Stephanie Wood - Personal Training.

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Stephanie Wood - Personal Training.

Level 3 Personal Trainer.
Instagram: stephaniewood_pt



But what if it does workūü§Ē - Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to help you grow!!!‚úĆ


Do you kinda wanna lose weight? Do you kinda wanna meal prep? Do you kinda wanna workout? Do you kinda wanna get on track? Do you kinda wanna get a hold of your life?... Do you feel stuck in your own life? - Truth is. There's never going to be a "perfect time" to do any of the above. There's always going to be something! A holiday, a life issue, a night out you just "can't miss out on" - So what is your excuse and why are you trying to validate it??? - Stop waiting for a new week or month to start. Stop waiting until you have more money. Stop waiting until you have more time. Stop waiting for life to slow down. Just STOP waiting and just DO IT, go all the way IN!!!!ūüíĮ The time is now and you can't ever get that back!!!!!ūüĖ§ - - - For help to get started get in touch with me via DM or e-mail
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- Don't forget I am still offering FREE 30 minute consultations for the whole of next week. I still have a few slots available so get in touch today to book yours!!!!!! - - -... DM or e-mail
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I come across so many people these days that either overeat or just dont eat at all when they are stressed, anxious, frustrated or depressed! Who can relate?? - But how many of us consider exercise as a coping strategy when we experience those feelings?? -... I can honestly say for me now it's my go to. I've learned that the quickest way to turn my mindset around is to get busy and stuck into training! - I'm guessing a lot of you can relate to emotiomal eating on some level, but rarely think of exercise as a form of treatment. - There's around 70% of people these days who are overweight, if not altogether obese! - I have no doubt that this has to do with the convenience of unhealthy foods, but I also think it has to do with how we use and abuse food to distract ourselves from uncomfortable feelings to manage our stress! - I deal with a lot of clients who tend to overeat in times of crisis, but how is our appetite? Generally, if you take time to notice, there isn't much of one when we're feeling anxious! - Now obviously I'm not suggesting exercise is the cure for all issues, but I definately believe that exercise can significantly reduce symptoms! - - - - For all one to one personal training and online coaching enquires DM or e-mail
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ūüďöFactual Friday'sūüďö - After lots of consultations this week there's a lot of common things that seem to keep cropping up, so let's put right those wrongs and those fitness myths........... - ūüĖ§Eating after 8pm will not make you fat. Your body is not a clock!... ūüĖ§Bread will not make fat. Too many calories will! ūüĖ§Healthy eating is not the same as eating for weight loss. Healthy eating is an important factor in reducing calories, BUT you could still be eating too much! ūüĖ§Protein is NOT going to make you bulky. Too many calories are! It is however going to help you build muscle and experience less hunger! ūüĖ§light weights will not tone you up if you never challenge yourself! ūüĖ§Carbs are not going to make you fat. Too many calories will! ūüĖ§Protein is not only good if you work out. Your body always needs this regardless of working out! ūüĖ§Heavy weights will NOT make you look like a man. They will help you get that feminine physique and that "toned" look that you want! - - - For all one to one personal training and online coaching enquires DM or e-mail -
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So I posted this on my story a few hours ago. Three of the slots have now gone but I still have Wednesday's at 6am and Saturday's at 7am available. If you would like one of my remaining slots get in touch via DM or e-mail me at


One of the most common mistakes I see people do when it comes to changing their body, is trying to change too many things all at once!!! Going from sat on the sofa everynight of the week to thinkinh they can train 5 days a week!! Going from takeaways everynight to minimal calories and zero carbs etc!! - Remember, adopting a new relationship with food and exercise takes time and experience, it won't happen overnight!! Think of it like this, on your first day at a new job do yo...u know your new role inside out to the point of perfection? Of course you don't!!! But you continue to show up day after day and learn the skills necessary to be efficient and effective at your new position. - Body transformations happen the same way. Slow down, take your time and learn the lessons. The only way to get better at something is by doing it consistently! You have to do the work. Rep after rep, meal after meal, day after day. Repetition is the mother of all skillsūüĎĆ
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In the school gym everyday getting those gains!!!!ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™(You can thank me later for the ab genetics!!!!!ūüėāūüėāūüėā) - And so it begins.............ūüŹčūüŹčūüŹčūüŹčūüŹčūü Źč


