Rockriver Expeditions

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About Rockriver Expeditions

Guided Walking, Mountaineering, Scrambling, Rock Climbing, Kayaking, Canoeing, Skiing, Skills Instruction, DofE Approved Activity Provider, Challenges

Rockriver Expeditions Description

RockRiver Expeditions provide training, events and courses in hill walking, mountaineering, climbing, kayaking and canoeing throughout the UK.

We can design and tailor trips to your specific needs so get in touch and we can start planning your next adventure!



If you're heading to Snowdonia you might want to explore one of our favourite hiking routes - The Glyders.
This route takes you up and over Glyder Fawr, Glyder Fach and Tryfan. On a good day you'll be rewarded with stunning lake views, as well as seeing iconic rock formations close up.
As with all our routes, ensure you have the correct clothing and equipment with you, including a map and compass and the knowledge to use them.
... If, instead, you'd like us to guide you for the day, just get in touch!< br> See More


Have you considered hiring a guide for a day out in the mountains? You won't have to worry about planning the route, map reading, can just walk and enjoy the views.
It's not as expensive as you might think, for up to 2 people it's just £150, for 3 or more people it's £60pp.
You can book just for yourself or a group. If you want to keep the cost down and you're happy to walk with others, we can advertise the day for others to join.
... And of course, we can put days together to make two or three days of it if you like! Mix it up with a day of hiking, a day of navigation skills and a day of rock climbing - or whatever you want really. There are too many variations to type here so get in touch to discuss your ideas and we'll do our best to bring them to life.
p.s. it's not just for adults, we work with children too - especially if their parents come with them.
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There are just four weeks to go until we head to Scotland for our four day canoe expedition. Camp on the islands of Loch Lomond, paddle the loch and see the mountain views from a whole different perspective, wake up to the sounds of the loch lapping the beach...
You don't need any previous canoeing experience, and we'll provide all of the technical kit.
Full details are on our website ions/


#FridayFlashback to our drive out of the valley after climbing Elbrus earlier this year. Once again the road was flooded and washed away in parts - last year I was helicoptered out by the Russian army because this road had been washed away altogether!
Check out the music playing in the car know you’re in Russia!
Paula always puts a playlist together for me when I go away on long trips...what would be on your Ultimate Adventure Trip Playlist?


You know us, we love a good adventure story. On Book Lovers Day tell us, what is your favourite Adventure story?


Last night Michael got back from his three week trek in Nepal and now has four and a bit days at home before he heads off again - this time to Scotland and then to the French Alps where this picture was taken seven years ago of me tackling the via ferrata - I loved it! But I digress...
I'm interested to know what the first thing is that you do when you get back from a great Adventure? Which 'luxury' do you appreciate the most? Let me know in the comments below...


Tuesday Adventure Tip | Take a notepad and pen or pencil!
Yes, you can take notes on your phone, but the battery might not last. Take a notepad and you can spend time each evening making notes on your day and plans for days ahead. You’ll have everything you need when you get back to write a blog, and a great book of scribbles and memories to look back on in years to come.
Do you keep a travel diary?


All set to meet the army cadets to talk with them about their Duke of Edinburgh Award Expeditions which they’ll be undertaking with us in the autumn.
If you were still aged 14-25 would you do it?
@armycovenantfund @sharedoutcomes The Duke of Edinburgh's Award


Yesterday I was asked "Which is your favourite mountain?". Wow, that's a tough question!
I've been up Cairngorm a lot, love the area and want to explore it more.
I've not been up the Matterhorn but it's been at the end of the Haute Route for me twice, both trips being hugely memorable and fun.
... And I've been dreaming of climbing the Breithorn for about four years...and it's still on the list.
But in the end I had to plump for Jebel Toubkal in Morocco - my proudest mountain climb. I was SO tired after no sleep, an early start, a broken nose, and a long slog in crampons but I got to the top - I'm just sorry I didn't get a decent summit picture to show off! So I'll have to go back again sometime, maybe next year.
So come on, share your favourite mountain(s) below. I'd love to hear the stories behind your choices.
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"I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experience behind him" ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Please excuse the reference to 'he/him' it's just how the quote is - the sentiment reads true for anyone.
I've found this to be true in working to get over my fear of dogs. I know others use rock climbing to help them get over a fear of heights, and canoeing to get over a fear of water. Are yo...u using outdoor adventure this weekend to get over your fears? Tell us about it in the comments.
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Nepal trek update | Yesterday I spared you pictures of the leeches, they looked pretty grim, but Michael has assured me that it doesn’t hurt. I asked him a few more questions about them though because they’re not something I’ve had to deal with on a trek before.
Apparently you can pull them off or scrape them off with a knife. But the best way is with salt.
“We have salt bags on the end of a stick which you wet, this allows the salt to dissolve and form a solution. You pl...ace the salt bag on the leech and they curl up and fall off”.
No need for pharmaceuticals when the old methods work just fine. And here he is with his salt bag on a stick. Who knew?
True Adventure Kendrick School
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With two and half days of the trek left, Michael and the group have found some WiFi and he’s sent some pictures to share. I’ll spare you the pictures of the leeches - they’re pretty vile!
“The weather has been pretty miserable (along with the leeches) but we did get a glimpse of the summit of Annapurna I through the clouds at base camp. The prayer flags are on the memorials to climbers killed whilst attempting to climb the mountain”.
True Adventure Kendrick School


Tuesday Adventure Tip | Wrap gaffer tape around your flask or water bottle, then you'll always have some to hand when your zip breaks, your bag splits, your boot falls apart...or for any other Adventure gaffer tape emergencies that you might have.
That way you don't have to carry a whole roll, and you don't have to remember to pack it. It also makes it easier to grip your flask in the winter when you've got big gloves on.
Are there any other inventive fixes that you've used it for?


Blea Tarn in the Lake District on an early Friday morning - I almost had it all to myself.
You can park in the National Trust car park just over the road and walk the obvious path around the lake clockwise for 1.8 miles to see the Great Langdale valley open up in front of you. Return by the road or by the same path.
There are plenty of seats by the lake so you can take your time and soak in the views.
... What type of walker are you? a) Take your time and enjoy the views b) It’s all about bagging the peaks c) I’ll walk anywhere as long as I’m outside d) Something else (please tell me more in the comments)
National Trust
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Standing at the top of the Hardknott Pass in the Lake District. This road has a 33% gradient and just a few passing places so it can be an adventure just driving over it. There is plenty of hiking to be done here, and I’ve seen lots of cyclists making it to the top too (393m) - I’m in awe of them!
Are you taking on any challenges or adventures this weekend? Or will you be exploring the Lake District? Let us know what you’re up to in the comments below.


When you wake up on day 2 of an 11 day trek to views like this, you know life is good.
Spending time in nature is good for the mind and soul, as well as the physical side of trekking being good for the body. Have you considered a multi day trek either in the UK or abroad, to reset your system?
True Adventure Kendrick School


Today we left Ghachok and started the trekking phase of the trip. We climbed 1,100 metres and trekked through a monsoon so arrived wet through at Ghandruck. Waterproofs aren’t much good - in this humidity they’re the last things you want to put on! Tomorrow we head to Chommrong...
I’d send you some rain if I could - I hear it’s still pretty dry in the UK?
True Adventure Kendrick School


Tuesday Adventure Tip | Maybe you want to head out for a walk, or to ride your bike, but you’re not confident with a map or finding your way around?
Then canals are a great option! It’s really hard to get lost as you just follow the tow path, maybe crossing at a bridge and following the tow path some more.
Go and check out your local might just have a little adventure while you’re there.


This week is National Parks Week in the UK and there are plenty of events going on. Learn how to search for deer and red squirrels, enjoy picnics and meet the rangers.
There's even a Mission Explore National Parks adventure book for children available for sale on the National Parks website.
This picture was taken at Parsley Hay in the Peak District. Here you can hire bicycles (adult, child, tandem and a variety of accessible bicycles) and explore the High Peak Trail and t...he Tissington Trail - both traffic free routes.
What do you love to do in your nearest National Park?
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More about Rockriver Expeditions