Soluna Magick

About Soluna Magick

Crystals, incense, candles and all things magickal! Attract all that you desire with the help of nature. Blessings to all, Lauren x



This is so beautiful!!


🌕 It's a FULL MOON tonight, which calls for the Moonology Oracle Deck! 🌕
Which card are you drawn to - 1, 2 or 3?
... Comment below and please share the post with your friends.
The cards will be revealed this evening 💫
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I can't agree with this more.
I spent a long time, from my late teens to late twenties, being something I'm not. I had lost my individuality while desperately trying to fit in. I had lost so many parts of me, that in my younger years, I loved about myself but I felt others didn't and so I changed to conform. My mental health suffered, which I believe was the beginning of physical issues.
That need to be something you are not, in the eyes of others... as though their opinion...s mean more than my own.
It's funny how things turn out, because those physical issues were the beginning of a path. One where I found some of those lost pieces and where I continue to learn and grow. I've lost the need to please anyone but myself, and boy it feels good!!
I dont regret anything in the past - I am grateful for the journey, I am proud of how I have transformed and I really do love myself again.
So, the next time you feel low about yourself just stop and think if you are living to the expectations of others and then remember the only person that matters is you. Change your way of thinking and you can change anything you want to in your life. Small progress and little achievements should be celebrated!! Go love yourself again, go find your lost pieces 🧩
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If you're struggling with anxiety, stress or even physical pain, Reiki can help you ✨
There is a long list of benefits from a reiki session and I add crystal healing to target areas. The Crystals and the reiki work perfectly together!
Contact me to book!


Rose Quartz Pendulums £7.50 each.
Use these as a divination tool to receive answers from your higher self. I use mine to guide my decisions during tricky situations but also in healing sessions to detect energy blockages ✨


Lapis Lazuli Smaller stones £2 Larger stones £3
Lapis Lazuli works with your third eye and throat chakra. It increases INTUITION, WISDOM and SELF-AWARENESS. It bring CLARITY and helps you to see and speak your own TRUTH.
... Highly popular to the Egyptians - Cleopatra considered this stone to be sacred, she would have this ground to a blue powder and use as eye shadow.
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Love yourself first and most 🥰


How to work with the Moon phases 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑


I'd kill for this mirror 😍 It's beautiful!


Hair change 💙 Logo change
This blue should boost my throat chakra - I have already warned my husband I may be communicating alot more (even more than I already do) Ha! Pray for him 🙊


YES! ✨





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