West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service

About West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service

WYFRS serves two million people across the metropolitan districts of Leeds, Bradford, Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield.

West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service Description

This Facebook page is NOT monitored 24 /7. For emergencies please dial 999. Any comments / replies posted outside of regular office hours may not be seen by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) staff until the next working day.

Social Media Legal Disclaimer

WYFRS will endeavour to engage in a two way conversation using social media (i. e. Facebook and Twitter), but we have set out some brief guidelines to ensure that these conversations are appropriate.
ŌĆó We shall attempt to respond to postings appropriately, but we are unable to engage in dialogue on a 24 /7 basis. Priority will be given to responding to issues during office hours.

ŌĆó We will NOT accept or tolerate offensive or discriminatory language, which may cause harassment, alarm or distress. This includes comments which are perceived as racist or homophobic. If they are posted on media platforms where we have editorial control, they shall be challenged and removed.

Replies and contacting West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

We are unable to monitor Facebook 24 /7. However, we will seek to answer all reasonable posted questions. Please be aware that due to the nature of our work, or other demands, it may not be possible to answer all questions.

We welcome and encourage feedback and ideas from all our followers.

As previously mentioned, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to read everything marked for our attention, but we will endeavour to ensure any helpful suggestions are passed to the relevant people and responded to where possible.

You are also reminded that malicious communications using Facebook may constitute a criminal offence and will be dealt with appropriately.


We will update and monitor our Facebook page as reasonably necessary and practicable. Facebook may occasionally be unavailable and we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to Facebook downtime.



Our Jessie got a write up in the The Telegraph & Argus - you can read more below ­¤śŖ­¤ÉŠ
https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/ŌĆ ”/17551198.jessie-iŌĆ”/


WeŌĆÖre dusting off the bunting and getting our bikes out of the shed ready for next month's Tour de Yorkshire ŌĆō If youŌĆÖre bike skills are a bit rusty and your wheels have seen better days then pop down to the Calderdale Bike Library at Halifax fire station 12-2pm on the first Saturday of each month to borrow a bike and brush up on your skills. https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/ŌĆ”/active- calderdale-bike-librŌĆ”


Our trainee search and rescue dog Jessie has been joined by some furry friends including Scout from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Sid from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (Official) for her latest training- they took part in exercises including searching woodland and obedience training ­¤śŹ­¤ÉŠ
https://www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/ŌĆ”/sear ch-dog-jessie-contiŌĆ”/


­¤Äē­¤Äē Congratulations to Team 1 on completing the 12 Week Prince's Trust Team Programme! ­¤Äē­¤Äē
Interested in joining the next WYFRS Prince's Trust Team? The scheme is open to anyone aged 16 -25 who is not employed, in training or education. Find out more ­¤æē­¤æē https://www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/ŌĆ”/wyfr s-princes-trust-venŌĆ”/


Work experience students are continuing to enjoy their week with us! Lots of activities going on across the districts from mock-up crash rescues to water rescues.
They've even been to meet our Urban Search and Rescue Dog, Jessie!
Twenty of the students are on public services courses at colleges in West Yorkshire which prepare them for a career in uniformed services.
... To find out more click here:
https://www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/ŌĆ”/work -experience-studentŌĆ”/
See More


Live or work in Holmfirth? Want to find out what happens behind the scenes at an on-call fire station? ­¤ÜÆ­¤öźThen give our Holmfirth Fire Station page a quick like and follow. ­¤æŹ


Youngsters from across West Yorks are enjoying their work experience week, getting to grips with life in the Fire Service including how to parade on the drill square and how to cope with confined spaces in situations of poor visibility.


ŌÜĀ Exercise in #Huddersfield ŌÜĀ Crews are carrying out an exercise near Huddersfield train station at the George Hotel from 2-4 April. They will be using synthetic smoke ­¤ī½. Don't be alarmed if you see smoke or lots of firefighters in the area.­¤ÜÆ­¤Ü©


Did you see BBC Look North (lunchtime) cover latest research on potential fire risks with emollient creams? Can catch up here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ŌĆ”/look-north-york shire-lunchtime-newsŌĆ” ŌĆ”
We also have a section on our website dedicated to this subject with information and leaflets https://www.wyfs.co.uk/your-safeŌĆ”/ŌĆ”/e mollient-skin-products/ ŌĆ” Anglia Ruskin University


Students on work experience with us this week from Leeds City College Huddersfield Kirklees College Bradford College Calderdale College Wakefield College Various activities happening at Headquarters today before the teenagers go out to districts to see what life is like on stations!


Around 25 students from across #WestYorks are starting work experience week with us today. All are aged between 16 and 18. They will be taking part in exercises to build teamwork and communication skills as well as first aid skills. DonŌĆÖt worry we wonŌĆÖt be sending them to incidents like the Majestiks fire! But the health and safety briefing is essential.


Thanks to the Yorkshire Evening Post for covering this story. We do ask for a 50 hour a week minimum commitment but we offer a bit of flexibility on this if you want to come for a chat.
https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/ŌĆ ”/west-yorkshire-firŌĆ”


Our on-call firefighters play a vital role in tackling Moorland Fires. We're looking for on-call firefighters, find out more about the skills, fitness level & attitude we're looking for https://oncall.joinwyfirefighters.com/


A big thank you to the ladies from Cookridge Crumpets WI who raised funds for a defibrillator to be placed on Cookridge Fire Station for use by the community in case of emergencies ­¤æÅ­¤Öī­¤ź░ they've also spent the morning with one of our crews there, learning some life-saving skills.


Service Technicians, Retail designers, Gym Owners. Our on-call firefighters all have different jobs and commitments but they still give up their time to serve their communities. Meet some of our amazing team here: https://oncall.joinwyfirefighters.com/abo ut-ŌĆ”/meet-the-team/ Do something extraordinary, become an on-call firefighter. Joinwyfirefighters.com


Official photos from yesterday's celebration event in #Leeds which championed partner organisations who work closely together to keep vulnerable people #SafeAndWell ­¤æŹ­¤æŹ­¤æŹ Thank you for everything you do.


Interested in being an on-call firefighter with us? The Wakefield Express have written an article telling you what it takes- read more below Ō¼ć’ĖÅ­¤æ©ŌĆŹ­¤ÜÆ­¤æ®ŌĆŹ­¤ÜÆ­¤śŖ
https://www.wakefieldexpress.co.uk/ŌĆ”/we st-yorkshire-fire-anŌĆ”


Do you know all the risk factors that make people more likely to die in a fire? You might be surprised. ThatŌĆÖs why our Safe and Well home visits prioritise the most vulnerable and cover more than just fire safety, they cover well-being too. Things like crime prevention, social isolation, cold homes, smoking cessation and falls prevention. Through our network of partners we are able to make referrals through so that homeowners can get more specialist help where necessary. We are better together. Today almost 100 people from partner organisations came together in a Leeds to celebrate how Safe and Well has made a difference and continues to do so. Thank you #SafeAndWell #BetterTogether West Yorkshire Police - Leeds North West NHS in Leeds Leeds City Council


Here we are in Leeds starting our event to celebrate all the partners who have been involved in our Safe and Well home visit programme, which focuses on the most vulnerable in our communities. The joint approach allows us to not just focus on fire safety but also overall well-being and we can make referrals through to partner organisations for people to get further specialist support. West Yorkshire Police Age UK NHS in Leeds West Yorkshire Police - Leeds West West Yorkshire Police - Leeds North East Carers Leeds


the job you guys do for people in danger and other things absolutely amazing massive respect #morethanauniform one day the thugs may just need ya help


Writing to the lads at Shipley fire station that managed to free me from under my engine on Friday night, got away with a broken ankle but could of been a lot worse had you of not got there when you did, cheers lads!


Would like to say the most biggest thank you to the cleckheaton brigade. My son got his finger stuck in some school railings. There made ruben feel at ease and that he was in charge. Thank you so much again


We wish to express our gratitude to West Yorkshire Fire Service for the fantastic service and support we received this morning. We had a fire in the recess under the house, within minutes of making the 999 call 2 engines were here and the fire extinguished. You do a fantastic job guys, be proud.


The whole crew did an amazing job rescuing my friends horse who got her 2 left hooves stuck in a metal gate. They kept her calm and kept the welfare of the horse in mind at all times! Can't then enough! Without them mother and unborn foal probably wouldn't be alive. Thank you so much!


Thank you to the firemen at Cleckheaton fire station for showing my little boy round the engines on his birthday and for the home safety check. We all had a great time at the station!

Thank you for the amazing work you all do!


Thank you to the Halifax station for my new fire alarms and fire safety lesson. I really appreciate your help and feel much safer in my new home! What an excellent service where no job is too small. You are extremely brave and courageous people x


Thank you so much to the wonderful firemen that showed us round the station at Kirkstall last weekend. We are in awe of the work you do, and it was so very interesting seeing how everything works, the systems in place and the equipment you use. The trucks, the real fireman's pole, the kit!! The kids even got to spray water out of the hose!! Fantastic!! They've not stopped talking about their visit and at least 2 of them have said they DEFINITELY want to be firemen when they grow up!! Thank you again!!!


