo Book.
This translates as the "Book of Heaven"... not meaning in any religious term; but how to find heaven in how you live as opposed to hell on earth. This should be studied rigorously to prepare the mind and body for the books of Earth (Chi) and Man (Jin), which cover the methods of combat.
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Anyone going?


"Do not argue with idiots, as they will pull you down to their level and beat you with experience".
Civil discourse on difficult subjects seems like it's a dying art... certainly as far as Budo students go I feel it should be required self study, as should be how to do research on a subject, analyse the data you find for validity and, create a logical and reasoned argument. It is, after all, the root of applying strategy to negotiation and peacemaking. Bonus points for being able to civilly present a viewpoint with which you strongly disagree, and debate from that viewpoint.


Pain is energy; you can either let it drag you into unhappiness, or use that energy to make yourself shine all the more brightly in the darkness. Taming your inner Demon Gods; It's human alchemy..


If you are struggling to quiet the mind, just breathe and keep going.. this too will pass.
If your mind is still, and your subconscious issues start streaming by like a movie, just breathe and let it process, this too will pass.
If you are totally in the moment and you lose awareness of breath, time and your body, keep going, this too will pass.
... It's not about arriving, or results, it's about DOING and letting go of destination addiction, enjoying the feeling of just BEING. Only when you stop trying to practice, worrying about results or how bad you are, and start just doing without attachment or judgement will you make progress.
Meditation paradox 101...
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Do the Shoshin thing :)


Seasons change, Kumo chan getting in some last tasty flies before the frosts.


Re-posted from a conversation elsewhere on passive home defence- ninja gardening! >>
"There are some great repeat flowering roses which have excellent thorns. I have "Paul's Scarlet" growing along my back fence, it's beautiful in the summer right through till almost christmas. You might also try razor wire plants; Mahonia species which have spring time yellow flowers and are evergreen. Holly is of course a classic repellant hedge- try growing a clematis through it for summer... colour. Gorse is incredibly spiney but tends to need pruning to keep a full height of thorns, and is very invasive. Lonicera nitida makes a very dense hedge in about 5 years and willow (salix alba) will make a good hedge with can be laid (cut and woven into a fence) inside 3 years; this stuff has been known to stop tanks when laid properly.... just plant it at your boundary not next to the house / foundations and keep it trimmed annually or it will turn into a very big tree. Hawthorn is also a slow growing option, and varieties of mayblossom and blackthorn as well as pyracantha varieties; these get lovely decorative berries on too which the birds love. (do attract birds and put out bird feeders, as they can give you an audible alarm when startled). Ditches, walls, steep slopes, uneven steps, railings, hedges, paths which direct an intruder in a particular direction, and terracing are also points to consider, as are ponds, crunchy gravel paths and driveways for that "impossible to sneak over fast" invisible perimeter. Self defence gardening? Yep it's totally a thing."
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An object lesson from Soke in why you don't buy cheap and nasty training tools. Red oak is often knotty and weak... white oak is best for boken or the various bo length tools as it is much tougher and splinters less. Ash is good too, as is hickory. It's also a nice clear demonstration of applying the shuto strike through a whole body drop and twist... look closely.... o.Culture/videos/813893908657913/?hc_ref =ARRkABmICFk4Rynk5QaunWR2xAVI-I85EaZgTdQ 4kmBfH6aJxn4bW0m2HmYUUd-bdeQ&__xts__ [0]=68.ARBgUg_IfqpCguJdcw38JAplaMauZwLyY k0OlPSpZHSlFZbwnmtuvhk_qNMZoGMCqxDXO4Kin 750yTi0ZY20nTfkvFHby8KSGWOMHsDyMk-3Tiq5u MzMsiFUg2NHc4OMAl0SFjRC8vutDbwCMA0R2ihUd OySoLn7DPdST4VWV-MI8KqurL-J7NlSMKsR-B0Kl SfJDru1XHvPSvCQimXudY0CWgm_BqWldaA9LpxRM A&__tn__=FC-R


Sunshine breaking though after the storm.


Trees have no regrets when they shed their leaves in Autumn... learn from the seasons, make decisions boldly and commit to them 100% ... ours is the Way of Nature.

More about Morley Ninjutsu Club; Bujinkan Kyô Shin Dojo. 武神館 鏡心道場

Morley Ninjutsu Club; Bujinkan Kyô Shin Dojo. 武神館 鏡心道場 is located at Middleton Road, ls278w Morley, West Yorkshire