Hemsworth And South Elmsall Express

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The official Facebook page for the Hemsworth and South Elmsall Express - your first port of call for news and views in the South East of Wakefield.

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"We’re trying for a baby, so being at home a lot has been good for us." Sporting couple Fran Halsall and Jon Wilkin speak to us about life in lock down - via The i Paper


"To go to a real pub quiz, people need to get babysitters in and get dressed up - now all of a sudden you have people who have nothing better to do and there is no effort needed to go out.” Have you hosted or taken part in a quiz? It seems lots of people have! Read more here, via the Yorkshire Post


Yvette Cooper has also echoed claims by the Mid Yorkshire NHS trust that there is a chronic shortage of protective gowns.


Sunday service for the nation will this week come from Wakefield Cathedral with special family worship from the home of the Canon Precentor and her four children.


The 36-year-old made threats towards the officers when he was arrested in the early hours. Full story here, via the Yorkshire Post


"It's been hard not being able to see Chris or my little girl and only speak to them over the phone. It's been hard to take it all in. I didn't realise how ill I was until my family explained to me that the doctors warned them I may not pull through." We're so glad Sarah has pulled through - read here story here, via The i Paper


"Up until the day it happened I was unsure that it would go ahead as I had been told the situation was changing hour by hour at the hospital and across the country. Fortunately, my surgery went ahead and I have had a mastectomy. It was tough going into the hospital alone." Read Naomi's story here, via The i Paper


Everything you need to know ⬇️⬇️ Via the Yorkshire Post


"IVF is stressful enough – I call it the hope and heartbreak cycle – without what's going on with coronavirus. The worst part of what's happening now is not knowing when we'll be allowed to try again." Story via The i Paper


“One of my children has Downs Syndrome and respiratory issues and I am particularly worried about him,” says Ben. “I have lost one child and I do not want to lose another to Covid- 19.” Read more from Ben here, via the Yorkshire Post


Have you helped contribute to Captain Tom Moore's NHS fund, or maybe you've done a 5K challenge? Here's where the money will go - and how it will help. Via The i Paper


What an amazing man! Via the Yorkshire Post


"The notion of dying surrounded by all your loved ones does not exist in this pandemic." Read the latest Secret Medic column here, via The i Paper


"It is a sorry state of affairs when NHS staff are having to look at ways of purchasing their own PPE." Letter via the Yorkshire Post


The budget watchdog is now warning the country could suffer its biggest recession in 300 years if lockdown continues into the summer.


"Drinking at home on my own has never held much appeal, but knowing that I prefer to drink around other people is strangely revealing." Read more of Poorna's column here, via The i Paper


Have you been watching Quiz? This is everything you need to know about Charles Ingram ⬇️


This reader has had big problems trying to order essential shopping online for him and his wife, who are both classed as vulnerable. Read his letter here, via the Yorkshire Post

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