
Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Aspire4Health.Com

Health and fitness consultancy with over 24 years experience and highly qualified. Offering personal training and classes with a scientific basis.

Aspire4Health.Com Description

Aspire 4 Health provides specialist health and fitness training using the latest scientific techniques and focusing on strength and mobility. We provide a variety of services including personal training, classes, sports conditioning and running training.

We work with a range of clients including those with injuries and /or medical conditions, both amateur and professional sports people and over 50s.

Aspire 4 Health was founded by Lee Smith, an award-winning health and fitness professional with over 20 years experience and qualified to Masters degree level. Now a family business, we work together to provide a complete package for our clients promoting health, wellbeing and quality of life.



The old ‘chemical imbalance’ theory of depression detracts from the sufferer’s ability to promote change within their own brain, but MRI brain imaging now shows that we can be active agents in shaping physiological change in the brain by changing the way we think. It is possible to ‘renew the mind’ . We are all neoroplasticians. That’s where counselling /psychotherapy and approriate exercises come in....


The latest on the best way to save money and store the fruit and veg in the right way so it doesn’t go off!


Depression speeds up brain aging! Obviously there are circumstances in life that are unavoidable, but we need to protect not only our physical health but also try to protect our mental health and release those endorphins as often as possible. Whether you do it via a higher intensity workout or getting out on a walk in natural surroundings. Whatever your physical capabilities...... find a way to protect your mental health.


These are the long-term benefits of regular exercise for your brain.
Watch the full TED Talk here:


Today, many people still think they need dairy if they want strong bones and plenty of protein.
Get the truth about dairy: #NationalDairyMonth


Hi I’m really inspired with the support and positive responses we’ve had from people since launching the promotional campaign for the new Aspire4Health Online Platform. Our support is much appreciated. Lee


Hi, just a quick post to tell you the exciting news from We would like to invite you to be among numerous others who are already using the innovative online programme for life-long health & well-being.
Why have I spent the past year developing this innovative online training platform? Because I know how tough it can be to maintain the focus and stay dedicated to do your required exercise training on your own.
At Aspire4Health we sincerely want to help y...ou improve your health and overall fitness, and help you achieve your optimal quality of life…… regardless of your age or current fitness level.
So why not work ‘THE ASPIRE4HEALTH WAY’
— Products shown: Personal Training and Health Consultancy.
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Great comments from a client today who feels inspired to do something daring for a very worthwhile cause........ if anyone wants to sponsor her please let me know!!!!!
Morning Lee Just to thank you for passing on your enthusiasm and passion for improving my fitness after having operations on both knees. I would like to say that attending your classes on Tuesday and Friday mornings has confirmed to me that age is just a number And if there is something you want to do just go for it. so here I go, I am doing a Tandem Skydive on Sunday 20th May in aid of my favourite charity MACMILLAN. Thank you to my friends from both classes for your support. See you next week with a report on how it went x


If only our kids could have not only the meals but also the education around food that the Japanese offer in their schools. Perhaps a model to base our kids school meals on and enable them to have an insight into what a lot of rubbish processed food does to their bodies. Great inspiring video!!!!


Thanks for your kind words Emma.


Watch this before you think of having another cigarette


Great post from a client today so I felt I wanted to post it in Aspire4health page to support her and everyone else who may encounter ill health at some point during their lives. Great post Sue Rumbold


Hi all, I woke to a nice surprise this morning. We’ve won two more awards to add to last years. Well done everyone associated with Aspire4Health. Clients and staff alike this is ours.... you all work so hard and make our jobs easy. Well done everyone. has been awarded - Award for Excellence in Strength Training Services - Yorkshire has been awarded - Personal Trainer of the Year 2018 - West Yorkshire


Hi all. This message is posted to support one of my clients in their aim to create a better awareness of mental health issues. Thanks Lee
Here is what she had to say......”I decided to post this message in support of all those who continue to battle with their mental illness. More mental health awareness is urgently needed. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean people aren't suffering. Please, try to spare a little of your time with someone who may just want to talk (ab...out anything). Talking can help us all to cope a little more, keeping things bottled up just makes it worse.
Most people will say, "if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, I'll be there to help you" but will they?
This isn’t just about adults neither it about all of us , the elderly , teenagers and young kids too , Stop the judging , stop the emotional bullying and let’s see it for what it is. Have a good day and remember the ones suffering are usually the kindest and most selfless people xx.........”
Hi again, Lee here! Thanks for taking the time to read and consider this issue, it means a lot to my client and often a lot of focus does get put towards physical well-being potentially at the expense of mental well being. They are not mutually exclusive.
Keep fit and well.
See More


Hi all. Hope you’re all well. Tonight on BBC at 8pm there’s the truth about exercise. They are going to reveal whether 10,000 steps per day is good or not. I agree with the principles it’s stating about shorter more vigorous bouts ie 3 x 10 short bouts of walk per day to enhance cardiovascular functioning and managing blood sugars......... however we are not only using the movement for these purposes, we are also using it to optimise the functionality of the muscles and joints and minimise the amount of time we are sitting for. In summary, aim to do the 3 shorter (approx 10 mins) more rapid walks per day as a minimum then anything above this is a bonus to keep the joints and muscles supple and pain free. Just a heads up and clarification on what will be announced tonight. Keep up the exercise. Best wishes Lee


Hi all Happy New Year to you. Should you like most people be making new years resolutions that 2018 is the year you get fitter and healthier, why not see how can help you? Here are the various options to suit you: One to One or small group sessions either in the Aspire4Health Woodland Studio or at your home (starts with a free no obligation consultation).
Online through videos and detailed description with the recently launched Aspire4Health Online platform ...- can be viewed at (
Join like minded people at the ‘Fitness Beyond 50 Exercise Classes.’ Whichever way works for you, Aspire4Health are commited to helping you be the fittest and healthiest you can be for years to come! Regards Lee Smith MSc, BACPR, CRDET, FMSC Nationally Certified to work with Cardiac or Pulmonary conditions Tel: 07986396755
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Hi all Happy New Year to you. Should you like most people be making new years resolutions that 2018 is the year you get fitter and healthier, why not join like minded people at the ‘Fitness Beyond 50 Exercise Classes.’ The people who attend the classes are all really friendly so rest assured you'll be made welcome. All the exercises are tailored to you, and your current health and fitness levels.
Regards Lee
Nationally certified to work with people with Cardiac and Pulmona...ry conditions rcise-classes/
See More


A key reason why we all need to keep an eye on our alcohol intake.........


Written on behalf of my husband...

Aspire4Health Testimonial

About Me

• A 40-something successful business man

• Happily married

• 6 children (all boys ages 4 to 23)

• In total control of everything in my life except my health

My Problem – A Few Years Ago

• Having a busy family and business life has meant that over the years I’ve let myself go without really noticing it

• Perhaps 10 to 15 years went by with no thought to my health whatsoever (late 20’s when I was indestructible like all 20-somethings until very early 40’s)

• I work very long hours

• I get very little sleep

• I eat like a hog

• I smoke like a chimney

• I'm badly out of shape

• I'm terribly overweight

• I'm about as flexible as a length of 4 by 2

• I have long term back issues (related to sitting in a chair for such long hours)

• Everything I do is a struggle and more and more am I noticing the effects of not taking care of myself

• It was really only once I hit my 40’s that I knew I had to start thinking about change

My First Attempts at Change

• Smoking - Aside from a period of abstinence several years ago, I tried to stop at 40’ish – I failed

• Eating – I love food and lots of it and all at the wrong end of the day; I joined a well-known diet group; I saw a little success very quickly but ultimately failed and was back to where I started within a couple of months

• Exercise – I joined a gym, saw a little success for perhaps 4 to 6 week but the gym always felt like a chore that got in the way of business and so I failed

My Wake-up Call

• Just over 2 years, my back gave out and I was laid up for 17 days (I literally did not move for the whole 17 days), as a result I ended up with a DVT

• Now whist the DVT was not really a result of me not taking care of myself (it was being so still for so long that caused that it), it was a wake-up call that I have to take action and sort myself out

My New Journey

• I started by stopping smoking

• Next I acquired a Treadmill Desk – sounds weird but they do really work and are a godsend if you spend a lot of time sat in a chair in front of a computer

• In spite of stopping smoking and acquiring the Treadmill Desk, I knew I needed to somehow get more motivation because of all my failed attempts at exercise, mobility and weight loss in the past.

• I went on-line and searched for Personal Trainers, I found plenty but one in particular stood out from the crowd, it was Aspire4Health.

• Aspire4Health looked the most promising because of the lead trainers qualifications which are over and above what I associated with personal trainers; according to the website this guy knew his stuff and was offering more than just the usual “get on the floor and give me 20” type of thing I imagined

• I was given a free consultation where my current overall health and lifestyle were discussed and a plan of action was put in place to steadily help me get to where I need to be

• Given my business life, the thing I lack most is movement through the day, since working with Aspire4Health I learned dozens of simple exercises that can be done (most without any sort of equipment) that have greatly improved my overall mobility

• I've been advised on diet and nutrition and on many subjects related to my health and in particular my age-old back issue

• I do 90% of my sessions from the comfort of my own home because this fits in easily with my business life and so it never feels like a chore

• I occasionally visit the private, purpose built gym in Bingley to use the available equipment and in particular for back decompression sessions

• Their lead trainer “Lee”, is always on-hand whenever I need him and offers a plethora of advice about my health and general well being

• My fitness and well-being program is constantly adapting to take into account how I’ve been feeling, how much sleep I've had, how much work I've been doing and what aches and pains I may have at any given time

The “New-ish” Me

• I've still a 40-something

• I've still a way to go on this journey but overall and in general I am in much better condition than I was

• I generally eat much better and for the most part at the right time of day

• I move around a lot more than I used to and I walk between 25 and 50 miles a week (I used to walk perhaps 1 mile a week 2 years ago)

• My mobility has significantly improved

• I've lost just over 4 stone in weight

• I generally feel much better both physically and about how I look and combined these two factors have greatly improved my general sense of well-being and I'm a lot happier with myself these days than I've been for a very long time

My Conclusion

• In conclusion then, I’d say utilising the services of Aspire4Health has been one of the best personal decisions I've ever made and my general health and well-being are worlds apart from what they were a couple of years ago

• I continue to do weekly sessions with Aspire4Health and plan to do so for the foreseeable future

• I unreservedly recommend Apsire4Health if you are serious about improving your health and well-being

Craig - 40-something


When I asked Led to provide personal training for me, I had suffered with pain in my right shoulder for 10 years from doing office work.

I also had pain in my knees. Lee analysed my pasture amongst other things and gave me a exercise regime. After a couple months of exercise the pain in both my shoulder and knees disappeared and I have not had the pain again in the past 3 years. I have no hesitation in recommending Lee.


My husband and I used Aspire4Health services to improve our general fitness levels. Our individual needs were assessed to identify our weaknesses and build on our strengths. We benefitted greatly from the high level of skill and knowledge Lee had in relation to physical fitness training. He did truly inspire us to improve our health status. Thank you Lee


My daughter in law arranged for me to have a consultation with Lee at Aspire4health. He came to my home and he became my personal trainer. Within weeks following his programme I was fitter and leaner than I had been for many years. He is a true inspiration! I started my regime with lee aged 53 which proves you're never too old. I developed an autoimmune disease 3 years ago and lee gave me sound advice and now I am free from it. If you want a personal trainer or to go to a class, give lee at aspire4health a go. You won't look back. Julie Foster


Lee is a real pro. He's concerned about you and your long term health goals not just shifting a bit of flab. He invests LOTS of time researching the science behind health and fitness and turns it into programmes that you'll get the benefit of. After working with Lee, I've learned more about my particular requirements and some of the smartest ways to train - as well as unlearning all the exercises I really shouldn't do. Can't recommend him highly enough.


Lee has a very different approach to training which means every session is relevant to you, what you want and how your body is feeling that day. I've had several trainers but have seen undoubtedly the best results with Lee. His enthusiasm and commitment are infectious and his in depth knowledge of the human body & how it works is amazing.


Lee certainly knows his stuff, and would have no problem recommending him to anyone requiring some help to get either a bit fitter or recover from an injury. He needs little space or equipment. He is very passionate about his work and his clients. All you need is a little time and he will do the rest.


Knowledgeable, confident and passionate about health and fitness. If you're looking for support to improve your health and wellbeing, want to get fit and need motivation, you're in safe hands. If I have needed advice or a new approach I've always had a good, honest response. The testimonials speak for themselves. Well done all at Aspire4health, keep up the good work Lee.


If you want to improve your general health, fitness and make the best of your abilities I cannot think of a better way than to give Lee a ring or go to one of his advertised classes.

You will never regret it.

I know as an overweight diabetic he has worked wonders for me

John laycock


I've been working with Lee for about 3 months now and he has worked wonders in reducing the impact of problems I had related to thoracic surgery, which had left me with considerably reduced fitness and flexibility. We began with a very detailed assessment and subsequently.I have seen him regularly for personal exercise sessions.

He has significantly improved my mobility, flexibility and confidence. His depth of knowledge and experience in terms of physiology and exercise is tremendous and his enthusiasm and caring manner have helped me maintain my involvement and subsequent progress.


I joined Lee's Cottingley group in February 2010 , just needing to build up my personal fitness , , and energy levels.

Fortunately , for me, I haven't had to overcome serious illness or injury, but needed help with small things......a painful shoulder or knee, or foot. But I think it's important to stress that the

group in Cottingley is special because he can always advise on the correct treatment for any part of the body. He is highly qualified in health and fitness.

We know we are getting the best possible advice, served up with an infectious sense of humour. Thank you for the laughs too Lee. They make it a special " Happy Hour "


I have been training once a week with Lee for about a month and going to one of his fitness classes each week. I feel very much looser and mobile already as a result.

Lee has given me the confidence to believe in my abilities. Each week I have achieved something new and this has done wonders for my self confidence.

Lee approaches the whole fitness regime in an holistic way. He is well read in the latest scientific thinking and is keen to share nutritional information and ideas.

I have hesitated for years about personal training as I'm very overweight, have COPD and AF, but...don't leave it for ages as I did, phone Lee now...and start making that difference to your life. You definitely won't regret it!


I have been having treatment from Lee for the past 18months on both my knees. I had had a partial left knee replacement in 2013 and was struggling with pain, due to extra pressure on my right knee this also was replaced in March this year. During this period I saw Lee twice a week. At these sessions Lee taught me exercises that reduced the pain by building up muscles to support my knees which has proved to be most beneficial. I now attend a hour long exercise class that Lee holds in Cottingley Town Hall on a Tuesday morning 10 till 11am, which is great fun as well as keeping the rest of my body fit and healthy.


I can confirm Lee's approach really works I am losing weight & toning up with a mixture of flexibility strengthening & conditioning exercises. Almost back to running after achilles injury.


Besides helping with postoperative rehabilitation from an injury several years ago Lee has also helped me keep up general levels of fitness and "fight the flab" (which unfortunately feels like a never-ending battle these days) !


After retiring from work after 40+ years, long working hours and a very sedentary lifestyle I decided I needed to make sure I was as fit as I could to enjoy as long and as active a life as was possible! Since I started working with Lee about four months ago I have dropped two dress sizes, am much more active and have greater flexibility and strength than I have had in a very long time. Just as important is the boost to my confidence, I now know that I can achieve anything I set my mind too - which includes a parachute jump that I am now working toward!

I've learned age is but a number and not a barrier so my bucket list has got longer since starting my fitness programme with Lee. Thanks Lee!



I've been working with Lee on and off for many years. After my third cartilege repair op, Lee worked with me to build up the muscles around my knees and I was soon able to walk the South Downs Way (about 110 miles) in 5 days without any problems.

More recently, following a microdiscectomy and a broken foot, Lee has worked with me on both strength and flexibility, so that I can continue to have a super-active lifestyle. Despite the injuries, most people say they can't believe I'm a grandma of 7! Lee's training helps me be confident in my body and keeps me fit and youthful!


Written on behalf of my husband...

