Raihan Adi

About Raihan Adi

Former driving instructor based in Leeds, covered Harehills, Horsforth & Knaresborough. My page remains open for test & driving related posts /information.

Raihan Adi Description

On my page, you'll find details of how to book lessons and what offers & promotions I have on (keep checking back, I regularly have something on offer which might appeal to you or someone you know who wants to learn to drive! ).

If you have already passed, don't worry, I will have something for you too: you could test your Highway Code knowledge or you might get some advice posted on my page which you didn't know - it could save you a fine, perhaps even save your life.

My aim is not to just advertise for more business (I'll be honest, getting it would be nice) but, I'm an advocate of safe driving, teaching styles & techniques, whether in my lessons or through posting on my page, so that we have more safer, careful, considerate drivers on the roads.

I hope you enjoy the experience of my page!



Owing to Facebooks silly copyright policy, the audio in my last video was muted. So, here it is again with my previously used royalty-free (& IвҖҷd say better) audio! HAPPY NEW YEAR! рҹҳңрҹ‘ҚрҹҸј


Hiya! Sorry itвҖҷs been a while рҹҷҖ
HereвҖҷs a video I made, covering whatвҖҷs happened in 2017-2018.
I may have stopped teaching, but my techniques continue online where learners have found a great source of reference for test success at test centres in & around Leeds.
... Hope you enjoy it & continue to find success in your driving tests.
All the best for 2019 & beyond! рҹҺ„рҹҰҢрҹҺ…рҹҸјрҹҺүрҹҺҠрҹҸҒрҹҡҷрҹҡ—рҹҸҺр ҹӣөрҹ’Ё
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Knaresborough Test Centre. ADIs & pupils be aware!


Leeds city centre driving nostalgia! рҹҺҘ


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Texting & Driving? Get off your phone! рҹҳӮ


Just for fun рҹҷҲрҹҳӮрҹӨЈ


BRAVO DVSA!!! Major change coming on how youвҖҷll learn to drive. Motorway lessons! I agree to this change & it makes perfect sense, learners will get the full driving experience & develop these skills under professional instruction from a qualified ADI so when they pass, theyвҖҷll make for safe & experienced drivers on all types of roads & driving conditions. This type of lesson/tuition though is restricted to trained, professional driving instructors - not School of Mum & Dad! Totally agree to that as well рҹҷҲрҹҳӮ


