Tree Of Life Counselling

About Tree Of Life Counselling

Counselling and Psychotherapist

Tree Of Life Counselling Description

Counselling and Psychotherapy: working with depression, anxiety, bereavement, trauma, low self esteem, lack of confidence, couples counselling



So, some kind of traumatic event happened. It’s not what happened is the problem. The problem is that how that interpreted at the time. What we thought of it. Thoughts generate emotions. A negative thought generate negative emotions ( shame/guilt/embarrassment/anxiety/ sadness etc) At the time the event happened we have the fight of flight response kicked in ( we wanted to run away, to hide, to fight ,to freeze) Our mind then made a decision ( to behave in certain ways aro...und similar situations, to react in similar ways) For instance that dog bit my friend therefore all dogs are dangerous/I don’t feel safe around dogs/therefore all dogs are dangerous /therefore I am scared of all dogs) Another example : A parent did not show approval and love. A child made decision that they are not loveable and that they need to deserve that love. A child emotions around it is sadness. They can later on compensate that feeling of being unloved by surrounding themselves by a lot of friends or by withdrawal. Some people might feel better in the role of pleasers ( to get more of that unmet love) or developing the fear of rejection or abandonment. When the feeling trapped inside of the event and it has nowhere to go, it builds a pressure inside and this generates anxiety, stress or physical symptoms and discomforts. Some people carry those trapped emotions from childhood. So, at the time the traumatic event happened that decision being made rules the persons behaviour in certain lives situations. Decisions made in childhood can rule the persons life in their adult life. In hypnotherapy we work with that decision a child made at a time of an uncomfortable event. There are certain steps we follow in our work ( going back the time/reframing/gestalt dialog/forgiveness work/future pacing) in order for that grown up adult would be able to change that old pattern of reaction/behaviour and react differently ( In much calmer/relaxed or less bothered manner) A client then comes to an understanding that at the time they did the best they could to survive. Their lack of maturity, lack of resources, skills and wisdom, perhaps lack of support or feeling overwhelmed and they were trying to make decisions not realizing that those decisions can impact them for the rest of their lives.
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I loooove Emotional Freedom Technique!


We all need to challenge ourselves. So then we have that lovely sense of achievement-one of our important emotional needs!


People say to me : ''You seem to be very calm and happy, don't you ever have a bad day?''
Of course I do have those days!
But what I don't do is let the way I feel about my day change the way I feel about who I am.
... If there is anything I have learned in my forty four years its that nobody else can make me feel good or bad about myself.
Its up to me to decide how I want to feel about myself.
Regardless of any s...t which might at times be going on in my life I still choose to love, respect and honour myself. Repeat those words to yourself more often.
If you still struggle call us to support you in that process of learning to love and take care of yourself. Love to all!!!
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REDUCING the power of the CRITICAL INNER VOICE- of bad things we say to ourselves.
Please fully read the exercise before you start:
1) Think of something you say to yourself that makes you upset. You could potentially hear it from someone said to you in the past.... 2) Repeat the same sentence to yourself and notice how bad it feels. 3) Now Repeating exactly same words imagine moving that voice from your head to the side. Its somewhere out there floating . Move it further away so it s at the end of the room. Notice the difference and how you feel right now 4) Now hear the same words but in the voice of Mickey Mouse or Minnie or any other character with a funny voice. 5) Now choose 3 more phrases that made you feel bad and run through the same steps listening that voice way away from you on another side of the room in the most ridiculous voice you have ever heard. 6) You can play with it as now you have control over those words. You can pause them, fast forward them, rewind them, you can even make them dance for you. Enjoy!!!
With the time you will notice that as soon as you hear that inner Critical Voice you can turn it off or switch it to another channel as if you would be listening to the radio and find that old music boring.
And if you still struggle contact me so I could help
#counselling #hypnosistechnique #innercritic #voiceinyourhead #iamnotgoodenough #negativethoughts #negativethinking #hypnotherapy #intrusivethoughts
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I love my dog Lola the Basset Hound. We have a special bond/connection and I cant imagine my life without her. I learned a lot from her and I feel so lucky to have her.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
• When your loved ones come home, always run to greet them.... • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy. • Take naps. • Stretch before rising. • Run, romp, and play daily. • Thrive on attention and let people touch you. • Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. • On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. • On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. • When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body. • Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. • Be faithful. • Never pretend to be something you’re not. • If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. • When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently. That's the secret of happiness that we can learn from a good dog.
I do say to Lola quite often. ''You are a perfect dog!'' I hope she understands me :)
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Regardless of how dark it feels the place we sometimes are in a world full of fear, stress, and sadness, there is always a HOPE that things will somehow become better. That the universe sends us challenges to overcome and once we do we have to allow ourselves to feel proud of ourselves for what we went through instead of feeling as a victim.
The difference between those who let their circumstances bring them down and those who choose to embrace the goodness of life and find... that comfort lies with the important element of HOPE.
A life marked by HOPE is a life marked by optimism, regardless of where you find yourself. It doesn’t mean that you are always happy or that you can’t feel emotions like hurt, sadness, or anger, but it does mean that your view of your circumstances can be different .
Develop your HOPE muscles while times are good so that you can better tap into it when life take a turn for the worse. Find that sunshine even if the place you are in feels dark. Find that feeling of HOPE inside your body. Ask yourself where is it in your body? What colour is it? Close your eyes and make it bigger and brighter. Take a nice deep breath in. Enjoy!
And if you still struggle let us help you :) Love to all. Juna
Picture shared with the kind permission of John Shackleton
#grief #trauma #horsforth #leeds #anxiety #selflove #lowselfesteem #depression #counselling #hypnotherapy #oldpain2go #PTSD #fears #phobias #hypnosis #wellness #hope
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Throughout life we are taught to extend love outwards—to be kind to others, to share, to give others compassion, empathy, and generosity. Yet, when it comes to directing all those gifts to yourself, it often feels less natural.
If you’re inclined to live your life with feelings of guilt, shame, it can be challenging to replace that hatred with adoration and love. You may not feel you deserve such gifts, but the reality is that you probably need them more than anyone. Your a...bility to love others will grow with your ability to love yourself.
Take care of yourself whenever you have a chance. When your car needs a petrol , you fill it in. Think about your soul. When it is asking you to take a pause and have a rest that means it needs it may be even more than your car needs a petrol.
When did you have your rest and what did you do?
If I can’t afford for any reasons to take an expensive holiday I would just go to my favourite park or a meadow, and sit on the grass on the sunshine. There is some magic about the earth. It somehow has that healing and calming effect which we need in our busy stressful lives.
Be kind to yourself! Love to all. Juna
Sharing this self care picture with permission of my friend and great Russian hypnotherapist Владислав Кругляк
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Best doctors in the world: 1) Sunshine 2) Rest 3) Exercise 4) Healthy Food... 5) Friends/ to feel connected 6) Love to yourself and others Anything I forgot??
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As well as our basic needs for water, food and shelter, humans have a set of other emotional needs which are not so obvious, but just as essential to emotional wellbeing. When don’t meet these needs, we can suffer anxiety, depression addiction, loneliness. And because this develops over time we don't notice it straight away and when we have a problem we feel confused about where does it come from.
It is important:
... 1.The need to give and receive attention. A balanced social life is the best way to meet this need. Who do you give your attention?
2. The need for mind/body connection People increasingly treat themselves as non stop robots. We work too many hours, sleep too little, eat junk food, we don’t exercise. But neglecting proper nutrition and rest, leads to psychological problems. How do you take care of yourself?
3. The need for purpose and meaning and sense of achievement. If a person is deprived of the satisfaction that comes from achieving goals or fulfilling a purpose, then there is a gap in person’s life. We need to be working towards something. This enables you to feel that ‘’yesssss’’ sensation of being proud of yourself. Without a sense of progress and achievement, we can come to feel worthless, like there's no reason for our existence.
What does give you sense of achievement?
4. The need to feel a part of community Anything that takes the focus off the self will achieve this, whether it's church, clubs, sport or charity work.
Do you go anywhere where you can feel as a part of community?
5. The need for challenge and creativity
Try something new. Explore and improve an existing skill. Be creative even if it involves picking glass and shelves on the beach and sticking them creating a picture. Boredom is not a nice feeling and can make life feel flat and grey.
How do you challenge yourself and take yourself out of your comfort zone?
6. The need for intimacy
We need to feel needed. We all need at least one person with whom we can share our hopes, dreams, ambitions and ideas. Some people can fulfil this need by taking care of a pet, but most of us need a small circle of loving and supportive friends and/or family. May be its time to get yourself a pet and enjoy its unconditional love?! :)
7. The need for status It's important to feel important! Status means different things to different people and isn't just met through paid work. For some, feeling recognized for being a good grandmother/parent/child might be enough. What do you do to feel yourself important?
8. The need for safety and security
To varying degrees, we all have some need to feel safe and secure in life. And it would be a cherry on the top if our job would be something we enjoy and feel rewarded. Do you enjoy your work a place where you spend a lot of hours of your life?
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The more we say those words to ourselves the more powerful positive energy we attract. Say it even if for now you dont really believe it. There will be a day when you will and then things by magic will get better. Love to all!!!


When we have challenging moments in our lives we have a natural desire to share. It has been useful for many of us to talk to a person we trust (a friend/relative/therapist), we can hear ourselves while we are talking and with the help of a professional counsellor we can understand ourselves better. But be careful when you find that talking to someone once or twice is not enough for you. By talking about a traumatic event multiple times, we eventually hurt ourselves even more.... When we revisit that traumatic event in our mind repeatedly it goes deeper and becomes reinforced in the brain. By revisiting trauma in your mind again and again we are reinforcing that pattern. Sometimes in my therapy room I would stop my client and explain to them that by telling the same story again and again it might feel easier, but it may reinforce that unneeded pattern in your brain making the trauma unresolved. I would then use some dissociation techniques which would allow another part of the brain get engaged and as a result making my client feel better about the situation, so they can eventually let it go and feel as a survivor of the event rather than as a victim of it.
#grief #trauma #horsforth #leeds #anxiety #selflove #lowselfesteem #depression #counselling #hypnotherapy #oldpain2go #PTSD #fears #phobias #hypnosis #wellness #wellbeing
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Helping my client to feel better about themselves, using psychotherapy/counselling and hypnosis , getting rid of anything negative stuck feeling, emotions,( anger, jealousy, feeling of being ashamed, guilt) unwanted reaction/behaviour, irrational fears, low self esteem, emotional or old Physical pain allowing them to live their life and to enjoy it , that's why I love about my job!


Another feedback from my client. That is why I love my job! :))


Your predominant thoughts are what manifest in your reality! We often focus on what is wrong or what we don’t want in our lives. I hear very often: ‘’ I don’t want to be anxious! I want less stress! I don’t want worries in my life! ’’
If we focus on what we DON’T want we will only produce more of that.
... Instead think of what is it you really want. Put your energy into that, FOCUS and look forward for that.
You will start noticing that you are meeting the right people, attracting the right for you events or opportunities which will
HELP you to produce or manifest what it is you really want. Energy flows where your attention goes! All energy attracts similar energy. You can’t dwell on failure and produce successful results.
Your thoughts are seeds and your mind is a fertile land.
Live happily. Love to all.
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The hypnotherapy is amazing, I was very skeptical about whether it could work but it really did, can’t believe I haven’t tried it sooner and Juna was brilliant, couldn’t recommend enough!


Juna took me through bereavement counselling, was so mentally exhausted but over the sessions became easier. Juna is an awesome lady makes you at ease she has helped me overcome some issues. I miss our meetings coz so of her manner , understanding , compassion. You wont find a better counsellor. Tony


Juna shone a light in my dark dark tunnel of Depression, Anxiety & Grief. Our sessions helped me face my fears,deal with my Anxiety & face up to my Grief after losing my Mother. She used different techniques & approaches to show me how to deal with my feelings & put me back in control of my life. The hypnotherapy sessions were particularly useful & learnt me how to take a calm approach & mindset to take control of my feelings & use them positively. Juna you brought a breath of fresh air into my life & made me smile again. You have a remarkable gift that you share with your clients . Thank you <3


Juna really helped my teenage son work through a few issues giving him valuable tools to enable him to think through life's problems in a different way. I would wholeheartedly recommend Tree of Life Counselling if you think you may need a bit of help when finding life difficult.


Juna provided me with so much insight and better perspective into how to deal with my anxiety on a day to day basis. The lifetime tools that I gained and currently use have really shifted my thought processes and how I deal with people and situations. A very wonderful and helpful step in the right direction. Would highly recommend.


Juna is wonderful and makes you feel at ease. I’d recommend tree of life counselling to anyone going through any aspect of mental illness. She’s absolutely fab!


