Primal Gym

Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 16:00

About Primal Gym

We coach people to happier, healthier lives by making fitness fun, building strong communities, delivering results and inspiring change.

Primal Gym Description

This is Primal.

We help people re-ignite their passion and realise their potential.

We create communities in which people can spend their time doing what they love rather than doing what they think they have to do.

We encourage people to be passionate about who they are and who they can become rather than accepting themselves as others define them.

Right now, our mission is to help 10, 000 people lead happier, healthier lives.



Classic OCD style kettlebell club with coach Jim XD


You’re never too old to start something new! What an inspirational lady 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Primals newest stupid strength challenge: how much can you press...up?! PT client Jason giving it a cracking effort with 70kg for...almost 2 reps!


Farewell to Jared, one of the OG’s of cuddle club who moves on to pastures anew! Been a pleasure to start you on your grappling journey, and watching you grow from someone taking their first steps to the least ‘white belt’ white belt ever 😝 proud to have been a part of your journey and our doors are always open !


Sad to see Christian leave Primal, apparently he'll miss Peppa the most.


Thursday Thought with Coach Steve
When should you be increasing the weight?
This is a common question as coaches we get asked. Here’s Coach Steve with two tips to help you know when to increase the weight 👍🏻


👊🏻👊🏻 Technique of the Week 👊🏻👊🏻
Stuck on your feet against a better striker? Feeling brave? Jump guard to armbar 😎 thanks to Abbie for not snapping my arm off


More client appreciation for Fab at primal boxing club today 😁


After a good year or so of training at our kickboxing club Christian has taken a huge step to go and work in America for a while, so here is our response to the news during his last sparring class XD 'We don't take kindly to folk leaving primal around here!' In all seriousness it was great coaching you while you've been here, hope you find somewhere to continue it, and I hope you learn to keep your left hand up :D


With a new set of gymnastic rings downstairs here's a couple of quick tips for general use, and of course basic muscle up technique :D


Remember to eat vegetables.


👊🏻👊🏻Technique of the Week👊🏻👊🏻
Today we look at an old Judo escape from scarf hold. We also learn what Scarf hold is, and the modification I make to it to make it more secure.
We also get to see Abbie’s face light up like a Christmas tree when I reference Judo... once a Judoka, always a Judoka 😎


You can exercise anywhere, it’s easy! Why not get creative with your workout at the park?


Do you HATE going to the gym? 😫
Is it more of a chore that you HAVE to do instead of a part of your day you look forward to? 🔗
Do you remember when you were a kid and you used to run about with your mates, jumping, chasing, throwing, catching, climbing, cartwheeling and laughing until your mam called you in for tea? 🤸‍♀️
... I bet you didn't even think about it as "fitness" then, did you?
When did being active become a dull chore instead of a fun part of your life?
Why does "adulting" have to suck all the joy out of keeping fit?
At Primal we believe that by making fitness fun again, and by building strong communities, people want to go to the gym more often, which means they get the results they're after! 📈
If you're tired of dreading the gym, come and see why Primal was named "the best gym in the UK for those who hate the gym" by the Telegraph. 📰
Book your free week trial at:
See More


...and here are a couple of the efforts from the skin the cat technique session. Not too shabby you guys! :D


Coaching the Russian pull up (chin up to spin) and the skin the cat (straight arm version) for this week's advanced calisthenics club.
There were several progressions along the way and everyone put in awesome effort working through them!
Great exercise for strength and shoulder mobility!


Thursday Thought with Coach Steve
This week he mentions how surrounding yourself with like minded people can keep you on track and help you achieve your goals. Don’t be around people who don’t want you to be a success.
Oh, and there’s lots of bicep curls in this video 💪🏻


And people wonder why we don't have mirrors! 🤦‍♀️


A home workout to try if you can't make it to the gym today 😂


What can I say, other than I love Primal! I hate gyms and workouts usually bore me. However the small group PT has been a revelation! I look forward going and always feel better after! The team are brilliant and I’ve felt really welcomed! I’ve challenged myself more than I have for a long time and the results are starting to show (although, I’ve a long way to go!). If you’re looking for something different to accelerate your fitness goals, I’d thoroughly recommend this place!


Took me 8 months to walk through those doors and register, but the moment I finished my first class I wished I had joined when they first opened!

The first ever gym where I've not felt isolated, I have not gone hungry, I enjoy every single session and I see RESULTS!! Trainers, staff, programmes, members, atmosphere the list goes one, everything is just absolutely amazing!

Ollie sets me fun challenges with my workouts and diets and trainers Steve, Costas, Darren work hard to keep me motivated in training!

Moving from Leeds but taking primal with me!

Would give it more than 5 stars if I could!

I forgot to mention a very important person- Emily! She makes my day every time I'm there, notices my matching shoes and bottle and I don't cancel classes cos I know Emily will see it on her screen and know if I cancel last minute haha �


Super Steve!!

After training with Steve for six months I have my confidence back using heavy weights, can do 20kg weighted press-ups and I’m finally doing pull ups!!!

