Sheng Yoga

Monday: 12:15 - 20:00
Tuesday: 07:15 - 20:15
Wednesday: 07:15 - 20:00
Thursday: 07:15 - 20:00
Friday: 12:15 - 14:00
Saturday: 10:30 - 13:00
Sunday: 10:30 - 12:30

About Sheng Yoga

A unique community driven space in the heart of the city. We provide authentic physical and spiritual practices, supported by modern scientific knowledge. Our mission is to provide people with the tools to navigate life with strength grace and calm.



Are we asking the right questions?
Conversation is a beautiful thing and it is important to create a platform for open discourse free from judgement. It is simple enough to slip into our opinions and believe that they are truth over that of another; yet how can we know if we don’t take the time to listen. We need to hear one another more clearly.
#cosy #blankets #listen #starttalking #conversation #whatdidyouday #youropinion #letmeknow #whatdoyouthink #leedsyoga #yogainthecity #yogainleeds #leedscity #cityofleeds #spiritjuice


The need for connection is deeply engrained within our being; yet we can only create true bonds with the world at large if we have fully embraced and nurtured ourselves.
Join Michelle and Jen to take refuge, unplug from modern life and take time to reconnect to yourself.
Re-connection - A workshop for women
... Sunday 2nd June 2 - 5 pm
A safe honest space will be created where you can be seen, heard and feel supported.
#support #forwomen #connection #bonding #leedsyoga #reconnect #turninginwards #nurtureyourself #blossom #summerofgrowth #yogainleeds #womensworkshop #femininepower #divine
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We are happy to announce that the Leeds Yoga family is growing and would like to extend our thanks to you for making that possible. We are constantly looking for opportunities to develop the space and create positive change within the community;if you believe there is a way in which we can be of assistance out in the world, please let us know.
Ella Young will be joining us from Sunday 2nd June, when she will be leading a regular Hatha class from 10:45 - 12:00. We are looking ...forward to the sharing of her wisdom, positivity and passion from this beautiful space.
Ella is an 800hr certified yoga teacher, having studied her level 1, 2, 3 & Cert 4 in yoga teacher training through Byron Yoga Centre. She has taught in England, Australia, Denmark, Croatia and Morocco and specialises in Hatha and vinyasa yoga but also loves teaching pre/post natal, restorative and yoga nidra. She lead her own Ayurvedic yoga retreat at the beginning of this year, sharing her passions and knowledge in the beautiful Atlas Mountains of Morocco.
Ella has worked in various organic, plant-based kitchens in Australia in both Bondi Beach and Byron Bay including Combi, Bare Blends and The Health Emporium to name a few. She has catered for world class yoga retreats in the French alps and prior to running her own retreat in Morocco she was working in a retreat centre there. As well as leading the yoga programme of classes and workshops, she was crafting in the kitchen, creating some of her favourite dishes while also acquiring skills of how to make argan oil by hand, haggle at the local souk and bubble up a well spiced vegetarian tagine!
#newteacher #wisdom #growth #community #positiveaction #Leedsyoga #ourfamily #development #letusknow #howcanwehel #Ayurveda #morocco #plantbased #yogainthecity #yogainleeds
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A fantatsic new Yin workshop to get you ready for the heat and action of summer. Workshop includes an indulgent sequence of balancing heart openers and plenty of content to take away. ⠀ Saturday 1st June from 13:00 - 15:00 £20 ⠀ Cosy and intimate space for 20 people to enjoy a Yin exploration.
... Join the wonderful @_sib_ for an insightful journey through some active, free and enchanting qualities that the element of fire has to offer. The strengths of the fire element in yin yoga are harmony, balanced joy and a clear spirit. The heart can be experienced in relaxed resonance towards the other organs and in relation to people;as the seat of our consciousness and love we generate for ourselves and the world at large. ⠀
#balance #yinyoga #yinyang #heartopeners #heartcentred #anahata #fire #bepresent #summervibes #prettyflames #ignite #leedsyoga #clearspirit #yogainthecity #whatisyoga #workshop ⠀
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Decisions, decisions and yet more decisions
How do we know we are making the right choices? We tell ourselves that we are taking an action because of some conscious reason, yet how true is that? What lies behind our immediate awareness is not necessarily the motivating cause.
... If we can truly understand our driving forces at a deep level; would we be able to make more informed and quality decisions?
The only way to know is to ask the right questions, forgive the mistakes and make more decisions.
So proud of these two for making the boldest decision I can think of; students, friends and all round inspiring souls
#decisions #choice #bold #makeittrue #inspire #leedsyoga #yogainthecity #drivingforce #takeaction #movemore #bemindful #whichway #mobility #beflexible #leedsyogacommunity
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Setting clear priorities in our life can be difficult; especially with the increased level of distraction presented to us.
Importance is a process of perception and often that in itself is unclear. There are many tactics that we can employ to tackle the issue and bring greater quality into our lives.
What will completing each individual task in your day provide you with? It’s easy to fill the day and appear busy without achieving very much at all and be left feeling unfulfill...ed. How much satisfaction can any opportunity give to you?
How will you achieve fulfilment today?
#fulfilled #satisfaction #leedsyoga #yogacity #priorities #parkdays #hydepark #catchingrays #seizetheday #venividivici #forwardfold #handsintheearth #splice #enriched #livingfull
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There is no ‘I’ in team yet there are certainly a few in individual. It’s easy to get caught up in our experience of the world and forget that it is made possible by so many people in a whole collection of communities; some of which we may never touch.
Be a proud individual and embrace the power that you possess; yet be sure to show some gratitude to those people who make it possible.
Who is on your team and what qualities about them are you grateful for?
... Much love to all the Leeds Yoga teachers, students and friends who make this journey possible. We really couldn’t do it without you.
Thank you for your enthusiasm, open hearts, honesty and kindness. You mean the world to us.
#gratitude #gotyourback #liftyouup #love #gratitude #yogaforlife #powerteam #youmakeitpossible #loveleeds #offthemat #morethanpostures #individual #nomanisanisland #leedsyoga #teamwork #fistbump
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Do you have the right people around you?
This isn’t always the easiest question to answer and will constantly present challenges. The people that are in our lives at any given time are there for a reason. We are surrounded by teachers, guides and supporters as long as we choose to let them in.
Without a shadow of a doubt @Leeds_momm was a meeting of a vast number of the right people; joined together in a conscious uplifting moment of mindfulness. Are we aware with who we su...rround ourselves and do they encourage us to shine as our brightest most authentic version of ourselves?
Let those people know how much they mean to you ❤️
#rightpeople #mindfulness #bluesky #ilikeclouds #leedsyoga #support #powerteam #youmeantheworldtome #yogainafield #kirkstallabbey #leedscityyoga #grass #outdooryoga #heartopen #mindfulness
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Summer is the time where things come to fruition; we expand into our fullest, as do the trees, the flowers, the fruits. We must be careful not to get burnt out by summer’s energy and instead harness the power in a balanced approach by creating cooling routines and rituals to find a state of equilibrium. Ayurveda provides us with the knowledge and tools that allow us to live in sync with nature. Summer is the pitta season: fiery, fast and full, therefore, we balance with a l...ittle bit of a slower practice in an airy room with spaces to pause and reflect. We will move through a gentle asana practice, drawing on cooling pranayama techniques to help to release any excess heat. After our yoga practice we will move into discussion around food and how our eating habits can assist our efforts to create balance within. We draw on flavours, herbs, spices, liquids and textures that pacify the pitta energy. You will be given hand-outs and explanation around the basic Ayurvedic principles. Then, we will immerse ourselves into the joyful, social summer feelings and together enjoy a delicious, homemade, organic brunch. An organic diet is important for both a yogic and Ayurvedic lifestyle and at this workshop you will receive an exclusive discount for Abel & Cole organic delivery boxes. This company supports organic farmers through thick and thin and will be supporting our efforts to delve deeper into the world of organic fruit and vegetables which is so important for the health of our bodies, our family’s bodies and the health of the planet
Join the talented Ella Young @wellnesswins for this insightful workshop 09:00 - 11:30, including a picnic brunch in the park .. £40 all inclusive.
Only 15 online spaces available
#ayurveda #yogainthecity #leedsyoga #yogainleeds #healthyeats #livingclean #whatsyourdosha #sustainable #organic #abelandcole #supportourfarmers #cookingwithfriends #Iloveveg #getyourvitamins #minerals
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Summer is the time where things come to fruition; we expand into our fullest, as do the trees, the flowers, the fruits. We must be careful not to get burnt out by summer’s energy and instead harness the power in a balanced approach by creating cooling routines and rituals to find a state of equilibrium.
Ayurveda provides us with the knowledge and tools that allow us to live in sync with nature. Summer is the pitta season: fiery, fast and full, therefore, we balance with a li...ttle bit of a slower practice in an airy room with spaces to pause and reflect. We will move through a gentle asana practice, drawing on cooling pranayama techniques to help to release any excess heat.
After our yoga practice we will move into discussion around food and how our eating habits can assist our efforts to create balance within. We draw on flavours, herbs, spices, liquids and textures that pacify the pitta energy. You will be given hand-outs and explanation around the basic Ayurvedic principles. Then, we will immerse ourselves into the joyful, social summer feelings and together enjoy a delicious, homemade, organic brunch.
An organic diet is important for both a yogic and Ayurvedic lifestyle and at this workshop you will receive an exclusive discount for Abel & Cole organic delivery boxes. This company supports organic farmers through thick and thin and will be supporting our efforts to delve deeper into the world of organic fruit and vegetables which is so important for the health of our bodies, our family’s bodies and the health of the planet
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Take a moment to think .. when was the last time you truly relaxed?
It’s very easy to get caught up in doing things that may bring us a sense of calm; yet perhaps a healthy dose of being could be what we truly need.
Enjoy those moments in the day where you can simply do nothing and cherish how great that can be. Space is a marvellous thing and can provide a great deal of insight, if we only allow time for it.
... Sit back, breathe deeply and let go; you deserve this little moment to yourself.
#unwind #breathedeep #littlemoments #spaceandtime #leedsyoga #selflove #yinyoga #yogainleeds #thisisleeds #relax #thisisforyou #cuddlepuddle #comfythings #cosy #friends #thisisthelife
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Stop ✋ .. Look around you.
How can you make a difference? It is so simple for us to get wrapped up in our neuroses and own personal issues, that we forget the world around us. You are not alone; everyone is going through shit, in one way or another.
... You have the power to change someone’s life for the better. You have the strength to create positive actions that benefit the planet. You are more than you realise.
#powerful #bethechange #helpsomeone #positiveaction #realise #powerwithin #powerofgiants #healtheplanet #leedsyoga #yogaforthecity #helpout #takeamoment #helpinghand #cityyoga #balance #ononefoot
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At the heart of it, appreciation is such a simple concept; yet somehow it is so easily lost by the wayside. In that chasing of the pose and all the things we convince ourselves we need or even worse; have been swayed into believing are necessary.
When was the last time you took stock of what you have in your life; how much of it is truly important and brings you joy? Are you filling space with a multitude of false necessities, that detract from what counts?
In the journey t...o get what we want we fall short of realising how much we truly do have. There is so much to be grateful for. When we realise this simple truth our lives can be enriched.
How are you going to share your gratitude today?
#smile #hair #curls #tattoos #squatmore #leggingsformen #barefoot #sunshine #parktime #peacefuldays #yogaonthegrass #grassisgreener #lifeisbless #gratitude #yogaforthewin #thankyou #lovinglife #moreyoga #leedsyoga #mobility
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Join Karen on Sunday 12th May for a life changing journey of self discovery on her Introduction to Ayurveda, Life coaching and Yoga workshop.
You will practice 2 yoga classes- Vinyasa to improve strength, tone and stamina and hatha and restorative to relax. Karen also uses pranayama (breathing practices), mindful meditation and aromatherapy oils in every class to connect to body, mind and spirit. We will delve deep into the basic principles of Ayurveda and you will be persona...lly assessed to determine your Ayurvedic profile. You will take away a personalised Ayurvedic specific diet with life style recommendations. Following this holistic approach to health and wellbeing will bring immense changes in your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. To complete the journey you will assess all segments of your life to gain a clearer picture of areas in your life you may need to improve and how to implement change to become your higher self using one of the most popular life coaching tools. This workshop offers the opportunity to change your current perspective on diet nutrition and lifestyle by delving deep using traditional yogic methods. You will take away your own personal Ayurvedic nutrition and life coaching advice whilst enjoying the company of a great group of yogis. It is suitable for all levels whether you’re completely new to yoga or looking to expand your current knowledge. 2-3pm Saturday 12th May (please allow up to 4hrs if discussions take place). Price £35 @Yoga_devi
Email: for more details. Book via mindbody app.
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Hands up for Kids Yoga Club becoming a monthly Saturday event?! Charlotte will be holding space for your little ones aged between 4 and 11 years on Saturday 22nd June and 20th July 2-3pm. That makes this Sunday the last 9.30 class so make sure not to miss it!! Start your little ones week off right with a mindful morning of yoga games and fun. Still just £7 drop in- book via mindbody or drop in this Sunday. #yoga #leeds #leedslife #yogaleeds #leedsyoga #leedsliving #leedsevent #yogalife #morethanasana #leedscitycentre #parkplaceyoga #leeds #yogaeverydamnday #love #life #welcometoleedsyoga #yogainspiration #loveleeds #yorkshireyogis