Juna is very patient and understanding, she has helped me be more positive and focused on my outlook. Would definitely recommend.


Juna is a skilled hypnotherapist who helped me to feel calm in a very strssful situation. Thank you for your help Juna.


Juna has set me back on my path. I was lost in grief and anxiety. Juna helped me through the process of gaining control of my emotions and approaching life differently. Although our sessions were over the telephone I have gained so much from just 6 sessions with her. Her adaptable approach and caring nature exudes a confidence that I found empowering. Thank you Juna. Warmest regards, Liz.


Juna has really helped me with practical tips and to change the way I think about difficult things in life. I would definitely recommend her!


Juna has helped and led me in a direction i would not have found without her . She is easy to talk to and very understanding .


It has been such a joy and a blessing meeting Juna. She gave me hope when i was broken by grief, anxiety and near burnout. Juna helped me to reflect on my personal challenges with close care, attention and skill. Juna's exceptionally good listening and interpersonal skills has enabled me to feel much stronger and happier than i have in a long time. Juna is a true professional that i would highly recommend. Thank you Juna for helping me to help myself.


I was referred to Juna from my place of work and me been a man thought this is rubbish and won't work for me well let me tell you I was wrong as I saw Juna on four occasions and on the second visit something just clicked in to place with how she explained things and put everything in the right prospective and made me think of things differently thank you Juna I have suffered for 4 years with things and know I feel so much happier and have managed to return to work once again thank you so much Mick x


I have recently lost a very close friend unexpectedly and my telephone sessions with Juna have really helped me to make sense of what has been a very difficult and intense time of my life. Thank you for listening and for helping me to accept my bereavement. It's been great to learn new perspectives, and, most importantly, you helped to realise that one of hardest periods of my life could make me a stronger person. Thank you for that :-)


I have recently been to see Juna after suffering from a long illness and I can't thank her enough for the help she gave me to deal with the problem. I would highly recommend her counselling as I have benefited from it no end. Thank you so much Juna.


I have recently been suffering with chronic back pain which was completely debilitating. I had visited the chiropractor and my local GP and was taking strong medication but could barely move, it was really getting me down. I made contact with Tree of Life Counselling as I had heard Juna was able to help with pain through hypnosis. I had nothing to lose and was desperate to be free of pain so was willing to give it a go.

Juna was very attentive to my issue and explained clearly how she could help, I immediately felt at ease as Juna was vey caring so I agreed to take the plunge.

Literally instantly my pain was rapidly reduced and I have been able to move and walk better than I have done in weeks - I have felt so much better. I will be recommending your services to anyone who needs support with pain. I feel like a totally different person. Amazing service!

I cannot thank you enough.


I began sessions with Juna to deal with the emotions, anxiety and stress of fertility treatment. In the end we got a very unexpected natural pregnancy and Juna's friendly and straightforward advice on dealing with anxiety symptoms really helped me through early pregnancy. Would highly recommend.


I am really grateful to Juna who has been helping me through a difficult time. She is very supportive but is able to ask incisive and challenging questions which have helped me to re-frame some of the issues I have been struggling with.


Hello Juna, thank you for your help with my anxiety and stress.Your relaxation program is very helpful.You are born to help people.I wish you all the best. Elizabeth


The hypnotherapy is amazing, I was very skeptical about whether it could work but it really did, can’t believe I haven’t tried it sooner and Juna was brilliant, couldn’t recommend enough!


Juna took me through bereavement counselling, was so mentally exhausted but over the sessions became easier. Juna is an awesome lady makes you at ease she has helped me overcome some issues. I miss our meetings coz so of her manner , understanding , compassion. You wont find a better counsellor. Tony


Juna shone a light in my dark dark tunnel of Depression, Anxiety & Grief. Our sessions helped me face my fears,deal with my Anxiety & face up to my Grief after losing my Mother. She used different techniques & approaches to show me how to deal with my feelings & put me back in control of my life. The hypnotherapy sessions were particularly useful & learnt me how to take a calm approach & mindset to take control of my feelings & use them positively. Juna you brought a breath of fresh air into my life & made me smile again. You have a remarkable gift that you share with your clients . Thank you <3


Juna really helped my teenage son work through a few issues giving him valuable tools to enable him to think through life's problems in a different way. I would wholeheartedly recommend Tree of Life Counselling if you think you may need a bit of help when finding life difficult.