Did you screw up your diet and/exercise plan yesterday? Maybe you ate a little too much or skipped your workout? ‚ÄĘ Well you know what? It's over. It's done. ‚ÄĘ Guilt, shame, frustration, disappoint.... ‚ÄĘ Let it go! Reversing years of poor habits is hard! It's not going to happen or be perfect overnight, and remember that one missed day will not ruin EVERYTHING but several missed days will if you continue!!! ‚ÄĘ New day, clean slate, stay the course, refocus, get back on track, keep going and the results WILL comeūüĎĆūüíĮ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ For all one to one personal training and online coaching enquires DM or e-mail
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Nearly 12 weeks to be exact! I know right!!ūüéĄūüôąūüéĄ - Soooo because I have been getting a lot of enquires asking if I do pairs or small group training I have decided that in the run upto Christmas I will be doing TWO six week blocks of fat burning circuits which will be limited to 6 people per group!!! - The dates for these will be: ... ūüéÖ Monday 1st October - Fri 9th November. ūüéÖMonday 12th November - Fri 21st December. - The cost will be ¬£140pp and will include: ūüéÖTwo group training sessions per week with me which you will be able to pick from the following times: ūüéÖTues and Thursday at 6.30am ūüéÖTues and Thursday at 1pm. ūüéÖFull nutritional advice. ūüéÖWeekly weigh ins. ūüéÖFull use of the gym outside of your sessions for the whole of the 6 weeks. ūüéÖA BANGING BODY BY CHRISTMAS ūüíĮūüėĀūüíĮ - - - To book DM or e-mail
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‚ÄĘ WELCOME TO MY NEW HOMEūüėĀūüŹ†ūüí™ @brainandbrawnfitnessleeds ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ... ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ For all one to one personal training and online coaching enquires DM or e-mail
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So many people these days set their sights on someone else's achievements as a benchmark for their own success. I want "her body", "her career", "her looks" when really all you should be doing is focusing on your own strengths and accomplishments and staying in your own lane! Yes, someone else's physique can serve as motivation and inspire you to change initially, but you should never aspire to BE them! Just be original, be unique and be yourself always ‚úĆ‚úĆ‚úĆ




‚ÄĘ One word for tonight's post and that's ūüƆūüíęūüôŹGRATITUDEūüôŹūüíęūüƆ Honestly though!!! to say all I'm doing is moving gyms, the amount of inboxes and messages I've received is totally overwhelming to be honest and I wasn't expecting it at all!!! So thank you so much everyone I am totally buzzing now and you've all made me feel bloody mint if I'm honest!!!ūü§£ūü§£ūü§£ūü§£... Now roll on tommorow ūü§úūü§õ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ Don't forget I am offering FREE 30 minute consultations until the end September. To book in e-mail
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‚ÄĘ ThisūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎá Remember, comparison is the thief of joyūüƆūüƆūüƆ Its only you VS you always........that is itūüôÖ


‚ÄĘ SUPER EXCITED TO SHARE SOME NEWS WITH YOU ALL.......................... ‚ÄĘ From Monday 17th September I will now be working out of Brain and brawn fitness in Morley. I have had the best two years at fusion and made some forever friends, but it's time to turn the page, move on and start a brand new chapter. ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ... Sooo I will be offering FREE 30 minute consultations for all new clients until the end of September, and to all my existing clients, thank you all so so much for your support with this, and I am so happy that you are all as excited as I am to get startedūüôŹ‚̧
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I would just like to give a big shout out to my client and yummy mummy Tara!! Can you believe she has a five month old baby!!!
Tara came to me six weeks ago, just three and a half months after giving birth to her second child, her beautiful baby boy Roman.
She used to be massively into training but due to her pregnancy and various other factors she had slowly got out of the habit and other than the occasional netball match hadn't really done any exercise for over a year and ...a half.
Her eating habits had also got a little out of hand and she openly admitted to having regular daily binges on crisps and chocolate.
The determination and focus she showed in that first consultation with me was absolutely astounding and my god did she stick to her word. Day in day out her nutrition has been spot on, even down to getting me to plan her cheat meals and texting me from restaurants to advice her on what to order.
And that effort is mirrored in every single training session she does with me, never ever once giving any less than 100%!
I could not be any prouder of you Tara and I'm sure you will agree that she is looking absolutely fantastic!!!
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Would highly recommend! She is lovely :) Made me feel so comfortable and the sessions were great. I had fun whilst working out and saw the results.


Steph is the best. Fantastic PT, pushes and supports you and knows her stuff. I couldn’t be more pleased with the progress I’ve made over the 12 sessions we had. I always left each session feeling great. Anybody considering a PT then bite the bullet and book in with Steph. You will love it.


Love, love, love going to my PT sessions with Steph. Not only have I lost weight, I‚Äôve gained confidence and had a good laugh along the way. Definitely recommend Steph if you want to get into shape and build your confidence up. Thanks Steph ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Love fudion fitness works for me


If your looking for a personal trainer! Then Steph is your girl! She‚Äôs amazing at what she does and a sucker for techniques! I can‚Äôt thank Steph enough for the confidence she has given me after having my little girl! She pushes you to your limits and really motivates you to do the best that you can! Her advise on nutrition and and her guidance has given me so much more knowledge, and will stay with me and help me throughout life to make the best choices when it comes to diet and exercise! I have been with Steph for a year now and really love training with her, it‚Äôs great fun and we always have a laugh which makes the gruelling sessions fly by! It is true what they say and you get out what you put in but if your willing to work hard and eat well then Steph will get you to your goal! Thanks so much Steph for giving me my body confidence back your amazing at what you do! ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


I visited Steph last year. It was the best decision I have made in regards to my health. Steph was immediately supportive and patient. She is a fantastic PT and although the sessions were tough, Steph was always encouraging. Within 3 months I started to see changes happening in my body and overall health with Steph's support and advice she helped me to transition bad nutritional habits and change my overall lifestyle. I would recommend Steph as a PT especially if you are a beginner like I was. Thank you Steph! X


I started training with Steph in September when I was at my lowest physically and mentally, after been on tablets for my arthritis for 26 years I struggled to walk into that gym and my doctors told me the most I would be able to do was walk on treadmill and exercise bike I would never be able to do anything else ÔŅĹ. Well Steph believed in me as much as I believed in her!! She got me believing in myself she got me back smiling laughing and even having tears of joy. I havnt had one tablet for arthritis since October and I can now skip, lunge, squat and lift weights on my legs. I am now physically and mentally the best I have been in years all thanks to Steph not my doctor. I have a PT with her 3 times a week training different parts of my body and I love it because there is no crazy cardio. Her knowledge on nutrition and fitness is crazy you only have to look at her physic and know straight away she‚Äôs the one that‚Äôs gunna help you.

So if you are looking for a personal trainer to help you loose weight, get into shape or to do it for health reasons like myself then Steph is your person to help you do this !!!


I have been training with Steph now since January. Not only have I changed physically but thanks to Steph mentally too. She has taught me not everything is about how much you weigh, which was a hard thing to let go of but it’s more how you feel and look.

Steph really knows her stuff and my sessions are not just exercise but also educational regarding nutrition and how the body works with the right nutrition.

If you’re thinking of PTs Steph is defiantly the woman to go to. She will push you to your absolute maximum and get the very best from you, even when you don’t think it’s possible.


Been training with Steph for a few months now and it’s the best thing I ever did! Prior to starting I was kicking myself thinking what have I got myself into but my first meeting with her got rid of all that!

Some of the sessions have been damn tough but sooooooo damn worth it. Steph will push you to your limits-I’ve felt sick on a few occasions but I actually enjoy that horrible feeling! Mad- I know!!! She makes you feel so comfortable- even when I’m gasping for breath and the burn almost sends me into a coma!! Driving from Leeds to Bradford whilst feeling sick and shaking like a leaf is no problem for me now! My fitness levels have soared and my strength has improved vastly. Couldn’t have got these results without the support from Steph! She is such a lovely down to Earth muscle machine with so much knowledge and great training techniques.

Nothing like some DOMS pain which I get every week without fail, proof that Steph has pushed me and made me work on muscles I never knew I had ÔŅĹ!!


After trying personal trainers in the past and really not feeling like I was progressing or seeing any visible changes even after being with them for months I was about to give up until I started hearing Steph’s name keep cropping up by a few different people about how good she was. I decided to give it one last shot and looked her up on Facebook, and thank God I did!

I initially went to her a few months before my wedding which was my main motivation for going in the first place and how she changed my body within that time was incredible. She got me into the best shape of my life and I even HAD A SIX PACK!! Dare I even say my body was better than before I'd had my two children!

From the minute I met Steph she put me at ease immediately and has this knack of making you feel like you've known her for years. Always has a smile on her face and is so encouraging and supportive with a real passion for what she does which is something I never saw in the other trainers I've had. She's always straight to the point with you, tells you what you need to hear even if it's not always what you want to hear but it does the trick! Everything's either black or white with her so you always know where you stand which I something that I really admire about her, in fact I just find her an inspiration altogether. Anyone looking for a personal trainer, Steph is the person you need, I honestly cannot recommend her enough.

I‚Äôm moving down south in August and I really wish I could take her with me she really is one of a kind , and I will miss her xxÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ

More about Stephanie Wood - Personal Training.

Stephanie Wood - Personal Training. is located at Trident fitness, LS27 0BP Leeds
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -