Endrawer Media Ltd

About Endrawer Media Ltd

Video Production and Services



https://t.co/qYh0pmRPKm via @youtube


Wonderfully written #NellGwynn by @jswale with super performances @The_Globe Thoroughly recommend. On till 17th Oct


If you’re attracting visitors to your website and a vast amount are leaving without making an enquiry, you may want to consider offering video to further engage them.
The majority of people don’t want to trawl through pages of textual content, they want the information they seek delivered quickly and effectively and our videos deliver just that!
Our videos explain a product or service in a clear and concise way, ensuring only the most essential information is communicated to your audience.


Through Social Networking The World Has Been Given A Voice, But Who is Listening? Potential customers, that’s who! A social presence for your business is now an absolute necessity and Social Networking Services (SNS), like Facebook and Twitter, should definitely be tools in your marketing arsenal. Why? Simply because everyone using SNS is a possible customer, web visitor and advocate, ready to hear your message and promote your business. With informative and entertaining cont...ent, SNS can greatly benefit your business. Careful use of images and videos can dramatically increase the amount of engagement you will achieve, directly affecting conversion rates, resulting in more followers and possible customers for your business. There are many SNS websites to choose from, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram. Making sure your target audience is fully engaged; discussing, sharing and commenting, is key to the success of any campaign, which would utilise most if not all of these networks to maximise coverage. So you’ve set up your social networks and bragged that you are the next best thing since sliced bread. How does this translate into results? Social posts will surely increase your website traffic, and your search engine ranking will benefit. Each post helps further define your site’s content and keywords, whilst providing links to further information and encouraging sharing, commenting and interaction with your website. Social networking affords you many opportunities, and is essential within business today.
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The Endrawer team have just designed and produced a 'Mahoosive' 10 X .9 meter racetrack side banner for Into Gear. And will be trackside at Cadwell Park Raceway. Let us Know if any of you get to see it and post us a picture.


When it comes to communication, there are few mediums more powerful than video. Video is now the most shared type of content on Twitter. Video is especially powerful in a business context. It lets companies market their products concisely and express their brand identities in a rich way. Call Endrawer Media on +44 (0)1482 217995 for your company videos.


Our new one page ad in the next issue of the Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce, Business Intelligence magazine. Promoting our video products and services.


Keeping up with new technology at the BVE Expo in London last week - oh, and a Octocopter! Amazing aerial views. And yes, Endrawer Media does provide aerial filming to our clients. Just call us on 01482 217995


Endrawer Media will be @2Counties_Expo Two Counties Business show, Millennium Grandstand in Newmarket on Tuesday 11th March. Come along and see us for a chat and to see how we can help you promote your business.


Endrawer Media would like to welcome on board, Mark Lipscomb; Professional Presenter and Voiceover. We look forward to sharing his high quality expertise with our clients. If this is a service that you could use, then please get in touch.


We are proud of our new one page ad in the next issue of The Chamber of Commerce Business Intelligence Magazine.


We would like to welcome Samantha Park from ParkWays to Endrawer Media. We are pleased to be providing Sam with her video production requirements and promoting her services.


Image-centric Marketing - Social Media has become embedded into business communications; and has now become a big part of the marketing tool box.
Used wisely and often, social media can extend to and include a larger audience and followers.... Video and photography can enhance your social media messaging immensely.
Did you know that 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and that we process images 60,000 times faster than plain text?
For social media marketers, this is, of course, massively important. By using photos and videos in your campaigns you can dramatically increase user engagement and ROI – on Facebook, photos are Liked more than twice as often as text updates, and some 700 videos are shared on Twitter each and every minute.
Today’s digital marketing is not only about building and creating engaging content that your customers love to read but it’s also about producing attractive images and videos that they will be likely to share among their community.
Promote your Brand, Products and Services using social media with endrawermedia.com
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Congratulation to Hull City for winning the 2017 City of Culture. Brilliant news - now the work begins! Endrawer Media is looking forward to playing our part in the promotion and content provision for this great City.


Endrawer has produced a new graphic animation of the dog tags for Dogs Law.


A great day filming Trevor Cooper and Dogs Law presentation.


We were very pleased to have helped out the Kids charity in Hull this week with their promo video.

More about Endrawer Media Ltd

Endrawer Media Ltd is located at Media Warehouse. 138-140 Beverley Road, HU31UX Kingston upon Hull
01482 217995