West Yorkshire Police - Leeds North West

About West Yorkshire Police - Leeds North West

Covering the following Neighbourhood Policing Teams : Adel & Wharfedale NPT, Guiseley & Rawdon NPT, Horsforth NPT and Otley & Yeadon NPT, Headingley & Hyde Park NPT, Little London & Woodhouse NPT, Weetwood NPT.



A bag containing keys has been found in the evening of Monday 1st April in the Cookridge/Tinshill area and handed in to Police. If you believe these keys belong to you or someone you know then please ring 101 quoting occurrence number 13190176139. Thank you.


Are your house and car safe ? Make sure you have 3 star locks and move keys out of sight. If you require any further info please contact joanne.rostron@westyorkshire.pnn.pol ice.uk


Don’t get distracted by your mobile phone whilst your in the car, keep it out of sight on silent or switched off whilst your behind the wheel.


This morning police and partner agencies conducted an operation in Adel & Wharfedale targeting scrap metal vans. A number of vehicles were stopped and various checks on people, vehicles and licences carried out. Several notices, tickets and fines were issued plus a local vehicle known for drug dealing was seized for no insurance and the driver reported for no licence.


Road now open.
Cookridge Lane is currently closed in both directions due to an RTC. This is from Cookridge Avenue through to Otley Old Road.


#Tinshill #Weetwood
Officers from your Neighbourhood Policing Team have arrested a local male on suspicion of attempt burglary at an address on Spen Lane.
A member of our community saw the male trying to break into a house. Officers were quickly in the area and going on the description of the suspect and using their own local knowledge they have attended a local males address. Identifiable property linked to the crime was located and the male was arrested.


Vehicle key found today in Danefield car park, East Chevin Road. Please contact your local police at Otley on 101


PCSOs were doing speed checks today on Cardigan Road which is now a 20 mile an hour speed zone. 3 tickets for speeding were issued . Please remember to drive safely.


Is your shed secure? Check out our top tips and keep items safe and secure..


Local Headingley PCSO’s will be at Headingley Methodist Church tea and cake morning between 10-11am. Please come along and have a chat about local issues or concerns.


Yesterday Officers from the Leeds District Off-Road Bike Team recovered this stolen Triumph in the LS16. It will be examined and returned to its rightful owner. #leedsdistrictoffroadbiketeam


Today is National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day. Do you know the signs? Find out more at: westyorkshire.police.uk/cse


Has your child been invited to a party that they don’t seem to know much about?
Have a look at our Party Animals guide for advice on how they can stay safe: https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/party -animals


Today inner North West PCSOs seized a transit full of stolen scrap metal in Headingley that the owners kindly left us after running off when we arrived. A member of the public caught them on his mother’s driveway helping themselves to items in her garden!


Your local NPT team have out this morning in Outer North West Leeds dealing with traffic offences. Not wearing a seatbelt and using a mobile phone whilst driving are factors commonly seen in fatal road traffic incidents. Just three officers stopped over 10 drivers who were text/talking or using their phone in just over 1 hour!
We were not out there to hand out tickets to every offender, we were educating people at the roadside and wherever possible we were recommending that offenders attend educational courses, rather than recommending that they get points and a fine.
Please drive responsibly. 👍🚗🚓


Have you been invited to a party this week at a location you're not familiar with? If so ask yourself why and have a look at our Party Animals guide: https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/party -animals


Are you doing everything you can to protect your car?
Lock the door ✅ Check the handle ✅ Keep keys out of sight ✅... Remove any valuables (dash cams, sat-navs, etc.) ✅
Show your car you care: https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/burgl ary
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More about West Yorkshire Police - Leeds North West

West Yorkshire Police - Leeds North West is located at Leeds