Aspire4Health Testimonial

About Me

• A 40-something successful business man

• Happily married

• 6 children (all boys ages 4 to 23)

• In total control of everything in my life except my health

My Problem – A Few Years Ago

• Having a busy family and business life has meant that over the years I’ve let myself go without really noticing it

• Perhaps 10 to 15 years went by with no thought to my health whatsoever (late 20’s when I was indestructible like all 20-somethings until very early 40’s)

• I work very long hours

• I get very little sleep

• I eat like a hog

• I smoke like a chimney

• I'm badly out of shape

• I'm terribly overweight

• I'm about as flexible as a length of 4 by 2

• I have long term back issues (related to sitting in a chair for such long hours)

• Everything I do is a struggle and more and more am I noticing the effects of not taking care of myself

• It was really only once I hit my 40’s that I knew I had to start thinking about change

My First Attempts at Change

• Smoking - Aside from a period of abstinence several years ago, I tried to stop at 40’ish – I failed

• Eating – I love food and lots of it and all at the wrong end of the day; I joined a well-known diet group; I saw a little success very quickly but ultimately failed and was back to where I started within a couple of months

• Exercise – I joined a gym, saw a little success for perhaps 4 to 6 week but the gym always felt like a chore that got in the way of business and so I failed

My Wake-up Call

• Just over 2 years, my back gave out and I was laid up for 17 days (I literally did not move for the whole 17 days), as a result I ended up with a DVT

• Now whist the DVT was not really a result of me not taking care of myself (it was being so still for so long that caused that it), it was a wake-up call that I have to take action and sort myself out

My New Journey

• I started by stopping smoking

• Next I acquired a Treadmill Desk – sounds weird but they do really work and are a godsend if you spend a lot of time sat in a chair in front of a computer

• In spite of stopping smoking and acquiring the Treadmill Desk, I knew I needed to somehow get more motivation because of all my failed attempts at exercise, mobility and weight loss in the past.

• I went on-line and searched for Personal Trainers, I found plenty but one in particular stood out from the crowd, it was Aspire4Health.

• Aspire4Health looked the most promising because of the lead trainers qualifications which are over and above what I associated with personal trainers; according to the website this guy knew his stuff and was offering more than just the usual “get on the floor and give me 20” type of thing I imagined

• I was given a free consultation where my current overall health and lifestyle were discussed and a plan of action was put in place to steadily help me get to where I need to be

• Given my business life, the thing I lack most is movement through the day, since working with Aspire4Health I learned dozens of simple exercises that can be done (most without any sort of equipment) that have greatly improved my overall mobility

• I've been advised on diet and nutrition and on many subjects related to my health and in particular my age-old back issue

• I do 90% of my sessions from the comfort of my own home because this fits in easily with my business life and so it never feels like a chore

• I occasionally visit the private, purpose built gym in Bingley to use the available equipment and in particular for back decompression sessions

• Their lead trainer “Lee”, is always on-hand whenever I need him and offers a plethora of advice about my health and general well being

• My fitness and well-being program is constantly adapting to take into account how I’ve been feeling, how much sleep I've had, how much work I've been doing and what aches and pains I may have at any given time

The “New-ish” Me

• I've still a 40-something

• I've still a way to go on this journey but overall and in general I am in much better condition than I was

• I generally eat much better and for the most part at the right time of day

• I move around a lot more than I used to and I walk between 25 and 50 miles a week (I used to walk perhaps 1 mile a week 2 years ago)

• My mobility has significantly improved

• I've lost just over 4 stone in weight

• I generally feel much better both physically and about how I look and combined these two factors have greatly improved my general sense of well-being and I'm a lot happier with myself these days than I've been for a very long time

My Conclusion

• In conclusion then, I’d say utilising the services of Aspire4Health has been one of the best personal decisions I've ever made and my general health and well-being are worlds apart from what they were a couple of years ago

• I continue to do weekly sessions with Aspire4Health and plan to do so for the foreseeable future

• I unreservedly recommend Apsire4Health if you are serious about improving your health and well-being

Craig - 40-something


When I asked Led to provide personal training for me, I had suffered with pain in my right shoulder for 10 years from doing office work.

I also had pain in my knees. Lee analysed my pasture amongst other things and gave me a exercise regime. After a couple months of exercise the pain in both my shoulder and knees disappeared and I have not had the pain again in the past 3 years. I have no hesitation in recommending Lee.


My husband and I used Aspire4Health services to improve our general fitness levels. Our individual needs were assessed to identify our weaknesses and build on our strengths. We benefitted greatly from the high level of skill and knowledge Lee had in relation to physical fitness training. He did truly inspire us to improve our health status. Thank you Lee


My daughter in law arranged for me to have a consultation with Lee at Aspire4health. He came to my home and he became my personal trainer. Within weeks following his programme I was fitter and leaner than I had been for many years. He is a true inspiration! I started my regime with lee aged 53 which proves you're never too old. I developed an autoimmune disease 3 years ago and lee gave me sound advice and now I am free from it. If you want a personal trainer or to go to a class, give lee at aspire4health a go. You won't look back. Julie Foster


Lee is a real pro. He's concerned about you and your long term health goals not just shifting a bit of flab. He invests LOTS of time researching the science behind health and fitness and turns it into programmes that you'll get the benefit of. After working with Lee, I've learned more about my particular requirements and some of the smartest ways to train - as well as unlearning all the exercises I really shouldn't do. Can't recommend him highly enough.


Lee has a very different approach to training which means every session is relevant to you, what you want and how your body is feeling that day. I've had several trainers but have seen undoubtedly the best results with Lee. His enthusiasm and commitment are infectious and his in depth knowledge of the human body & how it works is amazing.


Lee certainly knows his stuff, and would have no problem recommending him to anyone requiring some help to get either a bit fitter or recover from an injury. He needs little space or equipment. He is very passionate about his work and his clients. All you need is a little time and he will do the rest.


Knowledgeable, confident and passionate about health and fitness. If you're looking for support to improve your health and wellbeing, want to get fit and need motivation, you're in safe hands. If I have needed advice or a new approach I've always had a good, honest response. The testimonials speak for themselves. Well done all at Aspire4health, keep up the good work Lee.


If you want to improve your general health, fitness and make the best of your abilities I cannot think of a better way than to give Lee a ring or go to one of his advertised classes.

You will never regret it.

I know as an overweight diabetic he has worked wonders for me

John laycock


I've been working with Lee for about 3 months now and he has worked wonders in reducing the impact of problems I had related to thoracic surgery, which had left me with considerably reduced fitness and flexibility. We began with a very detailed assessment and subsequently.I have seen him regularly for personal exercise sessions.

He has significantly improved my mobility, flexibility and confidence. His depth of knowledge and experience in terms of physiology and exercise is tremendous and his enthusiasm and caring manner have helped me maintain my involvement and subsequent progress.


I joined Lee's Cottingley group in February 2010 , just needing to build up my personal fitness , , and energy levels.

Fortunately , for me, I haven't had to overcome serious illness or injury, but needed help with small things......a painful shoulder or knee, or foot. But I think it's important to stress that the

group in Cottingley is special because he can always advise on the correct treatment for any part of the body. He is highly qualified in health and fitness.

We know we are getting the best possible advice, served up with an infectious sense of humour. Thank you for the laughs too Lee. They make it a special " Happy Hour "


I have been training once a week with Lee for about a month and going to one of his fitness classes each week. I feel very much looser and mobile already as a result.

Lee has given me the confidence to believe in my abilities. Each week I have achieved something new and this has done wonders for my self confidence.

Lee approaches the whole fitness regime in an holistic way. He is well read in the latest scientific thinking and is keen to share nutritional information and ideas.

I have hesitated for years about personal training as I'm very overweight, have COPD and AF, but...don't leave it for ages as I did, phone Lee now...and start making that difference to your life. You definitely won't regret it!


I have been having treatment from Lee for the past 18months on both my knees. I had had a partial left knee replacement in 2013 and was struggling with pain, due to extra pressure on my right knee this also was replaced in March this year. During this period I saw Lee twice a week. At these sessions Lee taught me exercises that reduced the pain by building up muscles to support my knees which has proved to be most beneficial. I now attend a hour long exercise class that Lee holds in Cottingley Town Hall on a Tuesday morning 10 till 11am, which is great fun as well as keeping the rest of my body fit and healthy.


I can confirm Lee's approach really works I am losing weight & toning up with a mixture of flexibility strengthening & conditioning exercises. Almost back to running after achilles injury.


Besides helping with postoperative rehabilitation from an injury several years ago Lee has also helped me keep up general levels of fitness and "fight the flab" (which unfortunately feels like a never-ending battle these days) !


After retiring from work after 40+ years, long working hours and a very sedentary lifestyle I decided I needed to make sure I was as fit as I could to enjoy as long and as active a life as was possible! Since I started working with Lee about four months ago I have dropped two dress sizes, am much more active and have greater flexibility and strength than I have had in a very long time. Just as important is the boost to my confidence, I now know that I can achieve anything I set my mind too - which includes a parachute jump that I am now working toward!

I've learned age is but a number and not a barrier so my bucket list has got longer since starting my fitness programme with Lee. Thanks Lee!



I've been working with Lee on and off for many years. After my third cartilege repair op, Lee worked with me to build up the muscles around my knees and I was soon able to walk the South Downs Way (about 110 miles) in 5 days without any problems.

More recently, following a microdiscectomy and a broken foot, Lee has worked with me on both strength and flexibility, so that I can continue to have a super-active lifestyle. Despite the injuries, most people say they can't believe I'm a grandma of 7! Lee's training helps me be confident in my body and keeps me fit and youthful!


Written on behalf of my husband...

Aspire4Health Testimonial

About Me

• A 40-something successful business man

• Happily married

• 6 children (all boys ages 4 to 23)

• In total control of everything in my life except my health

My Problem – A Few Years Ago

• Having a busy family and business life has meant that over the years I’ve let myself go without really noticing it

• Perhaps 10 to 15 years went by with no thought to my health whatsoever (late 20’s when I was indestructible like all 20-somethings until very early 40’s)

• I work very long hours

• I get very little sleep

• I eat like a hog

• I smoke like a chimney

• I'm badly out of shape

• I'm terribly overweight

• I'm about as flexible as a length of 4 by 2

• I have long term back issues (related to sitting in a chair for such long hours)

• Everything I do is a struggle and more and more am I noticing the effects of not taking care of myself

• It was really only once I hit my 40’s that I knew I had to start thinking about change

My First Attempts at Change

• Smoking - Aside from a period of abstinence several years ago, I tried to stop at 40’ish – I failed

• Eating – I love food and lots of it and all at the wrong end of the day; I joined a well-known diet group; I saw a little success very quickly but ultimately failed and was back to where I started within a couple of months

• Exercise – I joined a gym, saw a little success for perhaps 4 to 6 week but the gym always felt like a chore that got in the way of business and so I failed

My Wake-up Call

• Just over 2 years, my back gave out and I was laid up for 17 days (I literally did not move for the whole 17 days), as a result I ended up with a DVT

• Now whist the DVT was not really a result of me not taking care of myself (it was being so still for so long that caused that it), it was a wake-up call that I have to take action and sort myself out

My New Journey

• I started by stopping smoking

• Next I acquired a Treadmill Desk – sounds weird but they do really work and are a godsend if you spend a lot of time sat in a chair in front of a computer

• In spite of stopping smoking and acquiring the Treadmill Desk, I knew I needed to somehow get more motivation because of all my failed attempts at exercise, mobility and weight loss in the past.

• I went on-line and searched for Personal Trainers, I found plenty but one in particular stood out from the crowd, it was Aspire4Health.

• Aspire4Health looked the most promising because of the lead trainers qualifications which are over and above what I associated with personal trainers; according to the website this guy knew his stuff and was offering more than just the usual “get on the floor and give me 20” type of thing I imagined

• I was given a free consultation where my current overall health and lifestyle were discussed and a plan of action was put in place to steadily help me get to where I need to be

• Given my business life, the thing I lack most is movement through the day, since working with Aspire4Health I learned dozens of simple exercises that can be done (most without any sort of equipment) that have greatly improved my overall mobility

• I've been advised on diet and nutrition and on many subjects related to my health and in particular my age-old back issue

• I do 90% of my sessions from the comfort of my own home because this fits in easily with my business life and so it never feels like a chore

• I occasionally visit the private, purpose built gym in Bingley to use the available equipment and in particular for back decompression sessions

• Their lead trainer “Lee”, is always on-hand whenever I need him and offers a plethora of advice about my health and general well being

• My fitness and well-being program is constantly adapting to take into account how I’ve been feeling, how much sleep I've had, how much work I've been doing and what aches and pains I may have at any given time

The “New-ish” Me

• I've still a 40-something

• I've still a way to go on this journey but overall and in general I am in much better condition than I was

• I generally eat much better and for the most part at the right time of day

• I move around a lot more than I used to and I walk between 25 and 50 miles a week (I used to walk perhaps 1 mile a week 2 years ago)

• My mobility has significantly improved

• I've lost just over 4 stone in weight

• I generally feel much better both physically and about how I look and combined these two factors have greatly improved my general sense of well-being and I'm a lot happier with myself these days than I've been for a very long time

My Conclusion

• In conclusion then, I’d say utilising the services of Aspire4Health has been one of the best personal decisions I've ever made and my general health and well-being are worlds apart from what they were a couple of years ago

• I continue to do weekly sessions with Aspire4Health and plan to do so for the foreseeable future

• I unreservedly recommend Apsire4Health if you are serious about improving your health and well-being

Craig - 40-something


When I asked Led to provide personal training for me, I had suffered with pain in my right shoulder for 10 years from doing office work.

I also had pain in my knees. Lee analysed my pasture amongst other things and gave me a exercise regime. After a couple months of exercise the pain in both my shoulder and knees disappeared and I have not had the pain again in the past 3 years. I have no hesitation in recommending Lee.


My husband and I used Aspire4Health services to improve our general fitness levels. Our individual needs were assessed to identify our weaknesses and build on our strengths. We benefitted greatly from the high level of skill and knowledge Lee had in relation to physical fitness training. He did truly inspire us to improve our health status. Thank you Lee


My daughter in law arranged for me to have a consultation with Lee at Aspire4health. He came to my home and he became my personal trainer. Within weeks following his programme I was fitter and leaner than I had been for many years. He is a true inspiration! I started my regime with lee aged 53 which proves you're never too old. I developed an autoimmune disease 3 years ago and lee gave me sound advice and now I am free from it. If you want a personal trainer or to go to a class, give lee at aspire4health a go. You won't look back. Julie Foster


Lee is a real pro. He's concerned about you and your long term health goals not just shifting a bit of flab. He invests LOTS of time researching the science behind health and fitness and turns it into programmes that you'll get the benefit of. After working with Lee, I've learned more about my particular requirements and some of the smartest ways to train - as well as unlearning all the exercises I really shouldn't do. Can't recommend him highly enough.


Lee has a very different approach to training which means every session is relevant to you, what you want and how your body is feeling that day. I've had several trainers but have seen undoubtedly the best results with Lee. His enthusiasm and commitment are infectious and his in depth knowledge of the human body & how it works is amazing.


Lee certainly knows his stuff, and would have no problem recommending him to anyone requiring some help to get either a bit fitter or recover from an injury. He needs little space or equipment. He is very passionate about his work and his clients. All you need is a little time and he will do the rest.


Knowledgeable, confident and passionate about health and fitness. If you're looking for support to improve your health and wellbeing, want to get fit and need motivation, you're in safe hands. If I have needed advice or a new approach I've always had a good, honest response. The testimonials speak for themselves. Well done all at Aspire4health, keep up the good work Lee.


If you want to improve your general health, fitness and make the best of your abilities I cannot think of a better way than to give Lee a ring or go to one of his advertised classes.

You will never regret it.

I know as an overweight diabetic he has worked wonders for me

John laycock


I've been working with Lee for about 3 months now and he has worked wonders in reducing the impact of problems I had related to thoracic surgery, which had left me with considerably reduced fitness and flexibility. We began with a very detailed assessment and subsequently.I have seen him regularly for personal exercise sessions.

He has significantly improved my mobility, flexibility and confidence. His depth of knowledge and experience in terms of physiology and exercise is tremendous and his enthusiasm and caring manner have helped me maintain my involvement and subsequent progress.


I joined Lee's Cottingley group in February 2010 , just needing to build up my personal fitness , , and energy levels.

Fortunately , for me, I haven't had to overcome serious illness or injury, but needed help with small things......a painful shoulder or knee, or foot. But I think it's important to stress that the

group in Cottingley is special because he can always advise on the correct treatment for any part of the body. He is highly qualified in health and fitness.

We know we are getting the best possible advice, served up with an infectious sense of humour. Thank you for the laughs too Lee. They make it a special " Happy Hour "


I have been training once a week with Lee for about a month and going to one of his fitness classes each week. I feel very much looser and mobile already as a result.

Lee has given me the confidence to believe in my abilities. Each week I have achieved something new and this has done wonders for my self confidence.

Lee approaches the whole fitness regime in an holistic way. He is well read in the latest scientific thinking and is keen to share nutritional information and ideas.

I have hesitated for years about personal training as I'm very overweight, have COPD and AF, but...don't leave it for ages as I did, phone Lee now...and start making that difference to your life. You definitely won't regret it!


I have been having treatment from Lee for the past 18months on both my knees. I had had a partial left knee replacement in 2013 and was struggling with pain, due to extra pressure on my right knee this also was replaced in March this year. During this period I saw Lee twice a week. At these sessions Lee taught me exercises that reduced the pain by building up muscles to support my knees which has proved to be most beneficial. I now attend a hour long exercise class that Lee holds in Cottingley Town Hall on a Tuesday morning 10 till 11am, which is great fun as well as keeping the rest of my body fit and healthy.


I can confirm Lee's approach really works I am losing weight & toning up with a mixture of flexibility strengthening & conditioning exercises. Almost back to running after achilles injury.


Besides helping with postoperative rehabilitation from an injury several years ago Lee has also helped me keep up general levels of fitness and "fight the flab" (which unfortunately feels like a never-ending battle these days) !


After retiring from work after 40+ years, long working hours and a very sedentary lifestyle I decided I needed to make sure I was as fit as I could to enjoy as long and as active a life as was possible! Since I started working with Lee about four months ago I have dropped two dress sizes, am much more active and have greater flexibility and strength than I have had in a very long time. Just as important is the boost to my confidence, I now know that I can achieve anything I set my mind too - which includes a parachute jump that I am now working toward!

I've learned age is but a number and not a barrier so my bucket list has got longer since starting my fitness programme with Lee. Thanks Lee!



I've been working with Lee on and off for many years. After my third cartilege repair op, Lee worked with me to build up the muscles around my knees and I was soon able to walk the South Downs Way (about 110 miles) in 5 days without any problems.

More recently, following a microdiscectomy and a broken foot, Lee has worked with me on both strength and flexibility, so that I can continue to have a super-active lifestyle. Despite the injuries, most people say they can't believe I'm a grandma of 7! Lee's training helps me be confident in my body and keeps me fit and youthful!


Written on behalf of my husband...

Aspire4Health Testimonial

About Me

• A 40-something successful business man

• Happily married

• 6 children (all boys ages 4 to 23)

• In total control of everything in my life except my health

My Problem – A Few Years Ago

• Having a busy family and business life has meant that over the years I’ve let myself go without really noticing it

• Perhaps 10 to 15 years went by with no thought to my health whatsoever (late 20’s when I was indestructible like all 20-somethings until very early 40’s)

• I work very long hours

• I get very little sleep

• I eat like a hog

• I smoke like a chimney

• I'm badly out of shape

• I'm terribly overweight

• I'm about as flexible as a length of 4 by 2

• I have long term back issues (related to sitting in a chair for such long hours)

• Everything I do is a struggle and more and more am I noticing the effects of not taking care of myself

• It was really only once I hit my 40’s that I knew I had to start thinking about change

My First Attempts at Change

• Smoking - Aside from a period of abstinence several years ago, I tried to stop at 40’ish – I failed

• Eating – I love food and lots of it and all at the wrong end of the day; I joined a well-known diet group; I saw a little success very quickly but ultimately failed and was back to where I started within a couple of months

• Exercise – I joined a gym, saw a little success for perhaps 4 to 6 week but the gym always felt like a chore that got in the way of business and so I failed

My Wake-up Call

• Just over 2 years, my back gave out and I was laid up for 17 days (I literally did not move for the whole 17 days), as a result I ended up with a DVT

• Now whist the DVT was not really a result of me not taking care of myself (it was being so still for so long that caused that it), it was a wake-up call that I have to take action and sort myself out

My New Journey

• I started by stopping smoking

• Next I acquired a Treadmill Desk – sounds weird but they do really work and are a godsend if you spend a lot of time sat in a chair in front of a computer

• In spite of stopping smoking and acquiring the Treadmill Desk, I knew I needed to somehow get more motivation because of all my failed attempts at exercise, mobility and weight loss in the past.

• I went on-line and searched for Personal Trainers, I found plenty but one in particular stood out from the crowd, it was Aspire4Health.

• Aspire4Health looked the most promising because of the lead trainers qualifications which are over and above what I associated with personal trainers; according to the website this guy knew his stuff and was offering more than just the usual “get on the floor and give me 20” type of thing I imagined

• I was given a free consultation where my current overall health and lifestyle were discussed and a plan of action was put in place to steadily help me get to where I need to be

• Given my business life, the thing I lack most is movement through the day, since working with Aspire4Health I learned dozens of simple exercises that can be done (most without any sort of equipment) that have greatly improved my overall mobility

• I've been advised on diet and nutrition and on many subjects related to my health and in particular my age-old back issue

• I do 90% of my sessions from the comfort of my own home because this fits in easily with my business life and so it never feels like a chore

• I occasionally visit the private, purpose built gym in Bingley to use the available equipment and in particular for back decompression sessions

• Their lead trainer “Lee”, is always on-hand whenever I need him and offers a plethora of advice about my health and general well being

• My fitness and well-being program is constantly adapting to take into account how I’ve been feeling, how much sleep I've had, how much work I've been doing and what aches and pains I may have at any given time

The “New-ish” Me

• I've still a 40-something

• I've still a way to go on this journey but overall and in general I am in much better condition than I was

• I generally eat much better and for the most part at the right time of day

• I move around a lot more than I used to and I walk between 25 and 50 miles a week (I used to walk perhaps 1 mile a week 2 years ago)

• My mobility has significantly improved

• I've lost just over 4 stone in weight

• I generally feel much better both physically and about how I look and combined these two factors have greatly improved my general sense of well-being and I'm a lot happier with myself these days than I've been for a very long time

My Conclusion

• In conclusion then, I’d say utilising the services of Aspire4Health has been one of the best personal decisions I've ever made and my general health and well-being are worlds apart from what they were a couple of years ago

• I continue to do weekly sessions with Aspire4Health and plan to do so for the foreseeable future

• I unreservedly recommend Apsire4Health if you are serious about improving your health and well-being

Craig - 40-something


When I asked Led to provide personal training for me, I had suffered with pain in my right shoulder for 10 years from doing office work.

I also had pain in my knees. Lee analysed my pasture amongst other things and gave me a exercise regime. After a couple months of exercise the pain in both my shoulder and knees disappeared and I have not had the pain again in the past 3 years. I have no hesitation in recommending Lee.


My husband and I used Aspire4Health services to improve our general fitness levels. Our individual needs were assessed to identify our weaknesses and build on our strengths. We benefitted greatly from the high level of skill and knowledge Lee had in relation to physical fitness training. He did truly inspire us to improve our health status. Thank you Lee


My daughter in law arranged for me to have a consultation with Lee at Aspire4health. He came to my home and he became my personal trainer. Within weeks following his programme I was fitter and leaner than I had been for many years. He is a true inspiration! I started my regime with lee aged 53 which proves you're never too old. I developed an autoimmune disease 3 years ago and lee gave me sound advice and now I am free from it. If you want a personal trainer or to go to a class, give lee at aspire4health a go. You won't look back. Julie Foster


Lee is a real pro. He's concerned about you and your long term health goals not just shifting a bit of flab. He invests LOTS of time researching the science behind health and fitness and turns it into programmes that you'll get the benefit of. After working with Lee, I've learned more about my particular requirements and some of the smartest ways to train - as well as unlearning all the exercises I really shouldn't do. Can't recommend him highly enough.


Lee has a very different approach to training which means every session is relevant to you, what you want and how your body is feeling that day. I've had several trainers but have seen undoubtedly the best results with Lee. His enthusiasm and commitment are infectious and his in depth knowledge of the human body & how it works is amazing.


Lee certainly knows his stuff, and would have no problem recommending him to anyone requiring some help to get either a bit fitter or recover from an injury. He needs little space or equipment. He is very passionate about his work and his clients. All you need is a little time and he will do the rest.


Knowledgeable, confident and passionate about health and fitness. If you're looking for support to improve your health and wellbeing, want to get fit and need motivation, you're in safe hands. If I have needed advice or a new approach I've always had a good, honest response. The testimonials speak for themselves. Well done all at Aspire4health, keep up the good work Lee.


If you want to improve your general health, fitness and make the best of your abilities I cannot think of a better way than to give Lee a ring or go to one of his advertised classes.

You will never regret it.

I know as an overweight diabetic he has worked wonders for me

John laycock


I've been working with Lee for about 3 months now and he has worked wonders in reducing the impact of problems I had related to thoracic surgery, which had left me with considerably reduced fitness and flexibility. We began with a very detailed assessment and subsequently.I have seen him regularly for personal exercise sessions.

He has significantly improved my mobility, flexibility and confidence. His depth of knowledge and experience in terms of physiology and exercise is tremendous and his enthusiasm and caring manner have helped me maintain my involvement and subsequent progress.


I joined Lee's Cottingley group in February 2010 , just needing to build up my personal fitness , , and energy levels.

Fortunately , for me, I haven't had to overcome serious illness or injury, but needed help with small things......a painful shoulder or knee, or foot. But I think it's important to stress that the

group in Cottingley is special because he can always advise on the correct treatment for any part of the body. He is highly qualified in health and fitness.

We know we are getting the best possible advice, served up with an infectious sense of humour. Thank you for the laughs too Lee. They make it a special " Happy Hour "


I have been training once a week with Lee for about a month and going to one of his fitness classes each week. I feel very much looser and mobile already as a result.

Lee has given me the confidence to believe in my abilities. Each week I have achieved something new and this has done wonders for my self confidence.

Lee approaches the whole fitness regime in an holistic way. He is well read in the latest scientific thinking and is keen to share nutritional information and ideas.

I have hesitated for years about personal training as I'm very overweight, have COPD and AF, but...don't leave it for ages as I did, phone Lee now...and start making that difference to your life. You definitely won't regret it!


I have been having treatment from Lee for the past 18months on both my knees. I had had a partial left knee replacement in 2013 and was struggling with pain, due to extra pressure on my right knee this also was replaced in March this year. During this period I saw Lee twice a week. At these sessions Lee taught me exercises that reduced the pain by building up muscles to support my knees which has proved to be most beneficial. I now attend a hour long exercise class that Lee holds in Cottingley Town Hall on a Tuesday morning 10 till 11am, which is great fun as well as keeping the rest of my body fit and healthy.


I can confirm Lee's approach really works I am losing weight & toning up with a mixture of flexibility strengthening & conditioning exercises. Almost back to running after achilles injury.


Besides helping with postoperative rehabilitation from an injury several years ago Lee has also helped me keep up general levels of fitness and "fight the flab" (which unfortunately feels like a never-ending battle these days) !


After retiring from work after 40+ years, long working hours and a very sedentary lifestyle I decided I needed to make sure I was as fit as I could to enjoy as long and as active a life as was possible! Since I started working with Lee about four months ago I have dropped two dress sizes, am much more active and have greater flexibility and strength than I have had in a very long time. Just as important is the boost to my confidence, I now know that I can achieve anything I set my mind too - which includes a parachute jump that I am now working toward!

I've learned age is but a number and not a barrier so my bucket list has got longer since starting my fitness programme with Lee. Thanks Lee!



I've been working with Lee on and off for many years. After my third cartilege repair op, Lee worked with me to build up the muscles around my knees and I was soon able to walk the South Downs Way (about 110 miles) in 5 days without any problems.

More recently, following a microdiscectomy and a broken foot, Lee has worked with me on both strength and flexibility, so that I can continue to have a super-active lifestyle. Despite the injuries, most people say they can't believe I'm a grandma of 7! Lee's training helps me be confident in my body and keeps me fit and youthful!

More about Aspire4Health.Com

Aspire4Health.Com is located at Glendale, Cottingley, BD16 1QY Bingley
Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -