Oggles Hedgehog Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre

About Oggles Hedgehog Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre

Anyone finding a Hedgehog out in day time or have a sick or injured hog please call me - 07954 138853 thank you Vicky. We are based in Dewsbury West Yorkshire



Hubby spotted a wandering hedgehog in the garden at 3am so I stayed up and caught him at the water bowl half an hour later. A bit thinner than he was but definitely one of the stolen ones ! Just need to get the last one tonight and I will be a happy bunny


I GOT ONE BACK !!!!! at midnight I looked out of the window to see a bedraggled hoggie face down in the water dish...defo one of the missing, I could see his markings! and this 69 year old did the fastest silent rugby tackle in history and caught him. He seemed ever so relieved! popped him in the hutch and his litter mate rushed over to bump noses and give him a good licking. so hopefully they weren't taken away- or not far anyway and he found his way home in 4 days.....just hope the other 2 can do it too. SOOO HAPPY


UPDATE on the stolen hoggies. Last night the bastards came back for the last boy - they left everything locked up and tidy when they had finished just as before, and I almost had a heart attack when I saw the empty box. Found the boy hog in another hidden box in the garden under a pile of hay - he is strong and feisty and must have hissed and chuffed and stuck his spikes in someones hand and run away when they dropped him !!!!! he is now safe in my house and I have a pai...nful welcome for anyone who thinks they are having him. Hope the holes in your hand hurt and get really badly infected , you thieving shit. Can only think its a woman - what man would shut a door and lock it after thieving. The actions of this person will lead to the death of these hedgehogs- there is no water and the ground is too hard to get to worms and insects- and the worms have mostly died from dehydration too...so my babies will slowly die after a month of the best care they could have since they were abandoned by a starving mum. And I have to think about this every day. Think of anyone you might have mentioned these hoggies to - and whether they might have thought it wrong to "imprison" wild creatures, even though I was saving lives here...and was due to release them in 2 weeks in the best of health
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To the person who stole 3 hedgehogs from the secure hutch in my garden. The ones you took were orphans, and had not yet learned to feed from worms and insects, only cat food . They have no idea what real hedgehog food is or how to dig for it. Plus the ground is so hard, they CANNOT dig and will starve if you don't feed them . They also have ringworm, you can tell by looking at the crusty skin......this was being treated carefully because it is CATCHING! You will get ringworm ...which will show on your skin and be hell to get rid of. One of them may have lungworm- eggs which hatch into worms that fill their lungs and slowly suffocate the poor hog and its a horrid slow death - but again was being treated. Please please will you bring them back, I was trying to save their lives with Vickys help...and I am devastated to lose them just when we thought their health issues were healing. You know how easy it was to take them...it would be just as easy to put them back - or leave them in a deep box on the doorstep so I find them in the morning. Or leave them somewhere I can collect them and ring me on 07989271934 and I will collect. I am sure you just wanted them as a nice pet, but they are wild and will bite and pass on parasites to you- and they will sicken and die without finishing treatment. All I was doing was keeping them alive and treating their parasites till we had enough rain to soften the ground so they could dig for insects and beetles...and we had a lovely forever home for them to go to...with water available all year round.....Please please, I beg you, bring them back so we can finish their treatment..if you don't, they will suffer and die. NO questions asked... just leave them where you found them, or in a deep secure box on the doorstep..and ring when you have gone. PLEASE, don't let them die- I have had them since they were 95gr babies abandoned by mum and have spent a lot of time and love on them. I just want them back till they are ready for release after finishing treatments.If you love hedgehogs, let them live - they CAN'T survive without finishing treatment Christine 07989 271 934
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Thanks to our very generous Oggles Suppporters for all your help recently! You raise a tidy some of money which will help Vicky cope over this very busy time- and the doorstep deliveries of hoggie food which were a joy to behold ! YOU ARE STARS !! the lot of you! And it was heartwarming to know you all cared so much.... THANK YOU, one and all!


