Torrington Orthopaedics

About Torrington Orthopaedics

Established in 1999, we provide the only dedicated Small Animal Orthopaedic referral service in Yorkshire.

Torrington Orthopaedics Description

Veterinary Referral Hospital



#ilovemyvet2019torvet This is Beau Beau, so good we named her twice, she is 11 this year and only has 3 legs. She has recently undergone a huge operation on her one and only back leg šŸ• she is well into recovery now thanks to Daniel @ Torrington Vets šŸ˜ŠšŸ™šŸ» we canā€™t thank you enough for giving our baby the chance of a happy life šŸ’œ


Hi, my nameā€™s Missy Beaumont, Iā€™ll be 13 this year and Iā€™d like to nominate my fantastic Vet Charlotte, in the last 14 weeks she has operated on both of my back legs to repair ruptured crutiate ligaments, not at any point did she suggest I was too old, she just made mummy and daddy aware that as Iā€™m a lady of a ā€œcertain ageā€ it could be a little risky, I have rewarded her by smashing my recovery time, barking incessantly every time I visit and giving her a generous covering of my hair - letting her know with thanks that thereā€™s still life in the old dog thanks to her šŸ˜


Hi, my nameā€™s Missy Beaumont, Iā€™ll be 13 this year and Iā€™d like to nominate my fantastic Vet Charlotte, in the last 14 weeks she has operated on both of my back legs to repair ruptured crutiate ligaments, not at any point did she suggest I was too old, she just made mummy and daddy aware that as Iā€™m a lady of a ā€œcertain ageā€ it could be a little risky, I have rewarded her by smashing my recovery time, barking incessantly every time I visit and giving her a generous covering of my hair - letting her know with thanks that thereā€™s still life in the old dog thanks to her šŸ˜ #ilovemyvet2019torvet


#ilovemyvet2019torvet This is Lily. By the time she was 4 years old sheā€™d had 3 partial knee replacements. After the 2nd op weā€™d started to lose hope that she would ever get back to being a typical Springer but thanks to the perseverance of Andrea and all the staff at Torringtonā€™s sheā€™s back to loving life, swimming in the sea and playing with her ball so I would like to nominate Andrea


Competition Entries for Valentine Photo Competition 2019


My name is Charlie on Saturday 5th January I was run over by a bmw which caused life threatening injuries my hip was dislodged on the right side and my left leg requires amputation, I have significant blood loss but Iā€™m still here and fighting and will survive and this is all down to Andrea and his amazing team who have nursed me back to health Iā€™m still waiting for my amputation but as you can see Iā€™m at home with my older brother teddy and my mummies Donna and Sarah My mummies could not be any more grateful for what you have done for me and although there has been times in the last 14 days my little body nearly give up with advanced veterinary knowledge and amazing care I will be here loving life for a very longtime Thank you ā™„ļø #ilovemyvet2019torvet


I'm Alfie. And I'd like to nominate Andrea who got my back on my feet in no time at all after surgery in November 18. Wish I could Nominate everyone as each and everyone of you are special people and work very hard with our fur babies. #lovemyvet2019torvet


This is lola at her hydroptherapy centre having lots of fun . Last March she completely tore her cruciate ligament and CJ operated within a week . She was just about back to normal when she tore the other cruciate whilst running on the beach at Filey ( which is her favourite thing to do ) this time Charlotte operated on her just over a week ago . Hopefully by sunmer she will be well enough to go back in the sea. Thankyou everyone at Torringtons you are fantastic ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Hi, my name is Sammy! This is me getting ready to fetch my ball for the first time since my last operation. It wouldn't of been possible without my nominated vet Andy. When I first met him around 2 years ago, I was in agony walking, and could barely manage 5 minutes, never mind chasing a ball. Since then, he has fixed my cruciate ligament and given me two perfect new hips. He has saved my mobility, and has allowed me to be my cheeky, energetic self, chasing balls and running after my partner in crime, my 3 year old toddler little girl. Me and my family will be eternally grateful to Andy for that, and now I can enjoy being the wonderful, slightly daft and lovely me! #ilovemyvet2019torvet


#ilovemyvet2019torvet This is my Skye and I wish I could nominate all the vets at Torringtons for the amazing care they gave her over the couple of years she was a patient. However, since I have to nominate one it has to be CJ! He took amazing care of Skye during her last few months and was there with us when we said goodbye her in August. Could not have asked for a better vet! Skye loved every member of staff, and so do we for the love they showed her. And now we are back with our puppy Dexter but we have every faith in the practice ā¤ ā€” with Angela Garbett.


#ilovemyvet2019torvet Hello my name is Rascal, my mummy and I would like to nominate CJ as he fixed not 1 but 2 of my legs!! One with a prosthetic patellar groove replacement and the other which needed a deeper patellar groove making to stop my kneecaps wibbling and wobbling in and out of place. He did a fantastic job, was lovely to me and now I can run round with my friends again without skipping or limping!! Thank you CJ šŸ‘šŸ»šŸŽ‰šŸ˜ŠšŸ¶šŸ’•šŸ¾


This is Charlie, he is 7 years old. He came to Torringtons to have his cruciate repaired 4 years ago. Thanks to Andy he is doing well. He is, as always being looked after by his favourite vet Julie who always goes that extra mile for him #ilovemyvet2019torvet


My name is Ebony and I'd like to nominate Andrea for helping me get back on my feet when I needed spinal surgery in October 2017! My mum was beyond heartbroken, thinking she was going to have to make 'that decision', but here I am, nearly 12 years old, nearly doing backflips for my dinner (mum tells me off for some reason šŸ¤”). Thank you Andrea, for doing such a wonderful job šŸ˜˜ #Ilovemyvet2019torvet


HI everyone I'm maximus jnr and this is my baby sister lucilla, I would like to nominate Andy Torrington, he helped me, my mam and dad so much when I had bad hips, he also made my baby sister lucilla well again when she snapped her cruciate ligament, he made it possible for us to run along our favorite beaches again up in the West Coast of Scotland, sadly my gorgeous sister lucilla is no longer with us, but I thank Andy from the bottom of my heart for everything he did for us, he is my hero #lovemyvet2019torvet xxxx


#ilovemyvet2019torvet VERY easy one for us... CHARLOTTE! This is Elwood who was/always will be the love of my life. We were fortunate enough to be referred to see Charlotte on 27th November 2017 when Elwood was diagnosed with ivdd. Charlotte operated the following day and gave me the best birthday present I could of asked for Hope. Unfortunately I lost him on the 4th of February 2018 when he took an unexpected turn for the worse. Charlotte was on annual leave at the time but upon her return and learning what had happened she took time out of her day to ring me and to this day I still canā€™t put into words just how much that still means.


Hello my name is Ned and 15 months ago I broke my leg very badly and we were referred by our lovely vet to CJ at Torringtons who sadly told my mum and dad that I would have to have an amputation, they cried lots but thanks to CJ and all the other wonderful staff I am living life to the full so I would like to nominate C J and thank you again for all you do . #ilovemyvet2019torvet


This is a photo of me before I hurt my hip with one of my local vets. Peter Wright ( the Yorkshire Vet) and I'm NOT telling you what we are laughing about


#ilovemyvet2019torvet This is my boy Jet. He is five years old and is patiently waiting for surgery to both his elbows at Torrington Vets on the 5th February. He has been on 10 minute walks only since the beginning of November and has been such a model patient even when my other three labs were going out and leaving him at home.šŸ˜¢ He was referred to Torringtons by his Vet Zoe who works at End Cottage Vets and we are very grateful that she referred us.... Canā€™t wait to have my boy by my side when he is recovered.
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Photo Competition.
2019 marks the 20th Anniversary of the founding of Torrington Orthopaedics.šŸ„³
As part of our celebrations, today we are launching a photo competition. Last year we held a competition called "I love my pet". This year the competition is called "I love my vet". We have some wonderful vets working for us at our practice, who show love and compassion to their patients every day. Over the last 20 years we have also had the pleasure of speaking to vets across Yor...kshire and the North of England on a daily basis when they phone for advice about orthopaedic cases. We are proud to be part of a profession filled with so many dedicated individuals, and wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate this. So we are holding a photo competition to celebrate pets and vets.
What do you have to do to enter?? Just upload a favourite photo of your pet onto our page, or by adding to comments below, with a small story of why they love their vet, along with the name of the vet you are nominating. This can be any vet, Torringtonā€™s or from your usual practice šŸ™‚.Please tag your photo with the #ilovemyvet2019torvet. Each photo will be shared into the #ilovemyvet2019torvet album on this page, and will also be shared on our instagram account @torringtonorthopaedics. We will also share your photos on our waiting room slideshow. The winner will be the photograph with the cumulative most likes/loves on both platforms on 14th February 2018 at noon ( Valentines Day). So, our competition is based around the theme of love. The first prize is a voucher for a hotel overnight stay and dinner for 2, with 2 runners up prizes of a Ā£50 shopping voucher. There is a prize both for the owner of the pet in the winning photograph, as well as for the vet they have nominated. Good luck everyone, we're really looking forward to seeing all your wonderful photos and hearing some inspiring storiesšŸ™‚šŸ’•
PS. For all our amazing Vet Nurses out there- we haven't forgotten you, keep an eye our for another competition in May to celebrate Vet Nursing awareness month!
Terms and conditions. All entry instructions form part of the Terms and Conditions, which, by taking part, all entrants will be deemed to have accepted. By entering you consent to sharing of the image on Facebook and Instagram as part of the competition voting process. Prizes are not transferable and no cash alternative is available. Winners will be notified by messenger and prizes posted by Royal Mail Special Delivery. Any personal data relating to entrants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party
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What an amazing job these guys did on our little puppy peanut! The staff are truly amazing and nothing was too much trouble for them. I felt reassured and happy leaving our puppy in their hands.


We were referred here from our vets after our kitten had a run in with a car. They've been absolutely fantastic, we couldn't be happier with how they've looked after Jonny and how helpful and informative the staff have been. Highly recommended.


We have had two visits to Torringtons and both times my dog Oswald and I have been treated brilliantly. The reception team immediately made us feel welcome and Andrea is the loveliest man and treats my big bear in the kindest way even though he keeps trying to bite him! I was put at ease straightaway at Torrington practice and all the team that I have met are outstanding. I would highly recommend this brilliantly innovative practice to anyone having animal bone or joint problems.


The team at Torrington's were fab taking care of my older girl Ebony.

She needed emergency spinal surgery, and was swiftly treated and looked after by Andrea and the team. I really felt they looked after her like one of the family.

She's doing great. She only had surgery on October 27th and stubbornly tries to ignore doctor's orders of strict rest!

Thank you everyone for giving me hope she will lead a normal and happy life after this ļæ½


The care and compassion they showed us and our extremely ill dog was amazing I can not recommend them highly enough . In our time of need they helped Dexter and treated him with care and compassion ļæ½


Thank you all for your hard work and excellent treatment Chico has had! He is now home and being very good with his physio, helped by chicken! Muffin is being a very good nurse but is impatient as he wants Chico to play with him!


My cat Louis has a fractured hind leg and was referred to Torringtonā€™s for surgery. I was very impressed with how quickly he was seen and he had his surgery the next day. All the staff were welcoming and put me at ease during a anxious time! Would recommend to anyone!


My boy stewie is a Romanian rescue and since Friday has been to three vets with overnight stays, we ended up at Torrington, from the moment we walked in they made us feel amazing, my boy needs a lot of work doing and at the moment is awaiting surgery, he has extreme hip dysplasia, and knee problems, the staff are exceptionally helpful and lovely, starting with the receptionist, through to the vets. I have been informed step by step and I have never experienced such caring people towards my boy and myself. Highly recommend these vets and will be recommending them to all my friends and rescues. From the bottom of my heart, Thankyou xxx NEXT CHAPTER, stewie had his operation and is now on crate rest at home, brilliant communication throughout and even rang today, one week in to see how heā€™s doing, absolutely outstanding people, cannot thank everyone of you enough ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½


Just finished playing ball on the back field with Maisie the black and white cockapoo who was treated by Charlotte and Daniel in February this year for IVD. Maisie was in extreme pain when we were referred to Torringtons by our local vet. The initial consultation was with Charlotte who located the source of the pain. Maisie was admitted and had an MRI on the Friday, followed by an operation to remove the disc by Daniel. Maisie's treatment throughout was first class. Daniel kept us regularly updated and the veterinary nurses looked after Maisie so well (even when she started to recover and got a little feisty). 3 months later she's loving life, running free and playing again. Thank you from Lee, Ruth, Josh and Eleanor Povey


Iā€™m absolutely dreading the 25th September. My poor boy is having surgery on his knee. We were made so welcome at our consultation & everything was explained to us in depth.

Hope my boy Cookie will eventually be pain free ļæ½ļæ½

See you all soon xx.


In 2010 my border collie Daisy had TTA procedure for anterior cruiciate ligament rupture at Torrington Ortho. I remember being so anxious about her undergoing this big op. However, the staff were so reassuring and the vet Turlough O'Neill explained the surgery very clearly. Daisy had been so active up until her injury and I had no doubts whatsoever I was doing the right thing. The worst part of her having the procedure was post-op restriction of activity, ever tried having a young collie not being able to run or jump! Daisy is now in her 14th year and has had many many years of full activity thanks to this wonderful surgery. Thank you so much.

Elaine and Daisy


I canā€™t really put in to words how welcome you are made to feel here, from the lady who rang me to make the initial appointment to the receptionists, the vets and other staff who just came to say hello as they went about their jobs. Everyone came to say hello to Woody, I think a lot of other practices could learn a lot from Torringtons. CJ the vet Woody saw was brilliant he explained things really well and never in a patronising way, Woody got signed off today but if weā€™ve got any problems we havenā€™t got to hesitate to give them a call. Keep up the good work!


Have just taken our Springer Spaniel who suffers with IOHC after being referred through our vet. I have to say Andy Torrington was brilliant! He explained everything in a way that we had never been told, explained all the pros and cons and helped us make our decision to not have the operation so much easier. He respected our decision and reassured us that our decision was not a wrong decision and also said should we need his services in the future he would be happy to help. Clearly not driven by financial gain as we have found in previous experiences. I would definitely recommend this service for anyone who needs specialist treatment. Am wishing we had been sent here for the initial diagnosis 5 years ago!


Had my Young Jonny Bairstow in with you guys over the past few days and I couldn't be happier, with both care that he's received, but the kindness shown to me also. Absolutely amazing staff and I couldn't recommend you enough! Thank you for getting him on the road to recovery, now he's home I don't need to phone you twelve times a day ļæ½ Thanks again and a very merry Christmas to you all!


Coco my dachshund has spinal surgery 13 weeks ago and was operated on by CJ.

She is walking, running and enjoying life again. I can not thank you enough for the help and support while coco was recovering and the reassurance you gave me over the phone for my anxiety.

Well done Torringtons. Lots of licks coco and family


Canā€™t recommend this place enough so much knowledge and time to listen genuinely put Beri first x thank you specially to Andy Torrington for your expertise and patience with my anxiety ļæ½x what a great team x ļæ½


Andy and Andrea looked after my springer with IOHC - he hadn't fractured his elbow but had a weakness. It was pinned to stabilise it at around 2yo. He had a good shooting career but managed to break his titanium pin two years ago at 7yo !!! It was replaced with a shiny new one and Walter is now 9 and still running around like a puppy! The team are brilliant - both ops went smoothly and he recovered well and the neatest scar ever. First class both times ļæ½


Along with our Airedale, we were all very distressed when we reached Torrington last Saturday. He had dislocated his hip a week before and despite effots by Vets to put it back, it came straight out again. We were in Italy and felt helpless. Skeldale Vets (our Vets) liased with Torrington and on Saturday we transferrd him to Brighouse where he was operated on. We cannot thank enough Andrea, Abbi and all the staff for their loving and professional care.Soon Charlie will have been on crate rest for a week; roll on the next 5 weeks ! Thank you all so very much


Absolutely first class service. From initial consultation with Daniel through to Eddies last check up appointment. Nothing is to much for them. Thanks to all at Torringtons... 5* isnā€™t enough really


What an amazing job these guys did on our little puppy peanut! The staff are truly amazing and nothing was too much trouble for them. I felt reassured and happy leaving our puppy in their hands.


We were referred here from our vets after our kitten had a run in with a car. They've been absolutely fantastic, we couldn't be happier with how they've looked after Jonny and how helpful and informative the staff have been. Highly recommended.


We have had two visits to Torringtons and both times my dog Oswald and I have been treated brilliantly. The reception team immediately made us feel welcome and Andrea is the loveliest man and treats my big bear in the kindest way even though he keeps trying to bite him! I was put at ease straightaway at Torrington practice and all the team that I have met are outstanding. I would highly recommend this brilliantly innovative practice to anyone having animal bone or joint problems.


The team at Torrington's were fab taking care of my older girl Ebony.

She needed emergency spinal surgery, and was swiftly treated and looked after by Andrea and the team. I really felt they looked after her like one of the family.

She's doing great. She only had surgery on October 27th and stubbornly tries to ignore doctor's orders of strict rest!

Thank you everyone for giving me hope she will lead a normal and happy life after this ļæ½


The care and compassion they showed us and our extremely ill dog was amazing I can not recommend them highly enough . In our time of need they helped Dexter and treated him with care and compassion ļæ½


Thank you all for your hard work and excellent treatment Chico has had! He is now home and being very good with his physio, helped by chicken! Muffin is being a very good nurse but is impatient as he wants Chico to play with him!


My cat Louis has a fractured hind leg and was referred to Torringtonā€™s for surgery. I was very impressed with how quickly he was seen and he had his surgery the next day. All the staff were welcoming and put me at ease during a anxious time! Would recommend to anyone!


My boy stewie is a Romanian rescue and since Friday has been to three vets with overnight stays, we ended up at Torrington, from the moment we walked in they made us feel amazing, my boy needs a lot of work doing and at the moment is awaiting surgery, he has extreme hip dysplasia, and knee problems, the staff are exceptionally helpful and lovely, starting with the receptionist, through to the vets. I have been informed step by step and I have never experienced such caring people towards my boy and myself. Highly recommend these vets and will be recommending them to all my friends and rescues. From the bottom of my heart, Thankyou xxx NEXT CHAPTER, stewie had his operation and is now on crate rest at home, brilliant communication throughout and even rang today, one week in to see how heā€™s doing, absolutely outstanding people, cannot thank everyone of you enough ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½


Just finished playing ball on the back field with Maisie the black and white cockapoo who was treated by Charlotte and Daniel in February this year for IVD. Maisie was in extreme pain when we were referred to Torringtons by our local vet. The initial consultation was with Charlotte who located the source of the pain. Maisie was admitted and had an MRI on the Friday, followed by an operation to remove the disc by Daniel. Maisie's treatment throughout was first class. Daniel kept us regularly updated and the veterinary nurses looked after Maisie so well (even when she started to recover and got a little feisty). 3 months later she's loving life, running free and playing again. Thank you from Lee, Ruth, Josh and Eleanor Povey


Iā€™m absolutely dreading the 25th September. My poor boy is having surgery on his knee. We were made so welcome at our consultation & everything was explained to us in depth.

Hope my boy Cookie will eventually be pain free ļæ½ļæ½

See you all soon xx.


In 2010 my border collie Daisy had TTA procedure for anterior cruiciate ligament rupture at Torrington Ortho. I remember being so anxious about her undergoing this big op. However, the staff were so reassuring and the vet Turlough O'Neill explained the surgery very clearly. Daisy had been so active up until her injury and I had no doubts whatsoever I was doing the right thing. The worst part of her having the procedure was post-op restriction of activity, ever tried having a young collie not being able to run or jump! Daisy is now in her 14th year and has had many many years of full activity thanks to this wonderful surgery. Thank you so much.

Elaine and Daisy


I canā€™t really put in to words how welcome you are made to feel here, from the lady who rang me to make the initial appointment to the receptionists, the vets and other staff who just came to say hello as they went about their jobs. Everyone came to say hello to Woody, I think a lot of other practices could learn a lot from Torringtons. CJ the vet Woody saw was brilliant he explained things really well and never in a patronising way, Woody got signed off today but if weā€™ve got any problems we havenā€™t got to hesitate to give them a call. Keep up the good work!


Have just taken our Springer Spaniel who suffers with IOHC after being referred through our vet. I have to say Andy Torrington was brilliant! He explained everything in a way that we had never been told, explained all the pros and cons and helped us make our decision to not have the operation so much easier. He respected our decision and reassured us that our decision was not a wrong decision and also said should we need his services in the future he would be happy to help. Clearly not driven by financial gain as we have found in previous experiences. I would definitely recommend this service for anyone who needs specialist treatment. Am wishing we had been sent here for the initial diagnosis 5 years ago!


Had my Young Jonny Bairstow in with you guys over the past few days and I couldn't be happier, with both care that he's received, but the kindness shown to me also. Absolutely amazing staff and I couldn't recommend you enough! Thank you for getting him on the road to recovery, now he's home I don't need to phone you twelve times a day ļæ½ Thanks again and a very merry Christmas to you all!


Coco my dachshund has spinal surgery 13 weeks ago and was operated on by CJ.

She is walking, running and enjoying life again. I can not thank you enough for the help and support while coco was recovering and the reassurance you gave me over the phone for my anxiety.

Well done Torringtons. Lots of licks coco and family


Canā€™t recommend this place enough so much knowledge and time to listen genuinely put Beri first x thank you specially to Andy Torrington for your expertise and patience with my anxiety ļæ½x what a great team x ļæ½


Andy and Andrea looked after my springer with IOHC - he hadn't fractured his elbow but had a weakness. It was pinned to stabilise it at around 2yo. He had a good shooting career but managed to break his titanium pin two years ago at 7yo !!! It was replaced with a shiny new one and Walter is now 9 and still running around like a puppy! The team are brilliant - both ops went smoothly and he recovered well and the neatest scar ever. First class both times ļæ½


Along with our Airedale, we were all very distressed when we reached Torrington last Saturday. He had dislocated his hip a week before and despite effots by Vets to put it back, it came straight out again. We were in Italy and felt helpless. Skeldale Vets (our Vets) liased with Torrington and on Saturday we transferrd him to Brighouse where he was operated on. We cannot thank enough Andrea, Abbi and all the staff for their loving and professional care.Soon Charlie will have been on crate rest for a week; roll on the next 5 weeks ! Thank you all so very much


Absolutely first class service. From initial consultation with Daniel through to Eddies last check up appointment. Nothing is to much for them. Thanks to all at Torringtons... 5* isnā€™t enough really

More about Torrington Orthopaedics

Torrington Orthopaedics is located at IES House Mission Street, HD6 1NQ Brighouse
01484 404770