Angels D-Light

About Angels D-Light

Dawn Alexander, Intuitive Consultant guiding, supporting and nurturing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Angels D-Light Description

Dawn has strong intuitive abilities as well as the ability to connect with loved ones in the Spirit world. Whether you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, need support in coping with depression, anxiety or confidence issues and suchlike or need spiritual guidance on career choices, relationships, property purchases and more I can help. If you simply require a connection and validation from a loved one please book a mediumship reading otherwise should you need support in other areas enquire about an Intuitive Guidance Session. I will update my website as required but please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries



I loved the premises I had in Kemnay and the vibe there. Now I am based in Bridge of Don, Aberdeen and am guardian for now of the most fantastic home. I have dedicated a room to see clients from and everyone who has visited me here has commented on the brilliant energy and vibes.
I will be updating and revamping my website in due course but meantime please do not hesitate to p.m me here on Facebook or e-mail to discuss the services and treatments I now offe...r.
Please note I no longer do psychic/mediumship readings
Dawn x
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Please note this was the Facebook page for my premises that I had in Kemnay until 2016. I rarely check the messages sent to this page (may deactivate it soon) Enquiries are best through my Angeldawn page or e-mail
I work part-time hours and not every day therefore respond when I can 💚

I am now offering limited spaces for readings for those who are open and trust that what unfolds in a session is perfect for them at that time in their life.
... Appointments in Kemnay, Aberdeenshire until mid March then in Aberdeen from April 2018
Dawn xx
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Latest News...


It's a year since I stopped doing psychic/mediumship readings yet I still offer a form of 'readings' 💜
An intuitive session where you share your questions, concerns and anything you feel you need guidance on. I tune into your higher self/Soul and channel the guidance you need at that time. This is not mediumship as my intuitive channel has been switched I am not connected to departed loved ones. This is not predictions as life is not set in stone; you have freewill and the ab...ility to shape/create the life you desire. I see this as 'conscious coaching'; I use my clairvoyance, clairaudient, abilities of connecting to higher frequencies of love, light and information to be an angelic divine mentor, supporter, guide and more to you. Contact me for further information on how we can work together to move you forward fearlessly in life; letting go of the past and leaping forward with a heart full of love and an abundance of trust both in yourself and the Universe.
May 2018 be THE year you have waited for. No more waiting...time to FLY 💜
Dawn xx
E-mail: Or P.M me here on Facebook
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Premises at St Brydes Road CLOSED and I'm following my Soul's calling and taking time out from seeing clients until I re-launch my business and services from Feb


Last chance to pop in by before I vacate these premises ❤️


I am giving up my current premises at the end of this year. I will still be offering everything on my website and will have 'work' locations in Kemnay/Inverurie area and wherever else calls me 💕 2016 is a year of completion (in numerology/cycles) and it felt the right time to change all aspects of my life. 2017 is a new beginning and I look forward to being that 'guiding Light' for all who need it. Dawn xx

More about Angels D-Light

Angels D-Light is located at Kembhill Park, AB51 5LF Kemnay