He’s got me strong, confident and loving the gym again (love the SGPT sessions). So thanks Steve, for helping me with my fitness journey :)


Spent a good 6 months here last year with Primal as my regular gym before moving away from Leeds. The TTP programme was great for me due to the support, information and small group training throughout, I ended with a great result.

At Primal, I always felt comfortable and the trainers as well as the community were all super friendly and helpful, especially with form/technique. I also did a few classes and powerlifting club, all of them were challenging but the trainers would really support each person and it never felt like a "standard class" at other gyms. Gutted I had to move away, this has been the best gym for me.


Primal it’s not a simple gym it’s more than that! I took part in a program called Total Transformation Project. And this has changed my body, mind, my nutrition mindset and my health too! The support and advices you receive is amazing! I have been a member since 10 months and I can’t even imagine going to any other gym now!


Primal is AMAZING! It's not like any other gym ive ever been to. Firstly I've never stuck to a gym for three years but I loved Primal so much I have. The instructors are the best around, they all know your name and are so knowledgeable. The classes are amazing and never fail to help you push yourself to your limits and make you feel better. Their knowledge is so amazing too, if you have a pain or struggle they know exactly how to help, and they want to help you too, unlike in other gyms where instructors dont really pay attention or care. The culture and community of Primal is second to none. I have never once gone in to the gym and not left happier than when I went in. Ive always been greeted with a smile and someone who knows my name and staff that genuinely care and want to help. I could not recommend Primal enough, they are the BEST!


Joining Primal is the best fitness decision I've ever made. Previously I've struggled with the gym becoming a stressor rather than a positive over time due to the big box gyms tendency to be filled with treadmills (ugh), have very little space for weight training (double ugh) and be filled with an overwhelming number of people who spend all their time on their phones! None of that nonsense at Primal, just great staff, great people and an impressive number of women lifting heavy things without judgement! Keep doing your thing, guys! 😁


I’ve just finished Primal’s three month Total Transformation Program and am delighted with my results!

As soon as I took advantage of my free week at Primal I knew it was a really special place. I’ve literally never known a gym like it and I’ve been a member of a fair few over the years!! The coaches are world class, really know their stuff and above all, actually care. Their people skills are as excellent as their knowledge and they’ll go out of their way to help you achieve your goals. You won’t see bad form being ignored in this gym!

Primal is a real community and I’m incredibly grateful and proud to be part of it �


I was really gutted to leave my old gym (due to moving job it was difficult to attend the classes I loved so much. However Primal made me feel at home instantly. I had an initial review with Darren who spoke about my goals, struggles, what the gym could and could offer in terms of support. I'd done Olympic lifting at my old gym so this was of interest. I then joined Kev's class who observed, praised and gave constructive criticism for me to improve and get stronger. Emma has been amazing on a personal level. She will go out of her way and even text me on days off to see how things are going. She's helped me with my conditioning and confidence.

Then I injured my hand (not a gym related thing but the physio helped me recover!) which meant I couldn't Olympic which I loved to do. Steve took me under his wing and worked on things I could do. Him and Chris together have made me believe in myself. I push and believe in everyone else and they've made me realise I am worth it and I can achieve anything.

I then embraced the fat loss challenge and together George, Matt and Emma were incredible in class and out of class.

Overall it's an incredible supportive atmosphere and is perfect for those who hate he thought of going to a gym full of people who run on treadmills, bicep curl in the squat rack and have no idea what leg day is. Going from someone incredibly unfit, fat, weak and have zero confidence, I couldn't rate my extended family any higher!

It's a 40 mile round trip for me on a weekend and I do it without a second thought. We are all people with different goals, backgrounds and abilities. The hours and the heart the trainers put in is incredible. It's not just a job to them. So whether you are super strong or weak, super ripped, average or not. You'll be welcome and be family before the end of your session then like me, after 6 months (that's me now) you'll be part of the furniture �


I love this place. The moment you walk through the door you get a warm welcome from whoever is at the desk and you get a real sense that everyone is there to make a real change in their lives. Nobody is there to judge you, or make you feel like you shouldn’t be there or to stare you down when youre using ‘their’ squat rack and nobody is there to pose and sit on a weight machine texting. Aside from the fantastic facilities and classes the thing that sets Primal above any other gym ive ever tried is the people. Every single trainer and every single member makes this place what it is. And that for me is something that nowhere else can emulate.


I joined to get fit before my ACL op and hoping to find some new ways to work out...I didn't expect:-

- Profesional friendly staff who keep you on track

- Excellent nutrition advice

- Small friendly classes

- To find that you could get a six pack without situps and burn fat without a stepper or running machine in sight.

- Classes which kept my interest.

- To love boxing (who knew?)

6 months in and I feel fitter than I've ever been in my life!

So much more fun and so much more effective than a regular gym.

My ACL recovery is going fabulously and along the way, another unexpected bonus, the advice I was given helped my IBS and lower back issues. Did I say I feel fantastic?

HUGE thanks to:-

- Darren for the initial diagnosis, intro to everything free eating and boxing

- Matt and Jim for strengthening me to the very core

- Mia for the calming and balancing pilates

- Ollie for the nutritional (and spiritual) advice

- Pepper (gym dog) for letting me have the ball

- Ollie and Matt for my ACL recovery program - I'm almost fixed again

All Primal staff not mentioned for the lovely warm welcome every time

All Primal members for the teamwork and support

Love you guys - Best. Gym. EVER.

Considering joining? Join. Do as told. Have fun. Feel fantastic. Easy.


I have been training with Costas for around 8 months now and in that time I have gone from 16% body fat to a personal record of 6%. Costas recognised that I had an upper to lower body imbalance and wrote dedicated programs for me that focussed on legs. As a result whereas previously my max squat and bench press were equal now my max squat is 40kg more than my max bench (160kg vs 120kg). He introduced me to functional training like heavy prowler and walking lunges which I’d never done before and wrote programs that were rigorous yet fun. Furthermore he identified the shoulder problems I had been suffering from for years and gave me a range of exercises to do each time I worked out. As a result I am now able to sleep sideways on my shoulder again which is something I hadn’t done for greater than 5 years!

He is always upbeat and enthusiastic and has given me that push when I’ve come for a session feeling tired. He asks about results and is genuinely interested and excited when I make progress. He is easy going yet motivational at the same time and I’ve had great fun training with him and recommend him highly.

However he still owes me a whole chicken from Nando’s when I bet him I could do 50 x 12.5 kg seated dumbbell curls in one go and he lost....😂

Overall I am very satisfied with Costas and couldn’t recommend him highly enough. Thanks Cos!

Dr. Ali Eker Moustafa


I always struggled in a traditional gym, I’d be motivated for 2 weeks then lose interest. I’m now 4 months in with Primal and love every minute. Small Group Personal Training really has transformed my workouts - the level of coaching from Steve and the rest of the team is world class and the attention to detail, regular assessments and personalised programmes have helped me reach a level I haven’t been in since University 20 years ago... as well as losing 7kg of fat (now down to 8% BF) and putting on 4kg muscle, my posture and flexibility have both massively improved!


Having tried-out most of the gyms in Leeds city centre, Primal struck me as being a bit different instantly. They offer a weeks trial free of charge, during which you have a detailed consultation with one of their coaches & a functional movement test (much less scary than it sounds!). The atmosphere and set up at Primal is completely different to other gyms as are the classes and coaches. Gone are the muscle bound men staring into mirrors and pieces of equipment you have no idea how to use. In their place are a range of classes focussing on different areas of training and a supportive community based membership (people actually talk to each other). After 3 months I was so hooked that I took part in one of Primal’s 3 month transformation programmes which focuses on diet & fat loss/muscle building classes. It was absolutely fantastic and with Primal’s help & support I managed to lose 17kg of fat in 12 weeks. After 6 months of being a member at Primal, I’m fitter than I’ve ever been, I’m lighter than I’ve ever been, I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and most importantly I enjoy training more than I’ve ever done. If you’re considering trying Primal, stop thinking and just do it - you won’t regret it!


Excellent gym. You get results. The group sessions are intense and you might want to curse out while doing them, but the moment you're done, you get a big sense of satisfaction and want to go again!

The trainers are skilled and dedicated. They're not trying to sell you services. Instead during regular catch ups, they provide you with guidance towards your goals, rather than you doing your own random stuff and hoping for a result.

These two things, effective small group sessions, and regular touch points and guidance towards a goal, make it the best gym I've been a member of.

It is not your usual gym with rows of machines and treadmills, but once you get into it, you see why that makes sense, and the range of kit its got are the best for what it is.

One final consideration is price. It is a lot more expensive than Pure Gym and the like. I personally find it steep but see the value. More expensive than this, and I may have to reconsider, for now though I'm ok with the value, especially if you sign up for 12 months.

5/5 overall.


Excellent gym and top quality help and assistance from Oliver. I am seeing brilliant results from my programmes and I feel so energised.

Can not recommend this gym enough.

I have been using programmes developed by Ollie now for over a year. The programmes are challenging yet varied and enjoyable. Coupled with a sensible diet I have seen the rewards, my clients and friends tell me I look great and I must admit I certainly feel it. I am 57 this July and I feel so much younger. The programmes have increased my flexibility, strength, endurance and above all well being. Ollie is a great Coach, a proper character who you can have a laugh and a bit of banter with. Ollie also has much knowledge in all aspects of fitness and diet. Very approachable and a definite people person too. If you are lucky you get to meet the adorable Pepper too!


Even before joining and trying the classes the gym sold itself to me. All the functional equipment you could wish for plus loads of free weights for getting massive if that's what you're into. Having not done classes before and always done circuit training on my own I've been pleasantly surprised how tough I've found the various classes. The mundane task of creating my own circuits is gone and I've yet to experience the same routine twice over 3weeks. So much variety daily to pick and choose from, and all the trainers are knowledgeable and push you to your max whatever your level of fitness. Best gym I've been to by far and worth every penny.


Amazing gym... Fab community feel. Dedicated coaches. LGBT friendly. I'd be gutted if I had to leave Leeds and find another gym. It's worth every penny. I never thought exercise and fitness was accessible to me but this place makes me feel good. The classes are awesome. So much fun. You'd be daft not to join!


Although I have been a member of Primal for nearly 2 years, after recent knee surgery I have just completed the first ACL rehab programme. In the four weeks of the programme I made significant progress in both straightening and strengthening my knee, 2 key steps in my rehab. Ollie was knowledgable and I trusted his advice to supplement the physio I was undertaking. He pushed me to progress but understood the limitations and made sure I didn’t push it too much that I could risk injury. I would definitely recommend the ACL rehab programme and Primal to anyone looking for knowledgable, friendly and flexible coaching.


What can I say, other than I love Primal! I hate gyms and workouts usually bore me. However the small group PT has been a revelation! I look forward going and always feel better after! The team are brilliant and I’ve felt really welcomed! I’ve challenged myself more than I have for a long time and the results are starting to show (although, I’ve a long way to go!). If you’re looking for something different to accelerate your fitness goals, I’d thoroughly recommend this place!


Took me 8 months to walk through those doors and register, but the moment I finished my first class I wished I had joined when they first opened!

The first ever gym where I've not felt isolated, I have not gone hungry, I enjoy every single session and I see RESULTS!! Trainers, staff, programmes, members, atmosphere the list goes one, everything is just absolutely amazing!

Ollie sets me fun challenges with my workouts and diets and trainers Steve, Costas, Darren work hard to keep me motivated in training!

Moving from Leeds but taking primal with me!

Would give it more than 5 stars if I could!

I forgot to mention a very important person- Emily! She makes my day every time I'm there, notices my matching shoes and bottle and I don't cancel classes cos I know Emily will see it on her screen and know if I cancel last minute haha �


Super Steve!!

After training with Steve for six months I have my confidence back using heavy weights, can do 20kg weighted press-ups and I’m finally doing pull ups!!!

He’s got me strong, confident and loving the gym again (love the SGPT sessions). So thanks Steve, for helping me with my fitness journey :)


Spent a good 6 months here last year with Primal as my regular gym before moving away from Leeds. The TTP programme was great for me due to the support, information and small group training throughout, I ended with a great result.

At Primal, I always felt comfortable and the trainers as well as the community were all super friendly and helpful, especially with form/technique. I also did a few classes and powerlifting club, all of them were challenging but the trainers would really support each person and it never felt like a "standard class" at other gyms. Gutted I had to move away, this has been the best gym for me.


Primal it’s not a simple gym it’s more than that! I took part in a program called Total Transformation Project. And this has changed my body, mind, my nutrition mindset and my health too! The support and advices you receive is amazing! I have been a member since 10 months and I can’t even imagine going to any other gym now!


Primal is AMAZING! It's not like any other gym ive ever been to. Firstly I've never stuck to a gym for three years but I loved Primal so much I have. The instructors are the best around, they all know your name and are so knowledgeable. The classes are amazing and never fail to help you push yourself to your limits and make you feel better. Their knowledge is so amazing too, if you have a pain or struggle they know exactly how to help, and they want to help you too, unlike in other gyms where instructors dont really pay attention or care. The culture and community of Primal is second to none. I have never once gone in to the gym and not left happier than when I went in. Ive always been greeted with a smile and someone who knows my name and staff that genuinely care and want to help. I could not recommend Primal enough, they are the BEST!


Joining Primal is the best fitness decision I've ever made. Previously I've struggled with the gym becoming a stressor rather than a positive over time due to the big box gyms tendency to be filled with treadmills (ugh), have very little space for weight training (double ugh) and be filled with an overwhelming number of people who spend all their time on their phones! None of that nonsense at Primal, just great staff, great people and an impressive number of women lifting heavy things without judgement! Keep doing your thing, guys! 😁


I’ve just finished Primal’s three month Total Transformation Program and am delighted with my results!

As soon as I took advantage of my free week at Primal I knew it was a really special place. I’ve literally never known a gym like it and I’ve been a member of a fair few over the years!! The coaches are world class, really know their stuff and above all, actually care. Their people skills are as excellent as their knowledge and they’ll go out of their way to help you achieve your goals. You won’t see bad form being ignored in this gym!

Primal is a real community and I’m incredibly grateful and proud to be part of it �


I was really gutted to leave my old gym (due to moving job it was difficult to attend the classes I loved so much. However Primal made me feel at home instantly. I had an initial review with Darren who spoke about my goals, struggles, what the gym could and could offer in terms of support. I'd done Olympic lifting at my old gym so this was of interest. I then joined Kev's class who observed, praised and gave constructive criticism for me to improve and get stronger. Emma has been amazing on a personal level. She will go out of her way and even text me on days off to see how things are going. She's helped me with my conditioning and confidence.

Then I injured my hand (not a gym related thing but the physio helped me recover!) which meant I couldn't Olympic which I loved to do. Steve took me under his wing and worked on things I could do. Him and Chris together have made me believe in myself. I push and believe in everyone else and they've made me realise I am worth it and I can achieve anything.

I then embraced the fat loss challenge and together George, Matt and Emma were incredible in class and out of class.

Overall it's an incredible supportive atmosphere and is perfect for those who hate he thought of going to a gym full of people who run on treadmills, bicep curl in the squat rack and have no idea what leg day is. Going from someone incredibly unfit, fat, weak and have zero confidence, I couldn't rate my extended family any higher!

It's a 40 mile round trip for me on a weekend and I do it without a second thought. We are all people with different goals, backgrounds and abilities. The hours and the heart the trainers put in is incredible. It's not just a job to them. So whether you are super strong or weak, super ripped, average or not. You'll be welcome and be family before the end of your session then like me, after 6 months (that's me now) you'll be part of the furniture �


I love this place. The moment you walk through the door you get a warm welcome from whoever is at the desk and you get a real sense that everyone is there to make a real change in their lives. Nobody is there to judge you, or make you feel like you shouldn’t be there or to stare you down when youre using ‘their’ squat rack and nobody is there to pose and sit on a weight machine texting. Aside from the fantastic facilities and classes the thing that sets Primal above any other gym ive ever tried is the people. Every single trainer and every single member makes this place what it is. And that for me is something that nowhere else can emulate.


I joined to get fit before my ACL op and hoping to find some new ways to work out...I didn't expect:-

- Profesional friendly staff who keep you on track

- Excellent nutrition advice

- Small friendly classes

- To find that you could get a six pack without situps and burn fat without a stepper or running machine in sight.

- Classes which kept my interest.

- To love boxing (who knew?)

6 months in and I feel fitter than I've ever been in my life!

So much more fun and so much more effective than a regular gym.

My ACL recovery is going fabulously and along the way, another unexpected bonus, the advice I was given helped my IBS and lower back issues. Did I say I feel fantastic?

HUGE thanks to:-

- Darren for the initial diagnosis, intro to everything free eating and boxing

- Matt and Jim for strengthening me to the very core

- Mia for the calming and balancing pilates

- Ollie for the nutritional (and spiritual) advice

- Pepper (gym dog) for letting me have the ball

- Ollie and Matt for my ACL recovery program - I'm almost fixed again

All Primal staff not mentioned for the lovely warm welcome every time

All Primal members for the teamwork and support

Love you guys - Best. Gym. EVER.

Considering joining? Join. Do as told. Have fun. Feel fantastic. Easy.


I have been training with Costas for around 8 months now and in that time I have gone from 16% body fat to a personal record of 6%. Costas recognised that I had an upper to lower body imbalance and wrote dedicated programs for me that focussed on legs. As a result whereas previously my max squat and bench press were equal now my max squat is 40kg more than my max bench (160kg vs 120kg). He introduced me to functional training like heavy prowler and walking lunges which I’d never done before and wrote programs that were rigorous yet fun. Furthermore he identified the shoulder problems I had been suffering from for years and gave me a range of exercises to do each time I worked out. As a result I am now able to sleep sideways on my shoulder again which is something I hadn’t done for greater than 5 years!

He is always upbeat and enthusiastic and has given me that push when I’ve come for a session feeling tired. He asks about results and is genuinely interested and excited when I make progress. He is easy going yet motivational at the same time and I’ve had great fun training with him and recommend him highly.

However he still owes me a whole chicken from Nando’s when I bet him I could do 50 x 12.5 kg seated dumbbell curls in one go and he lost....😂

Overall I am very satisfied with Costas and couldn’t recommend him highly enough. Thanks Cos!

Dr. Ali Eker Moustafa


I always struggled in a traditional gym, I’d be motivated for 2 weeks then lose interest. I’m now 4 months in with Primal and love every minute. Small Group Personal Training really has transformed my workouts - the level of coaching from Steve and the rest of the team is world class and the attention to detail, regular assessments and personalised programmes have helped me reach a level I haven’t been in since University 20 years ago... as well as losing 7kg of fat (now down to 8% BF) and putting on 4kg muscle, my posture and flexibility have both massively improved!


Having tried-out most of the gyms in Leeds city centre, Primal struck me as being a bit different instantly. They offer a weeks trial free of charge, during which you have a detailed consultation with one of their coaches & a functional movement test (much less scary than it sounds!). The atmosphere and set up at Primal is completely different to other gyms as are the classes and coaches. Gone are the muscle bound men staring into mirrors and pieces of equipment you have no idea how to use. In their place are a range of classes focussing on different areas of training and a supportive community based membership (people actually talk to each other). After 3 months I was so hooked that I took part in one of Primal’s 3 month transformation programmes which focuses on diet & fat loss/muscle building classes. It was absolutely fantastic and with Primal’s help & support I managed to lose 17kg of fat in 12 weeks. After 6 months of being a member at Primal, I’m fitter than I’ve ever been, I’m lighter than I’ve ever been, I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and most importantly I enjoy training more than I’ve ever done. If you’re considering trying Primal, stop thinking and just do it - you won’t regret it!


Excellent gym. You get results. The group sessions are intense and you might want to curse out while doing them, but the moment you're done, you get a big sense of satisfaction and want to go again!

The trainers are skilled and dedicated. They're not trying to sell you services. Instead during regular catch ups, they provide you with guidance towards your goals, rather than you doing your own random stuff and hoping for a result.

These two things, effective small group sessions, and regular touch points and guidance towards a goal, make it the best gym I've been a member of.

It is not your usual gym with rows of machines and treadmills, but once you get into it, you see why that makes sense, and the range of kit its got are the best for what it is.

One final consideration is price. It is a lot more expensive than Pure Gym and the like. I personally find it steep but see the value. More expensive than this, and I may have to reconsider, for now though I'm ok with the value, especially if you sign up for 12 months.

5/5 overall.


Excellent gym and top quality help and assistance from Oliver. I am seeing brilliant results from my programmes and I feel so energised.

Can not recommend this gym enough.

I have been using programmes developed by Ollie now for over a year. The programmes are challenging yet varied and enjoyable. Coupled with a sensible diet I have seen the rewards, my clients and friends tell me I look great and I must admit I certainly feel it. I am 57 this July and I feel so much younger. The programmes have increased my flexibility, strength, endurance and above all well being. Ollie is a great Coach, a proper character who you can have a laugh and a bit of banter with. Ollie also has much knowledge in all aspects of fitness and diet. Very approachable and a definite people person too. If you are lucky you get to meet the adorable Pepper too!


Even before joining and trying the classes the gym sold itself to me. All the functional equipment you could wish for plus loads of free weights for getting massive if that's what you're into. Having not done classes before and always done circuit training on my own I've been pleasantly surprised how tough I've found the various classes. The mundane task of creating my own circuits is gone and I've yet to experience the same routine twice over 3weeks. So much variety daily to pick and choose from, and all the trainers are knowledgeable and push you to your max whatever your level of fitness. Best gym I've been to by far and worth every penny.


Amazing gym... Fab community feel. Dedicated coaches. LGBT friendly. I'd be gutted if I had to leave Leeds and find another gym. It's worth every penny. I never thought exercise and fitness was accessible to me but this place makes me feel good. The classes are awesome. So much fun. You'd be daft not to join!


Although I have been a member of Primal for nearly 2 years, after recent knee surgery I have just completed the first ACL rehab programme. In the four weeks of the programme I made significant progress in both straightening and strengthening my knee, 2 key steps in my rehab. Ollie was knowledgable and I trusted his advice to supplement the physio I was undertaking. He pushed me to progress but understood the limitations and made sure I didn’t push it too much that I could risk injury. I would definitely recommend the ACL rehab programme and Primal to anyone looking for knowledgable, friendly and flexible coaching.


What can I say, other than I love Primal! I hate gyms and workouts usually bore me. However the small group PT has been a revelation! I look forward going and always feel better after! The team are brilliant and I’ve felt really welcomed! I’ve challenged myself more than I have for a long time and the results are starting to show (although, I’ve a long way to go!). If you’re looking for something different to accelerate your fitness goals, I’d thoroughly recommend this place!


Took me 8 months to walk through those doors and register, but the moment I finished my first class I wished I had joined when they first opened!

The first ever gym where I've not felt isolated, I have not gone hungry, I enjoy every single session and I see RESULTS!! Trainers, staff, programmes, members, atmosphere the list goes one, everything is just absolutely amazing!

Ollie sets me fun challenges with my workouts and diets and trainers Steve, Costas, Darren work hard to keep me motivated in training!

Moving from Leeds but taking primal with me!

Would give it more than 5 stars if I could!

I forgot to mention a very important person- Emily! She makes my day every time I'm there, notices my matching shoes and bottle and I don't cancel classes cos I know Emily will see it on her screen and know if I cancel last minute haha �


Super Steve!!

After training with Steve for six months I have my confidence back using heavy weights, can do 20kg weighted press-ups and I’m finally doing pull ups!!!

He’s got me strong, confident and loving the gym again (love the SGPT sessions). So thanks Steve, for helping me with my fitness journey :)


Spent a good 6 months here last year with Primal as my regular gym before moving away from Leeds. The TTP programme was great for me due to the support, information and small group training throughout, I ended with a great result.

At Primal, I always felt comfortable and the trainers as well as the community were all super friendly and helpful, especially with form/technique. I also did a few classes and powerlifting club, all of them were challenging but the trainers would really support each person and it never felt like a "standard class" at other gyms. Gutted I had to move away, this has been the best gym for me.


Primal it’s not a simple gym it’s more than that! I took part in a program called Total Transformation Project. And this has changed my body, mind, my nutrition mindset and my health too! The support and advices you receive is amazing! I have been a member since 10 months and I can’t even imagine going to any other gym now!


Primal is AMAZING! It's not like any other gym ive ever been to. Firstly I've never stuck to a gym for three years but I loved Primal so much I have. The instructors are the best around, they all know your name and are so knowledgeable. The classes are amazing and never fail to help you push yourself to your limits and make you feel better. Their knowledge is so amazing too, if you have a pain or struggle they know exactly how to help, and they want to help you too, unlike in other gyms where instructors dont really pay attention or care. The culture and community of Primal is second to none. I have never once gone in to the gym and not left happier than when I went in. Ive always been greeted with a smile and someone who knows my name and staff that genuinely care and want to help. I could not recommend Primal enough, they are the BEST!


Joining Primal is the best fitness decision I've ever made. Previously I've struggled with the gym becoming a stressor rather than a positive over time due to the big box gyms tendency to be filled with treadmills (ugh), have very little space for weight training (double ugh) and be filled with an overwhelming number of people who spend all their time on their phones! None of that nonsense at Primal, just great staff, great people and an impressive number of women lifting heavy things without judgement! Keep doing your thing, guys! 😁


I’ve just finished Primal’s three month Total Transformation Program and am delighted with my results!

As soon as I took advantage of my free week at Primal I knew it was a really special place. I’ve literally never known a gym like it and I’ve been a member of a fair few over the years!! The coaches are world class, really know their stuff and above all, actually care. Their people skills are as excellent as their knowledge and they’ll go out of their way to help you achieve your goals. You won’t see bad form being ignored in this gym!

Primal is a real community and I’m incredibly grateful and proud to be part of it �


I was really gutted to leave my old gym (due to moving job it was difficult to attend the classes I loved so much. However Primal made me feel at home instantly. I had an initial review with Darren who spoke about my goals, struggles, what the gym could and could offer in terms of support. I'd done Olympic lifting at my old gym so this was of interest. I then joined Kev's class who observed, praised and gave constructive criticism for me to improve and get stronger. Emma has been amazing on a personal level. She will go out of her way and even text me on days off to see how things are going. She's helped me with my conditioning and confidence.

Then I injured my hand (not a gym related thing but the physio helped me recover!) which meant I couldn't Olympic which I loved to do. Steve took me under his wing and worked on things I could do. Him and Chris together have made me believe in myself. I push and believe in everyone else and they've made me realise I am worth it and I can achieve anything.

I then embraced the fat loss challenge and together George, Matt and Emma were incredible in class and out of class.

Overall it's an incredible supportive atmosphere and is perfect for those who hate he thought of going to a gym full of people who run on treadmills, bicep curl in the squat rack and have no idea what leg day is. Going from someone incredibly unfit, fat, weak and have zero confidence, I couldn't rate my extended family any higher!

It's a 40 mile round trip for me on a weekend and I do it without a second thought. We are all people with different goals, backgrounds and abilities. The hours and the heart the trainers put in is incredible. It's not just a job to them. So whether you are super strong or weak, super ripped, average or not. You'll be welcome and be family before the end of your session then like me, after 6 months (that's me now) you'll be part of the furniture �


I love this place. The moment you walk through the door you get a warm welcome from whoever is at the desk and you get a real sense that everyone is there to make a real change in their lives. Nobody is there to judge you, or make you feel like you shouldn’t be there or to stare you down when youre using ‘their’ squat rack and nobody is there to pose and sit on a weight machine texting. Aside from the fantastic facilities and classes the thing that sets Primal above any other gym ive ever tried is the people. Every single trainer and every single member makes this place what it is. And that for me is something that nowhere else can emulate.


I joined to get fit before my ACL op and hoping to find some new ways to work out...I didn't expect:-

- Profesional friendly staff who keep you on track

- Excellent nutrition advice

- Small friendly classes

- To find that you could get a six pack without situps and burn fat without a stepper or running machine in sight.

- Classes which kept my interest.

- To love boxing (who knew?)

6 months in and I feel fitter than I've ever been in my life!

So much more fun and so much more effective than a regular gym.

My ACL recovery is going fabulously and along the way, another unexpected bonus, the advice I was given helped my IBS and lower back issues. Did I say I feel fantastic?

HUGE thanks to:-

- Darren for the initial diagnosis, intro to everything free eating and boxing

- Matt and Jim for strengthening me to the very core

- Mia for the calming and balancing pilates

- Ollie for the nutritional (and spiritual) advice

- Pepper (gym dog) for letting me have the ball

- Ollie and Matt for my ACL recovery program - I'm almost fixed again

All Primal staff not mentioned for the lovely warm welcome every time

All Primal members for the teamwork and support

Love you guys - Best. Gym. EVER.

Considering joining? Join. Do as told. Have fun. Feel fantastic. Easy.


I have been training with Costas for around 8 months now and in that time I have gone from 16% body fat to a personal record of 6%. Costas recognised that I had an upper to lower body imbalance and wrote dedicated programs for me that focussed on legs. As a result whereas previously my max squat and bench press were equal now my max squat is 40kg more than my max bench (160kg vs 120kg). He introduced me to functional training like heavy prowler and walking lunges which I’d never done before and wrote programs that were rigorous yet fun. Furthermore he identified the shoulder problems I had been suffering from for years and gave me a range of exercises to do each time I worked out. As a result I am now able to sleep sideways on my shoulder again which is something I hadn’t done for greater than 5 years!

He is always upbeat and enthusiastic and has given me that push when I’ve come for a session feeling tired. He asks about results and is genuinely interested and excited when I make progress. He is easy going yet motivational at the same time and I’ve had great fun training with him and recommend him highly.

However he still owes me a whole chicken from Nando’s when I bet him I could do 50 x 12.5 kg seated dumbbell curls in one go and he lost....😂

Overall I am very satisfied with Costas and couldn’t recommend him highly enough. Thanks Cos!

Dr. Ali Eker Moustafa


I always struggled in a traditional gym, I’d be motivated for 2 weeks then lose interest. I’m now 4 months in with Primal and love every minute. Small Group Personal Training really has transformed my workouts - the level of coaching from Steve and the rest of the team is world class and the attention to detail, regular assessments and personalised programmes have helped me reach a level I haven’t been in since University 20 years ago... as well as losing 7kg of fat (now down to 8% BF) and putting on 4kg muscle, my posture and flexibility have both massively improved!


Having tried-out most of the gyms in Leeds city centre, Primal struck me as being a bit different instantly. They offer a weeks trial free of charge, during which you have a detailed consultation with one of their coaches & a functional movement test (much less scary than it sounds!). The atmosphere and set up at Primal is completely different to other gyms as are the classes and coaches. Gone are the muscle bound men staring into mirrors and pieces of equipment you have no idea how to use. In their place are a range of classes focussing on different areas of training and a supportive community based membership (people actually talk to each other). After 3 months I was so hooked that I took part in one of Primal’s 3 month transformation programmes which focuses on diet & fat loss/muscle building classes. It was absolutely fantastic and with Primal’s help & support I managed to lose 17kg of fat in 12 weeks. After 6 months of being a member at Primal, I’m fitter than I’ve ever been, I’m lighter than I’ve ever been, I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and most importantly I enjoy training more than I’ve ever done. If you’re considering trying Primal, stop thinking and just do it - you won’t regret it!


Excellent gym. You get results. The group sessions are intense and you might want to curse out while doing them, but the moment you're done, you get a big sense of satisfaction and want to go again!

The trainers are skilled and dedicated. They're not trying to sell you services. Instead during regular catch ups, they provide you with guidance towards your goals, rather than you doing your own random stuff and hoping for a result.

These two things, effective small group sessions, and regular touch points and guidance towards a goal, make it the best gym I've been a member of.

It is not your usual gym with rows of machines and treadmills, but once you get into it, you see why that makes sense, and the range of kit its got are the best for what it is.

One final consideration is price. It is a lot more expensive than Pure Gym and the like. I personally find it steep but see the value. More expensive than this, and I may have to reconsider, for now though I'm ok with the value, especially if you sign up for 12 months.

5/5 overall.


Excellent gym and top quality help and assistance from Oliver. I am seeing brilliant results from my programmes and I feel so energised.

Can not recommend this gym enough.

I have been using programmes developed by Ollie now for over a year. The programmes are challenging yet varied and enjoyable. Coupled with a sensible diet I have seen the rewards, my clients and friends tell me I look great and I must admit I certainly feel it. I am 57 this July and I feel so much younger. The programmes have increased my flexibility, strength, endurance and above all well being. Ollie is a great Coach, a proper character who you can have a laugh and a bit of banter with. Ollie also has much knowledge in all aspects of fitness and diet. Very approachable and a definite people person too. If you are lucky you get to meet the adorable Pepper too!


Even before joining and trying the classes the gym sold itself to me. All the functional equipment you could wish for plus loads of free weights for getting massive if that's what you're into. Having not done classes before and always done circuit training on my own I've been pleasantly surprised how tough I've found the various classes. The mundane task of creating my own circuits is gone and I've yet to experience the same routine twice over 3weeks. So much variety daily to pick and choose from, and all the trainers are knowledgeable and push you to your max whatever your level of fitness. Best gym I've been to by far and worth every penny.


Amazing gym... Fab community feel. Dedicated coaches. LGBT friendly. I'd be gutted if I had to leave Leeds and find another gym. It's worth every penny. I never thought exercise and fitness was accessible to me but this place makes me feel good. The classes are awesome. So much fun. You'd be daft not to join!


Although I have been a member of Primal for nearly 2 years, after recent knee surgery I have just completed the first ACL rehab programme. In the four weeks of the programme I made significant progress in both straightening and strengthening my knee, 2 key steps in my rehab. Ollie was knowledgable and I trusted his advice to supplement the physio I was undertaking. He pushed me to progress but understood the limitations and made sure I didn’t push it too much that I could risk injury. I would definitely recommend the ACL rehab programme and Primal to anyone looking for knowledgable, friendly and flexible coaching.

More about Primal Gym

Primal Gym is located at The Boulevard, Leeds Dock, LS10 1PZ Leeds
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 16:00