Stillington St Nicholas

About Stillington St Nicholas

St Nicholas Parish Church holds Worship on most Sundays at 9. 15am For weddings, baptisms and funerals please contact benefice.



We warmly invite you to join us for Sung Evensong on Sunday 9 June at 4pm and then on the 2nd Sunday of every month June to October Followed by afternoon tea.


Our gift to the whole village Come and join us for
''Cuppa and cake''
... at St Nicholas Parish Church Saturday 6 April 10am - 12noon
This is our gift to you all - no charge but if you can and would like to, please bring an item for our Foodbank Collecting box -
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Palm Sunday 14 April 9.15am Come and join us for a service of Holy Communion. All Welcome


The Mystery of God A challenging topic !! Come to our Lent Meetings to find out more Wednesdays 20 March - 10 April 7pm In Easingwold Methodist Church


The Mystery of God All welcome to the Lent Meetings at Easingwold Methodist Church starting Wednesday 9 March and every Wednesday until 10 April


We are enjoying leading Open the Book assemblies in Stillington Primary School - this time Joseph the Dreamer


Stillington Churches invite you to
PANCAKES savoury and sweet and a cuppa... This Saturday 2nd March 11.30am - 1.30pm at Stillington Methodist Church
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St Nicholas Church hosts BURNS NIGHT Supper and Ceilidh Friday 18 January from 7pm at Stillington Sports and Social Club... Tickets from Stillington Shop & PO Dancing to the music of FIDDLERS WRECK
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Invitation to EXPLORERS, after school club for primary age children Run by Churches Together in Stillington Fridays 3.30 - 4.45 pm... in Stillington Methodist Church STARTS again on Friday 25 January
STORIES JESUS TOLD more information and Registration Form from
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Celebrate the start of Christmas Day with 'Midnight Communion' at 11.00pm on Christmas Eve All welcome


Calling all families - Blessing of the Crib and Christingle service Sunday 23 December at 4.00pm All Welcome


Santa Claus (previously known as St Nicholas, Bishop of Myra) came to St Nicholas Church on his Saints Day to deliver presents - unfortunately he couldn't get his sleigh into the church


Come and join us at the Celebration of St Nicholas for all the family Sunday 9 December 10.30am
... St Nicholas was Santa Claus's ancestor, so guess who is coming to visit?
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St Nicholas Festival 9 December 10.30am Celebrating Santa Claus. Everyone very welcome, especially families.


We are paying tribute to those who lost their lives in the first and second world wars from Stillington Parish at our Remembrance Service at 10.30am on Sunday 11 November. The church is beautifully decorated with over 1000 poppies

More about Stillington St Nicholas

01347 810251