Oggles needs HELP! they are bursting at the seams...hoggies in boxes piled high, waiting to be treated and STILL they are coming in. Most of the local rescues have closed their doors, they are overfull. Cawthorne Rescue is closed due to serious illness and may not re open. Vicky is indomitable... she doesn't give up. Last I heard the count on babies needing 2 hour feeds was up to 30...and that's the tip of the iceberg...starving dehydrated adults are stacked in her living ro...om waiting for treatment - dozens of them...plus all the ones she has taken in over the last month. Her food bill is enormous- and all this is paid for out of Steves wages..just imagine if this was you! We had a lovely donation from a very kind young man - who wouldn't want his name published - lots of lovely cans and packs of cat and dog food which is perfect for hedgehogs. It will be lovely while it lasts but with so many mouths to feed it will soon be gone. PLEASE PLEASE can anyone help with food or donations, however small? A fiver is not a lot but buys around 8 tins which will feed a hedgehog for about a week. Scroll down the ABOUT page to find out how to keep this rescue afloat. A regular small ( or large!) monthly donation helps because it helps Vicky to budget...or you can buy one-off items for her likes Meds..Special baby milk for hoglets or medicines - or you can leave a few cans of meat in jelly cat or dog food on her doorstep. However small , it will all help Oggles stay open. I FORGOT TO SAY ) DONATE AS FRIENDS AND FAMILY THEN PAYPAY DONT TAKE A CUT !
Thanks Christine details for PayPal below
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr…< br> See More


Please can u TEXT vicky if you have a poorly hog - her phone is no longer taking messages due to the sheer volume of calls coming in and she has so many many babies needing 2 hour feeds day and night that she is struggling to cope..and there is only Vicky she has no other medical helpers...Steve will pick up what he can but due to the sheer volume of sick hedgehogs coming in they are getting overwhelmed. If you can bring them in please do , it means Steve can pick up some whe...re else.when he finishes work. If the hoggie has fly eggs on it it might be safer to get the hoggie to a vet...before they hatch into maggots and start eating inwards.....sorry to be graphic - buts that is what happens. In the meantime offer your hog water and meat in jelly cat or dog food and keep in a deep box so it cant escape,with atowel over for comfort and keep in a cool place. Thank you, Christine
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Henry from horbury enjoying supper xx


Please note this was posted June 20th but you should still be able to find it & watch it online! A quick reminder about the Channel 5 programme tonight at 8pm all about hedgehogs. It features Dereknospines, who's looked after by a supporter of ours, Monique. Hope you'll be able to watch! My involvement as fundraiser is ending at the weekend but I'm confident that posts will be continued on here & thank you so much for your support for the various fundraisers. 😀


Hi Ogglists! It's really important that if you've an emergency or need advice, that you DON'T leave a message about it, please. Vicky's too busy to read them & although I can answer for a few more days, I won't be about beyond that. There are very many hoglets in at the moment & only Vicky to feed 2 hourly round the clock so if non-urgent messages could be avoided, that would be great, thank you. Vicky's number is 07954 138853. If you leave a message because she's too busy to answer, please leave precise details of what your call's about, name & number. If you can get the casualty to Vicky that would be great as she's disabled & finding driving very difficult now. Thank you for caring about our prickly friends.


Thank you for letting us know parcels have arrived & for sending photos~always lovely to see! :)


Good to see more programmes coming onto the television, featuring hedgehogs! This one will be featuring Derek no spines, who is looked after by a good friend, Monique Blackford. :)


