Simply Scentered Holistic Therapies

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Simply Scentered Holistic Therapies

Holistic Healrh and Wellness Therapies for the mind, body and soul



Just a reminder that I still have some of these products in stock. #soapybubblecompany were kind enough to send me on some of their new packaging as well as they are moving over to plastic free packaging. A brilliant move I would say. Save the planet as best we can...check out the cardboard boxes and the wooden spoon instead of plastic ones. Love it. Not only do these products look amazing but they feel like luxury and smell Devine and are very reasonably priced. Ps. I've tried them all!!


Finally I got around to doing a first aid course, so you're in safe hands folks... I can now officially bandage you up, put you in recovery position and phone an ambulance lol ... In all seriousness though, i deal with so many different people who have a whole variety of health concerns, being competent in any first aid is massively important and very much a necessity as opposed to a nicety. Get yourself trained up too. #emergencyfirstaid #qualified #safehands #alwayslookingoutforyou #everydayisaschoolday


The "hag stone". I searched for ages on aberdour beach this afternoon trying to find this beauty. Isn't she lovely? A hag stone is usually found near large bodies of water and their holes are formed by the consistant wear and tear of the waves and pounding against other rocks. They are said to bring luck, healing and protection. Worn as a tallisman, hung on a doorway to your home or on a boat if you're a fisherman. Also, apparently, if you look through the hole of a hag stone you might see into the faerie realm.


You just have to see the signs...they are there.
Pay attention...🐞
The ladybird is appearing for me more frequently just now and she is believed to be an embodiment of Lady Luck.
... With her she brings good fortune and prosperity. And as the insect leads a vibrant and colorful life, it influences you to experience the joys of living to the fullest.
That's a pretty good sign don't you think?
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Angel numbers. They're not a new thing and they're definitely not hippy dippy. They've been around for years and years. They've been appearing to me over the years as well, somewhat randomly, but at times when I have needed to know my guardian angel is looking out for me. More recently however, and the more I've been meditating the more they've been appearing to me. They appear on clocks mostly, whether the cooker, the phone, the tv or the clocks and tim...ers. When you actually read into numerology you can find so much mind blowing information from angel messages to biblical messages, even more detailed information about you as a person. You can find your own number specific to you through your name and date of birth or your address and place of birth. The Chinese refer to numerology in their own culture as well in terms of feng shui...its fascinating. I never go into it too much though, it can get a little confusing the more you look...when i do see these wonderful messages though, i try to remember what i was thinking when they came to me and simply accept that my guardian is working hard to manifest my thoughts for me. I look up the meaning of the number shown to me and just accept the advice. Brings me nicely on to, always think happy and pure thoughts, you never know who could be listening. 😉 if your angel is listening, make sure you're thinking something positive so they can help you acheive your goals. Have a wonderful Saturday and enjoy the rest of your weekend. 💖🙏 #manifestyourfuture #happythoughts #clearmind #meditation #yourfutureisbright #angelnumbers #seethesigns
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Gave myself a little angel card reading this morning and got a little grid on the go. Emerald to encourage growth and reflection and amethyst to stop me feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of change coming my way. My cards show that I'm on the right track, I've to follow my heart and to manifest how I want thibgs to be. I said last night that I was going to do a vision board, so these are the first 2 things on that board. Ps. Clear quartz will enhance and amplify the energy of the other crystals also bringing with it clarity to the situation and the ball is my future goal. #manifest #goals #future #ifyoubuildit #dreams #crystals #angelcards


So...ive been on the go since 5am this morning and you would think I would be a little sleepy, but I'm totally not. Surprisingly enough I'm buzzing. I attended a workshop today on professional speaking, presented by Lauren Robertson author of the medium in manolos. I've never read the book and I actually had never heard of Lauren herself until just recently but something resonated with me. Shes been published by hay house which means she had to be half decent right? Her was also free, so that meant I only had to pay for my transport. What did I have to lose? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. In actual fact by attending this workshop today, i have walked away with so much more than just advice on how to speak in front of people. And im so excited to put it into practice. As you know i am already a life coach and I've done my meditation and hypnotherapy training, you also know I do my holistic therapies as well. Whats more, anyone who knows me knows how much I love everything about my job, so, the next step for me is to build on that and share it with others. To explain, i want to be able to share my passion with as many people as I can and in order to do that, i need to hold events similar to the one i attended today. This is very much a work in progress but it is something that is going to come to fruition. Im currently working very hard on putting together a package specifically for women. How that will look when it's finished im not sure of but it will happen. I have a vision and I'm apparently very good at manifesting things. Watch this space. #manifestyourfuture #greatthingsaregoingtohappen #ifibuildit #mybusinessmyrules #loveworkingwithenergy #mediuminmanolos #speakersuperstar
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Speaking in front of large groups of people has always made me freak out a little inside, si much so that im already feeling the nerves kicking in and I'm not even doing a talk at this event. Hopefully though i will come away feeling full of enthusiasm and confidence I will be booking my own talks for you all to come along to. Power talks for women, i love them...


This is quite an interesting should try it 😁 feedback welcome. Permission received from awesome bodywork coach to post on my page.


The Holistic Facial is such a relaxing treatment with carefully chosen crystals which are then used to apply, massage and infuse the delicately scented professional aromatherapy products. Your skin will be left feeling nourished, plumped and tingly. You really won't be disappointed. But when you marry this up with a choice of (swedish, hot stone, aromatherapy or oncology) back massage, your experience will be increased ten fold.
The kids also go back to school on the 15th and I still have some space left so why not book in to de-stress and recharge your batteries. I'm sure you could do with a 90 minute "me time" session.
Text me or call 07727413997 to book your appointment, or message me here on facebook. Go on, you know you want to.


Final call for any last minute orders....


I havent been to this little treasure of a place for such a long time. If ever you need a potion or lotion for an emotion, this is the place. It's a home from home with straight talking advice. #greenwitch #crystals #magick #spells #wishes


Trust your inner voice, believe in yourself and have faith that it will all work out. Even if things have been a little tougher than you had expected, sit back and enjoy your ride. Your mind will create amazing things for you if you stay facing forward. Choose your own destiny. #tuesdaychooseday #positiveaffirmations #manifestyourfuture #learn #grow #behappy


I've looked at this book a few times and wanted to buy it but for some reason, i never got around to it. Well finally @rebecca_2096 got it for me as an anniversary gift. How lovely. Thank you sweatheart, i will start reading right away. #happy #fearnecottonhappy #amentothepen


Hi folks. Some of you have asked for it and i will always aim to deliver...
I will be placing an order with Eve Taylor on Tuesday 31st July.
First up in this months order will be these amazing skin kits. Absolutely fantastic value for money and only £21 for ALL your daily skin essentials. These are perfect for anyone looking to make the switch from their current brand, as a travel set for your holidays or even as a gift.
... Most of you know, I've used Elemis, Dermalogica and Eve Taylor in the past and have always been happiest with both Dermalogica and Eve Taylor (ET).
You also know that I want to be able to offer affordable products without compromising on the benefits. ET is definitely the brand that can do that, AND it's it complicated.
Each kit contains 50ml sizes in - cleanser, toner and moisturiser. There's also an ultra cooling eye refining gel. These are specific to skin types, so there is a purifying (oily/congested) balancing (combination) soothing (sensitive) and ultra soothing (impaired barrier/damaged).
Pop in to the practice for a quick consultation if you're not sure of the one you need.
You can also contact me on 07727413997 or message me here if you would like to place an order.
All orders must be paid for in advance via paypal, cash or bank transfer. I can also arrange delivery for a small fee.
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As promised, at 4pm I will be settling down to perform distance reiki. To everyone who requested healing, i hope you enjoy. x 👐💖👐


This little guy landed on my door step today...not so little and i just about had a heart attack when he made his appearance however, in terms of symbolism... ...grasshoppers can only jump forward, not backward, or sideways. This is why the grasshopper is the symbol of good luck all over the world. Grasshopper's ability to connect and understand sound vibrations is why he is also a symbol of your inner voice. He could be telling you to trust yours...he is a symbol of taking giant leaps of faith, you are ready to take on any opportunity that will come your way, keep moving forward and trust that you will succeed. ... I love grasshoppers now...


I have decided to bring in a monthly offer where each month will show a different promotion.
There is no change to the original treatments and it will still be the same quality and standard of service you would expect from me. The only difference is that the price is reduced for the duration of the offer or there may be a little "mashup" of treatments.
Kicking things off the August promotion is now live and ready for bookings.
... Simply Scentered Holistic Facial has teamed up with the Swedish Back Massage to give you both treatments together for £45. That's a great price for 90 minutes of indulgence!
These specific promos will only be available during the relevant month, unless otherwise stated.
Call or text me at 07727413997 to book or message me on facebook. 😊 L x
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More about Simply Scentered Holistic Therapies

Simply Scentered Holistic Therapies is located at 376 high street, Ky6 3ax Leslie, Fife, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -