Student Minds

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Student Minds

Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. We empower university students to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.

Student Minds Description

Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity.

We empower students and members of the university community to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their own mental health, support others and create change. We train students and staff in universities across the UK to deliver student-led peer support interventions as well as research-driven campaigns and workshops. By working collaboratively across sectors, we share best practice and ensure that the student voice influences decisions about student mental health.

Together we will transform the state of student mental health so that all in higher education can thrive.



When you’re not feeling great, it can feel harder to take action to look after yourself. Check out our small steps for looking after your wellbeing:


Ethan shares his top tips for Chinese students studying in the UK and how to support your mental health during this time:


"I feel it can be very difficult for men to feel comfortable when opening up about struggles that they are facing"
Ethan shares his difficulties of opening up about his mental health when in a relationship, due to the expectations society places on men:


When supporting a friend with their mental health, it’s important that you look after yourself too:


“For a long time I questioned whether I need help, but walking out of my first appointment I felt like a weight had been lifted” - find out what support you can access and check out our helpful hints:


We must ensure that we provide support for the unique challenges experienced by LGBTQ+ students. Read our LGBTQ+ Student Mental Health report to find out more and see the recommendations for universities and the health sector:


“You’re no good at this. What if I don’t know anything? What if everyone finds out?” Will shares what he does to cope with his negative thoughts during his PhD:


How can I support my friend with depression? Find out more about about depression and how you can help today:


We all have mental health and our mental wellbeing can fluctuate day to day - what steps can you take today?


🏳️‍🌈 We are excited to launch our report ‘LGBTQ+ Student Mental Health: The challenges and needs of gender, sexual and romantic minorities in Higher Education’ 🏳️‍🌈
Read LGBTQ+ students experiences and our recommendations for change today:


“Everyone with mental health problems deserves to live without stigma and for every story shared, another battle against stigma is won”
Read student's stories on the Student Minds Blog:


You don’t need to be an expert to be there for someone you love. Check out our tips for supporting a friend with mental health difficulties:


Sometimes we all need a little support. Find out what help is available today:


"Talking is easy but trying to articulate what you’re feeling can be really difficult – it was for me, but I felt so much better knowing that what I was feeling was no longer confined to my own head"
Will shares his experience talking to his supervisor:


Are you currently supporting someone with OCD? Find out more about the disorder and how you can help today:


We recognise that for a parent, the transition of a child from school to university can be a significant challenge. Check out our FAQ’s for parents, carers and guardians:


“I thought my experience was one in a million, that I had no one to turn to and that I would not be accepted. I couldn’t have been more wrong”
Read student's experiences of mental health difficulties at university:


Do you want to meet other student campaigners creating positive change on their campuses? Come to Campaigns Training! All Student Minds campaign groups committee members can attend:


Of course I think Student Minds is amazing, but I never cease to be blown away by the absolutely fantastic work that all the Student Minds staff and 100's of volunteers. I'm confident that together we can change the state of student mental health.

More about Student Minds

0113 343 8440
Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -