Simon Benn Children'S Happiness Coach And Coach Trainer

About Simon Benn Children'S Happiness Coach And Coach Trainer

I work with parents whose children are being bullied or who've been bullied in the past. I help them re-build their children's confidence and self-esteem so bullies can't upset them any more and they can be happy again.



Stop children taking bullying personally
In this post I show you how to help your child realise it's not their fault that someone is picking on them.ŌĆ”/stop-chil dren-taking-bullyingŌĆ”
... #bullying #bullied #resilience #relationships #children
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How are your children going to be happy if they're looking in the wrong place?
We're brought up to believe that happiness comes from landing the ideal job, finding the right partner and getting that perfect property.
So we go on a journey to get all these things. If we do get them we seem to end up no happier than we were before. It's all a little disappointing but we can't tell anybody because if we do they tell us to count our blessings be grateful for what we've got, stop... moaning etc. If we don't get them we never realise they wouldn't have made us happy anyway.
Feelings are inside job. They come from within us. They're not found in bricks and mortar of the mansion, cottage or penthouse - or workplace.
We'll stay unhappy for as long as we look outside us for something that lies within.
Our kids will do the same.
Fancy helping kids look in the right place for happiness?
Get in touch.
#happiness #children #resolutions
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Babies are born happy. So what happens?
Babies don't need therapy. Sure they cry when they're hungry, uncomfortable because they need changing or tired. But they're easily pleased, distracted and fast to get over feeling bad.
Mental health has historically been run on a medical model - something's wrong and it needs fixing. But we're born happy and it's our natural state. It's who we truly are underneath the stuff that happens to us. We're diamonds that getting covered in ma...nure. The longer we spend on the planet, the thicker the layer of manure. The manure is the rubbishy thinking that psychologists call conditioning. It's the reason we're sad, upset or grumpy. It's the reason that grumpy old men are grumpy old men. But the diamond is still there. You don't need to fix a diamond, because diamonds are perfect. All we need to do is see it. All we need to do for children is help them see it.
If you need help showing children how to see it then get in touch
#coaching #happiness #children #mentalhealth
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How can you make children happier?
It's THE question parents, teachers and people who want to be children's happiness coaches ask. The answer sometimes surprises them.
Be happier yourself.
... Children do what we do. They copy us, feed off our energy and live on the atmosphere we create. We often say we'll be happy if they're happy. It works the other way too.
So how can you be happier?
The first step is understanding where happiness ...and all other feelings for that matter... comes from.
I misunderstood where happiness comes from for 42 years so I looked in the wrong places. Really knowing where to look is a fundamental building block of all my training children's happiness coaches. Because happiness is an inside job. Feelings come from us, not to us. Understanding that in your head isn't enough. Getting it in your bones sets you on the right course. That's to do. So that's what I do. Get in touch if want to hear more.
#coaching #happiness #children #consciousness #energy
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Great to hear back from so many people about helping children be happy. Some of you have asked what qualifications I'm looking for. The only things I'm looking for is a desire to help kids and an openness to learning.
If you're interested in finding out more then please get in touch 01423 359 379
I look forward to hearing from you.
... Simon
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My new year's resolution is to train 100 people to be children's happiness coaches this year. If you want to know more please get in touch.


Let's help the world's children make their dreams come true
I just finished my first children's happiness coach training call with a fantastic lady from Egypt. EGYPT! That's my dream coming true. Helping the world's children make their dreams come true.
Would you like to do that? Get in touch!
... Would you like to help? Just share this post.
#coaching #children #kindness #happiness
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I had a fantastic day on Friday helping 150 6 to 11 year olds be kinder and more compassionate to others!


Had a great day on Friday helping 120 pupils learn about being kinder to one another as part of Grove Road Primary School's commitment to RESPECT and anti-bullying week...


Had a fantastic day running fun sessions to help children "Believe and Achieve" - their school's mission. If you'd like me to run some free sessions at your children's school please ask their teacher to get in touch 01423 359 379


What's the most important thing for your child's happiness AND their future success?
Just one well they understand their feelings and where they come so they're in a better position to manage them.
That drives their happiness of course. It also drives their success. Success is NOT down to academic achievement, IQ, hard work or anything else you might have been told. It's about emotional intelligence. That's what study after study has found to be the most importa...nt driver of happiness.
So if you want your children to be happy and successful you know where to focus your efforts. And it's completely different to what most parents and schools are focussing on. The masses are, unfortunately, often wrong.
#children #success #happiness
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Your children cannot lose their confidence
Confidence isn't something that can be lost like a bunch of keys. And yet we adults treat it like it is. And so our children grew up believing something that's untrue. They fall for the same lie as we fell for listening to our parents and watching what they do. Children learn far more from observation than from information. So when they see us lacking confidence they're going to copy that behaviour.
But confidence isn't a thing, it's... a feeling. And where do feelings come from? They come from our hearts. But they actually start in our heads. That was news to me 6 years ago. I thought feelings were caused by events, so I tried to control events. That's fighting a losing battle like Canute trying to push back the tide.
Once I learned that feelings came from thoughts I tried to control my thoughts, but that's an un-winnable battle too. We can't control our thoughts. We're not choosing our thoughts. Most of the time we're just repeating the thoughts, feelings and actions we've picked up from our parents, teachers, friends, media etc.
When you realise you're not choosing, you've got a lot better chance of doing so. You can get your confidence back, because you never really lost it...
#children #confidence
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The good news about what REALLY makes children unhappy
Social media, pressure to succeed at school, bullying - the list of reasons why our children are unhappy is endless...and disempowering.
I know because I've been there. Barking up the wrong tree, kidded by the illusion that the world determines my mood, disempowered into being a victim. I'm still regularly fooled by the idea that the traffic jam is cheesing me off, there is such a thing as miserable weather and that slow ...barrista is ruining my day.
But it's not true. The world only ever works inside out. Our feelings come from us, not to us. Despite the way it looks. When I wake up to that I don't need to wait for the world to change to be happy.
Working with over a thousand kids I know they get this FAR quicker than adults. 95% of them say they can change their feelings more easily after a 45 minute activity session. Us adults? Well we just have too much conditioning. But the conditioning is wrong. We've been sold a pack of lies. Let's not sell our children the same.
#children #happiness #mentalhealth
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How can I make my children happy?
It's the number 1 question I'm asked.
The answer - Be happy yourself.
... Children do what we do, not what we say. So our unhappiness (stress, impatience, frustration etc) gets soaked up by them as if they were sponges. The happier we are, the better their chances of happiness.
There's just one problem and it's a biggie. Too many of us adults are looking for happiness in the wrong place. I didn't find this out until 10 years ago. I'd spent half a lifetime looking outside myself for happiness because I didn't know that every feeling I've ever wanted comes from within me. I looked for happiness in business, cars, holidays and all sorts of places where I was guaranteed NOT to find it.
Our feelings (like happiness) only ever come from our thoughts.
#emotionalintelligence #children #happiness
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Simon Benn The ChildrenŌĆÖs Happiness Coach #bullying #transition #confidence ­¤ŹÅ­¤ŹÉ­¤ŹŖ­¤Źŗ­¤Źī­¤Źē­¤Źć­¤Źō­¤Źł­¤ŹÆ­ ¤Źæ­¤ŹŹ­¤źź­¤źØ­¤Źģ


What fruity thought will you be today? We are wonderful watermelons #think #positive


Today Jo is a Brilliant Blackberry, because she decided to kindly tell us that we'd spelt brilliant wrong, gold star for Jo and thanks, It's ok to make mistakes, we're all only human, but it takes an extra special person to care enough to help us get it right, so what great fruity thought are you going to be? Jo chose to be brilliant! #kids #coaching #simonbennsays #BrilliantBlackberry

More about Simon Benn Children'S Happiness Coach And Coach Trainer

Simon Benn Children'S Happiness Coach And Coach Trainer is located at The Coach House, Church Street, Hunsingore, LS22 5JD Wetherby