We have the strength within us to lift ourselves and other to the highest peaks. It is in our darkest hours where we must strive to reach out and claim that power. How great could we be if instead of chopping down, we raised each other up?
#powerwithin #elevate #riseup #darkesthour #innerstrength #hereforyou #gotyourback #tothetop #highestpeak #climbonup #leedsyoga #wowyoga #offthemat #morethanphysical #allbeingsareequal #grabafriend #yogafromleeds #yogainyorkshire


Consent isn’t always an obvious thing and can so easily taken for granted and the direction can be unclear at times.
Here at the studio we offer hands on adjustment, yet we also provide tokens that allow you to clearly illustrate if you would prefer verbal queuing.
Your body is a sacred temple that you control the gates to; you have no obligation to let someone in, simply based in their position or status. Trust is a powerful thing that is earned and when that communication... is clear we create a wonderful bond. Yet that is not to say that your feelings won’t change and some days you simply want space.
Give yourself permission to set clear boundaries and give consent when you feel comfortable.
#comsent #speakup #comfortable #isthisokay #boundaries #permission #leedsyoga #question #yogaoverhere #bodyisatemple #verbal #granted #illustrate #clearcommunication #cityyoga #powerful
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Super interesting and valuable workshop on the 16th of June <3 y-constellation-w…/

More about Sheng Yoga

Sheng Yoga is located at Trafalgar House, 29 Park Place, LS1 2SP Leeds
Monday: 12:15 - 20:00
Tuesday: 07:15 - 20:15
Wednesday: 07:15 - 20:00
Thursday: 07:15 - 20:00
Friday: 12:15 - 14:00
Saturday: 10:30 - 13:00
Sunday: 10:30 - 12:30