Good Evening Ogglists! Our fundraising auction ends at 8pm tomorrow so just a quick word about it finishing. This is my last event & because I'm on my own, if you plan to bid late, do please scroll down to look for other bids. I do try to keep everything updated but with over 300 lots, could struggle to keep up if a lot of bids come in. FB does not always notify people of other bids ( nor me!) so please check your bids, if there is something you particularly wish to win. I'l...l work through the album after 8pm to indicate the winning bidders & on Thursday start to send out invoices via messages. Do keep an eye out for messages as they can go into various places! Please bear in mind that where more than one item has been won, I'll have to pack items & weigh to get the correct postage so these will take longer. The invoice will indicate items won & payment details. Rather than chance items out in the weekend post, I aim to post out on Monday. Thank you very much for your super support for Oggles Hedgehog Rescue. :)
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These two little ones in yesterday, rejected by Mum. Aren't they lovely? Hoglets are 24/7 care & require special milk which is very expensive. With the last major fundraiser finishing Wednesday at 8pm, we hope supporters will help raise sufficient money to keep Vicky open for the months ahead. Thank you! :)


A very big thank you to all those sharing & bidding in the auction. This is the last major fundraiser for the foreseeable future so hope you will support it really well, to keep Vicky with enough funds for the months ahead. Rescues pay for medicines & vet's bills for amputations etc, so it's not just food & electric for incubators to find money for, though that is a very big expense, with special food to buy in for hoglets in particular. Wishing you all a very happy weekend ahead & the auction finishes next Wednesday at 8pm~ http://bit.ly/2sdayOG FB has some issues with certain gadgets not recognising links at the moment~please access the pinned post on the Oggles Auction page if it won't work for you! Many thanks. 🐾🐾


These 4 little hoglets in over the weekend, to add to those already in. Vicky will do her very best as always. Please don't forget the last fundraising auction running through to June 7th, to help fund all the rescue work! http://bit.ly/2sdayOG Thank you! :)


The auction has got off to a great start, thank you so much everyone for your support in bidding & sharing. Finishes the week after next but there are some buy it now lots so please don't miss out! Meantime raffle prizes are starting to arrive & we're always very pleased to see photos & I took Bailey Bear on a 90 minute drive to his new home in West Yorkshire this morning. Did get some odd looks at the traffic lights in Otley! :o


The first disturbed hedgehog nest to come into Oggles this year~please if you are gardening over Bank Holiday, take great care to check beforehand, especially if using garden machinery like strimmers. A few minutes to check saves lives!


Just to let know prizewinners, that their parcels have gone off this morning~hopefully with you before the Bank Holiday kicks in. :) Just one prize left to post for someone on holiday & because I couldn't face stuffing the huge Bailey Bear into a box ( he didn't look too comfortable! :/ ), a 3 hour drive coming up, to get him to his new home, in time for a little boy's first birthday. Thank you to everyone for their great support~ total raised was £460.40 ( less card charges...~these vary according to which card so a precise figure is impossible until payments come through). :)
The last fundraiser for Oggles, will start on Friday & run for 12 days. It's a mix of hedgehog-themed items, jewellery & miscellaneous items with something for everyone. I hope you will all share & take part, as it will be the last opportunity for Oggles to get major funds in to pay for medicines, food & vet's bills. Awareness is wonderful for hedgehogs but means unfunded rescues face huge costs to treat them, as so many more arrive to be saved. Thank you for your help to save our prickly friends! :)
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found oggles after a massive googling stint. it was my dad who called them up and spoke to vicky who was eager to meet us with our lady hog. vicky confirmed both hind legs were broken and one would need removing but reassured us our prickly lady would live a pleasant life in a secure garden.

thank you for taking her in and if there is a chance she will have to be put to sleep, i'm glad it will be done humanly with our hogs interest at heart <3


We found a young hedgehog trapped down a drain, we got it out and contacted Oggles. It was so lovely to meet dedicated rescuers who care so much about these little creatures. Glad to know it went to a safe new environment. -Oh, if you are reading this and find a hedgehog out in daylight, it most likely needs help. Do contact this or a rescue local to you for assistance.


Vicki and her husband are the kindest most wonderful people. Not only do they do the most amazing work with hogs they are both angels. Thank you for looking after us as well as the hogs. Allan and Anita X X


They rescued a hedgehog I spotted down a well at Sandal Castle within hours!

I am so impressed and glad not to be worried that the little thing could not get out - even tho it may have access to food and water.


Thank you to Vicky and Steve from Oggles Hedgehog Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre, for the prompt response and collection of 2 gorgeous junior Hedgehogs who were spotted by my 3 year old snuffling in my garden during the daytime. Unfortunately it appears their mum and siblings were victims of roadkill on our busy road.

Many thanks and Keep up the excellent work


Thank you so much for taking the beautiful boy in yesterday evening...then a baby goldfinch who had lost its way. It's a shame there aren't more caring people like you in the world xx


Thank you so much for allowing me to drop off a little hog tonight despite the late hour, it’s an amazing thing you both do, my children loved the knowledge that the gentleman passed on to them when bombarding him with questions.


Thank you for taking it the little lady who was struggling in my garden! Your doing an amazing job and I appreciate your hard work. I hope the antibiotics work and she is back out in the wild soon. Thank you!


Thank you for picking up the baby hedgehog I found at the side of a busy road Monday afternoon. He was very small and not having any experience of looking after Hedgehogs I was quite worried about him. It was good of you to pick him up the same day I rang you. X


Thank you Vicky for your brilliant advice and for your husband coming to collect the baby hedgehog I found in my garden.Thank you both! The poor thing has a chance now.


Thank you Vicky for responding so quickly and arranging for the hedgehog found in my garden to be picked up today. Hedgehog � was dragging one of its back legs and then laying very still in the front garden today. Vicky told me what to do and then arranged for the hedgehog to be picked up. Hope the little fella/girl makes a good recovery.


Phoned the RSPCA after finding a poorly hedgehog they were useless we fed it but it still wasn't right phoned local vet who gave me number for Oggles what an amazing lady. They do an amazing job


Phoned for advice after finding a little hedgehog who had been injured, we were told to take it straight there, for antibiotics and pain relief, sadly our little prickly friend didn't survive. But her willingness to help was great and i was very reassured that he'd get the help he needed. Thank you


My girls came inside shouting Molly (our cat) is playing with a hedgehog, I went out and it was only moving very very slowly, after wrapping it up in a tea towel and putting it in a box. I googled hedgehog rescue to come across Vicky, I called her straight away and she was very helpful and someone came to collect it very quickly. Much appreciated and I hope the little hedgehog is ok. You do a fantastic job. Thank you �


I just want to say a massive THANK YOU to Vicky & Steve for their advice & help

Vicky came back to me quickly with confirmation that I had done the right thing with a poorly hedgehog out in the red hot sun

Steve came out to collect 'Dave Spikey' in a terrible storm on Tuesday night so he could be taken in for treatment

Keep up the fantastic work & hope 'Dave Spikey' is doing well

I have rang again & left a message as I now have 'Spike' who has again been out all day so hope to hear from you when you get a moment

Many thanks again for going above & beyond!


I found a hedgehog in Roundhay Park, We took him to Vickys and she is now looking after James the hedgehog , he was infested with maggots poor thing, jez is in the right place.

James Scully


Big thank you to you guys for giving advice to help the four little guys living in my garden that seemed to not be eating. Thanks for coming to collect them and nurture them to full health I hope they do well and get strong for the winter. Amazing what you guys do thanks xx


After phoning our local vets they directed me straight to you guys! You are both absolutely amazing for what you do to help these beautiful little creatures, we aren't very local to you at all but you were there to pick up our little visitor within an hour, I can not thank you enough!!


After finding a very small hedgehog wandering on the road we have spoken to a few organisations after brining it in! But after speaking to oggles later on I must say they are a fantastic rehabilitation centre that have given us all the advice we need and helped �!! Ps.. West Yorkshire has some very lucky hedgehogs

More about Oggles Hedgehog Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre

Oggles Hedgehog Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre is located at Scarr End Lane, WF13 4NY Dewsbury
07954 138853