WhatвҖҷs new in the new Driving Test? Take a look


MY 99TH PASS, in 3 1/2 years of tests!!! Huge congratulations to Miriam for passing in Horsforth today on her very 1st attempt! рҹҺүрҹҺҠ
Miriam is MarthaвҖҷs twin sister, Martha also passed a few weeks ago, on her 1st attempt too. ItвҖҷs their family tradition, so I was more nervous not to break that trend than Miriam was about her driving test today рҹҳ…рҹҳӮрҹӨЈ
She thoroughly deserved to pass & sheвҖҷll lead by example on the roads. SheвҖҷs also studying medicine so when IвҖҷm old & frail, I know I...вҖҷll be in good hands as is the future of medicine in the UK.
Well done Miriam, IвҖҷm very proud of you! Thanks for doing your homework & to both you sisters for making me look good! Stay safe & go conquer the world рҹ––рҹҸјрҹҳҺрҹҡҷрҹ’ЁрҹҸҒ
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Ladies & gents... I regret to inform you that I am no longer taking on any new pupils. IвҖҷm primarily focusing on getting my remaining pupils through their tests & also considering teaching new instructors only on a very limited, part-time basis.
6 months ago, I started in a full time banking role which IвҖҷve been doing through the week & very recently I received a massive promotion (including a huge pay rise, it is banking after all!) which will keep me very busy over the nex...t few years. ItвҖҷs been over 8/9 years since I actually took weekends off (feels like a lifetime!) I believe life shouldnвҖҷt be about having to work each & every day, you should work through the week to enjoy the weekend off, for spending time with family, friends & doing things you love to do.
ItвҖҷs not the end of the road for me as an instructor, I may return at some point. However, I am leaving behind my legacy on YouTube, where youвҖҷll find links to all the problem areas for Harehills, Horsforth & (soon) Knaresborough Test Centres. Feel free to watch those videos as theyвҖҷll still be relevant even when the driving test changes in December 2017. This page will still be open & I will continue my journey online, teaching safe driving for life.
I wish you all the best, especially if youвҖҷre learning to drive. Thank you for sharing my journey as an instructor over the last 4 years. ItвҖҷs the best job IвҖҷve ever done & IвҖҷll never forget all the smiling faces who have passed with me! рҹҸқрҹҡҷрҹ’ЁрҹҳҺрҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪ
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My 98th pass! Massive congrats to Juan for passing in Harehills today on her first attempt ... again! (Let me explain) рҹҷҲрҹӨ”
Juan (like myself!), had her full driving license revoked under the New Drivers Act 2000. It happens in instances where as a newly qualified driver, who gets six points on their license within two years of passing, loses their full license & goes back to being a provisional license holder & has to do both theory & practical driving tests again. And much li...ke my own revocation, it was under dubious circumstances (Police officers being harsh to victims when others were to blame). Way of the world I guess, nothing is fair рҹӨ·рҹҸҪвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹӨ·вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
CanвҖҷt describe the feeling though, knowing you shouldnвҖҷt have had your license taken off you so you go into the test, with some nervous energy, feeling hard done by but thereвҖҷs an over-riding craving of righting a wrong done to you! And then that sweet victory of reclaiming what was yours all along - your full license holder status рҹ––рҹҸјрҹҳҺ
Well done Juan, you deserve to have your license back - now avoid getting your own back on that copper ... but I wouldnвҖҷt blame you if you did - Karma рҹҳ¬
Stay safe, keep your license this time! рҹҳҒрҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪрҹҡҷрҹ’ЁрҹҸҒ
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Congratulations to Martha for passing in Horsforth today, on her 1st attempt & with only 3 minors! My 97th pass - almost at that magical 100 рҹҳ¬
She studied lots, worked hard on every aspect of the driving & thoroughly deserves her status as a fully qualified driver. Yet another driver who will lead by example.
Thank you so much for putting in the work outside of the lessons (it makes a world of difference), for learning so quickly and also making me look good in the process. Y...ou're a credit to your family of first time passers рҹҳҒ
Next stop for Martha, uni tomorrow & a very bright future ahead for a highly talented young lady, who we'll no doubt hear of achieving even greater things. Been an absolute pleasure teaching you - well done! рҹ––рҹҸјрҹҳҺрҹҡҷрҹ’ЁрҹҸҒ
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Huge congratulations to Usman for passing in Harehills, on his very 1st attempt! рҹҺү
Some consider (& stats show too) Harehills is a very tough place to take your driving test. Usman showed that by studying my YouTube videos for Harehills, practise in lessons & all round preparation leads to test success. It's not such a scary place after all рҹҳұрҹҷҲ
Thank you for doing your homework & also finding me through YouTube, it's been great helping you achieve your goal before you go on pl...acement. You'll be hugely successful at anything you put your mind to.
Well done Usman - brilliant work! рҹҳҺрҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪрҹҡҷрҹ’ЁрҹҸҒ
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Finally, it's going to happen, at some point in 2018 рҹҳүрҹҡҷрҹ’Ё


I have 3 spare places at weekends for lessons. So, if you're wanting to learn with me, get in touch ASAP! рҹҳүрҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪ


Another rare outing for me on test & yet another good one too - my 95th pass! Congratulations to Keri for passing her test in Horsforth yesterday, on her very first attempt! рҹҺүрҹҺҲрҹҺҠ
She's leaving for home from uni & this was the only chance she had before her time to leave for summer & then a year out on placement. And after some nerves before the test, she did ever so well рҹҳүрҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪ
We've only been driving together for a few months & in that time, she's gone from strength to strength.... She will lead by example on the roads.
Funny story: her mum had a bad experience with her instructor so was weary about Keri learning to drive but Keri loved our lessons from day one & stuck with me ... So thank you for believing in me & you fully deserve your license рҹҳҺ
Enjoy summer, the heat in France & all the best for the future - you'll be awesome рҹҳүрҹҡҷрҹ’ЁрҹҸҒ
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More about Raihan Adi

Raihan Adi is located at Leeds Area, LS1 3AD Leeds