Smc - Sprotbrough Methodist Church

About Smc - Sprotbrough Methodist Church

"Sprotbrough Methodist Church is a community of people committed to growing spiritually in Jesus Christ, supporting one another in our everyday lives and reaching out to serve others in our neighbourhood, our town and our world. "

Smc - Sprotbrough Methodist Church Description


8-30 Communion second Sunday in the month

10am Morning Worship (Sunday Club and Crèche) - Family Worship (usually the last sunday in the month)

6pm Evening worship as advertised


Drop in for Coffee (10-30 to 11-30)
Church Office Open 10-12


Prayer Meeting 7pm


Church Office Open 10-12



A summer fun day for creative kids!!
Join LAAR music and SMC to find out more about the story of the rise, fall and rise of Joseph and his brothers.
Learn some songs, dance moves and even create props for a scratch presentation of excerpts from Joseph
... For 7-12yrs
Please bring a packed lunch. Drinks provided.
Performance for family and friends at 4.30pm
For more information email
* booking fee £1.37. Total price £11.37
See More


Today we're joined by Rev Peter Ensor, sharing a message on his experience of how the churches in Africa are living out their call, like the early Church... In worship, prayer, fellowship, genoristy, practical support, hospitality, and in sharing the good news. And, how *we* might do the same! 'Every christ filled heart is a missionary. And every christ-less heart is a mission field.' #methodist #church #mission


We're in a series of services on Reaching Out. Last week our minister Frank, helped us think about reaching out through prayer. Join us this Sunday at 10 as Carol and Janet explore how the church is currently reaching out through the Open the Book ministry, and how we might reach out further in the power of the Holy Spirit. #church #doncaster #pentecost #openthebook #methodist


Do you pray through creativity? Why not give it a go.


Here's our District Chair, on how she became a Minister.


Maybe this is the kind of praying for you and in our beautiful village its easy to give it a try.


At Cafe Church tonight we explored prayer, as part of our time of @thykingdomcomeprayer. We watched a classic Nooma from @realrobbell and chatted over the joy, complexities, & challenges of prayer. What a beautiful summary this is: "Praying connects us to the people and things we're praying for. Prayer enlarges our perspective. Praying gives us a bigger heart. Praying makes us feel things. Praying changes things but prayer changes us." #thanksrob #thykingdomcome #prayer


Here is the list of local dates for praying this week #thykingdomcome


Do you know someone who might be right for one of these jobs


The annual Methodist Conference is coming up soon, where this report will be presented and discussed.…/methodist -church-report-reco…/


Get involved with Thy Kingdom Come in Sprotbrough... Details to be announced soon. In the mean time, here's the Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Francis on the Pope's thoughts on Thy Kingdom Come.


This evening its our Annual Church Meeting. All those who come to church are invited. If you can't get along then keep us in your prayers as we consider the work of God in this special place.


It's Café Church tomorrow at 6! We'll be chatting about meeting God in the unexpected.It's Café Church tomorrow at 6! We'll be chatting about meeting God in the unexpected.


Here is our new church banner celebrating 80 years of worship in our building.

More about Smc - Sprotbrough Methodist Church

Smc - Sprotbrough Methodist Church is located at Park Drive Sprotbrough, DN5 7LN Doncaster
01302 570036