Wakefield Council

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Wakefield Council

Welcome to the official Facebook page for Wakefield Council. To contact the Council post to this page, use our website www. wakefield. gov. uk or e-mail customerservices@wakefield. gov. uk



Are you looking to install gas central heating for the first time but not sure if you can afford it?
The Warm Homes Fund provides grants to cover the cost of gas central heating and all of the work is done through Council approved contractors.
Apply now by calling 01924 305887 or email eat@wakefield.gov.uk. ... For more info: http://bit.ly/WarmerWakefield
See More


More than 80% of second-hand smoke is invisible and odourless, so no matter how careful you think you're being, your family still breathe in the harmful poisons.
Protect your loved ones by quitting smoking this #Stoptober.
Click the link for help & advice: https://www.nhs.uk/one…/be-healthier/qu it-smoking/stoptober/


As well as the negative effect on health, smoking costs you more hard cash than you realise.
As well as saving all of that money, you will also start to experience health benefits after just 20 mins.
Click the link for more #support this #Stoptober: https://www.nhs.uk/one…/be-healthier/qu it-smoking/stoptober/


A new boiler could save you more than £300* on your energy bills each year – so why not replace your current boiler using the Council-approved Better Homes Yorkshire scheme.
You could have a new boiler installed for less than £2000, there’s no deposit to pay and you could spread the cost with a range of competitive finance options.
Depending on your circumstances you could even qualify for government funding to help pay for it.
... All boilers fitted by our Which? Trusted Trader installers come with a warranty of up to 10 years, offering you peace of mind.
Find out more today – call 0800 597 1500 or visit http://bit.ly/BetterHomesYorkshireWakefie ld
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You could able to get help with installing better insulation and heating.
Contact Money Smart to find out about schemes to help you save energy.
Find out more by calling 01924 307272 or email moneysmart@wakefield.gov.uk.
... For more info: www.wakefield.gov.uk/moneysmart
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We’re supporting #ReStartAHeartDay - with training in #Wakefield today that could save lives. #Qualsafelifesavers For advice on what to do if someone is having a cardiac arrest see bit.ly/2NMzuas


Restart a heart Day in action Create at Wakefield One Come and join us in the cafe on the lower ground floor 12 - 2pm today and learn some life saving skills
#CPRsaveslives #lifesavers #QualsafeLifesavers Wakefield Wellbeing Wakefield Express


Today's the day - it's Restart a Heart Day and we've got a fantastic, free event for you.
Visit our first aid trainers in Create Café (in Wakefield One) anytime between 12noon and 2pm and learn how to do CPR.
If you can't make today's session but would like to know more about first aid training, check out our link in the comments below...
... #restartaheart #lifesavers #CPRsaveslives
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This week is Empty Homes Week - and our Strategic Housing team is reminding residents of the many ways we can help you bring an empty property back into use.
We can help if you're not using a house that you own, for reasons such as inheriting a property, a lack of funds to renovate or you're awaiting probate and are unclear of what to do next. We can advise on options, including selling disused properties, renting them out, finding buyers, making repairs and applying for gran...ts.
Since April, we have provided support to over 100 owners to help bring their empty properties back into use.
Owners can get financial support to repair and bring their empty property back into use through an interest-free loan from Leeds City Credit Union of up to £5,000.
Anyone who owns an empty house and would like support, or wants to report an empty house that is causing a problem, can get advice by calling 01924 306665 or by emailing strategichousing@wakefield.gov.uk
Alternatively, visit http://bit.ly/EmptyHomesWakefield

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Sadly, approximately 32% of deaths in Wakefield are attributable to smoking. There are 4000 chemicals in each cigarette, all of which damage your health. The main components of tobacco smoke are #nicotine, #carbonmonoxide, #toxicchemicals and #tar. These substances all affect the human body and cause diseases.
Stop smoking this #Stoptober! Click the link for more details of how you can get help.
https://www.nhs.uk/one…/be-healthier/qu it-smoking/stoptober/


Would you like a warmer home with less damp and mould?
If so, central heating may be the answer and if you are eligible the Warm Homes Fund may be able to help.
Apply now by calling 01924 305887 or email eat@wakefield.gov.uk. ... For more info: http://bit.ly/WarmerWakefield
See More


Are you paying too much on your fuel bills and would like to find a cheaper deal?
Talk to Money Smart who can check your meter and advise about switching suppliers.
Find out more by calling 01924 307272 or email moneysmart@wakefield.gov.uk.
... For more info: www.wakefield.gov.uk/moneysmart
See More


