West Yorkshire Police - Halifax

About West Yorkshire Police - Halifax

Halifax covers Halifax Town Centre, Illingworth, Mixenden, Ovenden, Park & Warley Neighbourhood Policing Teams. DO NOT USE FACEBOOK TO REPORT CRIME.



Dementia Friendly Todmorden would like to say a huge thank you to Mytholmroyd Co-op for their very generous donation of tea, coffee, cakes and chocolate eggs for Daisy's Café at Todmorden Health Centre tomorrow. The donation you made is incredibly generous. Thank you to Tim Weston Foulds and Gavin West for arranging this for us, your support is very much appreciated!


Thursday 04/04, officers from Calderdale NPT - PC Joe Dainton, Special Constable Ed Grummitt and PCSO James Hughes, visited Ravenscliffe High School to support a local youth group, Calderdale Gateway Club, which supports young adults with special needs.
The group were shown various pieces of police equipment and sat in the police van and were allowed to use the blue lights and sirens on the van.


There are Safeguarding Units across West Yorkshire that understand forced marriage and know how to help http://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/forced marriage


Don't forget to put your clocks forward !! Spring time is HERE.


If you are worried that your partner or ex-partner may have an abusive past, ask us. If we have information that could protect you we will tell you http://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/clares law


Going missing? New adult friends? Skipping school? Secretive behaviour? Do you "Know The Signs"?... http://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/cse
See More


Officers from Halifax NPT visited Hive recently to engage with adults who visit on day care.
The ethos of the Hive is to help individuals achieve their maximum potential in a safe and supportive environment, introduce our clients to a range of new opportunities and experiences and to help develop the skills required for independent living and future employment


PCSO Liz Calked recently attended Siddal Primary School when the students were learning about British Values (https://www.gov.uk/…/guidance-on-promo ting-british-values-i…) and the role of the Police, if those values are broken. Liz also spoke about the day to day actives undertaken by both Police Officers and Police Commuity Support Officers (PCSO)
Later in the day, Liz and colleagues, including Calderdale Neighbourhood Community Warden and Parking Enforcement Officers, carried out parking patrols.
One taxi driver was reported to Taxi licencing for parking on Zigzag lines outside the school and several other drivers were advised in relation to other parking issues.

More about West Yorkshire Police - Halifax
