Polish Mike - Personal Trainer

About Polish Mike - Personal Trainer

I am a passionate PT, loving what I do so much that I can’t call it a job! I want to help you become the strongest and most confident version of yourself.
Let’s start !



Hi All ūüôā How many times you skipped abs workout because you were too tired after your main session? Come on, I have a good solution that takes no longer than 10 minutes, you don‚Äôt need any machines for it and you engage all of the abs muscles. Do all of the exercises one after another with 15/20 seconds break between each excercise, and then repeat the whole circle one more time. Trust me that will be enough and it won‚Äôt take you much time ūüôā Let me know if you like it and have a lovely bank holiday weekend ūüĎčūüėė


180 kg. ūüŹčūüŹŅ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ Getting there slowly ;) I need to work on my form ūü§Ē #gains #fitnessmotivation #personaltrainer #personaltrainerhull #jdpt #jdgyms #jdgymshull #gym #gymmotivation




Shoulders workout ! When you‚Äôre doing your shoulders you can‚Äôt forget about medial deltoids ( side of your shoulder ūüėõ ) ! This is one of the best exercises for that area in my opinion ūüôā Ps. Don‚Äôt do less than 10 reps and trust me you don‚Äôt need heavy weights for this exercise ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ #JDPT


Another great result! Massive congratulations to Adam. I trained with Adam back when I was living in York, he always gave 100% even if he moaned a bit along the way ūü§≠ Unfortunately we can‚Äôt train together anymore which is a shame as he‚Äôs also one of my good friends. However, I send him online plans and he‚Äôs kept it up since I moved to Hull. When we began training he had never even been in a gym before! After all his hard work and dedication the results say it all. Great job my friend very proud! #JDPT


Another great abs class ūüôā great job today guys, you did well ūüĎĆūüŹĽ EASYYYY... ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ Welcome to join every Tuesday 10:00 ūüôā


Boom ūüí•. Big congratulations to Yamuna. Pictures showing the difference after just a few weeks of work. She always gives 100% and takes on board my advice. Yamuna came to me initially as she wanted to help her posture. She is vegan so we created a personalised nutrition plan and with regular strength workouts and some HIIT we got some really good results ! I‚Äôm proud. Keep it going Yamuna ! ‚ėļÔłŹ


Evening run completed with my irreplaceable partner ūüź∂ ‚úÖ


ūü§łūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹWARM UPsūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ
Hello ūüĎč Hope you‚Äôre all well ūüôā Today I want to speak about something that is really important and unfortunately often forgotten by lots of ‚Äúactive people‚ÄĚ...the warm up! Many times at the gym I see people going straight to lifting heavy weights or doing really hard workouts without a short warm up ūüĎéūüŹĽ. ... Right, so why is the warm up important?
Basically we need it to prepare our bodies for physical activity, working by increasing body temperature, heart rate, breathing and opening up neural pathways which allow muscles to contract more fully and in the correct movement sequence. It also helps you mentally prepare for a workout.
ūüéĮ Increases body temperature which affect muscles flexibility and prevents us from overheating ūü•Ķ (triggers the mechanisms responsible for producing sweat)
ūüéĮ Prepares the heart for more physical exertion by expanding blood vessels and improving blood flow
ūüéĮ Increases your performance, your muscles work more effectively when the temperature is higher, colder muscles never work at 100% power. Warm ups increase adrenaline production which then allows us to intensity training and also increase concentration of most hormones in the blood.
ūüéĮ Minimise risk of injury, warm muscles reduce the likelihood of overuse injuries
ūüéĮ Ensure a gentle transition from the resting phase to the activity
ūüéĮ Prepare your muscles, joints and ligaments for exercising. When your body temperature increases you will loosen your joints and increase blood flow to muscles which in turn causes less stress for muscles and tendons
ūüéĮ Counteracts muscles stiffness
ūüéĮ Range of motion increase
ūüéĮ Prevents premature exhaustion of the body
I hope that‚Äôs enough to make you start doing wam ups. What would you say ? Probably some/most of you do warm ups anyway, could you share in a comment your warm up routines?! ūüôā ūüĎáūüŹľ
Enjoy your Sunday ūüĎĆūüŹĽ
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Good morning ūüôā See you in the gym ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ


Big congratulations to Becky for this result after our first 4 weeks of training. We started on just two sessions per week and she has been eating sensibly without going hungry!! Doing so well, Keep it up! ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüėĪ


Limited spaces only,ūüĎĆūüŹĽ Get yours while you can !ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ Contact me today ūüďě


ūüíßWater ūüíß
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how important water is for our bodies. We need to remember that our body is made up of 50%-70% water. Water is extremely important for many things. Today I want to just remind you how important water is and what positive changes you will see by drinking water regularly. Generally speaking we should consume a minimum of 1.5 litres daily but the crucial thing to remember is that it all depends on physical activity, physiological state... and climate conditions to calculate the individual water demand. It’s important to notice that we do not store water so we need to provide a small amount regularly.
Let’s see why water is wonderful!
ūüí¶ MAINTAIN THE BALANCE OF FLUID IN THE BODY ūüõ£ Water helps transport nutrients in the body.
ūüí¶REMOVING WASTE FROM YOUR BODY ‚ė†ÔłŹ Our kidney system wouldn‚Äôt work without water. Kidneys remove waste products from the blood, rid toxic substances in the urine, receive water-soluble toxins from the liver for processing. They filter large amounts of blood each day and in doing so maintain the body‚Äôs water balance and excrete toxins and excess fluid through the bladder.
ūüí¶ REDUCE CALORIES ūüćĹ We forget how many calories we can consume from soda, juice, sweetened drinks, sports drinks or alcoholic drinks. Simply replace that each day for water or different no-calories drinks as coffee or herbal tea can make massive difference and have weight loss benefits in the long term.
ūüí¶ REGULATES BODY TEMPERATURE ūüĆ° Water enables the body to release heat when the temperature is higher than our body temperature or during exercise when our core body temperature increases from activity. That‚Äôs why we sweat! Our skin produces sweat as an evaporative cooler to keep our core temperature stable and safe.
ūüí¶ REDUCE CHANCE OF HANGOVER ūüėĶūü§Ęūü§≠ If you drink water alongside any alcoholic beverages you could help prevent those hangover symptoms!
ūüí¶ KEEP OUR SKIN IN GOOD CONDITION ūüĎ∂ūüŹĽ Water will keep your skin hydrated, less likely to dry, will help you look younger and reduce wrinkles by filling in and plumping the skin.
ūüí¶ HELP LOSE WEIGHT ūüí™ūüŹľ Water increases the calories you burn, it called resting energy expenditure ūüĎČūüŹľ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19661 958 Obviously water is calorie free what can reduced calorie intake which I said before. If you drink cold water you need calories to warm it up and it also keeps you feeling full!
What about you guys ? Are you drinking plenty of water ? Just please don’t tell me you count Pepsi as enough!
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6 WEEK CHRISTMAS TRANSFORMATION ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüĒ•ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüĒ •ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüĒ•ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹū üĒ•ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüĒ•ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔł ŹūüĒ•ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ
... ARE YOU LOOKING ūüĎäūüŹĽFor a change of lifestyle? ūüĎäūüŹĽTo reduce body fat? ūüĎäūüŹĽTo tone up? ūüĎäūüŹĽTo improve your health? ūüéĄAND LOOK GOOD FOR THOSE CHRISTMAS PARTIES?!ūüéĄ
ūüďĆCustomised workout based on your goals/needs ūüďĆPersonal programme ūüďĆWeekly review and progress meetings ūüďĆNutrition plan ūüďĆ24 hour online / phone support
Book your FREE consultation Gift cards also available
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Let‚Äôs give a big thumbs up to Kasia. We have been working together only short period of time and she has already achieved amazing results. She gives 100% each session and listens to my tips every time. The picture is the results after only 5 weeks !! I can tell it‚Äôs only the start of her lifestyle change as her motivation is still so strong! Give her a shout out to show her how great she‚Äôs doing! ūüôĆūüŹľ


ūüć¶ūüć≠ūüć™ūü•ßūüć¨ūüćęCHEAT MEALS ūüć® ūüćŅūüéāūüć©
Let‚Äôs be honest guys, most of us LOVE eating and unfortunately lots of the delicious foods are not that healthy. I‚Äôll try to explain to you why it‚Äôs worth cheating on your diet sometimes. First of all, we‚Äôre just human ūüôéūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüôćūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ, remember that ūüėõ. I always advise my clients to have a cheat meal now and then and they still get results.
... Some factsūüďĖ:
ūü§Į MENTALITY I believe this is the main reason why you should do it. Cheat meals will make us feel better, give a mental break, produce endorphins, and decrease stress.
ūüėč LEPTIN Cheat meals can boost your metabolism by increasing leptin levels (anti-starvation hormone). When you are in calorie deficit, leptin levels go down and conserve energy, throwing a high calorie meal into the mix tricks your system into thinking food is plentiful and that it‚Äôs ok to burn through fat stores. Basically cheat meals can help weight loss by temporally boosting your leptin BUT you have to eat clean and be in calorie deficit beforehand to achieve this.
ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ MOTIVATION Keep you motivated. It is easier to stay on a healthy diet knowing you have a lovely cheat meal to look forward to after working so hard.
TIPS: ‚ĚóÔłŹAlways plan your cheat meal. The purpose of the cheat meal is to add extra calories in your current plan. ‚ĚóÔłŹDon‚Äôt make it a cheat DAY. Plan a date, cinema, family dinner, etc. just make sure you know in advance when it will be and enjoy. ‚ĚóÔłŹTry to schedule it the same time every week or fortnight. Don‚Äôt have a cheat meal if you feel you don‚Äôt need one.
What about you ‚Ěď Are you eating cheat meals ‚Ěď Or maybe you completely disagree and avoid them altogether‚Ěď Leave a comment and let‚Äôs discuss!‚úÖ Have a good evening all ūüôŹūüŹĽ
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Time to get some more knowledge ūüďĖūüĎĆūüŹĽūü§ď

More about Polish Mike - Personal Trainer

Polish Mike - Personal Trainer is located at York