Juna provided me with so much insight and better perspective into how to deal with my anxiety on a day to day basis. The lifetime tools that I gained and currently use have really shifted my thought processes and how I deal with people and situations. A very wonderful and helpful step in the right direction. Would highly recommend.


Juna is wonderful and makes you feel at ease. I’d recommend tree of life counselling to anyone going through any aspect of mental illness. She’s absolutely fab!


Juna is very patient and understanding, she has helped me be more positive and focused on my outlook. Would definitely recommend.


Juna is a skilled hypnotherapist who helped me to feel calm in a very strssful situation. Thank you for your help Juna.


Juna has set me back on my path. I was lost in grief and anxiety. Juna helped me through the process of gaining control of my emotions and approaching life differently. Although our sessions were over the telephone I have gained so much from just 6 sessions with her. Her adaptable approach and caring nature exudes a confidence that I found empowering. Thank you Juna. Warmest regards, Liz.


Juna has really helped me with practical tips and to change the way I think about difficult things in life. I would definitely recommend her!


Juna has helped and led me in a direction i would not have found without her . She is easy to talk to and very understanding .


It has been such a joy and a blessing meeting Juna. She gave me hope when i was broken by grief, anxiety and near burnout. Juna helped me to reflect on my personal challenges with close care, attention and skill. Juna's exceptionally good listening and interpersonal skills has enabled me to feel much stronger and happier than i have in a long time. Juna is a true professional that i would highly recommend. Thank you Juna for helping me to help myself.


I was referred to Juna from my place of work and me been a man thought this is rubbish and won't work for me well let me tell you I was wrong as I saw Juna on four occasions and on the second visit something just clicked in to place with how she explained things and put everything in the right prospective and made me think of things differently thank you Juna I have suffered for 4 years with things and know I feel so much happier and have managed to return to work once again thank you so much Mick x


I have recently lost a very close friend unexpectedly and my telephone sessions with Juna have really helped me to make sense of what has been a very difficult and intense time of my life. Thank you for listening and for helping me to accept my bereavement. It's been great to learn new perspectives, and, most importantly, you helped to realise that one of hardest periods of my life could make me a stronger person. Thank you for that :-)


I have recently been to see Juna after suffering from a long illness and I can't thank her enough for the help she gave me to deal with the problem. I would highly recommend her counselling as I have benefited from it no end. Thank you so much Juna.


I have recently been suffering with chronic back pain which was completely debilitating. I had visited the chiropractor and my local GP and was taking strong medication but could barely move, it was really getting me down. I made contact with Tree of Life Counselling as I had heard Juna was able to help with pain through hypnosis. I had nothing to lose and was desperate to be free of pain so was willing to give it a go.

Juna was very attentive to my issue and explained clearly how she could help, I immediately felt at ease as Juna was vey caring so I agreed to take the plunge.

Literally instantly my pain was rapidly reduced and I have been able to move and walk better than I have done in weeks - I have felt so much better. I will be recommending your services to anyone who needs support with pain. I feel like a totally different person. Amazing service!

I cannot thank you enough.


I began sessions with Juna to deal with the emotions, anxiety and stress of fertility treatment. In the end we got a very unexpected natural pregnancy and Juna's friendly and straightforward advice on dealing with anxiety symptoms really helped me through early pregnancy. Would highly recommend.


I am really grateful to Juna who has been helping me through a difficult time. She is very supportive but is able to ask incisive and challenging questions which have helped me to re-frame some of the issues I have been struggling with.


Hello Juna, thank you for your help with my anxiety and stress.Your relaxation program is very helpful.You are born to help people.I wish you all the best. Elizabeth


The hypnotherapy is amazing, I was very skeptical about whether it could work but it really did, can’t believe I haven’t tried it sooner and Juna was brilliant, couldn’t recommend enough!


Juna took me through bereavement counselling, was so mentally exhausted but over the sessions became easier. Juna is an awesome lady makes you at ease she has helped me overcome some issues. I miss our meetings coz so of her manner , understanding , compassion. You wont find a better counsellor. Tony


Juna shone a light in my dark dark tunnel of Depression, Anxiety & Grief. Our sessions helped me face my fears,deal with my Anxiety & face up to my Grief after losing my Mother. She used different techniques & approaches to show me how to deal with my feelings & put me back in control of my life. The hypnotherapy sessions were particularly useful & learnt me how to take a calm approach & mindset to take control of my feelings & use them positively. Juna you brought a breath of fresh air into my life & made me smile again. You have a remarkable gift that you share with your clients . Thank you <3


Juna really helped my teenage son work through a few issues giving him valuable tools to enable him to think through life's problems in a different way. I would wholeheartedly recommend Tree of Life Counselling if you think you may need a bit of help when finding life difficult.


Juna provided me with so much insight and better perspective into how to deal with my anxiety on a day to day basis. The lifetime tools that I gained and currently use have really shifted my thought processes and how I deal with people and situations. A very wonderful and helpful step in the right direction. Would highly recommend.


Juna is wonderful and makes you feel at ease. I’d recommend tree of life counselling to anyone going through any aspect of mental illness. She’s absolutely fab!


Juna is very patient and understanding, she has helped me be more positive and focused on my outlook. Would definitely recommend.


Juna is a skilled hypnotherapist who helped me to feel calm in a very strssful situation. Thank you for your help Juna.


Juna has set me back on my path. I was lost in grief and anxiety. Juna helped me through the process of gaining control of my emotions and approaching life differently. Although our sessions were over the telephone I have gained so much from just 6 sessions with her. Her adaptable approach and caring nature exudes a confidence that I found empowering. Thank you Juna. Warmest regards, Liz.


Juna has really helped me with practical tips and to change the way I think about difficult things in life. I would definitely recommend her!


Juna has helped and led me in a direction i would not have found without her . She is easy to talk to and very understanding .


It has been such a joy and a blessing meeting Juna. She gave me hope when i was broken by grief, anxiety and near burnout. Juna helped me to reflect on my personal challenges with close care, attention and skill. Juna's exceptionally good listening and interpersonal skills has enabled me to feel much stronger and happier than i have in a long time. Juna is a true professional that i would highly recommend. Thank you Juna for helping me to help myself.


I was referred to Juna from my place of work and me been a man thought this is rubbish and won't work for me well let me tell you I was wrong as I saw Juna on four occasions and on the second visit something just clicked in to place with how she explained things and put everything in the right prospective and made me think of things differently thank you Juna I have suffered for 4 years with things and know I feel so much happier and have managed to return to work once again thank you so much Mick x


I have recently lost a very close friend unexpectedly and my telephone sessions with Juna have really helped me to make sense of what has been a very difficult and intense time of my life. Thank you for listening and for helping me to accept my bereavement. It's been great to learn new perspectives, and, most importantly, you helped to realise that one of hardest periods of my life could make me a stronger person. Thank you for that :-)


I have recently been to see Juna after suffering from a long illness and I can't thank her enough for the help she gave me to deal with the problem. I would highly recommend her counselling as I have benefited from it no end. Thank you so much Juna.


I have recently been suffering with chronic back pain which was completely debilitating. I had visited the chiropractor and my local GP and was taking strong medication but could barely move, it was really getting me down. I made contact with Tree of Life Counselling as I had heard Juna was able to help with pain through hypnosis. I had nothing to lose and was desperate to be free of pain so was willing to give it a go.

Juna was very attentive to my issue and explained clearly how she could help, I immediately felt at ease as Juna was vey caring so I agreed to take the plunge.

Literally instantly my pain was rapidly reduced and I have been able to move and walk better than I have done in weeks - I have felt so much better. I will be recommending your services to anyone who needs support with pain. I feel like a totally different person. Amazing service!

I cannot thank you enough.


I began sessions with Juna to deal with the emotions, anxiety and stress of fertility treatment. In the end we got a very unexpected natural pregnancy and Juna's friendly and straightforward advice on dealing with anxiety symptoms really helped me through early pregnancy. Would highly recommend.


I am really grateful to Juna who has been helping me through a difficult time. She is very supportive but is able to ask incisive and challenging questions which have helped me to re-frame some of the issues I have been struggling with.


Hello Juna, thank you for your help with my anxiety and stress.Your relaxation program is very helpful.You are born to help people.I wish you all the best. Elizabeth

More about Tree Of Life Counselling

Tree Of Life Counselling is located at 24 Hawksworth road, LS18 4JP Horsforth
07890 741010