Thank you so much to the fire crew that came out to Shelf yesterday and put my burning car out. You were great thank you for calming me down I really appreciate it x


Posting on behalf of Bradford Cat Watch Rescue

We received a phone call earlier this evening from.a member of the public raising a concern that a kitten was trapped in a recycle bin.

When we went out to visit the kitten was indeed stuck in a bottle bin and was unable to get out without help.

We believe that Buddy has been trapped in there for over 24 hours and our friends in the fire service were of excellent support.

Shipley White Watch attended and with relentless tenacity after an hour they managed to bring this little 8 week kitten to safety.

Buddy was visibly shaken and traumatised by the whole experience however has now warmed up and had some supper.

I cannot imagine how frightened this little love must have felt, nor can I comprehend how the kitten got their though We do believe it may have been a deliberate act of cruelty.

I cannot thank West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service enough.

Their knowledge, skills and compassion is limitless.

We will monitor Buddy closely before he is considered for adoption.


Massive thank you to all the firefighters from Holmfirth & Huddersfield who attend a small fire today at my house in scholes.

Friendly lads & answered all my questions & gave lots of advise. Even fitted another smoke alarm in the room affected & are coming back with more advise x


Massive massive massive thank you to the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (Cleckheaton branch) this evening. With the earlier crack of thunder, Our dog took shelter between ours and our neighbours conservatoryŌĆÖs. Needless to say, the big fuck was jammed solid. 1 hour later and half a bottle of washing up liquid, plus some clever thinking, they managed to free him. We need our emergency services some much, so please stop cutting cost the powers that be. Once again from Susanne and myself thank you so much.


Just want to say a big massive thank you to all the fire fighters who attended the caravan fire at howden Clough this morning. Did say thanks to a few of you but a lot of you had gone before i had the chance. Amazing service and kept us updated all the way threw thank you so much could of being a lot worse x


Just like to say a huge thank you to West Yorkshire fire crew (cleckheaton fire fighters) for all your hard work this evening!

You saved my pony, and if it wasn't for you guys he wouldn't be here tonight! You was so patient with him and got him free from the horrible metal he was stuck in! I honestly cannot thank you enough!!!!


I would like to thank the firemen who have just been on Waincliffe Terrace in Beeston, not only talking to my son as they went past but also flashed the lights for him to see and its really made his night so thanks again :)


I would just like to put out there a very personal "Thank You" to all of the firefighters that attended "Sunnybank Grange, Brighouse" in the early hours of this morning! Emergency service men/women deserve so much respect & praise ...you run into situations everyday that ordinary people are desperate to get out of, risking your lives for people whom you don't know & have never met yet you do it daily asking for nothing in return! The electrical fire that was caused in the block of flats that I live in with my 2 year old son & husband fortunately wasn't life threatening for my family or the good residents that we live with here but it was horrifying for us all the same & I would just like to thank the service men that attended to ensure that we were all kept safe...Thank You.


I want to thank the wonderful fire fighters who were by the river in Leeds today. You taking 5 mins out of your busy day, to show my 3yo son around the fire engine, & even let him 'drive'- it made his day. In his words: 'my favourite bit of today, and maybe my favourite bit of forever'

Thankyou for making our son so happy x


Had your lads out earlier this evening to a suspect fire. They were brilliant, turned up so fast, sorted quick as a flash, all with a smile on their faces and lovely manners. I was in awe of them and their efforts. Thankyou for your continued excellent service.


Fantastic work from the Pontefract fire crew who arrived in super quick time to a fire near the disused quarry in Knottingley this evening!


the job you guys do for people in danger and other things absolutely amazing massive respect #morethanauniform one day the thugs may just need ya help


Writing to the lads at Shipley fire station that managed to free me from under my engine on Friday night, got away with a broken ankle but could of been a lot worse had you of not got there when you did, cheers lads!


Would like to say the most biggest thank you to the cleckheaton brigade. My son got his finger stuck in some school railings. There made ruben feel at ease and that he was in charge. Thank you so much again


We wish to express our gratitude to West Yorkshire Fire Service for the fantastic service and support we received this morning. We had a fire in the recess under the house, within minutes of making the 999 call 2 engines were here and the fire extinguished. You do a fantastic job guys, be proud.


The whole crew did an amazing job rescuing my friends horse who got her 2 left hooves stuck in a metal gate. They kept her calm and kept the welfare of the horse in mind at all times! Can't then enough! Without them mother and unborn foal probably wouldn't be alive. Thank you so much!


Thank you to the firemen at Cleckheaton fire station for showing my little boy round the engines on his birthday and for the home safety check. We all had a great time at the station!

Thank you for the amazing work you all do!


Thank you to the Halifax station for my new fire alarms and fire safety lesson. I really appreciate your help and feel much safer in my new home! What an excellent service where no job is too small. You are extremely brave and courageous people x


Thank you so much to the wonderful firemen that showed us round the station at Kirkstall last weekend. We are in awe of the work you do, and it was so very interesting seeing how everything works, the systems in place and the equipment you use. The trucks, the real fireman's pole, the kit!! The kids even got to spray water out of the hose!! Fantastic!! They've not stopped talking about their visit and at least 2 of them have said they DEFINITELY want to be firemen when they grow up!! Thank you again!!!


Thank you so much to the fire crew that came out to Shelf yesterday and put my burning car out. You were great thank you for calming me down I really appreciate it x


Posting on behalf of Bradford Cat Watch Rescue

We received a phone call earlier this evening from.a member of the public raising a concern that a kitten was trapped in a recycle bin.

When we went out to visit the kitten was indeed stuck in a bottle bin and was unable to get out without help.

We believe that Buddy has been trapped in there for over 24 hours and our friends in the fire service were of excellent support.

Shipley White Watch attended and with relentless tenacity after an hour they managed to bring this little 8 week kitten to safety.

Buddy was visibly shaken and traumatised by the whole experience however has now warmed up and had some supper.

I cannot imagine how frightened this little love must have felt, nor can I comprehend how the kitten got their though We do believe it may have been a deliberate act of cruelty.

I cannot thank West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service enough.

Their knowledge, skills and compassion is limitless.

We will monitor Buddy closely before he is considered for adoption.


Massive thank you to all the firefighters from Holmfirth & Huddersfield who attend a small fire today at my house in scholes.

Friendly lads & answered all my questions & gave lots of advise. Even fitted another smoke alarm in the room affected & are coming back with more advise x


Massive massive massive thank you to the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (Cleckheaton branch) this evening. With the earlier crack of thunder, Our dog took shelter between ours and our neighbours conservatoryŌĆÖs. Needless to say, the big fuck was jammed solid. 1 hour later and half a bottle of washing up liquid, plus some clever thinking, they managed to free him. We need our emergency services some much, so please stop cutting cost the powers that be. Once again from Susanne and myself thank you so much.


Just want to say a big massive thank you to all the fire fighters who attended the caravan fire at howden Clough this morning. Did say thanks to a few of you but a lot of you had gone before i had the chance. Amazing service and kept us updated all the way threw thank you so much could of being a lot worse x


Just like to say a huge thank you to West Yorkshire fire crew (cleckheaton fire fighters) for all your hard work this evening!

You saved my pony, and if it wasn't for you guys he wouldn't be here tonight! You was so patient with him and got him free from the horrible metal he was stuck in! I honestly cannot thank you enough!!!!


I would like to thank the firemen who have just been on Waincliffe Terrace in Beeston, not only talking to my son as they went past but also flashed the lights for him to see and its really made his night so thanks again :)


I would just like to put out there a very personal "Thank You" to all of the firefighters that attended "Sunnybank Grange, Brighouse" in the early hours of this morning! Emergency service men/women deserve so much respect & praise ...you run into situations everyday that ordinary people are desperate to get out of, risking your lives for people whom you don't know & have never met yet you do it daily asking for nothing in return! The electrical fire that was caused in the block of flats that I live in with my 2 year old son & husband fortunately wasn't life threatening for my family or the good residents that we live with here but it was horrifying for us all the same & I would just like to thank the service men that attended to ensure that we were all kept safe...Thank You.


I want to thank the wonderful fire fighters who were by the river in Leeds today. You taking 5 mins out of your busy day, to show my 3yo son around the fire engine, & even let him 'drive'- it made his day. In his words: 'my favourite bit of today, and maybe my favourite bit of forever'

Thankyou for making our son so happy x


Had your lads out earlier this evening to a suspect fire. They were brilliant, turned up so fast, sorted quick as a flash, all with a smile on their faces and lovely manners. I was in awe of them and their efforts. Thankyou for your continued excellent service.


Fantastic work from the Pontefract fire crew who arrived in super quick time to a fire near the disused quarry in Knottingley this evening!

More about West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service

West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service is located at Oakroyd Hall, BD11 2DY City of Bradford
01274 682311