Don't forget, next Tuesday 16 October we're supporting Restart a Heart Day with a special drop-in session at Create Café between 12noon and 2pm.
Pop in and find out how to do CPR with our friendly first aid trainers - you never know, it could save someone's life!
#restartaheart #lifesavers #CPRsaveslives


#HateCrime is when someone is targeted because they are believed to be disabled, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or from a particular race or religion...
A Hate Crime/Incident can be reported to the police: - 999 in an emergency - 101 for non-emergenies
... If you would rather not speak to a Police officer, please click our link to report online
http://www.wakefield.gov.uk/community/hat e-crime
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It's #NationalHCAW!
#HateCrime is taken very seriously, if you're a victim of this please report it.
Click the link to report it online, or for instructions on how to download the Stop Hate UK app.
... No-one should have to live with the fear, anxiety and consequences of hate.
http://www.wakefield.gov.uk/community/hat e-crime
#NHCAW #SpreadLoveNotHate
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Next Tuesday 16 October is Restart a Heart Day.
Without CPR the chances of surviving cardiac arrest are zero.
We're supporting this important day with a drop-in session at Create Café (in Wakefield One) so why not come along and learn how to save a life?
... Our first aid trainers will be there between 12noon and 2pm to show you how it’s done and let you have a go!
#restartaheart #lifesavers #CPRsaveslives
See More


We know that early retirement can leave you bored and frustrated. Works Better can help you use your existing skills to find enjoyable, flexible work with understanding employers without the need to restart your career!
Find out more by calling 01484 221 000 today or visit www.worksbetter.co.uk


Smoking costs a lot of money. Buying a couple of packs of cigarettes a week might not seem like much but over a year this can easily add up to over £1,000!
Quitting smoking is easier with the right support, click the link for more details. #Stoptober
https://www.nhs.uk/one…/be-healthier/qu it-smoking/stoptober/


Very impressed that Wakefield Council have already collected our bins. Given that this is the first normal business day of weather and they have had Wednesday's, Thursday's, Friday's and today's to collect, I think it is amazing that they have done ours (from Thursday) by 10am.

I know councils often get a bad rep but, as an employee of an essential service myself, I think these people deserve praise when they work so hard to return everyone to business as usual so quickly.


I would just like to say a big thank you to your cleansing and refuse staff, I think they do a tremendous job in the area I live. Often a vital service which gets taken for granted too often but makes a real difference, keep up the great work. I reported flytipping on Storrs Hill Road and a build up of litter and leaf debris on Wesley Street. Both jobs reported have now been done and cleared, and looks a lot better in both locations. I was impressed with how fast it was completed, I reported (6/3/18) and they were done by (7/3/18). Also the regeneration work around Wakefield Westgate in the city is looking superb. Can tell you are trying to improve services and the city/ borough. Anyway many thanks again, much appreciated. I shall keep an eye out, and give you a heads up if needed.




I can say I see Wakefield council cleaning the main roads now and then people litter picking. Emptying the bins Down The main roads.

BUT... °The footpaths are always full of dog mess what happened to pick up and pay up?

°Pot holes just filled in on the roads bodge up instead of been relayed. Fair enough the odd one. But briar bank in Kinsley the roads is a right mess holes have been filled but there cracks all over it.

°BINs! And this one really hacks me off! Why can't the bin men take away extra bags. Surely it is cheaper to take extra bags on bin collection than clean up after someone's tipped, which I am not surprised happens. Or why can't people request bigger bins?

Some people don't have transport what are they supposed to do with extra rubbish.

I use take mine to tip, left a bag out with kids been off school, left there not even attempted it was a bag of fluff from a dog bed. Would it really hurt to throw an extra bag or two in lorry warlst they wait for bin to come back down? ��


Hi can I ask why the roads were not gritted today despite several weather warnings today ? I left Pontefract at 6pm to be blocked in the car Park by a poor Ambulance driver with lights on spinning and sliding all over the road not able to get up to horsefair. Cars skidding all over and a lorry Jack knifed at the old hospital icey and dangerous you put us at great risk tonight I was in tears when I got home an hour and 20 later !!!! For a 10 miniute journey !!!


wakefield state that they have different departments to help people with disrepair properties and to help people with housing issues but none of them help . I dont care much for wakefield council as they do nothing about problems that are raised and they dont support people with housing problems whatsoever . i once had a wakefield council worker out to my house to see the disrepair problems and he smirked at me and stated there was nothing wrong which is absolutely disgusting and to state that i suffer with mental health problems aswell shame on wakefield council i have nothing ro thank them for at all . they take your money but dont do anything for you whatsoever my opinion is sort the problems yourself because thats the only way they will be dealt with !


When are all these potholes going to get covered?! Twice in 3 months my suspension coils have snapped and had to pay out ..disgusting not one road I’ve seen driving on without loads of potholes all over


There has been a yellow sign on wood street all week saying the road would be closed overnight. This meant a loss of parking for people with limited mobility that were unable to come into town. Missing out on regular groups. Apparently wood street WAS OPEN. information please


So you're closing Wintersett Lakes caravan park because you don't believe they should have an on site warden!!! What happened to health and safety then!!?? We use lots of parks and have NEVER been to one without a warden. Get a grip. Look after tourism in your area. You need all you can get!!!


So disappointed. Put in an official complaint about some graffiti on the signs (ALL of them!) at the end of Churchfield Lane/Eastmoor Road and had an email to say it had been removed! No it bloody hasn’t! Just a lie.


Set of dogs -horrible bent parasites thats what these are.

Carry out credit checks without authority. Threaten and intimidate people. Malinder - manager. Dog.

There she has her opinion i have mine. Dogs thats what these are.

Bent council bent taxes - corrupt set of fucks

Threaten everyone to find MY address. Not that i have any legal obligation to them at all. Then i contact them, yet they wont talk to me and its me they want

See ya tom at Wakey One then lets see who talks to people like a cunt. Get ready !


My Father lives in Gill sike bungalows in Thornes, its disgusting that the hedges are left so long to be cut back, as if it isnt bad enough the elderly cant get out and now cant see out so there isolated day in day out its disgusting...���


Moved from Essex to Wakefield council area little over 6 months ago and God I thought Essex county council where bad but boi Wakefield council are worse. Refuse collection in my area is awful and after numerous calls to them I still have problems. There are plenty of people out of work who could do a much better job at waste collection. Sack those who are incompetent and hire better. Simple really. I have parents who live in leeds who love their council because if they have a problem things get done. Maybe some job shadowing wouldn't go a miss to help those incompetent at Wakefield council .


Just been to new minsthorpe lesiure, rubbish is putting it nicely, cold showers and freezing changing rooms, 200 people about 15 cubicles, teenages girls having to get changed in front of grown men cos it was too cold to wait about, 1h sessions on a weekend, by time u got in and got changed its about 45 mins swim time. Too many unsupervised kids, save ya money and go somewhere else.


It is 2320 I live opposite the car park next to wakefield Westgate train station, why on earth are there people working, smashing banging making so much noise I can’t sleep!!!??? I have work in the morning this has gone on far too long!! If it continues I will be in touch with my local mp and potential seeking further advice if you do not get workmen to complete there work at a more reasonable time! I’ve complained several times about this it’s a fucking joke


I drive one of those rotten awful Hgv's that no-one wants. But everyone needs. Tell me, where can i park for ten minutes to use the local shops in Pontefract town??? Because today, i parked the truck cab in the car park behind tesco. I was only away for 5 minutes, and one of your finest parking attendants gave me a ticket. For not being in a marked bay!!! Its a truck cab!!! Of course it isnt going to fit in any marked bay!!. Seriously, give us a chance. I have paid the fine, purely for the comedy value of it all. Provide some parking for us filthy leppers who drive the trucks which provide you with everything. Merry fookin christmas and thanks for the chuckles, that your comedy provided.


For 6 years the old Waterton School building has been empty and dangerous! I wonder how much money it costs to have the police called to remove kids and idiot adults numerous times every week? Then there's the incompetent security that "keeps it secure"?! A young boy nearly died falling through the roof not so long ago and still nothing was done! Kids have been hiding inside it and getting up to god knows what in there! Myself and a few other mum's are keeping our kids inside all through summer because we are terrified they'll end up there with all the other kids from the estate. There are so many empty building that belong to the council that arent secure. Its scary and a very real danger! 6 years is an absolute joke!!!!


Amazing how you can get a parking fine, for parking outside your own home. Only had the car 8 weeks, waiting for log book to apply for permit. Sent application (apparently they have not received it, really that’s appropriate)then received fine whilst waiting. They expected me to park a mile away on main road. Yeah right. Appealed received no confirmation that they received the appeal, had to chase it and appeal denied. Absolute joke. Wouldn’t mind paying if the roads were fit to drive on or the bin men actually empty bins on time, but no you proved your shocking service and rip off the public.


Amazing how a couple of years ago you cut down two trees on a grass area outside my house. Now you cant be bothered to maintain it by coming and cutting it once in a while, so now instead of having two trees we now have over 30, two ft trees growing. It looks a mess the best thing is that the grass in the surrounding area as been cut sometime this week and this as been left. We have had to ring you before about this patch of land not getting cut.


Absolute joke Wakefield district council your diversion signs or lack of them have ment they not only have I and other drivers been sent round the house and miles out if our way to come back on ourselves and have to go a different way but I have also met the rudest most unhelpful workers tarmacing the road and when asked directions away from the one way dead end we had been sent was to be told just look round the road? Absolutly fuming your staff and your "diversion" signs have meant that my daughter has now missed half of her weekley stage school classes meaning not only am I out of pocket at £12 a class she is now missing teaching time using unessassary diesel and stressing out both me and my child and now I am sat wasting time writing on here in the hope that I will be acknowledged!

Sort it out Wakefield council!


Very impressed that Wakefield Council have already collected our bins. Given that this is the first normal business day of weather and they have had Wednesday's, Thursday's, Friday's and today's to collect, I think it is amazing that they have done ours (from Thursday) by 10am.

I know councils often get a bad rep but, as an employee of an essential service myself, I think these people deserve praise when they work so hard to return everyone to business as usual so quickly.


I would just like to say a big thank you to your cleansing and refuse staff, I think they do a tremendous job in the area I live. Often a vital service which gets taken for granted too often but makes a real difference, keep up the great work. I reported flytipping on Storrs Hill Road and a build up of litter and leaf debris on Wesley Street. Both jobs reported have now been done and cleared, and looks a lot better in both locations. I was impressed with how fast it was completed, I reported (6/3/18) and they were done by (7/3/18). Also the regeneration work around Wakefield Westgate in the city is looking superb. Can tell you are trying to improve services and the city/ borough. Anyway many thanks again, much appreciated. I shall keep an eye out, and give you a heads up if needed.




I can say I see Wakefield council cleaning the main roads now and then people litter picking. Emptying the bins Down The main roads.

BUT... °The footpaths are always full of dog mess what happened to pick up and pay up?

°Pot holes just filled in on the roads bodge up instead of been relayed. Fair enough the odd one. But briar bank in Kinsley the roads is a right mess holes have been filled but there cracks all over it.

°BINs! And this one really hacks me off! Why can't the bin men take away extra bags. Surely it is cheaper to take extra bags on bin collection than clean up after someone's tipped, which I am not surprised happens. Or why can't people request bigger bins?

Some people don't have transport what are they supposed to do with extra rubbish.

I use take mine to tip, left a bag out with kids been off school, left there not even attempted it was a bag of fluff from a dog bed. Would it really hurt to throw an extra bag or two in lorry warlst they wait for bin to come back down? ��


Hi can I ask why the roads were not gritted today despite several weather warnings today ? I left Pontefract at 6pm to be blocked in the car Park by a poor Ambulance driver with lights on spinning and sliding all over the road not able to get up to horsefair. Cars skidding all over and a lorry Jack knifed at the old hospital icey and dangerous you put us at great risk tonight I was in tears when I got home an hour and 20 later !!!! For a 10 miniute journey !!!


wakefield state that they have different departments to help people with disrepair properties and to help people with housing issues but none of them help . I dont care much for wakefield council as they do nothing about problems that are raised and they dont support people with housing problems whatsoever . i once had a wakefield council worker out to my house to see the disrepair problems and he smirked at me and stated there was nothing wrong which is absolutely disgusting and to state that i suffer with mental health problems aswell shame on wakefield council i have nothing ro thank them for at all . they take your money but dont do anything for you whatsoever my opinion is sort the problems yourself because thats the only way they will be dealt with !


When are all these potholes going to get covered?! Twice in 3 months my suspension coils have snapped and had to pay out ..disgusting not one road I’ve seen driving on without loads of potholes all over


There has been a yellow sign on wood street all week saying the road would be closed overnight. This meant a loss of parking for people with limited mobility that were unable to come into town. Missing out on regular groups. Apparently wood street WAS OPEN. information please


So you're closing Wintersett Lakes caravan park because you don't believe they should have an on site warden!!! What happened to health and safety then!!?? We use lots of parks and have NEVER been to one without a warden. Get a grip. Look after tourism in your area. You need all you can get!!!


So disappointed. Put in an official complaint about some graffiti on the signs (ALL of them!) at the end of Churchfield Lane/Eastmoor Road and had an email to say it had been removed! No it bloody hasn’t! Just a lie.


Set of dogs -horrible bent parasites thats what these are.

Carry out credit checks without authority. Threaten and intimidate people. Malinder - manager. Dog.

There she has her opinion i have mine. Dogs thats what these are.

Bent council bent taxes - corrupt set of fucks

Threaten everyone to find MY address. Not that i have any legal obligation to them at all. Then i contact them, yet they wont talk to me and its me they want

See ya tom at Wakey One then lets see who talks to people like a cunt. Get ready !


My Father lives in Gill sike bungalows in Thornes, its disgusting that the hedges are left so long to be cut back, as if it isnt bad enough the elderly cant get out and now cant see out so there isolated day in day out its disgusting...���


Moved from Essex to Wakefield council area little over 6 months ago and God I thought Essex county council where bad but boi Wakefield council are worse. Refuse collection in my area is awful and after numerous calls to them I still have problems. There are plenty of people out of work who could do a much better job at waste collection. Sack those who are incompetent and hire better. Simple really. I have parents who live in leeds who love their council because if they have a problem things get done. Maybe some job shadowing wouldn't go a miss to help those incompetent at Wakefield council .


Just been to new minsthorpe lesiure, rubbish is putting it nicely, cold showers and freezing changing rooms, 200 people about 15 cubicles, teenages girls having to get changed in front of grown men cos it was too cold to wait about, 1h sessions on a weekend, by time u got in and got changed its about 45 mins swim time. Too many unsupervised kids, save ya money and go somewhere else.


It is 2320 I live opposite the car park next to wakefield Westgate train station, why on earth are there people working, smashing banging making so much noise I can’t sleep!!!??? I have work in the morning this has gone on far too long!! If it continues I will be in touch with my local mp and potential seeking further advice if you do not get workmen to complete there work at a more reasonable time! I’ve complained several times about this it’s a fucking joke


I drive one of those rotten awful Hgv's that no-one wants. But everyone needs. Tell me, where can i park for ten minutes to use the local shops in Pontefract town??? Because today, i parked the truck cab in the car park behind tesco. I was only away for 5 minutes, and one of your finest parking attendants gave me a ticket. For not being in a marked bay!!! Its a truck cab!!! Of course it isnt going to fit in any marked bay!!. Seriously, give us a chance. I have paid the fine, purely for the comedy value of it all. Provide some parking for us filthy leppers who drive the trucks which provide you with everything. Merry fookin christmas and thanks for the chuckles, that your comedy provided.


For 6 years the old Waterton School building has been empty and dangerous! I wonder how much money it costs to have the police called to remove kids and idiot adults numerous times every week? Then there's the incompetent security that "keeps it secure"?! A young boy nearly died falling through the roof not so long ago and still nothing was done! Kids have been hiding inside it and getting up to god knows what in there! Myself and a few other mum's are keeping our kids inside all through summer because we are terrified they'll end up there with all the other kids from the estate. There are so many empty building that belong to the council that arent secure. Its scary and a very real danger! 6 years is an absolute joke!!!!


Amazing how you can get a parking fine, for parking outside your own home. Only had the car 8 weeks, waiting for log book to apply for permit. Sent application (apparently they have not received it, really that’s appropriate)then received fine whilst waiting. They expected me to park a mile away on main road. Yeah right. Appealed received no confirmation that they received the appeal, had to chase it and appeal denied. Absolute joke. Wouldn’t mind paying if the roads were fit to drive on or the bin men actually empty bins on time, but no you proved your shocking service and rip off the public.


Amazing how a couple of years ago you cut down two trees on a grass area outside my house. Now you cant be bothered to maintain it by coming and cutting it once in a while, so now instead of having two trees we now have over 30, two ft trees growing. It looks a mess the best thing is that the grass in the surrounding area as been cut sometime this week and this as been left. We have had to ring you before about this patch of land not getting cut.


Absolute joke Wakefield district council your diversion signs or lack of them have ment they not only have I and other drivers been sent round the house and miles out if our way to come back on ourselves and have to go a different way but I have also met the rudest most unhelpful workers tarmacing the road and when asked directions away from the one way dead end we had been sent was to be told just look round the road? Absolutly fuming your staff and your "diversion" signs have meant that my daughter has now missed half of her weekley stage school classes meaning not only am I out of pocket at £12 a class she is now missing teaching time using unessassary diesel and stressing out both me and my child and now I am sat wasting time writing on here in the hope that I will be acknowledged!

Sort it out Wakefield council!

More about Wakefield Council

Wakefield Council is located at Wakefield One, PO Box 700, Burton Street, WF1 2EB Wakefield
0345 8 506 506
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -
http://www.wakefield.gov.uk http://jobs.wakefield.gov.uk http://www.wakefield.gov.uk/recycling http://www.experiencewakefield.co.uk http://twitter.com/MyWakefield